CHAPTER 6 – First day of classes.
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CHAPTER 6 - First Day of Classes.

If someone were to ask me: What do you plan to do in the future? Do you already know what to study? Which university will you go to? I wouldn't be able to answer.

I've never thought about the future. I tried to do so, but I was so focused on my present that I never thought about my future. I mean, after all, I'm still too young to worry about that, but since the deaths of my parents, a reality check pierced my heart. The future is uncertain, and if I don't worry enough, I won't know how to face it when that future becomes my present.

Maybe I'll fall in love with a girl and become a househusband. I think I'd do a good job, it's just cleaning, taking care of my children, and satisfying my wife sexually. It's nothing out of the ordinary... Or so I think. I don't have experience with that, as my parents worked, the maids were the ones who mostly cooked and cleaned the house.

But that's the only option, because I haven't thought much about my future.

I just enjoy the present... But maybe, when I finish high school, I'll be able to discover what I want to be.

And the option of becoming a househusband is unlikely. I don't think I'll be able to fall in love with someone. To me, humans are beings I'll never be able to comprehend, and if I don't feel comfortable being around humans, I'll definitely feel even less love for a human girl.

But life is a mystery, everything can change. Maybe the old cliché of love at first sight will strike my heart... But I don't believe it.

I'm not even interested in having friends... Well, better not dwell on that anymore.

I'll let time decide for me.

"Blue uniform, with a certain gray tone. A white shirt underneath. An elegant tie in deep black. Oh, and black pants. Mmm... It looks perfect on you, Saik!"

"I guess so, but it's a bit uncomfortable. Well, oh well. Let's get going."

"Let's go!"

I grabbed my backpack and left the house, along with Yuki, on my way to my first day of classes.

Notebooks, books, sweets, emergency clothes (in case I get dirty or something tears), our lunches, and a novel in case I get really bored.

Yes, I'm all set to survive school.

"A school for the rich. I wonder if there'll be caviar on the school cafeteria's menu."

I don't think so, Yuki. Caviar isn't worth it, it doesn't fill the stomach, it's too small.

"I can't wait to meet your classmates! I wonder if they'll be as weird as you. Fufu."

Most of them are normal, so it'll be boring.

"Hey, Saik, have you thought about what I told you? You really don't want to make friends?"

"No."- I whispered as quietly as possible.

"Hey, are you listening to me?"

"Yes."- I whispered again.

"Hey, Saik... Saik!!"

"Cameras active."- I said, whispering a bit louder.

"Oh, right. My bad."

This city is divided into 4 main sectors: the wealthy area, middle class, the poor, and the red zone.

Officially, they're not divided, but the citizens know perfectly well that there's an invisible division, but it's present.

Yuki and I live in the wealthy area, a place where no criminal would dare to try and assault, as they would be caught within minutes, no matter what.

Security is top-notch, that's why millionaires have their families living here, and they even move around the city sector without any fear. From what I've researched, there have been very few kidnapping and murder attempts, but thanks to the security cameras and the police watching 24/7, tragedies have been prevented.

The cameras also record audio, that's why whenever I talk with Yuki, I do so in a low voice. But this time, I'm whispering because the cameras are following me, focusing on me. This mainly happens when something important is happening, and they'll go to great lengths to ensure that important thing isn't ruined.

When the cameras are in a normal position, I can talk quietly without any fear.

The middle-class area also has security, but it's not as secure as the wealthy area, at least they have enough.

The poor have worse security, as they have to rely on government public security, which sometimes fails. Like the security cameras that are disabled by criminals, or they even bribe government employees to turn off those cameras. They also destroy them, and it takes some time for them to be replaced, but they're being destroyed all the time, so a significant part of the sector doesn't have security cameras.

Sometimes the same happens in the wealthy and middle-class areas, but those are more isolated cases. It's mostly done by powerful individuals when they're meeting certain people. And you can also hire people to destroy security cameras, but at a high price and they'll only give you 30 minutes of freedom.

The red zone is the lawless area, where crime reigns. Why doesn't the government do anything? Because they hide very well, pretending to be just another poor area, but it's a zone where prostitution is rampant, as well as illegal drug and arms sales. There are also government officials involved, that's why it's difficult to eradicate the zone. People who have tried to challenge the red zone end up silenced and in black bags, so increasingly fewer people try to do anything about it.

"Do you want to buy something, Yuki?"- I said in a low voice, as we've passed the danger.

There's a convenience store. Mmm. What could I buy? I'm thirsty, but I don't want water. A soda perhaps?

