CHAPTER 2- Cheating.
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CHAPTER 2 - Cheating.

My parents had two different philosophies which, despite being different, both respected each other's differences and it was never a reason for argument.

My father believed that worrying too much about the future prevented us from enjoying our present. Being overly concerned would keep us from savoring our lives: "Worrying is okay, but worrying too much would only put a heavy burden on our shoulders. It's better to worry just enough and live our lives our way. Living our lives our way and not living to satisfy others."

And my mother believed that it was okay to enjoy the present, but we should also worry a lot about our future and ensure we have reserves for future crises: "The future is uncertain, Saik. Living carefree brings us happiness, but it could also bring us pain and sorrow. Life isn't all rosy, son. The present, yes, you can enjoy it, but don't forget that the future will catch up with you, and when that happens, will you know how to face it? Worry about your self 10 years from now, because they will bear the consequences of your actions, and the present of your future self might not be able to enjoy it as you do. I'm not asking you to demand too much of yourself, live your life your way. It's your life, you decide what to do with it. Just remember, son, the future is a mystery, and if you want to live happily, it's better to be prepared."

Both had different ways of enjoying their lives. While my father enjoyed his present and was content with being a professor at a university, my mother worried about the family's future, creating new humanitarian aid programs, businesses related to education and health markets, she even worked as a model for various magazines. Although, well, I ended up selling those businesses and handing control of the humanitarian aid programs to my mother's close friends, as I don't have the time to manage them, and I also don't trust others to do it for me.

The money I earned from selling those businesses, I donated to build schools in the poorest areas of the country. That money was earned by my mother, I had no right to use it for my benefit, so I used it for the benefit of the children, those whom my mother loved so much. I only kept the money from selling my house, because I'm not foolish enough to end up on the streets.

My mother improved the reputation of our surname, to the point where we became one of the richest and most famous families in the country... Well, until they died and I sold everything, decreasing the value of our surname.

Many families tried to adopt me, and they even offered me to marry one of their daughters, but I simply refused and asked them to never offer me such a disgusting deal again. They were after my family's surname because, even though I'm the only remaining member, with everything my mother did for the country, it still holds significant social value, and if I marry a girl, her family will gain reputation for having me under their control.

They took advantage of the situation to benefit themselves. They tried to capitalize on the deaths of my parents... Simply revolting.

Ah... Although my parents had different ways of enjoying their lives, they agreed on one thought: "Live your life your way and don't let others decide how to live your life. It's your life, it's your decision. You weren't born to please others, you were born to live your life. It doesn't matter what others think about you, the only thing that should matter is what you think about yourself. Don't live your life pretending to be someone you're not, because you would never truly enjoy it, and live your life being yourself and happy."

That thought is the one I respect the most.

Living my life in the way that feels most comfortable to me, without giving importance to negative comments from people.

"Hey, kid, stop. You can't enter without being properly groomed," said a teacher as I was about to enter school.

"I told you, Saik!" exclaimed Yuki, floating by my side.

"There's no rule against my hairstyle, sir. If you don't let me in, I'll complain to the principal."

"I'm saying it for your own good. First impressions matter the most."

"Results are more important than appearance."

"Whatever you say, but I hope you won't regret it."

"I won't."

I continued on my way, and Yuki sighed, perhaps tired of asking me to fix my hair.

"Everyone's staring at you weirdly, Saik. Seriously, doesn't it bother you?"

"Not really."

"Don't complain later when you're getting teased."

"Bullying, huh? Don't worry about that."

Because anyone who messes with me will end up regretting it.

Well, here's my assigned classroom to take the entrance exam. Yuki went to find out who the smartest person might be, to copy their answers, so she's investigating, listening to parents' conversations in the cafeteria area.

I entered the classroom.

Hmm... Everyone is so ordinary. Ah, normal school life will start soon. I'll be a regular student, with a regular life. Paradise.

I sat in my assigned seat, and a teacher lifted my hair.

"What's the matter?"

"I thought you might be cheating, hiding answers in your hair."

"I'm not clever, or foolish, enough to do that, don't worry."

He handed me an envelope and left.

There are 5 minutes left, and the instructions are projected on the board.

No looking around.

No talking.

Look only at the exam.

If you turn your head, your exam will be taken away.

