Episode 1: Pilot
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As I awoke to the gentle embrace of the dawn, a cool breeze whispered through the open window, hinting at the mysteries the day would bring. The soft, golden light spilled into my bed, casting long shadows that danced on the worn wooden floor. In that tranquil moment, as I lay nestled beneath my cozy blanket, I heard it – a faint rustle and a soft thud as a letter slid beneath my cottage door. The sound sent a shiver down my spine, as if the universe had chosen this particular morning to reveal its secrets.

I reluctantly pulled myself from the warmth of my bed and crossed the room to retrieve the letter, my heart quickening with a mixture of anticipation and fear. As I picked it up, I noticed the weight of the paper, the elegant curve of the handwriting on the envelope, and the scent of an unfamiliar, sweet fragrance that lingered.

It had my name plastered all over it, and the first thing I saw when I pulled the letter open was a picture of a group of girls with their duel disks out. Whoever it was, it was of the person I assume sent this letter to me, whether directly or by post office. As I unrolled the parchment and scanned the text, my heart slowly thawed from that bone-chilling cold to settle within the warmth of my chest once again.

"To you, our lucky selection," The letter read, "We in Hololive have been paying attention to the duels you have had around the city of Pittsburgh, and we have found your talent to be something of a spectacle. This, paired with your attitude to winning, and ability to never back down from a fight, is why we send you this letter."

The more I read, the bigger my smile got, to the point where it was ear-to-ear. One of the most powerful dueling organizations in the world noticing my efforts, to the point where they want to see me? I couldn't fathom my happiness. I felt like crying.

"If you wish to join us, and test your efforts against one of us, then meet us this afternoon at 12:30 in PPG Paints arena in Downtown Pittsburgh. Don't forget to bring your strongest cards with you. Whether you win or lose, we see potential in you, and we believe you could be a huge asset to us. Sincerely, Calliope Mori."

I read through the letter a few more times, shaking my head in disbelief. I was so happy, in that moment, I couldn't have asked for anything more. My face was beaming, my hands were shaking, and tears were building in my eyes. I checked the clock, 10:30. I quickly realized I didn't have much time to get ready, so I stood up, threw my feet into my boots, and ran to the bathroom to brush my teeth, and brush my hair.

As the clock struck 10:45, I stepped out of my modest home, the door closing behind me with a soft thud. The morning sun bathed the quiet suburban streets in warm light, and a light breeze carried the scent of freshly bloomed flowers. With a sense of purpose, I made my way through the familiar neighborhood, the click-clack of my footsteps echoing on the pavement.

During the journey, my thoughts wandered as I passed by the familiar landmarks and greeted a few neighbors along the way. I couldn't help but reflect on the upcoming duel - an event that I had eagerly anticipated and long prepared for. The thrill of competition and the taste of victory or defeat loomed on the horizon, urging me forward.

By the time PPG Paints Arena came into view, the clock on the nearby street corner displayed 12:25. I quickened my pace, the anticipation building as I approached the arena's entrance. The duel awaited me, and I was ready to face it head-on. I marched forward with purpose, my strides quick and my head held high.

As I stepped through the threshold, the silence surrounding me felt deafening. No clacking of heels, no chattering of teeth, no laughter or joking. My surroundings were void of sound. All I could hear was my pulse, thumping through my body, until a door slammed behind me, and the lights above me sprang open, bombarding me with rays of yellow and white.

I turned to see a woman's face, and her pink eyes slowly walking towards me, with the paired sound of high heels being illuminated across the whole arena. Then, purple eyes, yellow eyes, and red-orange eyes started emerging towards the darkness and started entering the light. I could tell they were the women from the letter I received, and I felt nothing but a deafening, oppressive silence around me, until the one with pink eyes, and the expression that read "I Can't Wait to Have Some Fun" spoke up:

"Don't be shy. We've been waiting for you. Come on out, Gura. I've been waiting to duel you for a long time."

"How do you know my name?" I responded, looking at her with curiosity.

"Everyone in this city has been talking about you. You must be the strongest duelist here. You brought your strongest deck with you, right?"

"U-um, yes, of course!" I answered nervously, grabbing my deck from my left pocket."Perfect." Pink-eyes smirked, turning around and walking away about 10 feet before stopping, reaching in her backpack, and taking out a duel disk and throwing it to me. I caught it with my left hand and turned back to look at her.

"The name's Calliope, by the way." The woman said as she slammed her deck into the slot. "And before we begin, just remember one thing."

"What's that?" I said, activating my duel disk.

"Don't get nervous during the duel." Calliope stated, "Being nervous during a huge opportunity can only hold you back. Try your best, and don't be afraid to lose. The one who loses is still a winner."

I felt a smile spread across my face as I slammed my deck into its slot. I felt a chill tiptoe down my spine as Calli nodded, causing the 3 other girls to move out from between us."Are you ready, Gawr Gura?" Calliope asked me with a smile.

