9 – First Move
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Smoke and dust.

As far as the eye could see.

Smoke and dust filled the air as the sound of cracking earth and trees being uprooted ravaged the once flat clearing. A man had his suit torn to shreds and his white hair turning dark from all the dirt that gathered on its strands.

He winced as he felt his arm go numb and his legs trembling. He scanned his eyes on the dust cloud that enveloped the entire field preventing anyone from being seen through its thickness.

He couldn't believe what had just happened. He had simply left to report to his superior about the success of the plan only to come back and see his dead partner's mangled body and the base he had worked hard to maintain scourged to the ground.

He tried taking a step forward but he stumbled. He was dazed, unable to properly walk. What's in front of him wasn't human, it was a demon.

"Ice skill: Frost wall!" He grit his teeth and slammed both of his hands to the ground and a gigantic wall of ice precipiced over the cracks in the dirt. He turned around to run away but in a single instant the wall he so desperately erected was shattered into pieces.

His eyes grew in size as he witnessed his ice shard fall to the earth and fade away. This was a mistake. A complete utter mistake.

He never should've fought her. He should've tried to run away. He shouldn't have gotten cocky just because he was considered powerful. He took a step back as the demonic figure slowly formed through the smoke. He felt tears well up in his eyes but he stood his ground.

This may have been a mistake but he wasn't going to die a coward. "Ice skill: Arctic Spikes!" He placed his hand on the dirt again and from it large spikes of ice disgorged and pierced the wind with incredible speed.

But before it could reach the demon, its tip broke and disappeared. 

He slid his leg and took a stance. He knew this was going to be the last thing he could do since this would sap him completely out of energy. "Ice skill: Blizzard Hell!" 

The air turned frigid and his breath turned visible. Suddenly wind picked up and little icicles formed all around them and twirled around the field, collecting the dust clouds and revealing the monster he was facing.

There she was, a red haired beast. Her dress was unsullied and undisturbed. Her face and eyes looked completely indifferent to his struggle, like she couldn't even be bothered to spare a thought for him. Just who was this devil?

She looked unperturbed with every step she took. The blizzard of icicles seemingly ineffective whatsoever to her as not a single one even touched her let alone reached her.

"Wh-What are you!?" He couldn't hold his composure any longer. He fell to his knees as death loomed over him. This was an unbeatable enemy. It's funny, maybe if he had just turned his back he could've gone home safely. He stared at the sky as her steps grew closer and closer until she was in front of him.

"What's your name?" Her voice was apathetic.

He felt defeated but he smiled. "Reiss Fischer." 

"You're far too weak." The woman said and he laughed aloud one more time.

"This is some shitty fuckin luck." His hands gripped the dirt beneath him and in his state of frustration, he gathered a clump in his palms and threw it at her dress.

The witch didn't move; she let the dirt reach her and stain her clothes. The hem of her skirt, blemished by a poor man's last hurrah.

"Finally." He chuckled. A light breeze of wind passed by, it felt chilly and calm. The field grew silent and only the sound of a body falling to the ground could be heard.

The demon, Maddison, carried the Ice user's head in her hands. She had felt pity for the man but she couldn't care less for his bravery. She tossed his head into the rubble of the warehouse.

"Elijah." She muttered and behind her a boy was kneeling as if had been there the entire time. "Have Leslie over here immediately."

And just like that, the boy disappeared once more.

"Nothing will be left behind." Maddison murmured and stared at the corpses and absolutely ruined warehouse. The once empty clearing was now filled with rubble, debris, and carcasses. 

"The time is getting closer." Her fists clenched. "Delha Kingdom, watch as I raze everything that you've built down to the ground and watch me trample your pride with every single step."

"Madam." A voice spoke from behind interrupting her rage. The voice was feminine and of a much older woman. There was an adult lady in pants, her brown hair tied to a ponytail, and weapons strapped on her waist. "I am here upon your request."

"It's you, Leslie." Maddison spoke candidly. She straightened her sleeves and wiped her dress. "Burn everything, the only trace left behind will be ashes."

"As you wish." Leslie stood up and suddenly her body started crackling with cinders.

Maddison's face was illuminated by the red flames in front of her. It was a marvelous sight as the gigantic fires engulfed everything in its path. The enemies' documents, bodies, plans, all of it gone. Swallowed by the flames of anger. 

These rats have played around for far too long. Now that she has an idea for what's coming, she's ready to move.

And her first step was: To gain the trust and alliance of the Ramirez Duchy.

Far from all the chaos and within the safe walls of the capital, the daughter of the Duke Ramirez felt a sneeze come up from her nose. 

"Achoo!" Alejandra wiped her nose. "Is someone talking about me?" She pondered as she responded to letters and fixed some documents in her father's study.

"I believe there are a few people who would be talking about our very beautiful lady right here." Teresa flattered as she handed the lady a towel to wipe her nose. "Though, it seems you've rejected each proposal that comes your way."

"I don't have time for stupid people like that, Teri. They're clearly not in love with me and simply want to use me to raise their ranks." The young lady rolled her eyes as she signed the last pieces of paper. "I'd rather die, than have a bumbling idiot inherit this duchy alongside me." She stretched and fell to the backrest in her chair.

"Fair." Teri then slowly nudged her lady's shoulders. "But the prince isn't a bumbling idiot isn't he?" Her eyebrows wiggled with suggestion and Alejandra only glowered her eyes.

"If I marry His Highness, I'd have to become his Empress. I already have enough work cut out for me in this House." She shivered at the thought. "I can't imagine running an entire country."

"True enough…" Teri's ears perked up again. "But isn't he extremely handsome though?"

