Chapter 12 – Slime is too strong p8
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[The Guardian Stone of the Beginner’s Village has been completely destroyed.]

[Quest Failed! The slimes have won the battle against the humans!]

“T-this… What the hell is this?”

A fierce battle in the beginner village for three days.

It was hard, but the players who thought they would eventually triumph over countless sacrifices stood in a daze as if they couldn’t believe the situation that was unfolding in front of them.

Looking at the protagonist of the rumor, standing in front of the shattered guardian stone, wearing a dark red and bloody hood deeply pressed down and holding a rusty iron sword.

“Oops, my hand slipped.”

As if it was an accidental mistake, Jaeyoung shrugged his shoulders with a voice full of mirth and laughter.

People reacted explosively to his reaction.

“What the hell is that bastard!”

“Hey you crazy shit! What the hell have you done!”

“That damn troll!”

For three days, countless people’s efforts to protect the beginner’s village were all in vain because of a single trolling. In a situation where the sense of despondency and frustration rose by itself to simply laugh it off, they shouted out without anyone else prompting.

“Get that bastard!”

“Player ID! Check their Player ID first!”

“From now on, I will dedicate my life to killing you!”

Those who run towards him with threatening gazes as if they will make him regret being born if they caught him. However, blinded by anger, they did not see those who ran toward Jaeyoung.

The abnormal phenomenon that occurred from the plaza where the guardian stone was destroyed.

[Main Scenario, Act 1 The Forgotten Darkness Begins]

[Linked Quest, Slime’s Rage. Failure]

[The beginner village has been permanently destroyed.]

[This update will be applied]


“Great what now?”

“Eek! It suddenly feels strange here!”

“Ugh.. It suddenly became so sticky! I can’t move properly”

A green sap suddenly started gushing out from the floor. The green sap started to cover the entire village in an instant, and something like that sticky, swaying jelly caught the users’ ankles.

And something started bouncing all over town.


“Kyung! Kwyung!”


As if asking where this place was again, the slimes started bouncing around as if they were curious with their bright eyes. Seeing those slimes, the users couldn’t hide their bewilderment.

“W-what, all of a sudden?”

“Noooo! Shit! Why are you all here”

A beginner village where slimes cannot regenerate and spawn. However, they were able to understand the phrase at the end of the quest when they saw hundreds and tens of thousands of slimes bouncing around the entire village merrily.

[The slimes who were treated contemptuously on the Arcadia continent. They fought against the humans who brutally slaughtered them, and eventually succeeded in driving them out with victory.]



The slimes roared all at once showcasing that they had won the fierce battle. In their bright and cute eyes, it seemed as if they could see a sense of pride, as if stating ‘We won!’

[Slimes will thrive in the realm of the old humans. With the monarch who leads them.]


A Queen Slime that jumped to the place that used to be a town square as if it were the main character.

Coincidentally, this gigantic slime that had dug between Jaeyoung and the humans was looking at the remaining players with hostile expression.


[‘Beginner’s Village’ has been changed to ‘Slime’s Sanctuary’]

[The levels and abilities of the slime race have been adjusted.’

[Caution. You have entered the recommended level 80 hunting ground. Be mindful while playing.]

Users who were definitely in the beginner village. However, in an instant, those standing in the middle of a hunting ground full of green light muttered with a dejected expression after checking the recommended level.

“Hahah… fuck”

On this day, they were able to realize that they were being hunted in reverse by the slimes, who they had been killing mercilessly without any remorse.

That is the true meaning of a sudden reversal.

* * *

[Today’s game news! This is Lee Nayoung from TVG! Nice to meet you guys! Arcadia, the first virtual reality game that is very popular these days! The situation that happened there made the users feel very uncomfortable. Due to the main scenario that took place in the beginner village…]

[I have been active as a game journalist for 5 years and as a gamer for over 20 years, and I am really confused because I am seeing this type of operation, which deletes an existing village and turns it into a dungeon due to a quest failure. What the hell is the game company thinking of doing this… …]

Main Scenario Quest Failed.

Deletion of Beginner Village and Change to a Dungeon Hunting Ground.

And Adjusting the ability of the slime monster.

The series of events that occurred this time had a tremendous ripple effect to the extent that the game community as well as each game broadcast dealt with it in depth.

-Oh, it’s really no joke. Deleting of Beginner Village, but you really deleted it.

-Insane Game Level Hahaha. What drug did the developers take?

-lol. New users who have just started are being spawned in random areas.

-I know, When you start the game, do you start by digging your own grave in the slime den?

-Restore the Beginner Village, you damn game company.

Users’ complaints have already started to spread like wildfire. After all, who would have imagined that the town itself would disintegrate due to a quest failure and turn into a green slime habitat full of slimes? People’s dissatisfaction was enormous in a situation unprecedented in any game.

However, despite the complaints of users, Arcadia’s position was firm.

[It is not the company that makes the story of Arcadia, but the users. In a territorial dispute between humans and slimes, the slime monster won and the result is the current situation. There will be no restoration or adjustment regarding this, and the company will never intervene in a similar situation in the future.]

