8 – Homecoming
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Within a weary carriage was a hooded boy wrapped in ragged cloth. The boy sat silently alongside other passengers as he waited for the cart to pass through the capital's gates and enter the main city.

The boy felt a certain unease as the cart was being expected by guards. They looked through the peek hole at the back and saw nothing but commoners, merchants, and a few mercenaries here and there. 

"Seems good." One of the guards spoke to another and soon enough the old rattling carriage reached its destination.

"This is where y'all drop at." The man crudely spoke in a voice creaking like rotten floorboards.

The hooded boy along with his fellow passengers slowly filtered themselves out the back of the carriage and breathed in the air of the capital's city. 

Liones, The Crusz Empire's Capital of Opportunities. Well…that's how the people would like you to believe. The world isn't so pretty after all.

There's crooks, thieves, human traffickers, and scum that lurk amongst the everyday folk, blending in like predators waiting for the right moment to strike.

The boy knew this and he didn't waste even a single moment before he headed to where he was supposed to. 

Within his shaggy ragged robe was a tanned light leather armor and a silver edged sword strapped to his waist. Ready for any lowlife that would try and pick a fight with him.

From afar the boy looked to be from unknown origin, likely foreign. With his beautiful face that could charm any noble lady and a lean figure that flaunted his training. He was tall and although he was hooded and a robe covered his body, you could easily tell that this boy would be such a heartbreaker.

He stepped and peek through the alleyways, as if he was scanning for any nearby threats. This wasn't the first time he had ever been alone. He would always run off and do his own thing and come back having finished all his duties, and incidentally worrying the other people he worked with due to his sudden disappearance.

His associates would often nag him for his extreme efficiency and lack of comradery but he paid attention to absolutely none of them and preferred to do things his own way. 

He glided like a kite in the wind through the crowds of people that amassed in the streets. Buying from different stands, corners, and shops, from the most rundown to the most outstanding, seemingly taking a bit of time to enjoy himself.

He then purposefully stopped at what looked like your run of the mill inconspicuous city cafe. With its tattered wooden sign that had the ink painted on it be so old that you can't even make out any of the letters and uncleaned wooden steps that still had a bit of gunk on the side.

The boy pushed open the door and a wave of relief washed over him, wiping away all the unease and wariness he felt while walking around the streets. 

The barista looked up at him with a smile on his face. The man was cleaning up clear glass cups with a clean white towel. The inside of the cafe was a lot more sophisticated than it's outside. With its smooth lined wooden floors, its varnished and reflective balsa wooden tables, and a large lamp that hung in the middle of the ceiling.

The boy took a seat and the wooden stool twisted and creaked. "Great Morning, isn't it good sir?"

"Truly a fine day." The man with a pep in his step placed the glasses down and handed them to the boy, he then proceeded to lean on the counter. The man had long choppy brown hair and hazelnut eyes that looked as appetizing as the coffee they served. "What might be someone as high standing as you be doing in a run down coffee shop like this?"

The boy froze and his palms clenched on the glass cup tightly. He took a breath. He could easily kill this guy to keep his mouth from being so snarky, but he stayed composed and handed the man back his cup. "I'll take an espresso, made black, please."

The man snickered, grabbed the cup, and leaned his shoulders on the shelf behind him. "For a split second, I felt extreme bloodlust." He turned around to start brewing coffee. "You must be someone strong enough to pour off such an immense aura."

"I came here for something important."

"Oh believe me, I know." The man finished the coffee faster than the boy's ever seen before. "Everyone here does, they look for the Mistress." 

"Did your Mistress order someone to save me?" The boy clicked his tongue and the barista simply raised an eyebrow and laughed.

"Oh, I promise you, she'd rather die than consciously save someone like you ." He laughed and poured some sugar into the boy's coffee who glared at him for doing so. "You seemed to have perhaps mistaken my single minded boss for someone far kinder, Good Sir." 

"Tsk." The boy clicked his tongue again and drew his sword. He pointed its tip at the barista's throat who didn't even flinch.

The man who served the coffee only smiled as the hood fell and revealed the boy's beautiful face, and striking red hair. His imperial crest in necklace hanging on his chest and the special silver sword he had in his hand. "Calm down, Your Highness. I'm sure you wouldn't try to sully our business's partnership with you won't you?"

