Chapter: 2 Struggle and Memories
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After waking up, Neah was looked after by the maids and Mr. Eldridge, the Steward of the House. A mix of emotions filled his heart. He felt grateful for his family's concern, but there was also a hint of sadness as memories from the night before returned. Even though he had his own personal maids, his parents couldn't help but take care of him themselves. Their deep worries for his well-being even led the Steward of the House to step in, ensuring that their beloved young master received the best care and attention.

Mr Eldridge: "Young Master Neah, I hope you're feeling better now. Your parents were quite worried about you. Is there anything I can do for you?"

Neah nodded, feeling a mix of emotions. "Thank you, Mr. Eldridge. I appreciate your care. I'll be alright."

As Neah wandered through the opulent hallways of the mansion, memories of his Eighth birthday surfaced. In Terra Veritas, when a child turns Eight, they undergo a baptism, a ceremony where their innate talents are revealed. Sadly, Neah was branded a "Hollow," a term that carried an air of sorrow and disdain. It meant being devoid of any particular talent, an empty vessel in a world that prized magical abilities and martial prowess.

In Terra Veritas, some noble families were known to cast aside their children who lacked sufficient talent in their eyes. Even if a child possessed some talent, it had to meet a certain level of excellence to be considered worthy and valued. Failure to meet this standard rendered the child seemingly useless in the eyes of these noble families, leading to their unfortunate abandonment. But Neah's family defied convention, choosing to embrace him rather than leave him in the shadows. They showered him with love, protection, and warmth, a rarity even among the noblest of families.

Lost in his thoughts, Neah unconsciously found himself in the mansion's library, his sanctuary from a world that couldn't quite understand him. Here, he had spent countless hours immersed in books, pursuing knowledge with an insatiable hunger.

As they approached the library, one of the maids followed them, mindful of Neah's well-being. "Young Master Neah, your family is waiting for you in the dining hall," she gently reminded.

Neah's attention was captivated by the sight of the library's towering shelves and the scent of ink that filled the air. He smiled warmly at the maid. "Thank you for letting me know. I'll join them shortly."

The maid nodded and returned to her duties, and Neah stepped into the sanctuary of knowledge. Lost in the serenity of the library, he couldn't help but immerse himself in the world of books, feeling a sense of connection to the vast sea of knowledge before him. 

The library welcomed him with shelves towering above him, laden with dusty old books that carried the weight of centuries of forgotten knowledge. Rays of morning light streamed through the stained glass windows, casting colourful patterns on the floor and evoking a nostalgic and serene atmosphere.

His troubled face transformed, and his mind cleared unknowingly. A smile danced upon his lips as he looked around gleefully, drawn to the familiar scent of ink and the faint trace of history lingering in the air.

Before he could delve into the world of books, his worried mother's voice called out to him from afar. "Neah, dear, breakfast is ready! You're taking so long to arrive!"

Startled, Neah turned his head, snapping out of his reverie. With a faint smile on his lips, he placed the book back in its place, promising himself he'd return later to continue his exploration of the library's wonders.

He walked briskly to the dining hall, where his family awaited him with warm smiles. A sense of belonging washed over him, knowing that despite his lack of talent, he was cherished and valued.

Throughout the meal, Neah listened to the stories and anecdotes his family shared, absorbing each word with delight. The love and acceptance he felt from them were immeasurable, filling him with gratitude and determination to make the most of his second chance at life.

As night enveloped Neah, he lay in his bed, the day's events and newfound memories swirling within him. He couldn't help but feel that the memories from his past life had brought him a step closer to understanding his place in this world. His mind wandered back to a poignant moment from his eighth birthday, when he had yet to regain his past memories.

In those days, he had tried to learn magic, desperately attempting to prove his worth despite knowing he was a Hollow. Fear of abandonment gnawed at him, a fear he tried to hide behind a facade of smiles and false strength. But his family's love and acceptance shattered his self-imposed walls, and he found solace in the arms of his weeping mother, who reassured him that he was loved just the way he was.

Now, back in the present, Neah had made a decision. He had tried various pursuits, but one thing he had yet to explore was the art of swordsmanship. Determination welled up within him as he resolved to learn how to wield a sword and embark on a path of strength and self-discovery.

With newfound purpose and a heart filled with hope, Neah drifted off to sleep, eager to embrace the challenges that awaited him on the morrow. His journey in Terra Veritas had only just begun, and the choices he made from now on would shape his destiny in this magical world.

As the first rays of dawn illuminated the grand estate, Neah woke up to the distant sound of soldiers marching. The rhythmic beat of their morning training called to him, and a newfound determination stirred within his heart. Without a moment's hesitation, he decided to join the soldiers his father commanded in their daily exercises.