"Buy me a chocolate drink, please."

Chocolate, huh? I'm craving that too. I'll buy about 6.

"Move aside, kid!"

I was about to enter, but someone pushed me, making me step back so that the woman who pushed me could exit the store. I prefer to avoid unnecessary trouble, especially with someone in her condition.

"Ugh. A drunk. And she stinks."- Yuki said, covering her nose.

I watched the woman staggering away. She's drunk and carrying a six-pack of beer. Wasting money like that. Ah, I'll never understand people like her.

"Hey, are you okay, kid?"- Said an employee who saw what happened.

Kid? Ah...

"Yes, don't worry."

I entered the store, and Yuki sighed.

"She didn't seem like a vagrant, but she smelled like one."

"We all have a past, and everyone has their own way of dealing with it. We shouldn't judge people without knowing them."

That woman was beautiful. How did someone like her end up so low? I highly doubt she has low self-esteem. Yeah, she must have made some wrong choices in life.

Anyway, I don't care. I don't know her, so I don't care if she ruins her health because of alcohol.

Alright, chocolate drinks and instant noodles. I'm in the mood for that.

I paid for the items and left the store.

"Give me, give me!"- Yuki said, opening her mouth.

"It's very hot, wait until it cools down."

I blew on the noodles.

Ah... My first day of classes. I hope everything goes well and that no one is bothering me.

I don't want another Rossy in my life, please, Dog God. I finally got rid of her, don't send me someone similar.

"Ah... What nostalgia. I missed school."- Yuki said.

Yuki decided to accompany me on my first day of classes because she didn't want to be alone at home all day.

Well, as long as she doesn't bother me, I don't mind. She's going to get bored, that's for sure, but at least I hope she takes this opportunity to learn. It's always good to have knowledge, even if you think you don't need it.

"Hey, hey, are you ready for the speech?"

"What speech?"

"Huh?! You forgot?! The best student is supposed to give the welcome speech! You're the best...! Well, you're supposed to have the title of the best student."

"Ah, right. I already sorted it out, don't worry."

"No wonder I never saw you rehearsing. Oh, Saik, wasting another chance to be popular. I don't understand you!"

"Don't bother trying to understand me."

"Yeah, yeah, I know, I'll never be able to understand your way of thinking, cold guy."

I looked at the students around me.

Few, very few students wear luxury brand items like watches or bags, and those few students stand out by being in groups.

I see... Yes, definitely, this school is weird.

Some are also judging me, and not just with their gaze; they're mocking me out loud.

Yuki seems worried about me, but I won't pay any attention to those insults; it's not worth worrying about.

I'd better head straight to the welcome ceremony.

"Hey, look at that guy."

"Why doesn't he style his hair?"

"He looks strange."

"Fufu. I thought emos had gone extinct."

Hey, random girl, I'm not an emo... What's an emo? I don't know what it is, but I'm not that... I think. What's an emo?

The voices of the people around me don't matter to me. I stopped caring about people's opinions a long time ago. But what the hell is an emo?

"Now, the representative of the incoming students."

The ceremony is dragging on. I'm sleepy. Ah, I had forgotten that school could be so boring.

Ah, well, a little nap wouldn't hurt.

"Hey, don't fall asleep!"

Yuki sat on my lap.

"You need to stay awake."

Ah, I'm so bored.

"Thank you."- Said the representative as she went to the front.

Ram, huh? It must be her, since Yuki said she's the smartest.

... A little girl? Oh, no, she's just flat.

Wow. She's a really cute girl, but her serious expression makes her seem quite mature. Her white hair and blue eyes are pretty. She has long hair, like Yuki. Mmm... I think she'd look even more adorable with short hair.

She reminds me of Yuki because of her hair and eye color, but they're very different in terms of personality. Yuki is quite outgoing and energetic, but Ram seems very serious and dull.

The speech started, and I closed my eyes. Nobody can see my eyes, so I don't care.

Ah, so sleepy.

"Saik, wake up!"

Yuki hit me on the head, and I opened my eyes.

Ah, in the blink of an eye, my sleep ended. Well, at least I rested.

"You need to get up."

Ah, I fell asleep. Everyone is already getting up from their seats.

I got up and yawned. Well, finally, time to go to the classroom.

"I'm sleepy."

"Hey, wait."

Did someone talk to me? No, I doubt it; I don't know anyone.

I started walking, but...


Someone put their hand on my shoulder.

"I said wait."