I was too happy to respond with words, that all I could do was nod in excitement. The anticipation in the air was palpable, a charged atmosphere crackling with energy. It was a moment I had dreamt of, a chance to prove my dueling skills on a grand stage, and it had become a reality in the blink of an eye. I shuffled my deck and prepared myself for the forthcoming battle. The arena space around began to turn holographic, as me and Calliope said the exact same thing, at the same time.



With a nod of acknowledgment to Calliope, Gura drew his opening hand, and Mori Calliope did the same.

Turn 1: Calli's turn

Cards in hand: 5

Calli: "I'll get the ball rolling with the spell card, Call of the Mummy, and I'll use it to special summon Shadow Vampire, and use his effect to summon Vampire Duke from my deck! Finally, I'll use these two to build the Overlay Network!"

Calli raises her hand into the air as the 2 fanged Vampires in front of her turn into small white circles that jump in the air and create a small galaxy, and out comes a Vampire with armor and a sword.

Calli: "With the power of these 2 monsters, I bring forth a Knight with the power to slash through the toughest steel! Bring forth, Crimson Vampire Knight Bram!"


Calli: "I end my turn. Show me what you've got, Gura!"

Turn 2: Gura's turn

Cards in hand: 5 -> 6

Gura: "Gladly! I draw!" (draws card) "I'll normal summon Revealer of the Ice Barrier, and her effect reads that I can discard a card from my hand to special summon Defender of The Ice Barrier from my deck. Finally, I'll activate Freezing Chains of the Ice Barrier, bringing back Zuijin of the Ice Barrier, the card I discarded off of Revealer! To continue, I tune Defender with my Zuijin and Revealer!"

Defender of the Ice Barrier turns into 3 green circles, and the other 2 monsters standing on Gura's jump into said circles, and summon a beam that lights up the entire arena.

Gura: "With the essence of these 3 monsters I create a new life! The world of Ice unites to create a Dragon capable of destroying anything in its path! Descend, Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier!"

A dragon with three heads and blue eyes appears out of the beam, and Gura grins as Calli feels a drop of sweat fall down her face.


Calli: (chuckles) "Not bad. It's even powerful enough to defeat my Knight."

Gura: "Not like I need to attack your knight anyway."

Calli: (nervously) "Come again?"

Gura: (grinning) "With pleasure! You see, my dragon's ability states that when it's summoned, I get to banish 3 cards! One in your hand, field, and Graveyard! Say goodbye to that Bram of yours! Icy Imprisonment!"

Calli: "Shit!"

Trishula's roar echoes throughout the arena, as Calli's Vampire Bram turns into dust, wowing the spectators.

Gura: "Don't act like you're off the hook, as I'll have my Trishula attack you directly! Glacial Annihilation!"

Trishula unleashes a beam from all three of its heads as Calli feels her life points take a nosedive.

CALLI LP 4000--->1300

Gura: "Main phase 2, I set one card face down. Your move."

Turn 3: Calli's turn

Cards in hand: 3 -> 4

Calli: "I draw." (draws card) "I use the effect of call of the Mummy, special summoning Vampire Sorcerer from my hand. Next, I'll activate the spell card, Vampire's Domain! For the cost of 500 life points, I can normal summon another 'Vampire' monster in addition to my usual normal summon. I'll use it to summon Vampire Ghost."

CALLI LP 1300 ---> 800

Calli: "Now, I'll use Ghost's effect, sending Sorcerer to the graveyard, along with Vampire Retainer to add Vampire Fraulein to my hand, and since Sorcerer was sent to the GY, I get to add Vampire's Desire to my hand. To continue, I'll activate the source of the Vampire's powers, Vampire Kingdom!"

The image of a medieval kingdom suddenly starts to build into the area around Gura and Calli as the eyes of the monster Calli controls start to glow a blood-red.

Calli: "Onward, I use the graveyard effect of Vampire Retainer, which sends a Vampire card in my hand or field, like my 'Vampire's Desire', in order to special summon himself! To add on, I'll place my Vampire Ghost and Vampire Retainer!"

A square with 8 arrows suddenly appears at the bottom of the PPG Paints arena scoreboard, and Calli's monsters turn into bright red arrows that thrust themselves into the bottom-left and bottom-right corners.

Calli: "Using the power of these 2 monsters I can bring forth a Zombie with the power to suck the life out of her enemies! Bring forth, Vampire Sucker!"

A crimson mist illuminates the field around them as Vampire Sucker appears, and its eyes stared into Gura's soul like a knife piercing through paper.

Calli: "Vampire Sucker uses her effect, summoning Zuijin of the Ice Barrier from your GY, and I'll use it and Vampire Sucker to bring out my greatest ally!"

Calli's circuit reappeared as the two monsters she controlled combined into the mentioned circuit, and her ace monster emerged.

