Chapter 225: Battle against Han Su
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The sight of the ravishing Meng Shuran being swatted away with a brick was too tragic. Numerous male cultivators were heartbroken and collectively berated the instigator, Shu Han.

After stepping off the platform, Shu Han was immediately surrounded by the outraged cultivators, who verbally attacked him, clearly itching for a physical confrontation.

However, Shu Han's mind was occupied with Han Su's fight. He had intended to quickly finish his own battle to observe Han Su's strength. But now, surrounded by this mob, he felt a strong urge to roll his eyes in annoyance.


"How does our Fiery Cloud Instant Sect have such a rude disciple like you?"

"Such a delicate flower, yet you were so ruthless!"

The incessant chattering gave Shu Han a headache. With a forceful stomp, the ground quaked, sending the chatty cultivators flying with a shockwave.

Though these men were aware that Shu Han was the master of the top disciple in the Earthfire Leaderboard, they had never witnessed his real strength, so they boldly confronted him relying on their superior numbers.

However, a mere display of Shu Han's power scattered them like insignificant shrimps, causing them to flee in panic.

Indeed, any prominent figure on the Heavenly Fire Leaderboard wouldn't behave so crudely, ambushing Shu Han over a woman. While Shu Han thought this way, he spotted Wei Haolong amongst the scattered crowd. This rascal was actually mingling with them, joining in their criticism.

Seeing Shu Han's disapproving look, Wei Haolong chuckled guiltily, "Damn, got caught! Sorry, couldn't help but join them when I saw you being so ruthless. But you really missed the mark this time!"

Shu Han grabbed Wei Haolong, rolling his eyes, "You'll never change. I hope I don't face you in the advancement rounds. Better you get knocked out in the group stage."

Wei Haolong dusted himself off, grinning confidently, "Get knocked out in the group stage? Impossible! Old Yu, just wait, I'll surely surprise you during the advancement rounds."

With that, he strutted away.

Watching Wei Haolong's swaggering figure, Shu Han couldn't help but smile, thinking the young man was probably bluffing.

However, amidst all this commotion, Han Su's match ended, preventing Shu Han from analyzing his fighting techniques.

Han Su, standing on his platform, gave Shu Han a slight smile, his eyes full of battle intent.

Feeling Han Su's gaze, Shu Han sensed that their confrontation was imminent.

Soon after the conclusion of the seventh group, the second round for the eighth group began.

Shu Han watched as Wei Haolong ascended the platform. His opponent was a mid-stage cultivator. Wei Haolong seemed much more relaxed than the day before, his moves flowing freely, showcasing his true strength. In just a few moves, he knocked the mid-stage disciple off the platform.

Seeing Wei Haolong's smug expression, Shu Han felt relieved. In the eighth group, nobody except himself was a match for Wei Haolong.

In the subsequent rounds, all the spectators' attention was riveted to the seventh group.

Not only did this group feature captivating and seductive fighters, but it also had Shu Han and Han Su, two outstanding talents. It seemed as though Shu Han and Han Su were competing silently, effortlessly defeating every opponent in the seventh group without a single loss. However, they hadn't faced each other yet.

The rules of the group stage dictated that every participant had to battle every other member, tallying up the total wins. Even if they hadn't met at the start, they would inevitably clash by the end of the group rounds. All spectators eagerly awaited this moment.

One was the runner-up of the last Heavenly Fire Leaderboard. The other was the dark horse. It almost seemed planned that Shu Han and Han Su, both undefeated, advanced to the final round.

Given that both had won all their matches, whoever won this round would top the seventh group.

Having observed Han Su in the previous days, Shu Han couldn't discern his tactics nor gauge his real strength. Han Su, like Shu Han, chose to instantly defeat his opponents in the group stage, concealing his true techniques.

Finally, it came to the last round of the group stage.

On this day, spectators were all eagerly anticipating the final round of the seventh group. The advancing disciples of the other groups had been mostly decided, only the seventh group remained a mystery.

When it was time for the seventh group, Heavenly Fire Elder combined all the smaller platforms into one giant arena, allowing Shu Han and Han Su ample space.

He understood that the magnitude of this battle was no less than the final championship.

On this day, Sect Leader Song Jinglun and his wife, Lady Tang Shaner, made a rare appearance to watch the group stage of the Heavenly Fire Leaderboard.

Traditionally, the Sect Leader only came to watch during the advancement rounds.

This highlighted the importance of this battle.

Shu Han glanced at the vast arena stretching ten miles wide, making the people on the opposite side seem so minuscule.

Bai Xingyan, standing by the side, firmly declared, "My master will surely win!"

Di Guxue looked at Shu Han and said, "Uncle master, you're destined to meet my master in the advancement rounds. You can't lose here!"

Wei Haolong said, "Old Yu, don't get knocked down early just because you're afraid to face me!"

Song Changyi remarked, "Brother Yu, our strengths are closely matched. You can surely defeat Han Su!"

Shu Han responded with a confident smile and leaped onto the stage.

From across the vast platform, Shu Han gazed at Han Su, who solemnly drew two long swords from his backβ€”one red and one blue. Shu Han had never seen him use these during the earlier group matches. They were probably his Lifebound magic treasures, specifically chosen to counter Shu Han.

In contrast, Shu Han casually held Elder Lu's golden Gilded Soul-Calming Brick. Next to Han Su's red and blue swords, his choice seemed a bit underwhelming.

Song Changyi, surprised, asked, "At such a crucial juncture, Brother Yu isn't revealing his Golden Light Divine Sword and the Thunder Summoning Flags? Is he keeping them as backup? It's unwise. Holding back against Han Su will likely lead to suppression."

Wei Haolong explained, "Old Yu said that both his magic treasures were damaged in the Southern Forest and are not at their full power. They're currently being nurtured in a furnace with heavenly fire. Sigh, if he had those two magic treasures with him, I wouldn't be this anxious. Carrying around a giant golden brick all day, he really has a rugged demeanor."

Shu Han and Han Su locked eyes across the platform. Although ten miles seemed a vast distance, it was just a few breaths away for cultivators.

Shu Han made the first move, swinging a golden brick fiercely towards Han Su.

The brick tore through the air, creating a series of explosive sounds, reaching Han Su at an astonishing speed.

Though the Gilded Soul-Calming Brick wasn't perfectly aligned with Shu Han's nature, it was still a Core Formation Lifebound magic treasure of impressive quality.

Covering the ten-mile distance in an instant, the brick was blocked by Han Su's dual swords.

Upon impact, Han Su was pushed back several steps.

Shu Han immediately moved, closing the distance with lightning speed. He continued to pull out brick after brick, targeting Han Su's head with a barrage of strikes. Han Su defended himself with his swords, emitting Earth Dragon Flames. Blasts of Heavenly Fire Sword Qi clashed with the bricks, causing a deafening noise that overwhelmed the audience.

In a continuous stream, Shu Han hurled all seventy-two bricks, yet none seemed to injure Han Su. Instead, they allowed Han Su to seamlessly enter the third level of the Instantaneous Blink Technique.