Other rules about banning devices like headphones, phones, sunglasses, etc. I'm not worried about that, I left my phone at home.

Open the envelope at exactly 8 o'clock and begin.

Well, well. As strict as the rumors say. I love it.

Basically, they're only asking us to look at the exam and write, without diverting our gaze. They won't even allow us to relax our muscles or stretch our arms to calm down. Interesting.

"I'm here! There's a girl named Ram, the teachers speak very highly of her, I even heard she got a recommendation from the principal."

How unfair. I hope the director's favoritism doesn't interfere with my plan to be the best in my class and generation.

"As long as we copy her answers, you'll pass the exam, Saik. Oh, I feel like a cheater. I hope you'll study seriously, Saik! I'm committing a crime for you, so I hope it's worth it," she said, crossing her arms and pretending to be angry.

Why do I know she's pretending? Because she's pouting to look adorable. I suspect she figured out that I'm easy to manipulate if she acts cute with me, and if that's the case, she succeeded.

"Cake or jelly?" I whispered, falling into her trap to increase her reward.

"Both, both, please! Thank you!"

She kissed me on the cheek while hugging me.

Well, it felt nice. Ah, parents, why didn't you give me a younger sister? Or a younger brother. I suppose you must have had your reasons.

Wait, cake and jelly? Mmm... I think I've come up with a good combination. When I get home, I'll experiment with it.

"Saik, huh? Fufu. Do you really think you're capable of getting into a school like this?"

... And who's this random guy?

"Who is this random guy, Saik?"

I'm wondering the same thing, Yuki.

Let's see... Chubby, acne-covered face, wearing fancy clothes... Mmm... No idea.

"You've always been and will always be the worst. Why don't you spare yourself the humiliation and leave?"


Hand on his hip, looking at me with disdain and a smile on his face.

Oh, he is... No, I tried, I don't know who he is.

"Hey, do we know each other?"

"Fufu. Yes, pretending you don't know me. Pathetic."

He laughed at me and went to his seat, still looking at me with contempt, as if I were an easy piece of trash to get rid of.

"Saik, do you know him?"

"Honestly, I have no idea who he is. I guess he's a wealthy guy who knew me when I used to attend the parties my parents forced me to go to. I highly doubt he's a former classmate, because I attended a public school, and this school is expensive. Even the entrance exam cost me quite a bit, it's the annual salary of an average worker."

"Why did you attend a public school? Your family was wealthy, right?"

"Because I got kicked out of private schools due to certain problems I had. I'll tell you more later."

"Well, well. Fufu. Sounds interesting. Tell me the details after school."

I nodded.

In fact, I got expelled several times for hitting students who mocked me. While it was just rude words towards me, I did nothing. But when they dared to insult my parents or try to hit me, I used my fists and broke their bones, literally.

I got away from legal troubles and the school by showing evidence of the bullying, but I couldn't avoid the expulsion.

In the public school, I was also insulted, but the few people who dared to try hitting me or insult my parents, despite knowing how rich and powerful my family was, would show up at school the next day with black eyes and trembling in fear in my presence.

I avoided legal and school problems by threatening them into silence, and coming from me, those threats, even the smallest ones like "stay away or you'll regret it," sounded like "bother me again and you'll be dead."

I couldn't do that in a private school because they were just as powerful as me in terms of social status, but it worked more than fine with poor students and humble families.

"You may begin. You have 4 hours to complete it."

4 hours. Ah, that reflects how difficult the exam is. Well, I hope that girl Ram answers all the questions correctly. I still have number 2, but the less I use it, the better. I'm a regular student, with a regular life. I have to leave my old life behind.

Alright, let's get started.

Mmm... 100 questions, huh?

I wrote my name and read the first question.

Ah... Oh... Yes, yes... Ah... In what year did this event occur? I don't know, history always bored me.

Let's see...

10 history questions.

10 language and literature questions.

40 biology, physics, and chemistry questions.

And 40 math questions.

Ah... This school is so unfair to those who excel in sports and the arts. Well, after all, as far as I know, this school is focused on students who want to pursue careers related to business and science, not so much on sports and arts.

Oh, well, well.

Saik, it's not for nothing that you studied until you collapsed. Come on, remember what you studied.




"You haven't answered any questions, Saik, and an hour has already passed. Do you want the answers?"