Calli: "Using the power of these 2 monsters, I can bring forth the lady who leads the pack with her powerful gaze and seductive tactics! Show yourself, Vampire Fascinator!"

Blood red eyes emerge from the inky abyss as her gaze causes Gura to feel a chill swim down his spine. Gura didn't know what the card could do, and he could sense a brutal ability that could destroy him in one move.

Both of the monsters on the field stared each other down as the next card was played. The tension got stronger with every turn, and neither duelist knew what would happen next.

Calli [800 LP]: "I'll have my Vampire Fascinator attack your Trishula! And since Vampire Kingdom gives my monster 500 ATK, It'll have more than enough to destroy your dragon! Bloodlust Whirlwind!"

Gura [4000 LP]: (grinning) "Gotcha! I activate the trap card Defense Draw! I negate your attack, and get an extra card for my efforts!" (draws card)

Calli: "No matter, for I'll use Fascinator's special ability! I tribute her in order to take control of your dragon! Take him down, Trishula!"

Trishula releases beams from all 3 of its heads as Gura's life points drop dramatically. He could feel the red eyes of the Vampire Kingdom glare at him as he recovered from Trishula's deadly attack.

GURA LP 4000 ---> 1300

Calli: "That's not all Gura, because thanks to my Vampire's Domain spell card, any points of damage you take, are life points I gain. Guess who has the upper hand now?"

Gura: "Think again! I activate Mystical Space Typhoon, destroying your Vampire's Desire before it can use its effect!"

Calli: (groans) No matter, I still have you on the ropes. Your move, Gura. Let's see what you can do against your own monster, if you can do anything at all."

Turn 4: Gura's turn
Cards in hand: 1 -> 2

Gura let a chuckle slip from his mouth.

CallI: "What's so funny?"

Gura: "The fact that you're just leaving that Trishula open, that's what."

Calli: "What? It's your strongest monster! What can you do against it?

Gura: "Quite a lot, actually." (draws card and smiles) "I activate Pot of Dichotomy!"

Calli: "Huh? I've never heard of that card before. What are you up to now?"

Gura: "I don't blame you for that. It's a relatively taboo card, I'll give you that. What it does is allow me to target 3 monsters with different types, such as my Zuijin, Revealer, and Defender, and shuffle them into the deck, then I get to draw 2 cards, like so." (draws cards) "Now, I normal summon Dewdark of the Ice Barrier, and with it, I bring out Speaker for the Ice Barriers! Finally, I Synchro Summon!"

Dewdark turns into 2 neon-green circles that wrap around Speaker, and a beam of the same color illuminates the field as a Dolphin jumps out with a holographic wave of water.

Gura: "Using the essence of these 2 monsters, I create a new light! I bring forth the Dolphin that glides its way to victory! Come on out, White Aura Dolphin!"


Gura: "Before I end my main phase, I'll activate White Aure Dolphins special ability! Once per turn, I can halve the ATK of one of your monsters! "Go, Luminous Marine Symphony!"

Calli: "What!? So that means..."

Gura: "Go, Luminous Marine Symphony!"

Gura's monster hums a special tune never heard before by any of the girls watching, as Trishula gets smaller with every note sung.


Gura: "Now my Dolphin can pulverize Trishula, and what is left of your life points!"

Calli: "This can't be happening!"

Gura: "This duel is over! Go, Aqua Angelic Barrage!"

Gura's monster unleashes a powerful beam that blows through Trishula's heart, and then hits Calli and depletes the rest of her life points.

CALLI LP 800 ---> 0


The simulations around us faded as I


The simulations around us faded as I stood victorious, and the holographic battlefield vanished into thin air. A thunderous applause erupted from the unseen spectators, and I realized that this duel had been watched by many more than just Calliope Mori and me.

"I guess I didn't need to worry about my nerves after all, huh?" I asked, smiling.

Calliope chuckled, a good sport even in defeat. "You're quite the duelist, Gura. Well done. I suppose I should've been prepared for some tricks up your sleeve."

As the excitement began to ebb, the weight of what had just transpired hit me. I had faced off against one of Hololive's finest duelists and come out on top. The opportunity to join Hololive had been presented to me on that fateful morning, and now, it seemed more attainable than ever.

"I have to say, I'm still a bit overwhelmed," I admitted, "But... I'd love to join Hololive. If this is the path that lies ahead, then I'm ready to embrace it."

Calliope smiled warmly, her pink eyes softening. "That's the spirit, Gura. Welcome to the world of Hololive. We've got a lot of training ahead of us, but I think you're going to fit in just fine. Come on with us now, we have a mission we would love for you to help us with."

With that, we shook hands, sealing the deal. The possibilities were endless, and as I looked around the holographic arena and thought of the adventures that awaited, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the mysteries that had unfolded on that unforgettable morning.

The door to Hololive had swung wide open, and I was ready to step through.