"Teri. Maybe you should marry him yourself huh?" Alejandra snapped, annoyed at her. "Gosh. You compliment a man you've never even met far too much."

"But he does seem super cool though! Right Asher?" Teri insisted and even brought the poor knight who was standing guard by the door.

"Oh uh…"

"Don't indulge her, Ash." Alejandra waved her hand and the knight chuckled and nodded. "Teri, you're still sixteen. Your dad assigned you to me so that you could learn to be more elegant and delicate."

"Pfft." The maid giggled.

"What?" Alejandra raised an eyebrow.

"Apologies, My Lady,"  She grinned, "but you're far from being delicate or elegant."

Alejandra looked offended and pinched the smug maid's nose and squeezed it tight. "You're being too cheeky now huh?" She wiggled the girl's nose.

"Ahm shori!" Teri pulled herself out of the young lady's grip. "Mean! You're too mean."

Alejandra chuckled at how cute she was and even the serious Asher stifled a small laugh from what happened.

Suddenly another servant burst from the door and entered the room. Alejandra immediately shushed Teri and beckoned the servant to come closer. The servant was panicking as he fell to the floor while trying to walk towards her.

"What's wrong, Miki?" She remembered his name but the servant's lips quivered as he stared at his lady in distress.

"My Lady it's–" Before he could speak loud footsteps could be heard from the corridor. The thud of each step reverberated and Miki, the servant, flinched at each one of them. "He's far too scary, My Lady!"

"Who?" Alejandra hurriedly nodded her head towards Asher who drew his sword and waited for the man to approach.

"W-Wait don't!" Miki tried to stop the knight but as the mysterious figure stepped through the room, Asher raised and swung his sword and aimed directly for the neck.

"Is this how you greet your guests, My Lady?" A handsome boy stepped into the door frame. His red hair swept to the side and his eyes looked cold and empty. His face was emotionless, like all life was squeezed out of them.

Asher's sword clanged on the floor. The boy had blocked it with his own blade and had parried and disarmed the knight who tried to attack him.

"I would also suggest getting better security." The Crown prince scoffed as he pointed his sword towards the guards neck. "Your knight here seems far too inexperienced."

"That knight there, Your Highness… is the son and heir to House Lewis." Alejandra glared at the boy who pushed the blade deeper into the Asher's neck effectively giving the guard a light cut.

"Then he does lack experience." In a swift motion, Ben sheathed his blade and approached the young lady with confidence. "Good afternoon, Lady Alejandra."

"To you too, Your Highness, The Crown Prince." She forced a smile out of her but she really wanted to punch him right now. "I apologize for my guard's attempt towards you, but you should know that you did enter my father's study without prior notice nor permission."

"I'm not worried about that." The Prince smiled for the first time since he got there. "I am worried that your knights here wouldn't even notice when a powerful person like me enters the premises."

Alejandra blinked, she couldn't even deny it since she remembered how Maddison entered and barged into her room so easily.

Damn. They do need better security.

"Still, Your Highness, you could've given word of your early arrival, so I and my retainers could have had ample time to prepare for your visit." She tried her best to stop her eyebrows from twitching in frustration. Who the hell barges into someone's house abruptly like that anyways?!

"There's no need for that." He laughed and stepped out of the room and into the hallway. "Mind if I ask her lady for a walk?" He extended his hand out invitingly.

She stared at his gesture and his palm waiting for hers to grab onto it. She sighed and pushed the rest of the documents she was supposed to do later on a shelf. "Teresa."

"Yes, My Lady." The maid's carefree attitude had disappeared and turned to a serious and more professional feel.

"Gather the rest of the documents and send word to my parents of His Highness's arrival." Alejandra ordered. "Afterwards, follow us into the garden and stay by my side."

Alejandra didn't wait for her response and immediately took the hand of the Prince who was pleasantly surprised at her no nonsense attitude.

"I didn't expect you to be so stoic, My Lady." Ben commented as they walked together out the room and down the halls. "I often hear about you as a more lively person."

'Not when some royal official charges at you while doing business.' She wanted to say but instead, she did her fake laugh. "I am quite serious when it comes to business, Your Highness, I am only carefree when around friends."

"I see." Ben seemed intrigued. "It seems you're quite close to your servants as well. They seem to respect you. People often tend to forget the littlest things they do for us and only learn to appreciate them when they're no longer there."

She seemed a bit surprised by his words. He may be young but he does seem more mature than even those around the lady's age. She felt a bit more curious about the Prince now.

"If you treat them right, then they'll treat you right." Alejandra explained and gave the boy a genuine smile. "That's what my parents have taught me."

The Prince stopped walking and paused in place for a short moment. "You must treasure those who treasure you." His face turned a bit sad for a moment when he uttered those words but it disappeared fast enough for the lady to overlook. "I've heard such wise words before."

"Might I ask from whom?"

"Someone…amazing." The Prince paused for a moment. His expression wavered as he likely thought about what he wanted to say. 

Alejandra felt the atmosphere turning sour and decided to shift the subject. "If you would like to, let's have a chat in the garden. It may not compare to the palace's but I believe our gardeners have done an exquisite job."

She felt a bit bad for the boy. She could read the room. Obviously it was the late Princess who spoke those words and she didn't want to jog the Prince's trauma about that situation.

Ben squeezed her hand and nodded his head. "It would be my honor, Lady Alejandra." He then pulled her a bit closer since their heights were fairly similar. "I would like to discuss many things with you, including our partnership in the coming ball."

"Wait huh?" 

Her confusion was only audible to her own as they both made their way to the Ramirez mansion's private garden. It seems that the Lady has a lot to say before she could even hope to cancel her appearance at the coming celebration ball.