Conquerer 2 – Through our Failures, We are still Human
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Darkness settles in for the city of chaos,

The normal folk settle in for the night as the ruffians begin their darker activities among the shadowed streets,

As a certain someone moves from one place to another, dropping off a dangerous gift.

~   ~   ~

Flames, Flora, Fumes.

A line of words I hum as I realize my actions did not pan out as they could have.

Thinking to myself as I walk away, camouflaged through my ability.


I watched as the gifts I gave activated, causing quite a stir as explosions greater than I dreamed occurred with a loud bang.

Oh dear. . .

It appears I did it now,

A truly terrible mistake I had made, in my panic that night to offload gifts I did not want to be found in my house.


Well, let us see where this goes.

I had not checked to be sure how a certain law goes, though now I think bout it, I could have simply hidden them outside of the city.

But that is hindsight, I had to improvise a set of actions on the fly to handle it then.


However, it appears that someone or some group is aware of the antics I had just done.

As I did not hear any screams of pain from my hastily done actions,

So let us see where that leads.

~   ~   ~

It did not take long for someone to come after me for my foolish actions,

Though how they did so was surprisingly brutal and brisk,

2 days after my skit, while I was cleaning an alleyway of litter I was thrown to the ground,


Held there, as a gun was aimed at one of my arms, as they spoke with much agitation at my actions, which I find enlightening to bear witness to,

They then led me elsewhere, to be taken into their custody, though not before they fired one shot through one of my arms.

Well, guess I will see the result of that once we arrive...

~   ~   ~

Lost an arm in my capture with how mangled it was from the gunshot, though I do think I deserved it to an extent.

After my treatment, I was left in an interrogation room, and with nothing else to do,

I took to cleaning up the room, sweeping the dust to the corner, and repainting the room's cracking paint job.

I was waiting to see the verdict of the foolishness I had done in the street for some time.


Though was not long before they arrived and asked me to explain my reasoning for the terrible actions,

To what steps I had taken to do what I did, and if I felt any actual remorse for what could have been,

I explained my stance, what my fears were, and my conclusions to the best of my vocabulary.


Once my statements were collected and sent back, a discussion in another room nearby began, though I heard only the faintest of noises,

They came to a fascinating conclusion that though my actions were undoubtedly harmful, 

They were ultimately trivial compared to the other matters the organization had to handle.


So they offered me a plea deal, 

A prosthetic limb to replace the lost arm if I did not commit the same actions that got me to that place again,

Along with one other requirement...

~   ~   ~

Whistling once more, as the white cowlick on my head bounced as I walked from the train to my workplace,

I ended up being freed, after an agreement to assist my former Captors in information-gathering in the City of Chaos,

I was led back home, with some of my captors now my co-workers coming along with me to ensure I get home safe,


However, it was also done to ensure I did not try any sort of funny business either.

The return was largely uneventful, sans one of my new coworkers getting into an argument with the other coworker present,

Though it was a blessing and worry when I saw my niece come and greet me at the back door.


While I calmed her from her concerns about my apparent disappearance, I couldn't help but smile at the bickering continuing behind me,

As even my niece joined in on the banter, calling one 'Police Lady' and another 'Ms. Lawyer',

I did have to cut the banter short sadly, as I had to soothe my Niece about my disappearance and prepare for the bright day I would have tomorrow.


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