That's the voice of the representative. Ah, how tiresome.

I turned to look at the representative.

"What's up?"

"I have a question. Why did you refuse to give the speech?"

"I felt lazy."



A silence filled the air as she frowned in doubt and confusion. What? Doesn't she believe me?

"You're saying you felt lazy?"

"Yes. Why?"

"Are you serious?"


"... Never mind what I said."

"That's exactly what I'll do."

I walked away from her and stretched my arms.

I need to get used to waking up early. Ah, what a hassle. I hate full-time schedules. Being at school at 7 in the morning and not leaving until 4 in the afternoon. Ah, it's hell on earth.

"Fufu. Look at Ram, Saik. She can't believe that you're better than her. She's probably wondering if you're really intelligent."

"And that means she'll investigate me."

"Exactly! We need to be careful with her, or they'll discover you're an idiot."

"Hey, that hurt, but yeah, you're right."

I hope you don't cause me trouble, Ram.

Alright, I've arrived. Class 1-B.

I entered my classroom and took advantage of the fact that no one has taken the seat next to the window at the last table in the last row.

A quiet seat away from everyone. Perfect for sleeping.

As I walk, I can notice the formation of social groups.

Girls around the handsome guy. Girls who clearly look like annoying girls, the kind who would mock a chubby person by calling them a pig. Some students talking to each other about video games and anime. And a lonely girl and a boy. Well, two boys if I count myself... Well, I guess three boys; there's another one sitting there, reading a manga.

Ah, yes, this classroom seems quite normal.

I sat down, and Yuki sat on my desk.

"Alright, it's time for Yuki's plan! I'll help you make friends!"

"I don't want to."

I put my head on my arms and closed my eyes. What I want to do is sleep. I still have a few free minutes.

"Hey, hey, don't ignore me...! Why can't I touch you?!"

"I want to sleep."

"Everyone is socializing!"

"I don't care."

Let them socialize among themselves; I have to maintain my role as the friendless guy who's always alone. That way, I feel more comfortable.

(Pov- Yuki.)

Ahhhhhhhh! You're driving me crazy, Saik!

Why won't you let me touch you?! Oh, that sounded perverted. Ahhhhhhh! I don't care! Saik, Saik, let me touch you, I want to hit you! Everyone is socializing! Move your butt and go make new friends!

Tsk. My hands still pass right through him. Will you seriously behave this childish?!

"Saik, come on, you need to socialize!"


D-don't tell me... Uwaaaah! He fell asleep already! You idiot, you're missing a unique opportunity! The first day of classes defines your role in the class!

Do you really want to always be the weird guy with no friends? I truly will never understand you, Saik!

"Hey, can I have your number?"

"You must be really smart. I didn't even understand half of the exam questions."

"What's your GPA?"

The class representative is popular among the students... Saik, that could've been you! Why didn't you accept to give the speech?!

God Dog, give me the strength to endure his stupidity.

I know it's rude of me to think that, but it's unavoidable!

"Hi, my name is Danna! Nice to meet you all! Why don't we introduce ourselves? It's the best way to get to know each other better. My name is Danna, I'm 16 years old, and my goal is to be friends with everyone! Pleasure to meet you!"

Oh, wow, I think she went to my school. She was always surrounded by her friends. A girl born to be popular. I haven't seen her in years. She's still as cheerful as ever. She's become even more beautiful. And her breasts have grown a lot... Oh...

I touched my chest, as flat as a board. Why did I die so young?! My mother has big breasts. Genetics were on my side! It's not fair!

"My name is Saoto, I'm 16 years old, and my goal is to be a good student... Kind of boring, isn't it? I know, but..."

He wasn't allowed to finish speaking before his new friends let him know they supported him.

"That's admirable!"

"We'll support you!"

Ugh. Did he say that to appear as a good guy and win the girls' hearts? Although it could also be that he's telling the truth.

... A handsome guy... Mmm... I think I prefer Saik. Yeah, I think Saik is more attractive than him... If only he'd style his hair!

The student representative stood up.

"My name is Ram, and I'm 15 years old. I guess that's it."

A quick introduction. She's definitely a serious girl.

One by one, the students introduced themselves. I've already figured out their personalities and hobbies. I've even spotted the shy girl with no friends. Saik, don't worry, I'll make that girl your girlfriend... or at least your friend.

... It's true, what kind of girls are attractive to Saik? Does he like shy girls, or does he prefer girls with big breasts?

"Hey, it's your... Uh?"

"Is he sleeping?"

