The Scholomance Trials
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The large gates shuddered as motors powered by magic whirred and spluttered, struggling to move the immense weight of the stony gates. We were herded in like sheep, under the the massive limestone arch where the motto of Scholomance was ominously inscribed. 

"The bloodless will still bleed."


"Kieran Cashin?" 


"You can enter."

My breath escaped my lips. Thank goodness. I had passed the first tests, a series of written exams and essays assessing our understanding of magic and the role of a mage in society. I strutted past all the others that anxiously awaited their names to be called, I could feel their jealous stares burn holes in my back. Their envy only fuelled my desire to be better, a lowly boy from the slums finally surpasses the bourgeoisie what a beautiful story for the corner gossip. Entering the Scholomance after I passed made me appreciate it's beauty. Supposedly it was a city hall in days of old but was turned into a place to run the city and record its history.

Passing the shining marble columns and through the grand dark oak doors, you were met with a sleek staircase veering of in both direction and a charming chandelier adorned in gold. The walls held paintings that told the tales of battles past, nearly all of which depicted the same man in black robes with small white flecks sprinkled all over it similar to stars in the night sky. The man seemed to always appear blurred or fuzzy in every painting and always above others. I stepped up the first carpeted step, my eyes inevitably drawn to the massive painting framed at the crux of the stairs where they separated. A group of six people, two women and four men, stood in a vast desert beside a strange blue tree. The painting was the only painting in the hall where the robed man wasn't blurred, he stood a head above everyone else, a black mask made of a strange semi opaque fabric disguising all but one of his features. His intense blue eyes.


"You can't just come back after six, six! Six long years, and expected everything to be the same. Do you know how much of her life you missed? Do you even care that we missed you? Do you - "

"Yes I do, Emma please understand that I - "

"NO! I don't understand. Why don't you care enough to stay? She loves you so much, I do too. So WHY? WHY DON'T YOU GET IT?"

I could hear my mother panting in anger even from behind the door. 

"Emma. I do. I - just ... "

His voice cracked with emotion. 

"Go on. Explain to me why on earth you missed six, six fucking years Charlie. That is by no means a short time. I hope you had so much fun on your little journey, pretending to be an intrepid explorer and neglecting your family."

A long pause followed.

"Em, you know just as well as I do. I had to go. I was the only one who could."

"But why is it always only you?"

My mothers screams turned into quiet whispering, I focused harder and pressed my ear up to the door. She continued.

"Why do you have to have that power?"

"Why do you have to be so strong and yet so paranoid?"

"Why did you have to leave that thing behind too."

Her voice started to rise again. I could hear her thumping on my fathers chest.

"It reminded me so much of you I couldn't bare to look it in the eye."

I looked at my brother, his big blue eyes peeking through the keyhole. I grabbed him and pulled him down in front of me, he looked up at me confused. I just smiled and cupped my hands over his ears, he went to open his mouth but I put my finger to his lips. Covering his ears again, I leaned back and rested my head on the door. I knew I shouldn't listen but my curiosity wouldn't let me leave.

"I honestly can't fathom how you thought it was acceptable to have a child with another woman an - "

She choked on her words and started to sob, the sound shattered my heart into a million pieces.

"and ... and with one of them. I tried to raise it like I did Arlene but ... it felt so wrong looking at it, this was not my child so why was it my burden? You leaving didn't help with anything either. I just ... I just hate you. So so much ... "

Her hiccups interrupted her. Tears rolled down my cheek, my heart ached for my brother. Not my brother by blood it seemed but by love. He looked up and smiled at me, not seeing my tears. I must continue to protect that smile. I couldn't stay here. Not until they sorted themselves out. My father finally spoke.

"I don't and won't pretend to know Emma. I am truly sorry and sincerely ask for your forgiveness. I can not promise that I won't leave again, if I could I would, but I can and am promising to never look at another woman except for you."

A bang shook the floorboards. I racked my brain for places we could go.

"Charlie ... you already promised that at the wedding."

My mothers sad voice reverberated through the door. My tears flowed still.

"I only ask for your forgiveness for breaking that promise."

My fathers voice was resolute.

"Get up."

The floor made a scraping noise as my father arose.

"As long as your the Charlie I fell in love with I will forgive you."

"I am. I will always love you Emma."

"Show me."

I heard footsteps then the squeaking of the bed. I had decided on where to go. A place which would give them time and take both me and my brother.

The Scholomance.