I nodded slowly, giving up.

Ah, I'm really an idiot. I couldn't even answer a single question on my own.

"Fufu. Leave it to me."

Yuki left.

While I tried to answer the exam on my own, just to see if my efforts had paid off, Yuki copied the answers from the student named Ram and wrote them in a notebook on the rooftop of the school, so she wouldn't forget and she could tell me when I gave up.

Ah, am I really this useless?

Mother, father, why am I so useless? I wish I could have been like you.

"The answer is: 1,797.54."

Alright... Good.

I'm almost done.

Yuki is observing everyone's exams to compare answers.

Ram might be a genius, but it's better to be safe than sorry, at least that's what Yuki said.

"The answer to the last one is: 1,689."


Yuki is smarter than she appears. She understood the method to cheat. Comparing all the answers and telling me the answer that most students put... I think I'll do fine.

I was one of the last ones to submit the exam, as I didn't want to raise suspicions.

I left the school and went straight to a store to buy some sweets, Yuki's reward, but a certain idiot got in my way.

"Fufu. Did you really use the full 4 hours? Were you able to at least solve half of the questions? Hahahahahaha!"

... Seriously, who is this random guy?

"Saik, let's just go. Look behind him, there's a limousine. He's someone with money. It's dangerous to get into trouble with someone like him. And look, he also has bodyguards!"

"Ugh, what a nuisance. Hey, seriously, I don't know you. Who are you? I have no idea..."

I caught his fist and kneed him in the groin. Trying to hit me, huh?

"Hmmmmh! Gggmmmg!"

Writhing on the ground, crying. Well...

"Like I said, I don't know who you are."

He's on the ground, in pain, and his bodyguards lunged at me but stopped when they realized my identity.

"I'm Saik, Dr. Sam's son."

They stopped and lowered their heads to apologize.

"We deeply apologize for our master's behavior. His parents will be informed of his erratic behavior, and he will receive his appropriate punishment."

"Eh?" Yuki said, hardly believing what she saw.

"What?! I'm the victim here, idiots! Do what I tell you, you sons of...! Hmmmmh!"

They covered his mouth and forced him to retreat.

"It won't happen again. Have a nice day."

They got the chubby guy in the car and left.

"Eh? So easily?! Saik, were your family really that important?!"

I started walking, and Yuki floated by my side.

"Many families owe their lives to my mother, so I assumed even his family owed my mother a favor. I used that to get rid of that idiot. After all, what kind of idiot would allow someone to beat up the child of a woman to whom they owe their life or a favor?"

"Oh, I see, I see. Even among the wealthy, there's honor in respecting those who've been kind to them."

"It's like kicking a stray dog loved by the inhabitants of a village. You'd only earn the hatred of those people, and among wealthy and powerful families, the respect of other families is extremely important, as those connections guarantee their survival."

"Yes, that makes sense. Disturbing the son of a woman who was loved by so many wealthy families would only make that chubby guy's family look worthless, willing to betray anyone no matter how much they've done for that family."

"Exactly. That's why they stopped that random guy, to avoid causing trouble for their patrons. That chubby guy thought he could mess with me without any fear just because I'm not rich anymore."

"Fufu. That idiot thought he could hit you because he thought you wouldn't fight back out of fear of getting into trouble with a wealthy family. Hahahahahaha! Now remembering that knee to the groin is even more satisfying! By the way, Saik, you're still rich. The house is huge, and you have a lot of money!"

"The school is very expensive. I'll spend nearly 95% of my money paying for the three years of tuition. The rest will serve me for at least three years. Three years without worrying about money."

"So expensive?! T-that's why I only saw elegant and refined people. It really is an elite school. But..."


"I mean, it's just... The school is big, yes, but it doesn't look like a millionaire's school. It's like a normal high school, just larger. I thought millionaire's schools would be the size of a town, with their own dormitories, sports stadiums like for soccer and baseball. I guess you understand what I mean."

"Like a boarding school, right?"

"Exactly! Why would millionaires send their children to a school as normal as this?"

"Look, there are two kinds of millionaires. The humble ones and the egocentrics. Those who want to live elegantly, with fancy and expensive meals, where even the clothes are more expensive than any diamond, send their kids to town-sized boarding schools, where they mingle with other millionaire's children. To that kind of millionaires, they're accustomed to glamour, elegance, they only care about appearance and prestige. But millionaires who want their children to care more about others than themselves send them to this school."