Eager to build up his stamina, Neah ran alongside the disciplined troops. However, the reality of his physical limitations soon became evident. As a "hollow" with no innate talents, even running for a mere two minutes left him exhausted, his lower muscles aching in pain. His body drenched in sweat and his mind growing lighter with every step, Neah pushed himself to run a little further. But his legs betrayed him, and he stumbled.

Thankfully, a vigilant knight, whose duty it was to guard him, swiftly caught him before he could hit the ground. Concern was etched on the knight's face as he noticed Neah's pale complexion. Without delay, he called for a maid to tend to the young noble, who had fainted.

As Neah lay unconscious, he found himself drifting into the memories of his life in Terra Veritas. His father, Duke Varian, renowned for his valour and achievements as a knight during his younger years, commanded both respect and admiration from his peers. His mother, Marchioness Seraphella, was no less impressive, wielding potent magical talents that earned her the prestigious title of "Silver Enchantress.

As Neah regained consciousness, he found himself in the lap of his oldest sister, Serena. She was stroking his hair gently and humming a soothing melody. Just as he opened his eyes, Serena noticed his awakening and tenderly put Neah's head down. Her face lit up with a warm smile as she expressed her relief: 'You're finally awake.'

Curiosity danced in her eyes as she inquired about his presence on the training ground and his subsequent fainting. Neah replied with sincerity, sharing his aspirations to learn the art of swordsmanship. He explained that to pursue his dream, he needed to build up his stamina, as the path of the sword demanded both physical and mental fortitude.

Serena's smile widened, and she nodded in understanding. Being the doting sister she was, she admired Neah's determination and offered her support in his endeavours. She knew well that her brother's journey would be challenging, especially considering his "hollow" status, but she believed in him wholeheartedly.

In the weeks that followed, Neah found solace in the familiar embrace of the library. It became his sanctuary, a place to rest and regain strength after the gruelling morning training sessions. Each day, he was greeted by his older sister, Serena, who tirelessly guided him in building up his stamina. Little by little, step by step, Neah's physical limits expanded. What used to leave him breathless after a few minutes could now be endured for much longer. Even when his body begged him to stop, Neah pressed on, determined to overcome his limitations.

One afternoon, as Neah peeked through the window to the training ground, he caught a captivating sight. His oldest brother, Alexander, and one of his older sisters, Gabriella, engaged in a graceful dance of magic. Sparks of light and bursts of energy filled the air as the two talented mages sparred with precision and finesse. Neah could hardly believe what he was witnessing; it was a mesmerising display of power that left him in awe.

The intensity of the magical duel sparked a fire within Neah. He dashed back to the library, his heart pounding with excitement. He hurriedly reached for the first grimoire he could find, eager to delve into the world of magic once again. Since regaining the memories of his past life on Earth, his thirst for unknown knowledge has grown even more intense.

And so, his days fell into a steady rhythm. The mornings were dedicated to physical training, building his strength and stamina to keep up with his siblings. Evenings were spent buried in the arcane pages of ancient grimoires, learning the mystical arts that had always captivated him. Neah's pursuit of both swordsmanship and magic became the centrepiece of his life, driving him forward with a determination that defied his "hollow" status.

As the weeks passed, Neah's journey of self-discovery and growth continued with the support of his loving siblings, guided by his caring oldest sister, Serena. The once fragile boy began to transform, his inner strength and resolve slowly shaping him into something far greater. Though he had yet to achieve any extraordinary feats, Neah's unwavering dedication to his dreams was a testament to the potential that lay dormant within him.

During his days at the estate, while seeking solace in the library, Neah stumbled upon a book that revealed the illustrious history and accomplishments of the House of Cornelia. As he delved into the annals of his family's legacy, curiosity also sparked his interest in his mother's family—the noble House of Astrid. What stories and legendary mages emerged from their lineage? Unfortunately, the library's collection offered little insight into Astrid's enigmatic past.

However, the weight of his existence as a "hollow" burdened him. The thought of being a perceived blemish on the family's esteemed reputation haunted him. He envisioned the world's judgement, questioning how such a gifted lineage could have given birth to what some might consider an abomination. The fear of ridicule and tarnishing the Cornelia and Astrid names loomed over him like a shadow.

In response, Neah felt compelled to redouble the intensity of his training. He decided to spend fewer hours engrossed in the comforting pages of books and more time honing his body's capabilities. With unwavering determination, he embraced gruelling training sessions, reducing the time he allowed himself to rest and recuperate. Weeks turned into months, and every night he would struggle to sleep due to the persistent aches and pains in his muscles.

During this arduous journey, he recalled knowledge from his past life. Even when his body couldn't keep pace with his dreams of becoming a powerful swordsman, he found solace in the wealth of knowledge he had amassed in the library. Drawing from that wellspring of wisdom, he began to imagine and visualise the exquisite swordsmanship techniques he had read about. With each swing of his wooden sword, he sought to apply the advanced knowledge he once possessed, fusing it with the teachings of the estate's skilled instructors.

