Chapter 223: Understanding the Underlying Intent
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Inside his cave dwelling, Shu Han took a big gulp of wine and pulled out several medium-grade spirit stones. His dried up meridians finally received a trace of spiritual power.

Though his physical injuries were minor, Shu Han was deeply troubled.

Why was a Core Formation monk from Green Thunder Sect lurking around Fiery Cloud Instant Sect and specifically ambushing him? Could it be that the matters of the Immaculate Realm were exposed? Did the Green Thunder Sect send someone after him?

Thinking of this possibility, Shu Han became restless, contemplating packing his belongings and fleeing.

The matter of the Immaculate Realm was of great significance. If exposed, the Green Thunder Sect wouldn't leave any survivors! Moreover, if they discovered his involvement with Linlin, it might even provoke the Nascent Soul Sect Master of Green Thunder Sect to act personally!

After all, Linlin did extort a piece of Chaos Immortal Stone from them that day.

However, rethinking the situation, Shu Han felt something was amiss.

If Green Thunder Sect found out that he escaped from the Immaculate Realm with Linlin, they would surely want to capture him alive.

The sneak attack from the Core Formation elder earlier was clearly intended to kill!

Moreover, with such significant implications, if they truly discovered the matters of the Immaculate Realm, they would have directly approached the Fiery Cloud Instant Sect.

Considering Fiery Cloud Instant Sect's allegiance to the Green Thunder Sect, there was no need for an elder to sneak around and ambush him at night.

From the recent confrontation, it seemed the elder wouldn't have acted if the younger man wasn't having difficulties. This meant that he wasn't of significant importance for the lurking elder to take action. Otherwise, they would have arranged for the elder to assassinate him directly, rather than allowing him to escape so easily.

Piecing everything together, Shu Han felt it was unlikely that the Green Thunder Sect came for him because they discovered his secrets.

Fleeing in haste would only draw more suspicion.

But why would someone from Green Thunder Sect want him dead? And what were Green Thunder Sect's hidden intentions for placing an elder covertly within Fiery Cloud Instant Sect? Weren't the two sects allies in both offense and defense?

After much deliberation, Shu Han still couldn't decide on his next move. After all, with a Core Formation expert wanting his life, he couldn't afford to be careless.

"I should tell Song Jinglun about this. He should be able to provide some insights. Once he's involved, that Core Formation expert surely wouldn't dare to make a move again. Plus, I have a feeling that the hidden Core Formation elder is primarily targeting Fiery Cloud Instant Sect, and trying to kill me just seems like an opportune action on the side. But how should I answer if Song Jinglun asks about my escape?... Mad elder!"

Shu Han slapped his forehead in realization. Song Jinglun knew about his relationship with the mad elder. With the mad elder lurking around Fiery Cloud Instant Sect, being saved by him made perfect sense.

Therefore, after recovering a bit of his spiritual power, Shu Han went to find Song Changyi during the night and explained everything. Song Changyi, taken aback, hastily took Shu Han and flew towards Fiery Cloud Peak.

On the pinnacle of Fiery Cloud Peak, where the spiritual energy was richest, stood a magnificent palace. Song Changyi confidently opened the main gates and knelt on one knee outside.

"Disciple Song Changyi seeks an audience with the Sect Leader for urgent matters!"

Shu Han, surprised, quickly knelt beside Song Changyi.

"He maintains such formalities even at home?"

From inside the palace, Song Jinglun's deep voice echoed, "Changyi, how many times have I told you? Act casually when you're home."

"Sect Leader, the matter Changyi wishes to report is of grave concern for the sect. Please take it seriously."

"Forget it, bring him in."

Suddenly, the palace door opened, and Tang Shaner, dressed in red, stood at the entrance, waving, "Come on in!"

"Son pays respect to mother!"

"Disciple pays respect to aunt master!"

Song Changyi and Shu Han followed Tang Shaner into the palace.