"Eh? Why?"

"This school, besides providing excellent education, only has enough money for maintenance and salaries. The rest of the money goes towards maintaining public schools, as well as charity work. That's why the school isn't so large, because it's not necessary."

"Wait, wait, wait. Does that mean the kind millionaires send their children here so that they don't get their heads filled with the power money gives them, right?"

"Possibly. Honestly, knowing that the school was strict, I decided to enroll here, and since that was the only thing that interested me, I didn't investigate further. Maybe there are other reasons why millionaires send their kids here, but I'm not interested in finding out."

"Mmmm. Intriguing. Could it have something to do with traditions?"

"I don't know. Look, it's like a bread."

"A bread?"

"You can top it with jam, beans, whatever you like, but it's still bread. It might change its taste, but it's still bread. Education is the same. Boarding schools and millionaire's schools might be fancy and all that, but what they teach is the same as what this school will teach. Millionaires who want their kids not to be rude brats who believe their parents' money is theirs and they can do whatever they want, send them to this non-luxury school, so they can focus on studying and not forget that they're not the millionaires, their parents are, and if they want that money, they have to earn it."

"I understand. It's like teaching them to value what they have, right?"

"And to know how to earn it with effort. This school is directed towards them, to interact with others like them, capable of valuing what they have and not looking down on others."

"A school that teaches the value of earning what they want. I see."

"Although it's just a theory. There might be other reasons that I don't know. I only know it's an elite school, where the most skilled and intelligent graduate. They have a high expulsion rate, which is why I was interested."

"Oh, expulsions. A big stain on the academic record. Fufu. Though you're already stained."

"No, I've never failed a school year. I missed two years of school after finishing primary school, but that was because I was at a camp, I didn't fail any school year."

"Eh? Clever boy. Did you use money to enroll in other schools and avoid repeating a school year?"

"No, rather than actually getting expelled, they would allow me to transfer to another school and avoid true expulsion."

"Hey, that's sneaky! I thought your family didn't take advantage of their social status."

"And they didn't. I extorted the principals to do it, not my parents."


"I investigated them, gathered evidence of some crime they committed, and threatened to make it public. With money, I could hire the best private investigators."

"... Saik, wealthy people scare me."

"Don't be afraid of me, Yuki. It was to save my academic record."

"B-better not talk about that. And what kind of camp lasts two years?"

"Well, it's a way of putting it. Do you remember the Nobick pandemic?"


"It was five years ago, so you were probably dead by then. It was a disease that spread through the air, causing the lungs to close, making breathing difficult, diarrhea, dizziness, fever, etcetera. When the quarantine was declared, my parents, a friend of my mother's family, a girl, and I got stuck in a third-world country, as we went on vacation to that country to visit the ruins of ancient civilizations. I think it was called... Onperk K56 (Peru)."

"Yes, I know it! My mother and I visited it when I was 8 years old. And couldn't you study during the quarantine?"

"Yes, using online classes, but I refused to study during the quarantine that way. I convinced my parents to wait until the quarantine was over to go back to school, and in the meantime, I would study on my own. You know, to avoid wasting my school life. My parents agreed, as long as I really studied on my own. Unfortunately, that girl copied me and ruined my two-year vacation, being by my side all day, bothering me."


"A girl who bullied me in my childhood. I'd rather not talk about her."

"Fufu. Even someone like you had a bully. I'd never imagine it."

"That girl had the luck of being the daughter of my mother's friend, so I didn't do anything to defend myself, as I didn't want to ruin my mother's friendship with that woman..."

I stopped because I heard footsteps. Upon stopping, a group of boys walked past me and turned the corner. I almost collided with them. I'd rather avoid unnecessary trouble. I want to get home soon.

"Kevs, Kevs, give me some too!"

"Hey, those are mine! That's why I told you to buy your own snacks!"

"Don't be selfish and give me some!"

"I want some too!"

"It's to prevent you from getting even fatter!"

"That's right, it's for your own good! Give me!"

"Fine, but stop shaking me!"

... Well...

"Fufu. Jealous, Saik?"


