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Because of a mistake, I lost the most important thing in my life. A simple stupid mistake didn't allow me to save the two most important people in my life... My parents.

I couldn't save them. I couldn't do anything to prevent their deaths... I failed them.

Without them, I'm not happy. They were the ones who gave me joy and a reason to keep going in life. Without them, I don't enjoy living. Why go on living? I have no reason to continue living.

I sacrificed my childhood to become normal, and I didn't even achieve that. I lived in hell, and I wasn't even rewarded for it.

I thought at least my sacrifice would allow me to protect my parents from the dangers of the world, but because of that damn mistake, I couldn't protect them... I broke my promise... I broke a promise that I swore to fulfill with all my being.

I didn't want to go on living, they gave light to my dark life. With them by my side, I felt like a human being and not a monster... But someone reminded me of the main purpose in my life. My biggest dream. The promise I made to my mother... Being a normal person is my dream, and being a good student is my mother's dream.

I didn't fulfill my promise to protect them, but this time nothing and no one will prevent me from fulfilling the promise I made to my mother. The promise to be a normal person... A normal student... An excellent student... And live a normal and peaceful school life.

I've seen thousands of horrible things in my life, and I've also suffered them. My life has been everything but normal. I can't take it anymore.

I will be the normal person I always dreamed of being and promised my mother I would be, and nothing and no one will stop me from fulfilling my promise.

"Ah, I'm home," I said tiredly as I dropped my backpack on the floor.

I thought my life would be lonely and boring, but I met someone who illuminated my dark life a bit.

"Welcome back, Saik! Did you buy hamburgers?! Give them to me, give them to me!"

My little ghost friend greeted me with a big smile on her face, as cheerful and energetic as always.

I know it's not normal to live with a little ghost girl, but her presence makes it less painful to keep on living. Her company makes me feel like someone needs me... It makes me feel... like I have a family again.

My dream is to have a normal life, and I'll do whatever it takes to have it.

After the death of my parents, I promised myself and my mother's memory that I would fulfill her dream. I'll be the best student in my class.

Being a normal person and the best student in my class. Two almost impossible goals to achieve for someone like me, but I'll give my best to achieve them. I promise with all my heart.

I will be a normal person and I will be the best student in my class. I promise.

CHAPTER 0 - New life.

(Pov- ?)

"But...I thought you liked me!"

Ah... is this serious? Again? Why does it always have to be the same?

It's always the same. Always, always... It's always the same, damn it!

Just because I'm nice to everyone, guys think I'm flirting with them... I just try to be nice to everyone. Why do guys mistake kindness for flirting? It makes no sense.

Do they think that just because I'm always nice, I wouldn't reject them? Being nice to everyone, including guys, doesn't make me an easy girl. And I'm not even interested in romance or that kind of thing.

I'm not interested in any man.

I've never been interested in any man.

I just want to have fun and enjoy my school life with my friends.

I don't have time for romance.

"Don't confuse kindness with flirting."

"But...I thought..."

"I'm nice to everyone. I treat everyone equally. It's not my fault you didn't realize that. I'm sorry, I won't go out with you. You don't interest me."

It's cruel, but necessary. This kind of man never takes no for an answer; you have to make it clear that a no is a no.

I don't want to go out with anyone, especially not someone I don't even consider a friend. He's just a classmate to me, that's all.

"Isn't there any way we could...?"


Huh? Who spoke? Although... That voice is familiar to me...

I turned to my right... As I suspected, it's that traitor. What is he doing on the school roof? I thought he was banned from being here after what happened with the teacher.

"If she rejected you, you should accept it. You're just embarrassing yourself. If you behave like that, I highly doubt that girl will ever talk to you again," Saik said, not taking his eyes off his portable console.

Always so rude and direct, huh? That's why everyone hates him in school. Why is she going out with him? I'll never understand.

Saik, what are you doing here? Do you really not care about anything? Your actions end up hurting others, but I guess you still don't care about that.

"Don't get involved, you fucking traitor! Get out of here, this is private!"

"I was here first. Leave and let me play in peace."

"I don't care!"

He approached Saik.

Does he really want to fight him? He's a savage.

Ah... Saik, I hate you, but not enough to want you to be beaten up. I have to stop that gorilla before he hits Saik. If words don't work, nothing will.

"Hey, are you trying to threaten me? You're adorable. Let me finish playing, and we'll fight if you want. I'm almost done with this level."

"No! Get up, traitor!"

"... Ah... You have no patience, huh?"

Saik sighed. Is he really not even a little scared or worried? He's truly a phenomenon.

"Let's get this over with."

He turned off his portable console and got up from the ground.

Is he really planning to fight? Is he an idiot? Doesn't he see the huge difference in size and weight between them? Saik, you're a dead man if you fight him.

"Well... Start. I'll give you an advantage."

He closed his eyes... Is he really an idiot? What is he trying to do? Does he want to get beaten up? That boy is much stronger and bigger than him. Does he seriously not have even a little bit of fear? This makes no sense.

"Okay. You can start hitting me, young reject. Even I felt the immediate rejection. Your heart got broken, huh? Poor thing. Do you want a hug to feel better, young reject?"

Idiot! Why do you keep provoking him?! He'll definitely kill you! I have to stop him! If I do nothing, I'll end up involved and get in trouble! Saik, you're a damn retard!

"Stop! Don't hit him, please! It's not worth it!"

"Die, traitor!"

He didn't listen!

I closed my eyes tightly, not wanting to see a massacre.

I can only hear the punches Saik is receiving... Poor thing. I know he doesn't deserve my pity, but I can't help feeling it when I hear all the hits he's taking.