Walking barefoot, Tang Shaner led the way, guiding Song Changyi and Shu Han into Song Jinglun's elegantly simple meditation room.

Song Jinglun, dressed in white, sat serenely in the center. The three radiant flowers above his head slowly retracted. He glanced at Song Changyi and Shu Han, inquiring, "Why have you brought nephew disciple Yu to see me at this late hour?"

Song Changyi replied, "I think it's best if Brother Yu tells the story. I'm just the messenger."

"Respected Sect Leader…"

Song Jinglun chuckled, interrupting Shu Han, saying, "You've already addressed Shaner as aunt master, and you still address me formally in private?"

Shu Han realized his faux pas, correcting himself, "Uncle Master! The matter is such…"

Shu Han then recounted his recent experiences to Song Jinglun, attributing the credit for his escape to the mad elder.

Hearing the tale for the second time, Song Changyi couldn't hide his shock. However, both Song Jinglun and Tang Shaner remained unfazed, as if listening to a mundane story.

The silence made Song Changyi feel uneasy. He couldn't help but ask, "Father, Mother! Why are you reacting this way? Green Thunder Sect has actually stationed a Core Formation elder in our vicinity, intending to assassinate our elite disciple. What is their motive? Could it be that Green Thunder Sect is harboring ill intentions towards our Fiery Cloud Instant Sect?"

Looking at the agitated Song Changyi, Song Jinglun responded with a mild smile, "Changyi, it's alright to tell you. Your mother and I have known about this for some time. The Core Formation cultivator lurking around our Fiery Cloud Instant Sect is Lin Weiyi, an elder from the older generation of Green Thunder Sect. He arrived here eighty years ago."


Song Changyi exclaimed in shock, with Shu Han equally taken aback.

"Since you knew, then why..."

Song Jinglun calmly interjected, "Because he is from Green Thunder Sect!"

Standing up with a confident demeanor, Song Jinglun explained, "The reason the Fiery Cloud Instant Sect can securely establish itself in the north of Great Cloud is largely due to the support of Green Thunder Sect. Otherwise, the lurking Devil Music Sect would have made their move on us long ago. Even though we rely on the Green Thunder Sect, our sect operates independently. Changyi, if you were the leader of Green Thunder Sect, wouldn't you be concerned about the sect under your protection having ulterior motives?"

Listening to this, Song Changyi gradually fell silent.

Song Jinglun continued, "Sending a Core Formation elder to watch over us is a clear sign. Green Thunder Sect is covertly warning us not to make any unexpected moves. On the other hand, by observing this elder, we can gauge Green Thunder Sect's intentions. If Green Thunder Sect suddenly withdraws this surveillance elder, that's when we truly need to be vigilant!"

Song Changyi sighed deeply, "Has our vast Fiery Cloud Instant Sect always been under someone else's oversight?"

Song Jinglun patted his shoulder, consoling, "Changyi, this situation won't last much longer."

Shu Han inquired, "Uncle Master, why did the surveillance elder target me?"

Song Jinglun chuckled, "To be honest, I'm not sure. How about I capture him, and you can ask him in person?"

Shu Han, taken aback, replied, "Uncle Master is joking."

Song Jinglun reassured, "I will send a discreet warning to that man. He won't target you again. Also, the protection of your senior surely scared him off. Disciple nephew, don't worry. Such things won't happen again."

Shu Han expressed his gratitude, "Thank you for your guidance, Uncle Master!"

"Alright, if there's nothing else, you may leave."

After Shu Han and Song Changyi left, Song Jinglun looked at Tang Shaner, his eyes gleaming with triumph.

Holding Tang Shaner's delicate hand and pulling her close, he whispered in her ear, "Shaner, did you see? The fish is eager to bite. Our long-cast line is finally about to catch this big fish."

Tang Shaner softly wrapped her arms around Song Jinglun's neck, whispering, "Yes, the fish is about to be hooked."