Apex Predator
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Yeah, I’m going to be honest and say that I don’t even know how this will go. I’m mainly just winging it, but this has been in my mind for a while, so just sit back, relax, and enjoy the carnage of an apex predator going buck wild.

I don’t own Zootopia, please support the official release.

Random ROB, POV

I was gazing through the universes at random, just looking about what was happening with the people in them. I’ve done this countless times before, having creamed through pretty much all of them multiple times before, but I still derive some joy from it all.

I gazed upon one universe, with the only noteworthy thing about it being that it was inhabited by anthropomorphic animals in a near utopia. Where Predator and Prey could come together in harmony. I remember this place, the last time I gazed upon it, they were still primal, they still had their teeth and instincts about them.

They have, overall, grown smaller as a result, but their intelligence was that of any other sapient being in the wide and vast cosmos. They thought, they learned, and they adapted. They asked questions about how they came about, why were they here. It was a question all sapient life had.

They grew, they changed, they became more civilized, becoming better than their once previous more primal and instinctual selves. It was nice, it was content, even with some struggles along the way.

I watched as a scene took place in front of me, a bunny and fox duo, solving a crime together. They had their ups and downs, what with their precious utopia nearly being threatened with tensions between Predators and Prey alike. In the end, they came through and solved the mystery, saving the city from a conspiracy.

But despite all that and their achievements, it was one little plant that had me interested. The Night Howler plant.

It was indeed interesting, what with its effects on them all. A simple plant, able to reduce all that intelligence into nothing but their previous primal selves.

It gave me a spark of inspiration, giving rise to a question. How would they deal with a true hunter, an apex predator still fueled by primal instinct built to survive off the flesh of another? Sure, I knew their laws and could already guess their reactions, but where was the fun in that?

I combed through different universes to find what I wanted. It didn’t take me long, because I already knew what I wanted.

It was a truly unique one, even amongst all the countless different universes, more so one planet. The sapient beings on the planet, humans, had the innate ability to view other universes through their imagination, and along with it, make stories out of it. The countless universes that they have seen even rivals my own, but they weren’t my prime focus.

‘Yes, you will do nicely.’ I thought to myself and in front of me, an animal appeared. It was large, coming in at a little over 800 pounds. Its fur was colored brown and was thick, giving it protection against the elements and its own kind alike. It was armed with razor sharp claws and teeth, meant for taking down prey and eating meat, though it did have teeth more suited for plants as well, an omnivore it seems. It had an excellent sense of smell, one of the strongest on the planet. Add on top good eyesight, hearing, and a strong body, you get an apex predator, a ‘Grizzly Bear’ as the humans called it.

The other place has those as well, though not as big. In fact, this specimen was as big as Polar Bears of the other universe. By itself with no altercations, this beast was already a challenge for the inhabitants of that universe. But, not enough so.

In the end, it would probably kill maybe half a dozen or so mammals before ultimately being taken down itself, firearms are just too strong. So, what if I helped it a little bit?

Wanting to make it very difficult but not impossible to put down, I began my work.

While its size was already impressive, I decided to make it bigger anyway. From just above 800 pounds, to more than 2 tons of pure muscle and fat. It was indeed a sight to behold. It stood at 7 feet at the shoulder on all fours, already towering over most inhabitants of the city. Standing on hind legs, it was above 14 feet in height, rivaling even the tallest of animals in the other universe.

I made its coat extra thick, all but assuring no damage would be taken from a blunt force weapon and even significantly reducing damage from firearms. But, that wasn’t enough, I wanted to go a little bit deeper.

I gave it a healing factor, not much, but it would be able to completely heal from a bullet wound in minutes and even be able to regenerate an eye in a few hours if it lost one somehow. I could have done more, but I didn’t want to make it to overpowered.

Next up was its body beneath all the fur. It’s muscles were dense and tough as nails. It already had impressive stamina for a beast its size, but now it was nearly overkill. It could run for hours at its top speed and still have room to go.

If you were to somehow get past all that fur and muscle, you would run into another roadblock. It’s bones. To support a beast of its size, you would have to have strong bones. They could take multiple repetitive blows from a sledgehammer, and it would still be fine.

The rest of its internal systems was also amazing, from the cardiovascular, all the way to the immune, it was the definition of power and strength. It could take a bullet to the heart and still go on for a while, maybe even repairing the wound in the process. It was nearly impossible to get it sick, it’s immune system was just that powerful. For the extra cherry on top, it’s skin was almost as tough to get through as the rest of it.

I made its senses even sharper than they already were, making it able to hear things miles away, see in different wavelengths of light and now definitely have the best sense of smell out of everything.

Next in the list of improvements was its combat capabilities. To be completely honest, not much changed here, with me only extending its canines and claws a few inches. I was tempted to get rid of the other teeth it had and give it more of those razor sharp canines, but I didn’t in the end. Mainly for the shock factor that it would have on the inhabitants. Imagine, a beast that killed dozens and when you finally take it down, you realize it could have been eating pants just like the rest of you. Now that would be interesting to see.

Overall, what was left in front of me was a true apex predator, something that was quite literally built to kill and take damage. But, there was one more thing it needed before it was complete, and in my opinion, it’s deadliest weapon. Intelligence.

While it was indeed powerful, all that didn’t matter if it wasn’t smart. I gave it a powerful mind, rivaling those that it would hunt. It knows what it’s doing now, it can learn, adapt, overcome challenges in front of it. But most importantly of all, it still had those primal instincts that those of this universe seemed to strive away from.

“Yes, this should indeed be entertaining.” And with that, I sent it off.

Well, I just couldn't help myself, could I? 

I hope you enjoyed it, let me know what you think of it.

if you have any suggestions, please, let me know, I would love to hear them.

Also, this story is just to write something and clear my mind. Heck, I don't even know when the next chapter will come, so don't hold your breath I guess. Because I'm very much still focused on my other stories and not this.

But, that is all I really have for you, so until next time, and have an amazing day!