Ben let down his sword and grit his teeth at the smirking barista. "Let her know of my arrival, Daniel."

"I'm afraid the master is out currently. She's off doing separate business." He clasped his hands together and his eyes squinted mischievously. "To deal with some problems regarding the Underworld."

"The Underworld?" Ben's ears perked up. "What business does she have with her rival?"

"Apparently, The Lady of the Underworld has been busy dealing with copycats ruining their reputation. The Master simply wants to watch the fun of it all. See how it goes down." Daniel shrugged. 

"Is the White Cats really this tardy?" Ben addressed their guild and Daniel looked offended as he shook his head.

"You're mistaken, Your Highness. You simply arrived at a least opportune time. The Underworld isn't the only one busy with maintaining reputation." His usual carefree attitude turned serious. "The cause? It's the Kingdom rats that you despise, Your Highness."

Ben pursed his lips and sat back down. "They're in the Empire!?" His face furrowed with discontent.

"For the longest time now, Your Highness." Daniel explained. "It's taking much effort from both the Underworld Madam and My Mistress to manage against them."

"Don't tell me…"

"They're planning to turn the Empire upside down by uprooting the Underworld from its throne." Daniel smiled. "The White Cats won't be safe either, as an information guild, it won't be long before they put their full force against us."

"Aren't the nobles doing something? Losing control of the underground criminal activity will send the Empire into total anarchy!" Ben frustratingly spoke.

"You know as well as I do how greedy the nobles are, Your Highness." He tapped his finger on the counter. "Don't be so naive to think that the aristocrats care about balance. For them, when the Underworld is gone, that only means they can express their scummy debauchery once more."


"Precisely. A human can fetch quite a fair price, you know, and The Underworld being a hindrance to such a profitable business market is quite annoying for them, don't you think? Add to the fact the Underworld regulates mercenaries and criminal guilds as well."

"What has happened since then?"

"The Underworld is too busy fighting against the Kingdom underground while the nobles lavishly spend their money, after all, When the cat sleeps, the mice will play." Daniel pulled a knife from under the desk and stabbed it into the counter. "I suggest Your Highness meets with the Underworld Madam, as far as I know she's the only one with enough resources to send someone to prevent your death." 

Ben's face scrunched up. The Underworld isn't a particularly welcoming place for people like him. It operates entirely on its own, under a deal with the Imperial family, one that was made long long ago. It was practically as powerful as a ducal family.

But for it to be played around with by the Kingdom….

There was one thing that Ben desired in his life and that was the complete annihilation of the Delha Kingdom. The more he learns of their actions the more the anger builds up inside of his heart.

They will pay for what they did to his sister and for all their crimes against the Empire.

But for that to happen, he must acquire strength and power. 

"Your Highness," Daniel smiled as he addressed the Crown Prince, "since you're back at the capital, I assume it's time we set your plan into motion."

"Yes, I will gain the favor of the 4 dukes of the Crusz Empire and I will reign in the wild horse that is the Underworld." He declared. "All of this to destroy that filthy, disgusting, wretched place." His soul filled with nothing but contempt and revenge

Daniel smiled and brewed another cup of coffee for the prince. "You remember the first step?"

"Yes." Ben sipped his coffee. "With Father's help… Marry the daughter of Duke Ramirez."

Daniel tapped the glass of the Prince with his own, stifling a light chuckle. "She's one tough cookie, Your Highness. And I don't think your mentor, the Duchess, would approve either."

"Then I'll win their favor. Simple. Their daughter won't be able to refuse the proposal of the Prince once he arrives at their doorstep and the Duchess won't be a problem, I'll handle her." The Prince stood up and prepared himself to leave the cafe. "Not even the strong willed Duchess Roselia will be able to stop this plan from happening."

He then stepped outside the establishment and back onto the bustling street. Somewhere in the capital lay one of the many Mansions of House Ramirez. 

He lifted the necklace that carried his family's crest up to his face. "For you, I'm prepared to become a villain of this world." He muttered silently, as his robe hid away his imperial status once more. "They will suffer like you did, My beloved sister, Maddison." He swore.

