Chapter: 5 Seed of Uncertainty
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Almost a year had passed since Neah embarked on his journey at the academy, and the diligent young Hollow had made intriguing discoveries about his unique nature. In the solitude of his room, he sat in deep meditation, his focus turned inward as he sought to unveil the mysteries of his existence.

Through introspection and unwavering effort, Neah finally unveiled the reason behind his initial struggle with mana. While his peers had possessed mana in their cores from birth, Neah, as a Hollow, remained devoid of this innate magical essence. His mana core had been dry from the very beginning, rendering it significantly more challenging for him to sense the presence of mana around him.

However, he hadn't allowed this setback to deter him. With unwavering determination and countless hours of practice, Neah had succeeded in gradually filling his core with mana. It had been an arduous process, but the newfound ability to sense and manipulate mana was a significant breakthrough for him.

Yet, as one problem was solved, another emerged. Neah's relentless pursuit of progress led him to discover that his mana circuits were inexplicably blocked, hindering the efficiency and speed of the spells he cast. It was a frustrating revelation, and Neah understood that he had a long way to go before fully mastering his mana manipulation.

Undeterred by this new obstacle, Neah directed his focus toward the study of alchemy and the art of blacksmithing. These disciplines, devoid of the need for significant physical prowess or exceptional mana control, allowed him to channel his energy into acquiring and honing practical skills.

In the world of alchemy, Neah discovered a realm of wonder and mystique. Mixing various herbs and substances, he embarked on experiments with simple concoctions, aspiring to harness the power of alchemical transformations. While some attempts ended in failure, each mistake provided him with valuable insights, propelling him further along the path of mastery.

Beyond the alchemy laboratory, the resounding clang of metal striking metal resonated through the workshop as Neah wholeheartedly dedicated himself to the art of blacksmithing. With a hammer firmly in hand, he worked tirelessly to craft enchanted weapons and armor, infusing them with his newfound understanding of mana. The process demanded delicacy and immense skill, yet Neah remained resolute, understanding that every precise stroke of the hammer brought him nearer to his goal.

Despite his tremendous dedication to various disciplines, Neah couldn't ignore the persistent feeling that his physical prowess progressed at a sluggish pace. Regardless of how much he trained or how fervently he swung his sword, it appeared as though he had already reached the limits of his physical strength.

Yet, he adamantly refused to surrender to frustration. Neah channelled his boundless determination into these crafts, believing that mastery over alchemy and blacksmithing could offer an alternate path to greatness, one not solely dependent on combat prowess or exceptional mana control.

With the passage of time, Neah's thirst for knowledge and self-improvement burned brighter than ever. He embraced the gradual pace of his journey, understanding that greatness wasn't achieved in a single leap but rather through countless small steps forward.

Although the challenges he faced were formidable, Neah's unwavering spirit remained his greatest asset. With a heart brimming with resolve and a mind overflowing with curiosity, he ventured into uncharted territory, constantly pushing the boundaries of his skills and understanding.

As days turned into weeks, Neah found himself grappling with the weight of his own expectations. He had forged a variety of weapons, but to him, they were nothing more than scraps—failed attempts at creating a true "weapon." While others might have considered them adequate, given his relatively recent foray into blacksmithing, Neah's perfectionistic nature prevented him from settling for anything less than perfection. The reminder of his own perceived powerlessness only added to his stress, burdening him with the fear that his shortcomings might tarnish his prestigious family's name.

The unceasing struggle in his training, both in magic and swordsmanship, coupled with the string of unsuccessful attempts in alchemy, only served to compound Neah's frustration. Each failure bore down on his mind, threatening to submerge him in doubt and self-criticism. Yet, amid these trials and tribulations, a faint glimmer of hope emerged in his thoughts—an impending event that filled him with anticipation.

As Neah realized that his birthday was fast approaching, he decided to commemorate it with something special. Retrieving a sheet of parchment, he began sketching a design—a pendant with an elongated spiralling hexagonal shape. With each stroke of the pen, he poured his emotions into the design, hoping that creating something with his own hands might bring a semblance of fulfilment.

Determined to transform this vision into reality, Neah returned to the smithing area. The intense forge heat enveloped him as he gripped his tools. For nearly an entire day, he worked with unwavering focus and meticulous attention to detail. As the final piece took form, Neah felt a genuine satisfaction he hadn't experienced before. He marveled at the pendant, appreciating the effort and dedication he had invested in its creation.

But he didn't stop there. With newfound inspiration, Neah inscribed intricate runes on each side of the pendant, imbuing it with subtle yet significant magical properties. These runes bore witness to his growing comprehension of the arcane and his unyielding determination to excel in all facets of his journey.

In that poignant moment, as Neah cradled the finished pendant in his hands, a surge of conflicting emotions washed over him. Amidst the pride of having successfully created the pendant, the weight of his struggles and persistent self-doubt continued to cast its shadow. The pendant, exquisite as it appeared, couldn't dispel the lingering darkness that seemed to envelop him.

As he whispered to himself, "Happy birthday to me, O hollow one," a trace of bitterness tinged his voice. He couldn't shake the feeling that the pendant, like his achievements thus far, was merely a façade—a fleeting respite amidst the unrelenting torrent of his challenges.

His shoulders slumped beneath the weight of his perceived inadequacy. He understood that forging a single pendant wouldn't alter the reality of his being—a hollow with limited talents and a frail physique. The pendant might symbolize resilience, but it also served as a stark reminder of the countless setbacks he had faced.

