Chapter 235: The Role of the Bewitching Body
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After Meng Shuran chose Shu Han, she naturally stood beside him.

This attracted envious and jealous glances from the other cultivators. Shu Han felt like rolling his eyes and thought, "Who wants to swap with me? I'd be more than happy!"

Next, Gu Panchun stepped forward. She swept her gaze around, not lingering on Shu Han, and finally settled on Song Changyi.

Song Changyi glared, clearly repulsed by being chosen as if he were some merchandise. However, Gu Panchun seemed oblivious to his resentful gaze, instead approaching him with a playful grin and brazenly taking his arm.

Shu Han could clearly feel Song Changyi's rising anger.

Given his temperament in the past, he would have pushed Gu Panchun away by now. However, over the years, he had matured a lot, especially after learning more about the sect's secrets. He had become more composed, no longer openly challenging the authority of his father, the sect leader.

Soon, all twelve young women had made their selections.

Song Jinglun addressed them, "Now, on to the specifics of the mission. Listen closely. After each of you receives the Earth Dragon Fire origin, you are to cultivate and refine it within yourself over eight years. Once the transformation is complete, you'll need to infuse half of the refined Earth Dragon Fire origin into your partner."

Huh? Infusing the cultivated Earth Dragon Fire origin into the bewitching body? What does that mean?

Suddenly, Shu Han recalled what Wei Haolong had previously told him about bewitching bodies.

Female cultivators possess a yin nature, making it extremely difficult for them to bear the intense yang energy of the Earth Dragon Fire origin. The bewitching bodies, with their ultimate yin origin, would be even less likely to tolerate it.

Now the sect leader wanted them to transfer the Earth Dragon Fire origin to the bewitching bodies! What was the purpose?

An insight struck him, and Shu Han thought of the Pure Ice Jade Pillar.

Pure ice represents the extreme yin and cold. The Heavenly Fire Conversion Formation relies on twelve Pure Ice Jade Pillars, infused with the Earth Dragon Fire origin and balanced in yin and yang, as its core.

Twelve Pure Ice Jade Pillars! Twelve ultimate yin bewitching bodies!

In an instant, the pieces in Shu Han's mind clicked together.

The day he saw Song Jinglun assigning the Forest Tribe's four priests to transform the Heavenly Fire Protective Formation into the Heavenly Fire Conversion Formation, he realized that Song Jinglun intended to harness the Earth Dragon Fire Main Vein from Fiery Cloud Peak using the vast Heavenly Fire Conversion Formation.

However, he had always wondered how Song Jinglun planned to create the twelve yin-yang balanced cores.

Now, everything became clear.

So he plans to use the twelve bewitching bodies that absorbed the Earth Dragon Fire origin as human cauldrons. Combined with the Heavenly Fire Conversion Array based beneath the mountain, he aims to directly transform and harness the Earth Dragon Fire Main Vein!

No wonder he brought so many bewitching bodies to the Fiery Cloud Instant Sect and spared no expense in enhancing their cultivation levels. All this was to lay the groundwork for his Nascent Soul project in eight years!

It's a good strategy, but how is one supposed to infuse the Earth Dragon Fire origin into the bewitching body?

Shu Han remained puzzled. Bewitching bodies are innately yin in nature. Even if the Earth Dragon Fire origin is tamed and transformed within a male cultivator, it's not something a bewitching body can bear.

He then thought of the Pure Ice Jade Pillar again. The Pure Ice Jade Pillar is about infusing the utmost yang and rigid Earth Dragon Fire into the utmost yin and cold Pure Ice. And the two elements blend perfectly without conflict.

Shu Han had once meticulously studied the Pure Ice Jade Pillar. The decisive element in the process was the core rune of the Heavenly Fire Conversion Formation, which he had always lacked!

Could it be…

Just then, Song Jinglun spoke up, snapping Shu Han out of his deep contemplation.