In his heart, Neah understood that strength wasn't solely determined by raw power. Even if his body couldn't become strong as fast as he desired, he could still wield a sword with skill and finesse, outmanoeuvring opponents with precision and strategy. He resolved to cultivate his mind as well as his body, believing that true prowess lay not only in physical strength but in the wisdom to wield that strength effectively.

Through this pursuit, Neah found his own unique path, weaving together the knowledge of two lifetimes—the wisdom of the House of Cornelia and the arcane insights that were hinted at within the House of Astrid. Each swing of his sword became a testament to his unwavering spirit, as he vowed to prove that a "hollow" could rise above the expectations of society and forge his own destiny.

And so, Neah's days were filled with relentless determination and unwavering passion. His existence as a "hollow" became not a hindrance but a catalyst for growth and self-discovery. As time flowed like a river, each passing day brought him closer to the eve of his twelfth birthday—the momentous day when he would step beyond the estate's boundaries and embark on the next chapter of his life at the prestigious academy.

As the seasons passed within the walls of the grand estate, Neah's unwavering determination began to yield some results. Though he hadn't grown as strong as the other noble children his age, there was a noticeable change in his physique. His once-frail body had gained resilience, and he could endure the rigorous training for longer periods. Yet, compared to his siblings and peers, he remained aware of his limitations.

As Neah's twelfth birthday drew near, his parents, Duke Varian and Seraphella, summoned him for a private discussion. Concerned for their son's well-being, they gently broached the subject: 'Neah, with your twelfth birthday approaching, we must ask if you still wish to attend the academy.'

Neah met his parents' gaze with unwavering determination and said, 'I do. The academy will provide opportunities for growth and learning. I want to keep pushing myself to improve.'

Seraphella's voice held a tinge of concern: 'We admire your determination, but we also worry for your well-being. The path you've chosen won't be easy, especially with your 'hollow' nature.'

Duke Varian's expression softened. 'Your decision deserves respect, but we want you to be mindful of the challenges ahead. You're not alone on this journey. We'll stand by your side, ready to support you.'

With their words echoing in his mind, Neah felt a renewed sense of purpose. His twelfth birthday approached, and he eagerly anticipated the day he would step beyond the estate's boundaries, ready to face the challenges that awaited him at the prestigious academy. And as his swordsmanship continued to improve, he knew that he was on the right path, one that would test his limits and shape him into the person he aspired to become.

In the early morning haze, the sun had just begun to cast its golden glow over the mansion's courtyard. Neah, now twelve years old, had already started his daily training routine. Swiftly swinging his wooden sword, he moved with purpose and determination, a far cry from the fragile boy he once was.

Unbeknownst to him, his eldest sister, Serena, stood silently in the shadows, observing his every move with an approving smile. As he noticed her presence, he paused, greeting her with a warm smile: 'Good morning, Serena. Are you here to watch my training? '

Serena stepped forward with a glint of excitement in her eyes. She drew her own sword, the metallic blade reflecting the morning sun. Neah's confusion was evident, and he couldn't help but ask, 'Why are you drawing your sword, Serena? '

With a playful smirk, she tossed another sword to Neah and said, 'Consider it a parting gift. A reminder of our time together before you leave for the academy.'

Neah caught the sword, feeling both gratitude and determination welling up within him. He got into a defensive stance, knowing that Serena's swordsmanship was exceptional, but he was determined to face her with unwavering courage.

Serena lunged forward, her strikes precise and swift. She had always been an accomplished swordswoman, and her attacks were calculated and fierce. But Neah met her strikes with skillful parries, stepping gracefully to the side and using her momentum against her.

In a surprising turn of events, Neah managed to disarm her momentarily, parrying her sword to the ground and stepping on it. Caught off guard, Serena couldn't move as Neah pressed his blade closer to her. Even though it was just a spar, she didn't expect him to execute such a skillful move.

As the blade neared her, Serena instinctively got serious, and in a flash, she withdrew her sword and infused it with aura, preparing to counter Neah's attack. But before her attack could land, she stopped herself, a hint of admiration in her eyes as she said, 'You've improved a lot, Neah.'

As the morning spar came to an end, Neah and Serena walked back towards the mansion, their bond stronger than ever. The gift of the sword now held even more meaning, a symbol of the skills he had honed under Serena's guidance.

Serena smiled with a glint of pride in her eyes. 'I'm glad I could be the one to train you, Neah. You've come a long way.'

Neah nodded gratefully and said, 'Your guidance and training have made a significant difference. I couldn't have asked for a better mentor.'

As he prepared to leave for the academy, Neah knew he had his family's love and support, and that knowledge fueled his determination to face the challenges that awaited him. Serena's praise and encouragement were the final assurances he needed to embark on this new chapter of his life with unwavering resolve.