Neah remained ensnared in the shadow of his siblings' remarkable achievements—his sister Serena's ascent to the Stage of Chromatic Aura and his other siblings' innate prowess in magic and combat. No matter how ardently he strived, the chasm between himself and his accomplished family members seemed insurmountable.

The pendant, a constant presence around his neck, served as a perpetual reminder of the expectations he struggled to fulfill. Even in his moments of triumph, doubt persistently nibbled at the edges of his consciousness, preventing him from fully embracing his accomplishments.

With a heart weighed down by these burdens, Neah made a solemn vow to persist in his relentless pursuit of knowledge and skill. Yet, deep within, he couldn't help but entertain the notion that his efforts might be futile—that perhaps, being a Hollow was an inescapable curse.

As he lay down to rest that night, clutching the pendant tightly in his hand, Neah understood that his journey was far from its conclusion. The path ahead remained shrouded in uncertainty, and the gravity of his struggles threatened to engulf him.

As the evening settled over the academy, Neah's weary eyes shifted from the book he held to the faint rays of moonlight filtering through his window. The words on the pages had offered a brief respite from his worries, but the weight on his heart remained unaltered. The stress of his training and the relentless pursuit of progress had exacted their toll, leaving him mentally and physically drained.

Just as he began to slip into a quiet moment of contemplation, a sudden knock on his door shattered the tranquillity. Startled, Neah sat up and hurriedly made his way to the door. Given the late hour, he surmised that it must be something of significance.

As he swung open the door, he was met with the sight of two familiar faces, each sporting a cheeky grin. Ethan and Evan, his older twin brothers, stood in the doorway, their mischievous demeanors fully intact. With a playful flick on his forehead, Ethan teased, "What's up, shrimp?"

Evan chimed in, "Yo, youngest! How have you been?"

The sight of his brothers brought a genuine smile to Neah's face. It had been too long since their last encounter, and their unexpected visit warmed his heart. When he inquired about the purpose of their visit, they explained, "Our parents asked us to bring you home. You haven't visited in quite a while, you little rascal."

Realization dawned on Neah; he had indeed become so engrossed in his training and pursuits that he had neglected to return home even during holidays. The prospect of reuniting with his family, particularly on the verge of his birthday, stirred a mixture of excitement and apprehension within him.

With both eagerness and nervousness intertwined, Neah joined his brothers on the journey back home. The familiar corridors and the comforting presence of his family enveloped him like a warm embrace. Together, they celebrated his birthday, sharing laughter and stories that momentarily lightened the burden that had settled on Neah's shoulders.

Nevertheless, even amid the joyous celebration, Neah couldn't shake the persistent feeling of inadequacy that lingered in the depths of his heart. The shadow of his siblings' remarkable achievements loomed large, and he couldn't help but measure himself against their accomplishments. Despite the love and warmth of his family, he couldn't escape the sense of being overshadowed and the perception of his own shortcomings.

After a few days at home, Neah bid his family farewell and returned to the academy. The journey back felt even weightier than before, and a bittersweet longing tugged at his heart. He treasured the moments spent with his loved ones, yet the familiar doubts and insecurities once again crept into his thoughts.

Neah understood that he couldn't evade the challenges before him or the high standards he had set for himself. The journey ahead would undoubtedly be fraught with obstacles, but he also found solace in knowing he had his family's unwavering support and love.

With a renewed sense of determination, Neah pledged to persist in his quest for knowledge and strength. Regardless of feeling overshadowed, he was determined not to let it define his path. He committed to carving his own way, even if the journey was slow and arduous.

Nevertheless, as the weight of his responsibilities and expectations settled upon him once more, Neah couldn't dismiss the mounting stress that threatened to overwhelm him. Doubts continued to nibble at the edges of his mind, making him question if his efforts were genuinely sufficient.

"I may be a Hollow, and my talents may not measure up to my siblings', but I refuse to let that define me. I'll persevere, train diligently, and strive for greatness," he assured himself, though the lingering doubt remained.

In the stillness of the night, Neah whispered to himself, his voice carrying both determination and unease, "I'll put in the work, dedicate myself further, and reach for excellence, but what if it's never enough? What if I can never bridge the gap?"

With a heavy heart and a mind burdened by uncertainty, Neah acknowledged that the path he had chosen was not without its difficulties. The relentless pursuit of progress and the ever-present shadow of his family's accomplishments bore down on him.

As he lay in his bed, clutching the pendant tightly, Neah felt the weight of his struggles, even amidst the bustling dormitory. It seemed as though he was battling an uphill war, and with every step forward, the chasm to reach his siblings' heights only seemed to widen.

Tears of frustration and self-doubt welled up in his eyes, but he swiftly brushed them away. He couldn't allow himself to falter; he had to persist. Yet beneath the facade of strength, a vulnerable side of Neah longed for recognition and validation—to be acknowledged as an equal among his family members.

The journey of self-discovery and self-improvement bore down on Neah's youthful shoulders, and he recognized that he had a lengthy road ahead. Nonetheless, even in the face of uncertainty and self-doubt, he was determined not to be defeated. With the dawn of each new day, he resolved to confront the challenges before him, understanding that greatness wasn't measured by the shadows of others but by the determination to conquer one's own limitations.

In the soft moonlight, Neah clutched the pendant, its form representing both his struggles and his tenacity. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and whispered into the night, "I will forge my own destiny, and I will prove to myself and the world that a Hollow can shine just as brightly as any other."

With that unwavering resolve, Neah surrendered to slumber, aware that the path he trod was uniquely his, and he would journey it with steadfast courage and a heart brimming with hope.