"During the mission, your statuses will be comparable to elders and will report directly to me. No one else will have the authority to command you. You will be allocated fifty thousand sect contribution points and granted unrestricted access to the Fiery Cloud Onsen. Once the mission is successful, the sect will replenish your lost Earth Dragon Fire origin."

"However, during the mission, you must not disclose any details to anyone, nor leave the mountain without permission. You must also ensure the safety of your partners at all times. Fail in any of these three aspects, and the mission will be deemed a failure. Fail the mission, and you bear the consequences."

With these seemingly indifferent words, Song Jinglun both enticed them with honey and threatened them with a stick, leaving everyone present in a mix of exhilaration and apprehension.

After speaking, Song Jinglun waved his hand, and twelve beams of fire light entered their foreheads, leaving a fiery red mark, which then disappeared.

Instantly, a unique set of spells manifested in their minds.

Shu Han examined this set of spells, sensing a flow of spiritual power that felt both familiar and foreign.

He carefully felt the composition of the spell and had a realization. This spell seemed to be adapted from the core rune of the Heavenly Fire Conversion Formation.

Song Jinglun said, "The mark I bestowed upon you contains a spell, which is used to transfer the Earth Dragon Fire origin. This mark also tracks your location, so do not leave the sect without permission!"

With a grand wave of his hand, Song Jinglun said, "Go, return with your partners and carefully contemplate the spell. Later, the Earth Dragon Fire origin will be distributed during our first assembly."

Everyone bowed and took their leave. Just then, Song Jinglun transmitted a message to Shu Han.

"Nephew disciple, both you and Changyi may come and go from the mountain freely. I've heard from Shan'er that the senior brother is teaching you the Heavenly Fire Body Refining Technique, and he has always been reluctant to ascend Fiery Cloud Peak. Both of you should often descend the mountain to take care of him but do not stray too far from Fiery Cloud Instant Sect. It will be challenging for me to assist you if something happens."

"Understood, Sect Leader!"


Descending from the Heavenly Fire Platform.

Although he had the special permission from Song Jinglun to freely enter and exit the Fiery Cloud Instant Sect, Shu Han still felt uneasy.

Firstly, he glanced at the silent Meng Shuran beside him. According to Song Jinglun, not only would he have to transfer the Earth Dragon Fire origin to this woman for the next eight years, but he also had to ensure her safety. Having her around would limit his actions.

Secondly, Shu Han was uneasy about the mark on his forehead. With Song Jinglun's mark, he felt as if he was constantly under surveillance. This made him uncomfortable, considering he had many secrets.

Once they descended from the mountain peak, Shu Han flew directly to his cave dwelling. Meng Shuran grabbed his sleeve and asked, "Where are you going?"

With patience, Shu Han replied, "I'm returning to my cave to cultivate!"

Meng Shuran retorted, "Going back to your cave? Have you forgotten what the Sect Leader said? The Fiery Cloud Onsen is open for both of us, and you choose cave cultivation over the top-tier spring?"

Cultivate with you at the spring?

Shu Han sighed and said candidly, "Miss Meng, I know many male cultivators are infatuated with you, but I am not among them! Honestly, I don't wish to spend too much time with you. Fiery Cloud Instant Sect is essentially safe, so you don't need my protection. Why not cultivate at the spring by yourself?"

Meng Shuran was taken aback by Shu Han's frankness, but she responded, "You're right, I don't want to linger around you either. However, the method of transferring the Earth Dragon Fire requires both of us to cooperate. By mastering this technique sooner, we can complete the mission earlier. Then, I don't have to always follow you."

Cultivate together? Could the spell be adapted from half of the core runes?

Shu Han continued, "If you don't want to be around me, why did you choose me?"

Meng Shuran smiled bitterly but beautifully, "You've seen the way they look at me. I want even less to do with them. Compared to them, you are better."

Shu Han was stunned, "My gaze wasn't any better at the time!"

"You were pretending."

Shu Han: ............