He brought this upon himself, but I feel bad for not being able to help him.

I can't help him, he won't listen to me. It's very likely he'll hate me for rejecting him.

I'm sorry, Saik. I promise to take you to the nurse's office and take care of you. At least that way, I'll avoid looking suspicious and avoid problems with the school.

"Ah... This could have been avoided."

I know that sigh... Impossible.


I opened my eyes and saw Saik sitting on the back of that boy... Impossible... Did he win? How is it possible that he's unscathed? Saik didn't take any hits, I can't see any signs of damage on his body, unlike the other boy who has both eyes purple and his lips and nose bleeding.

"Hey, you."


I don't think he'll dare to hit me. I heard he hit girls before, but they hit him first. I didn't hit him, I don't think he'll try to hit me too... I hope.

Please don't hit me.

"Yes, you. Take this boy to the nurse's office. You're a witness that it was in self-defense."

I'm saved.


I helped him up. Ew, this boy smells of sweat... And blood. He received a good beating from Saik.

Saik is stronger than he looks. Are all those rumors about his strength and the boys he's hit true? I thought they were exaggerations, but now I see they're not.

Saik, you're definitely the weirdest boy I've ever met.

"Freaking weirdo."

Don't talk, idiot, I don't want to carry a corpse.

"Yeah, sure, I'm a weirdo for being stronger than you. Fufu. You're a crybaby," Saik said, mocking him.

He sat back down and turned on his console, as if nothing had happened. Are these types of situations normal for him?

"Tsk. Let's go."

"Hey, you're injured, walk slower."

I looked at Saik one last time... He's a strange boy... It's best not to get involved with him.

I opened the door and walked down the stairs.

(Pov- Saik.)

... Well, they're gone.

Finally, peace and quiet.

Why do guys like talking to girls on the rooftop? It's not romantic at all. I would take her out to eat or tell her how I feel in a park.

I asked my girlfriend to be my girlfriend at her house, but now I realize I should have done something more normal. Oh well, what's done is done. She accepted to go out with me, so everything turned out well after all.

Oh, that's right, I have to go to the library with her. I promised to study together all afternoon... Hmm... I think I still have 10 minutes to play.

"Thanks for your help, Yuki."

"Hehe. I think I deserve a pat on the head."

"Yes, yes. You did a good job."

I stroked the head of Yuki, my little ghost friend.

"Thank you for your kind words, Saik!"

My name is Saik, I'm 17 years old and I'm starting my second year of high school.

My birthday is on September 4th and I'm a weird guy.

For some strange reason, since I can remember, I can see ghosts.

That caused me a difficult childhood, as my parents and classmates thought I was crazy for talking "alone", making me a lonely person without friends.

To be honest, I quite enjoyed my solitude, so that part of being a loner didn't bother me, it was quite relaxing for me.

"We should hit people more often. Your compliments feel amazing! Stroke me more!"

Yuki is my only true friend in this world. One of my few friends who hasn't betrayed me.

I met her when I moved to my new house... Ah... It's been more than a year since then. Time flies, huh?

It all started when I moved to a small house in another city... Well, it's not exactly a small house, but compared to the huge house where I used to live, it was small.

This house belonged to my late maternal grandparents, may they rest in peace.

When they passed away, my mother inherited the house, but we didn't use it because we lived in another city.

And with the deaths of my parents, the house is now mine.

My parents suffered a car accident and died instantly... I couldn't do anything to... Ah, better not to think about it.

I have no uncles or grandparents, both paternal and maternal, are dead.

I have no one, so now I have to live alone.

I decided to move to this city because I wanted to start a new life. The rumors about me disappeared, as it's normal for a small child to have imaginary friends. When I realized they were ghosts, I stopped talking to them and simply ignored them.

I didn't move because they were teasing me, I moved because I didn't want to keep living in my old house... I still haven't overcome the death of my parents. Being in that place just made me feel guilty and sad all the time, and I didn't want to keep feeling that way.

"A new life... Ah, I hope everything goes well."

I entered my new house and took a deep breath.

"Well... This is how my new life begins... I'll go play video games."

"Oh, a boy! Fufu. I'll scare him."

Ghosts, unlike what they say on TV, can't move objects or touch anything on their own.

And there aren't many ghosts either.

Since I arrived in this city, I have only seen two ghosts, including the little girl standing in front of me.

"Booooo! Are you scared?! I know you're getting chills! You're terrified! Tremble before the great and powerful Yuki!"

I closed the door... Well... I have to admit that she's very cute. A little 10-year-old ghost girl. White and long hair, blue eyes, and wears an adorable pink blouse with the image of a cute bear.

She looks like a very normal girl. How do I know she's a ghost? Is she transparent? No. It's because most ghosts float above the ground. Their feet almost never touch the ground, and when they do, they go through it.

That girl's feet were going through the floor.

"Fufu. If you could see me, you'd be scared."

You don't scare me, on the contrary, you're very cute and adorable, little girl.

She floated and her face was in front of mine, trying to scare me.


And that evil laugh?

My expressionless face is deceiving her... Although I'm not doing it on purpose.

I've never liked to smile... I'm a serious boy.

She thinks I don't see her, so I don't blame her for feeling like she's scaring me.

She covered her face with her hair and pretended to stroke my face. She's adorable, she thinks she's like the ghosts in horror movies.

"Booooo! I'll take your soul!"

"No, thanks, I need it."

I stroked her head.

"You're adorable. What's your name?"

"... Eh?"

She quickly backed away from me and looked at me in terror, as she didn't imagine that I could see her.

"C-c-c-can you see me?!"

And so began my new life.