Disaster looming 2
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In a dimly-lit chamber, the flickering candle flames cast eerie shadows on the ancient stone walls, concealing the secrets they bore witness to over the centuries.

Amidst this grandeur, the centerpiece of the room stood: a magnificent platform reached by a grand staircase. Atop the platform, a large throne was present.

And there, an imposing figure in his regal attire that seemed to shimmer with untold wealth and power. The golden rings on his fingers gleamed like captured sunbeams, a testament to his authority and the power he holds.

This man is Jung HAE, a tyrant, the king of Daenerys.

"So," Jung HAE said, his voice echoing through the room loudly.

"Your majesty, everything has been done as you instructed. There won't be any problems," Sir Alistair, a knight who answers only to his king, said. His armor bore the scars of countless battles fought in the service of his king.

"The Kudrow family has become too powerful to let them be. With all that power, they might bare their fangs towards me one day," Jung HAE expressed his concern.

"Your majesty, everything will move according to your will, but permit me to say something, not that I'm questioning you," Sir Alistair respectfully addressed the king.

"Hmmm," the king's eyes looked fierce, straight at Alistair, and he said, "You're permitted to speak. I trust you."

"Thank you, your highness. If I may, is it okay to have released and sent him there together with them? He's unstable," Alistair inquired with concern.

"So that's it, don't worry, it will all work out. He won't betray me, I hold something he wants," the king assured, waving his hands slowly.

"The judgment has already been made. Tonight, the Kudrow family will fall to ashes, with none of their bloodlines left to continue their legacy. The night looks beautiful, care to pour me a wine, Alistair? Hahaha, hahaha," Jung HAE chuckled.

"Yes, your highness," Sir Alistair replied, pouring the wine as requested.

'King Jung HAE, a tyrant. I hope he doesn't ever think of me as not useful' , Alistair thought to himself as the king's laughter echoed through the chamber.


The silence hung heavy in the air, adding to the tension in the room.


With the Kudrow mansion in ruins and engulfed in flames, everyone was running to stop the fire from spreading. Millis slowly turned to look at her surroundings, her eyes bloodshot, and her face twisted with dissatisfaction and anger.

"Who dares to attack my family, who dares!" Her voice resounded loudly, causing everyone to stop in their tracks, veins rising from their heads.

"Mom, you need to calm down," Millis finally remembered that Ethan was close to her when the fall of the ball of fire flew over. Anger had already entered her head, which was clearly visible to everyone. She took a deep breath, trying to regain her composure.

"Yes, you're right. Are you alright, Ethan? Is anywhere hurt, do you feel any pain?" Millis asked with a worried voice.

"Mom, that's not important now. Let's find and meet with Mabel and dad." Ethan suggested

"Yes, you're right. But that won't be necessary, seems they're already coming to us." Millis replied, noticing the approach of Mabel and Jonathan.


Two people were running towards Millis and Ethan, and they finally stopped in front of them.

"Millis, Ethan are you both alright?" Jonathan asked with a worried tone, gripping his sheathed sword in his hands, his anger evident on his face.

"Yes, we're fine, and Mabel, are you hurt anywhere?" Millis inquired.

"Nope, I'm fine. The scar on my hands is nothing compared to the ones on dad's hands and feet," Mabel replied with a hint of pride in her voice.

"tsk tsk, stubborn just like your father. Let me see," Millis said, and she cast healing magic on Mabel's hands. The wounds slowly healed, and soon there was no trace of them.

"Hehe," Mabel giggled, happy to be quickly healed by her mother's magic.

To Ethan, this was shocking. He had seen a lot of surprising things that day, from the balls of different flames flying towards them to his mom seemingly blocking those flames with a shield-like magic, and now witnessing someone's wound healing effortlessly.

"Jonathan, now it's your turn," millis said, turning her attention to his husband.

"I'm sorry, we can't let you do that. You alone are trouble. Adding your husband, fully healed, will make this impossible," a voice from the shadows stated firmly.

The whole family stood their ground, and Jonathan stepped forward, facing the ominous group of 400 masked men with determination in his eyes and he spoke to the leader with his voice loud brimming with confidence like a strong man.

"I am Jonathan Kudrow, and who are you to have dared attack the Kudrow family? Do you not fear death and the wrath of the king? To have entered here, you must want to die," Jonathan declared, his voice firm and unwavering, ready to defend his family and home.

"Hahaha, the king, hahaha!" The people in black, wearing masks, burst out laughing, which puzzled the inhabitants of the Kudrow mansion. Jonathan's anger erupted, and he couldn't contain himself, shouting uncontrollably.

"Attacking my family, mocking our king? You'll suffer," Jonathan declared fiercely as he drew his sword. With the people of Kudrow prepared to attack and the mansion ablaze, chaos surrounded them unnoticed by the masked intruders who would soon face the wrath of the Kudrow family's united front.

"Jonathan Kudrow, stay calm. No introductions are needed because you'll all perish today, even your kids, your family will perish today," the leader declared with confidence. Silence fell, the only sounds being the roaring flames and the tension between the two sides reaching its peak.

"Millis, take the kids away from the battle that's about to happen here, I will finish them here," Jonathan whispered slowly, concern etched on his face for his kids.

"Tsk, you always try to act cool. With your wounds, you won't even last a few seconds. But don't worry, I will be here to protect you," Millis replied, her voice determined as she prepared to face the approaching danger alongside her husband.

A small smile spread across Jonathan's face as he felt the concern and warmth emanating from his wife. He then turned to a man dressed in a butler's suit.

"Ballack, this is an order, and because I trust you, take my kids away from here. Make sure to protect them; when I give the signal. We will clear a way for you."

" Yes, sir. We will wait for you at that place " Ballack responded dutifully pointing towards the top of a mountain far ahead.

" Haha, haha " Jonathan laughed pleased with the reply and he looked at Ethan and said "Ethan, make sure you take care of your sister okay, we will meet you soon."

"Of course, Father. I'll protect Mabel with everything I have," Ethan replied with determination in his voice.

"Ethan, it seems you have grown a little," Jonathan said with a smile on his face and his chest out, feeling proud of his son.

"Sure," Ethan replied confidently.

A voice shouted from the opposing group, interrupting the moment of reassurance.

"Awww, sweet family time, but I told you not one of your family will survive this place," the leader of the opposing group taunted.

With the whole place silent and tension rising, both parties faced each other like beasts waiting to tear each other to pieces. The air was hot with anticipation, and finally, a voice broke the silence.

"Everyone, attack! Make sure not one of them leaves here alive. Tear them to pieces!" The leader's from the opposing armies command echoed through the chamber.

As the masked group charged, swords clashed, and magic crackled, the fate of the Kudrow family hung in the balance. The battle for their survival had begun, and they were determined to stand their ground and protect their loved ones against all odds.