Away from the capital and off at the outskirts of the kingdom, The Leader of the Underworld; The Red Witch, Maddison, looked unto her subordinate as the woman battled fiercely with the Delhan Swordsman.

"You filthy harlot!" The swordsman spat blood on the dirt as a kick connected with his right cheek and sent him tumbling. "Why won't you die!?"

"AHAHAHAHA!" Katherine cackled, her clothes were pretty much torn to shreds, her blonde hair messy and all over the place, even so. Her body showed no signs of injury. "Your resentful words only make me want to piss you off more!"

She stomped on the dirt and scrunched up her bare feet. The ground cracked and debris flew to the sky as she took a stance. "I wanna see if you're good enough to play with this!" She grinned and the swordsman panicked. "Five-fold! Panther's pounce!" She roared and in a blast of energy the ground exploded underneath her from the pressure and launched her towards the swordsman.

"Kaimetsu Yaiba: ikazuchi!" The swordsman followed suit with his own stance and drew his sword so fast that the slash bursted with lightning.

When Katherine's fist and the blade met, a fiery explosion of dust and dirt erupted from the scene. 

When the dust cloud had cleared, the swordsman stood still as his sword was shattered into pieces and his chest pierced with an arm. 

"Guess you aren't a good enough player after all." Katherine disappointingly scowled.

"OWAAAAAAAGHH–" The dead man tried to scream his anguish but Katherine bent her body once more to launch another kick effectively decapitating him. 

"Too noisy." She plunged her pinky into her ear and twisted it around. "It's deafening."

Maddison smiled as she slowly descended from the tree and into the battlefield in front of the woman who had just killed another Adjudicator. "Adequate job, Katherine." Her voice was sweet but there was a sharpness to it. "But you had too much fun." The young lady's tone was annoyed and Katherine shrieked in fear.

"Apologies, Madam!" She bowed her head. 

The young leader sighed and rubbed her temples to wane her irritation. "Go back to base, get yourself fixed up." She eyed the woman down from head to toe. "You're far too dirty and bloody to stay here, you look disgusting."

"But, My Lady, What about this hideout right here!?" She pleaded to stay. "I assure you, I am more than capable of bringing this whole thing down myself! If you would just–"

Suddenly a glowering pressure darkened the entire atmosphere as the air turned suffocating. Katherine couldn't breathe as she fell to the ground kneeling and whimpering. The eyes of a towering monster loomed above her.

"Do I need to repeat myself?" Her voice was quiet but it was agonizingly deafening.

"No Madam, I-I shall take my leave." Katherine squirmed and yelped. Her shadow came from behind her and swallowed her up and in a single moment, the war torn undying woman had disappeared.

"Well then..." The red haired witch sat in the air as she stared down the large building that the Delhan impersonators used as their main headquarters. It looked run down and abandoned, so much so that you wouldn't notice it unless you were looking for it. 

She knew that a bunch of the Delhan soldiers escaped during Katherine's fight with that swordsman, so there were obviously going to be things missing from their oh so secret warehouse.

She walked around inside the decrepit structure, glancing and skimming through some notes and papers. As she had thought, some of their future plans were missing.

Either the soldiers managed to run away with it or it was never even here in the first place. She had access to a general scope of whatever the Kingdoms plan was but it had missing pieces to it and some puzzle pieces didn't line up properly.

Then there was an added factor that this entire operation may inevitably change due to the information breach that basically leaked their entire plan. She clicks her tongue and crumples the papers in her hands.

Suddenly around her the supporting pillars slowly came down and crashed to the ground. Maddison didn't seem affected nor worried however.

She sighed and took her time in walking out of the collapsing warehouse as if she was on a mere stroll. 

Though rocks and steel tried and made their way over to her head, none of it even touched a hair in her body as before it could even come close; it was launched far like if it was merely swatted away.

When she finally reached the clearing once more, the warehouse completely succumbed to its weight and nothing but its destroyed remains were left behind. 

"Quite a spectacular sight isn't it?" A smooth voice that slid like butter spoke from behind her. "It appears I may have been gone for a bit too long."

"It appears so." The Madam spoke in an indifferent tone. "Fret not, you'll be with them soon enough."

Then the earth beneath her exploded into pieces.