Kya! This idiot won't wake up!

"Saik, your ordered video game has arrived!"

Saik lifted his head. Did it work?! It worked! Fufu. I'm great, I know.

"Really...? Ah... You tricked me."- He whispered.

"You should introduce yourself!"

"Huh? What's going on? Why is everyone looking at me?"- He said in his normal voice.

"We're introducing ourselves. It's your turn."- Saoto said.

"Ah, I see."

Saik, everyone is watching you. Don't mess it up!

"My name is Saik... That's all."

He fell asleep again... You idiot!

"You should at least say your age, idiot!"

Everyone gave him strange looks... You've made a bad first impression!

"Saik... Are you the one who scored the highest on the entrance exam?! Incredible!"

Saoto is approaching. W-wait, don't tell me he'll try...

"Hey, hey, Saik, could I ask you some questions? Of course, only if you permit me."

T-this guy is too nice. Don't do it! Saik hates being woken up!

I-still haven't forgotten when he fell asleep on a park bench while I pretended to play with some kids... Pretending to play with them. Oh, how depressing that sounds.

Anyway. Some men (idiots with nothing better to do) kicked him in the stomach to wake him up and make him leave the bench, which they claimed was theirs.

They wanted to intimidate him, to threaten him or something, but when Saik woke up, he didn't get angry at the blow; he got angry because "he was woken up."

And then he proceeded to beat them all up until a policeman came and took Saik away for being violent.

It was the first time I saw Saik fight, and it was awful! And I don't mean because of the blood; I mean they also hit Saik! That idiot hits hard, but he can't fight!

But that day, I learned that Saik doesn't like being woken up. I'm safe since I'm his little sister, but if a stranger does it... Oh... Saik, don't get into trouble!

"Excuse me, Saik, it'll just take a second."

H-he started shaking him gently. I-don't want to see this.


Saik lifted his head and looked at Saoto.

"Don't do anything stupid, Saik!"

"Can we talk?"- Saoto said.

"Hey, idiot, you're annoying. Don't talk to me."

Ahhhhhhhh! I knew it! He didn't hit him, but those words destroyed Saik's reputation!

"I... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bother you."

Saoto left, and the girls' judgmental looks towards Saik didn't take long.

T-they've already started talking bad about him. Goodbye, hope that Saik will make friends!

(Pov - Saik.)

Ah, finally, lunchtime. The first classes are always the most boring, but at least they weren't too complicated.

"Finally, I'm hungry."


Ah, well. What an adorable pout, but I can truly sense anger from her. Now what have I done?

"What's wrong, Yuki?"

"What's wrong? You ruined your first day of classes!"

"Ah, I see. I don't care."

"That's exactly why I'm mad!"

"Come on, eating will help you relax."

"I hope so."

I took out two lunch boxes from my backpack. My mouth is watering just thinking about the taste. I'm definitely starving. Learning is really exhausting. I deserve a good meal after all that inhumane effort.

"Hold on."

Ah, what a hassle.

I stopped and turned to look at the class representative... What was her name? I forgot.

I seriously forgot? Think, Saik, think... Ah, I don't remember. Mental exhaustion doesn't allow me to recall irrelevant details like her name.

"Hello, representative. What's up?"

"You don't remember my name?"

"... Monica?"


"That was my second choice."

"You're lying."

"Well, third option."

"Anyway, it doesn't matter. I'll get straight to the point. Did you cheat on the entrance exam?"


"You cheated?!"

"Yes. A ghost copied the students' answers and gave them to me."

"Haha. How funny."

That sarcastic tone was adorable.

I took a lollipop out of my pocket and offered it to her.


"Huh? Why?"

"You look adorable when you use that sarcastic tone."

"D-don't treat me like a little girl!"

"Am I treating you like an old lady? I also have tea bags."

I took a tea bag out of my pocket and offered it to her.

"Do you want one?"

"... I'm not going to ask why you have that too."

"Well, if that's all, I'm leaving."

"Wait... The teacher asked you some simple questions, and you didn't know how to answer. You're supposed to be the best first-year student."

"I guess I'm not that smart."

"... You're weird."

"I'm told that often. Goodbye, I'm going to eat with the ghost that gave me the answers."

"Cut the jokes and go."

I left the classroom and sighed.

It wasn't a joke.

"Hahahahahaha! It's funny how you tell the truth so easily and they don't believe you! But she's right, you're raising suspicions."

"I need to study more."

But first, I'll solve the problem with my stomach. I need nutrients to grow healthy and strong.