"A chubby and ugly guy like him managed to gather a harem. Hahahahahaha!"

"I'm not interested in romance. I was just surprised to see someone like him surrounded by girls. They're probably taking advantage of him."

"Getting close to him for his money. I hate to admit it, but it's very likely. That guy is very ugly and fat, and the girls are cute... Well, except for one of them, who's chubby and kind of ugly."

I continued walking and crossed the street.

"Yuki, appearance doesn't define a person, never forget that. But yes, it's impossible to deny that this society cares a lot about appearances. Appearance is quite important in the society we live in, but personally, I prefer personalities. We shouldn't judge people by their appearance."

"Yeah, yeah, thanks for the life lesson, dad."

"Better brother."

"I feel sorry for him, they're taking advantage of him."

"Or, maybe, they really are his friends, and they genuinely consider him a friend. We shouldn't judge without knowing. And since I'm not interested, I won't dwell on it."

"Yes, you're right."

Ah, a store. I'll go buy some candy.

I headed to the store, ignoring the fight happening on the street.

"How savage, fighting in broad daylight. But look, Saik, that guy defeated three others on his own!"

Yeah, impressive, but I can do that too... Did I feel jealous? I think I might be growing fond of Yuki.

"Now, apologize to me," that guy said as I passed by him.

He said it to the one he had by the collar, so I can continue on my way.

"I-I'm sorry, Kaeyko, it won't happen again!"

"I hope not."

He let him go and walked away.

Well, well. I admit he's stylish. He must be popular with women. He's handsome and knows how to fight. A heartthrob, probably. Even Yuki is staring at him.

"Wow. And he's barely scratched. By the way, Saik, can you fight?"

"Enough. By the way, Yuki, you did a good job today."

"Yes! I did a good job! Fufu. I know, I know, I'm awesome. At home, you can kneel before me and worship me," she said, crossing her arms and puffing her chest with pride.

Where's the humility, Yuki? Well, she's just joking, so I'll let it slide.

"Yeah, sure."

I patted her head.

"You deserve a treat."


She's salivating. Wow. She's really adorable. So cute.

I entered a convenience store and bought a large amount of candy. I was going to buy less, but Yuki earned them for being so adorable.

I left the store with the bags in my hands, and the guys that the handsome guy had beaten up are walking away limping. Well, well.

Well, I don't care.

"Can I have one?"

"If people see floating candy, they'll get scared. Wait a little longer; we're almost home."

Yuki is holding onto my arm as we walk. Why isn't she floating by my side anymore? I guess she feels safe with me.

Was she scared when she saw them so injured? Yes, she might be a ghost, but she's still a little girl.

Don't worry, Yuki, I'll never allow anyone to harm you. You'll always be safe with me.

After all, you're my only family now, and I'm your... No, I'm not your only family. You still have your mother.

She asked me to find out about her mother's whereabouts, but... Should I tell her the truth?

Yesterday, I found information about her, but I'm not sure if I should... No... Saik, she needs to know. Don't give her false hope. If we want her trust, we have to be honest with her. I won't hide anything from her about her mother.

"Yuki, I looked up information about your mother, and I managed to find her."

"You found her?! Where is she?! Can we go visit her?! Can you make her see me?!"

She's too excited and happy to know I found her mother, but it won't last. I'm sorry, Yuki, I'll be completely honest with you.

"Yuki, listen, your mother is alive, but... Listen, what I'm about to tell you is hard to accept, but it's the reality."

"Saik, you're scaring me. W-what happened to my mother?"

"She's in prison. From what I read, she was involved in illegal activities, like drug distribution and murders. Most likely, they killed you as revenge. You know, maybe she killed someone from a rival gang, and they took revenge by killing her daughter. That's why the one who killed you didn't steal anything, and he didn't rape you because there simply wasn't time for it, or he wasn't a sick person."


She fell silent, looking at the ground as we walked.

Tears... She's crying...

"Yes, hard to accept, I know. It will take you time to process it, but you have my support, Yuki. I won't abandon you."

"Mother... Why would she do that?"

"We don't have the right to criticize her decisions. Maybe she was forced into it and couldn't leave the business for fear of them killing you or her. Don't hate your mother without knowing her story. You told me good things about her, so hold onto those memories and don't let this change your perception of her."

Yuki nodded.

