Strength 1 – Agonizing Grief
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The sun rises on the fair city below,

A city that is hidden from sight and mind behind mystical sandstorms,

A place where the law is held with iron and magic.

One of two havens for the folk found in the realm of the supernatural, yet for one in particular, it only serves to remind them what they had lost.

~   ~   ~

I failed them.

I was a coward.

I hid once the sounds of violence began in our home.

Afraid to face those who had invaded our house.


I left the rest of my family to the intruders.

Even while I cowed in a shed, waiting and hoping for anyone else to help my family.

They found the others quickly.

I could only dread the idea of seeing their faces during their end.


My youngest sister would never get to see her 10th birthday.

My little brother would never get to practice making food again for her.

And though my other sister was so bratty, I wish I could still hug her again.

All of it is gone now.


I hid while they ravaged all that I knew.

I am a failure as an older sibling and as a person.

I could have done something, anything at all. 

If only to allow a slim possibility that they could live.


I am undeserving of my survival.

It is why to this moment, I work without a break.

If I could not have saved my family, I can at least help save the lives of others.

Because if these hands couldn't save those closest, they could at least protect the loved ones of others instead.


Thoughts of 'Refuge the Strength'