A soldier’s enlistment
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In a world plagued by war's ravages, a young man named Ethan enlisted in the army. Fresh-faced and hopeful, he dreamed of becoming a valiant hero, defending his homeland from the relentless invasion of outsiders.

On the morning of his deployment, the sky mirrored the uncertainty ahead in crimson and gray hues. Clutching his weapon, Ethan took a deep breath, preparing to face the horrors of war for the first time.

Among his comrades, he stood, with a mix emotions and determination.

'Many are ready to fight, but not all may survive,' he thought, acknowledging the harsh reality of war.

As the commander's speech ended with encouraging words,

'"Stay focused, trust your training, and fight with courage. We're in this fight together. Good luck!'"

The soldiers roared in unison, fueling Ethan's confidence to confront the battles and endure the war ahead.

With emotions swelling, Ethan set off alongside his fellow comrades, eager to prove his worth on the battlefield. However, he couldn't escape the reality: war had no pity for the weak or inexperienced.

As the enemy advanced with full force, ruthlessly eliminating anyone in their path, Ethan tightly gripped his gun. Fear gnawed at him, and he questioned his own courage.

'Am I brave enough for this? Can I face the horrors that await?'

He uttered a with a bitter remark,

"What a miserable life. If death awaits, I might as well try to save lives in the process."

Fuelled by a mix of determination and recklessness, Ethan charged forward, firing his gun without heed for his own safety.

'I must look like those heroes in movies,' he thought, trying to find solace in the romanticized image of war.

"Ha ha ha! You'll all die with me!" he yelled, trying to mask his fear with bravado.

Amidst the chaos, bullets pierced Ethan's legs and hands, causing his gun to slip from his grasp. The pain searing through his body only intensified his resolve.

"Even if I'm hurt, I'll crawl and fight until the end."

Another bullet found its way to Ethan's chest, sending him crashing to the ground. As he lay there, looking up at the sky, he found beauty in its vastness, a respite from the horrors surrounding him. 'It's all a lie,' he mused bitterly.

'War, power, all fabricated stories to justify human suffering.'

Since losing his family, Ethan's heart had been filled with despair and anger towards the world. He had joined the army with the hope of making a difference, but now he questioned his purpose.

'Perhaps I was misguided. Both sides fight for something they hold dear.'

His mind wandered to a distant fantasy, a world where peace and family prevailed he thought.

'If I could be reborn, I'd wish for a life far from the horrors of war.'

"A peaceful family, that would be nice," he murmured with a hint of longing.

As Ethan drew his last breath, a mix of emotions crossed his face. His journey had ended before it truly.

A gush of light flashed and Ethan opened his eyes filled with shock and he shouted

""Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat is this. "