"Yes, I know..."

I patted her head to make her feel better, or at least try.

"I'll take care of you. I guess you can consider me an older brother... Or a father. Whatever you prefer. I'm your family now, and you're my family."

"Mmm... No. I can't see you as an older brother. You need to be more mature... And smile more."

"I suppose I'm immature for you."

A smile appeared on her face, and she looked up at me.

"But I can consider you my best and only friend," she said, with a big smile.

"A friend... That can work too."

Hiding the sadness she feels within.

Being able to hide her sadness and carry on with a smile.

I haven't met your mother in person, but she did a good job with you. You don't hold any resentment or hatred towards her, so I believe she never harmed you. A good mother... It's a shame about her situation, but I'll take you to see her when I can.

"I'm not a relative to make a visit, but I have methods we can use for you to visit her and talk to her."

"I appreciate it, but not just yet. Maybe later, in a few months. I don't feel ready to see her."

"That's okay, just let me know in advance so I can prepare."

"Thank you."

We entered our house, and I placed the candies on the table.


I joined my hands and closed my eyes.

"I offer these sweets to the soul of Yuki. Accept my offering, Yuki..."

I opened my eyes and sat down at the table.

"Ready, you can eat now."

"I'm still amazed that you know all that."

Yuki took a chocolate bar and started devouring it.


She's so adorable. I hope she'll feel better soon.

What I just did is called an "offering." There are legends and traditions about offering things to people who have passed away. That's what I did. By offering the candies to Yuki, she can take and eat them, and since I can use my power to make her take things, she can enjoy the taste and feel like she's digesting the chocolate... In other words, it's as if she has a physical body. Unfortunately, that chocolate will have to come out sooner or later. That's one of the disadvantages of this ability.

"By the way, Saik, I couldn't see any ghosts today. Why?"

"I told you before, not everyone becomes a ghost."

People think that ghosts are everywhere, but it's not the case. Only very few people can become ghosts.

Yuki is one of those rare cases.

She died a violent death and felt regret because she wanted to keep living, which is why she became a ghost. It's a highly painful process, but that's why only those who really want to stay alive become ghosts, as they're the ones who endured the most pain to be able to remain here.

But not all murdered people become ghosts. If those who die had relatively long lives, even if they're killed, they don't become ghosts. It's more likely to see the ghosts of young children.

And the reason there aren't many ghosts is that they're forgotten.

"Yuki, ghosts, when they're forgotten, disappear. It's very rare for the deceased to become ghosts, and if they do become ghosts, they'll only be ghosts as long as their family or friends remember them. And when those people forget about them, they'll stop being a ghost and will go to paradise or hell... Or that's what I've heard from other ghosts."

"T-then... Am I going to disappear?"

"I don't think so... Not for now. I remember you very well, and so does your mother. As long as your mother or I are alive, you'll remain a ghost... I don't know if that's good or bad."

"It's good! Yuki won't be alone anymore! I'll be with you until you die of old age! Don't worry, dependable Yuki will bathe you when you can't move anymore. Fufu."

Not being alone anymore... You're afraid of being alone again, huh? Don't worry, Yuki, I won't abandon you... Well, at least not while I'm studying. I'll find you a home after I graduate, because I... Oh... Will I really do it? I haven't decided yet if I will or not. I'll think it over with my pillow.

"... That would be uncomfortable. No, thanks."

"Fufu. Are you embarrassed?"

"Not really."

"Boo. I can't even make you smile, cold guy."


I took one of the candies and unwrapped it.

"But, you know... You're a fun and adorable girl. It wouldn't be so bad to have you with me until I die."

"... Huh? W-what weird things are you saying?"

Ah, her face turned red. Why? Did it embarrass her that I said nice things? I thought women liked hearing that kind of stuff.

"You'd be like my servant."

Yuki got angry and started giving me a furious look. Ah, she didn't catch my attempt at a joke.

"I'm just kidding... Though you'll have some household chores, like doing dishes and laundry. You won't be freeloadin'."

"W-well, that's fair. After all, it's your house."

"Our house."


I stood up from the table and patted her head.

"I told you before, didn't I? We're a family now. This is your home too. I'm gonna go play some video games."

"Y-yeah... Thank you."

A family... I missed having someone like that... A trustworthy person.