Infinite possibilities, infinite freedom

Emphasizing these two mottos, Amolang, a new word in Korea that was popular in 2015. It is a word that expresses the behavior of being reckless or going overboard when asked for a logical explanation or to present a basis for a claim.

A game company who casts the words ‘Go back, won’t change it!’ Still, other game companies took a few follow up measures when it comes to this kind of situation due to having a minimum conscience and morality.

[In the future, there will be no Beginner Village in Arcadia’s 2nd continent, where Korean users are playing, and we will adjust it so that new users can be randomly placed in villages or territories on the 2nd continent. Also …]

People reacted differently to Arcadia’s announcement, but everyone agreed on one thing.

-That novice killer, I don’t know who he is, but he’s really great.

-Agreed. It wouldn’t be easy to pull aggro like that while playing

-Still, people who’ve seen blood because of him light up their eyes and go around fooling around with any hooded person they see.

-The baby’s parents are probably going to live forever.¹

-Maybe he didn’t know that it would go this way?

A situation where everyone is swearing at the mysterious novice killer who created this situation in unison. But because of his deeply pressed hood, no one knew his identity. No one can possibly know that the perpetrator of the incident checks people’s reaction in the forum and smiles bitterly.

“What? I didn’t know it would turn out like this?”

Jaeyoung disconnected from playing for a long time to take a break. He took a glass of cold water from the refrigerator, gulped it down and muttered.

“It’s fun, but.. What’s all this virtual game company thinking of doing without any sort countermeasures?”

Jaeyoung pondered to himself.

A situation in which the beginner village itself is completely erased and turned into a spawning ground of monsters just because one quest has failed.

Jaeyoung played many games so far, but he’d never seen a case where even a person changes the map itself like this. The aftermath is even more so with the determination to immediately implement its changes without covering any front or back end as if thinking about it later.

-I accepted a former hidden quest.

This is one of the beginner village defenders. By chance, I received a related quest by fulfilling the conditions for changing to a hidden class. However, the village NPC who gave the quest has disappeared due to this incident.

It’s really disapointing. How can I get a compensation for this if I contact the game company?

Countless negative aftermaths began to appear on the Internet, starting with a case where a key NPC disappeared after receiving a quest. Not just one village disappeared, but the NPCs that existed in the Beginner Village and the quests they gave all flew away somewhere in the other world.

No one know, but it was no wonder that the game company employees who planned and developed all of that were sobbing somewhere.

“Eh, I didn’t know that this thing would happen, it seems like a lot of them become unable after the destruction of that one village.”

Therefore, since Jaeyoung is also a human being, he had no choice but to be stabbed by guilt. Even if he didn’t mean to.. No, it was an act that could not be helped for Jaeyoung’s own benefit, but there were so many people who got the short end of the stick because of it.

“No, but it’s not because I wanted to do it to begin with, the Class Mission itself drives me like that, so what can i do?”

Bard of Anarchy

There were many unfair things from Jaeyoung’s point of view because this job he got by chance forced him to play all these things. Besides…

[From now on, try hard and do your best. Just like I am doing now.]

A message from the developer as if they were expecting something like this. Recalling the playful voice that seemed to secretly expect something like this, Jaeyoung calmly organized his thoughts.

“Well, I’m not the bad guy, the crazy developer who made me do this is the bad guy. If you start something, it’s hard to stop even though you want to.

He may be watching himself more carefully because of this incident, but Jaeyoung was convinced that at least there will be no sanctions to him, decided to live shamelessly and got up.


Cell phone suddenly rings. After checking the contents of the text message, Jaeyoung frowned and checked the calendar on the wall.

“Has it already been that time of the…”

He was so committed to the virtual reality game that he didn’t notice that the month of March was fast approaching before he knew it.

[Seomin University orientation date notice.]

A full message announcing the date and time of orientation for new college students.. Seeing this, Jaeyoung sighed and scratched his head.

“Huh.. But, should I care about school now?”

A life in reality that he has neglected since the start of virtual reality gaming. Many people, including Jaeyoung, were quickly falling and being hooked on gaming because it had a sense of immersion that was incomparable to that of an ordinary game. Deep enough to forget reality.

“First of all, I need to buy new clothes, Seeing it's a new start of school life.”

After living in that disgusting countryside, he finally went to Seoul, but Jaeyoung who was ready to go out after realizing that he had never been to Seoul properly since he had only been stuck in a gaming capsule for the past few days.

“Quite Exciting now that I think about it. Let’s all try sort of new things, campus life-”

Jaeyoung, who left the door humming a strange tune, was filled with anticipation. Life at a lively coed university, not a boys’ high school in the countryside where you lived a dull life.

But Jaeyoung didn’t know.

Seomin University, especially the Department of Computer Engineering, which boast a serious gender imbalance of 8:2

The fact that it is also a male oriented class.


  1. The old expression of the good die young, but the bad ones live forever.



“Uh? Who is that person?”

Orientation is usually conducted through the department’s student council or seniors. However, what appeared on the podium in front of the classroom was none other than an elderly middle-aged man.

“New students, welcome to all of you. I’m Professor Kim Taehun of the Department of Computer Engineering.”
