Chapter 6: Afterword
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Your journey has come to an end at the edge of a cliff. Take another step?
  • Stay still. Stick with the current ending. Votes: 5 12.5%
  • Take one step. Add one final chapter and end it on a cliffhanger. Votes: 35 87.5%
Total voters: 40

Did you see me, Mom? I managed to defeat an enemy that even that hateful hero died to.

Not a day goes by that I don’t miss you. Why did you have to be chosen to wield the [Key of Destruction]?

I don’t give a damn about a world without you. All I want is for you to come back, but I know that is impossible. The echo of you inside the [Key of Destruction] is the closest I will ever come to feeling your presence.

You protected me again. I wouldn’t have been able to defeat that Demon King without your experience and techniques. I wanted to show you that you didn’t need to worry about me, but it looks like I failed like usual.

…Dad is happy. Sometimes I catch him with tears in his eyes as he gazes at your picture in the middle of the night, but that has been happening less and less lately. Your friends still stop by from time to time to pay their respects.

A girl my age moved in to live with us. You would have loved her. She reminds me so much of you that it is hard for me to be around her. She is bright, cheerful, and full of optimism about the world.

Like you, that girl truly believes that she can make a difference. People can’t help but be drawn to her cause and she always attracts attention wherever she goes. Really, she is the exact opposite of me.

You know me. I am a gloomy, small person that can’t help but wish for others to experience the same failures that I have. As they say, misery loves company.

You might not believe it, but I got out of the house today. Okay, perhaps getting out of the house is stretching it. I played Tower of Yg with that girl I was telling you about and the two of us walked through the streets together.

Tower of Yg is so indistinguishable from reality that leaving the house in a virtual world still counts, right? I’m going to cry if you disagree with me.

I was terrified that someone would recognize me the whole time. The outside world has always been a very scary place for me ever since that day, but I was greeted by nothing but bright smiles.

I know. It is not like the malice hidden in everyone’s heart suddenly disappeared. I only had such a pleasant stroll because of the girl I was with. Like you, she can bring a smile to the people around her. Can you believe that she made me play as her princess in Tower of Yg?

If it wasn’t for how disappointed I knew you would be in me for breaking my promise, I would have quit right then and there. I nearly lost it when she pushed me down and wanted to make me fulfill a ‘wife’s duties.’

I can see your eyes sparkling, but I promise it isn’t like that. That girl doesn’t care for me one bit. She was only interested in Iris, the character I was playing as. I am sorry, but it looks like your son is destined to spend his life without a lover.

Would it cheer you up if I told you that I made five friends today?

Athena is a cute girl that likes cats so much that she walks around with robotic cat ears and a cat tail. Despite her small body, there is nothing more reassuring than having her by your side when you are in the middle of a pinch.

Brynhildr likes to act like she is an ice cold, hardened warrior, but the truth is that she burns with a fiery passion more than anyone else. She is always the first to rush in whenever her friends are in danger.

You might disapprove of Cross, but hear me out. Cross is simply a free-spirited girl who doesn’t hesitate to live the way she wants. Sure, her slovenly behavior and complete disregard for her appearance might sound like a bad thing for a girl, but I could learn a thing or two from her about ignoring what unimportant people think about me.

Dawn is another one of my friends… I think? To be honest, it is hard to judge whether she considers me as a friend or not. Dawn is a mysterious girl with a mind suited for tactics. Her nose is almost always buried in a book. You should see how her face lights up whenever she talks about one of her favorite stories.

I am going to say this right now, but Freya is not my girlfriend. Even if she likes to tease me and call me a cutie, it isn’t like that. Freya does that to everyone. We haven’t even held hands. All we have done is share an umbrella, so don’t be getting your hopes up.

Ahem, where was I? Freya is a warm person who doesn’t hesitate to show her affection. She has this habit of suddenly appearing whenever a person needs a good friend by their side. She has the same spirit of helping people out that you did.

…That is why, you don’t need to worry about me, Mom.

I am not alone anymore. My only hope is that you can rest in peace, wherever you may be. Don’t worry about anything else. Always remember that Dad and I love you. Also, if it isn’t too much to ask, please check in on us from time to time.

Goodbye for now, my hero.