01 | The Girl with Red Hair and the Village of Desire
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The Killer Under The Moon

It was waiting for Maxwell in the water. 

A humanoid thing.

It stood tall. So much so he had to crank his head to meet its glowing yellow eyes. The wind cut through their silence, brushing the pond’s surface.

What’s this?” It chuckled. Maxwell grit his teeth at the thing’s disgusting voice. “You were the one stalking me?

The moon peeked over the trees, revealing the giant before the knight. Its skin was cracked and dark, blanketed in a stain-covered cloth. A smile curled on its cracked lips as it eyeballed him.

Is this some joke, boy? Do you think yourself a knight of Ansel? You best go home. Lucky for you my stomach is full and I am in a good mood. I’ll let you live.

The armor-clad knight remained silent, unsheathed his sword, and stepped into the cold pond. The giant’s mouth gaped like an excited ape. Its putrid breath littered the clean air of night.

It has been a long time since I’ve battled. Your pathetic race bowed rather quickly. Even gave up friends and family to live. You may think yourself strong, but soon enough you’ll cower and beg through tears. I will enjoy crushing your pathetic body.” It rotated its shoulders. “Another of many. Perhaps I will parade your body as I travel.” It cocked its head and smiled. “Your women particularly love such displays of power. I can barely keep them off me. To think you believed yourselves divine.” It spit in the water.

The giant needed no weapon; a simple fumble on Maxwell’s part would end it. A single punch, grab, kick, bite, or any other move would bring his demise. The scenarios ran through the knight’s head as he squeezed his blade’s hilt.

The moon fully rose over the trees. Its reflection in the water a fighting ring. Animals of the night halted their chatter, watching the conflict before them. Maxwell narrowed his blue eyes.

The beast dashed at him with a roar that shook the trees and rattled his armor. The earth trembled and spat water with each step. A cold liquid wave smacked Maxwell as the giant hurled its fist. The knight raised his blade overhead and slid through the water, placing himself to the giant's side. As his graceful dodge ended, the giant’s cracked knuckles brushed his helmet. Maxwell hurled his blade downwards, slicing through the monster’s wrist. Flesh and muscle alike tore with a sickening pop, but the blade halted and burrowed itself into bone.

With a panicked yelp, it flung its free hand over the now mangled wrist. Maxwell tugged the blade from its twisted flesh, yanking bone shards and strands of muscle into the night air as his weapon escaped. Blood splattered his helmet and chest. He yelled and thrust the blade into the coming palm. Flesh tore and bone cracked as the stab ran true and burst free into the cold night.

A grin ran on Maxwell’s lips as the creature of Hell screamed. But the satisfaction was short-lived.

Something squeezed his torso.

Shocked, he glanced down.

Despite its torn wrist, the giant had managed to grab him. Its face twisted as it tried to muster the strength to crush him, but its damaged limb failed.

Maxwell pulled his sword, but it remained lodged within the giant’s palm. The creature opened its mouth, showering his nostrils with an overwhelming rot. It lunged forward, surrounding Maxwell’s head with its bloodied teeth. The knight screamed and threw all his might into the sword’s hilt, tearing through the beast’s palm and ramming the blade’s guard into its eye.

It howled and dropped Maxwell. His grip remained firm and the sword tore itself free, splitting the giant’s palm and gouging its cheek.

Water rushed into his helmet as he splashed below. With a cough he shot up to his knees, water flowing from the holes in his armor. Blood pecked him like droplets of rain. He looked above, seeing the giant cradling its face. It stumbled away before falling to its knees.

With a groan, he rose to his feet.

The creature was beaten, on its knees and cradling its face with broken hands. It looked to him, eyes filled with fear.

W…” It spit blood. “Where did you come from?!

Maxwell marched towards it, raising his sword for the finale.

Your kind are dead! Abandoned by that oh so Great One-

The taunts ended in a hiss as the blade bit into its neck, separating body and head. The monster crumbled into the water with a splash, coloring the clean blue a dark red.

Limbs pounding, Maxwell stumbled backward and sat on the grass, breathing night’s cold air.
Insects hummed and owls chatted in the trees.

Life had resumed.
He pulled himself to a nearby tree and placed his back against it. Resting the blade’s hilt against his shoulder, he leaned on the weapon and slept.




“Max! Max, wake up!”

The soft, feminine voice tickled his ears and warmed his body.


“Yeah… Yeah…” He grumbled.

A stench invaded his nostrils and he coughed. Opening his eyes, Maxwell was brought back to reality. Before him was the dead giant. Vultures quietly and dutifully pecked away at it.

“Of all the places to fall asleep at.”

He smiled and looked at her. She stood beside the tree he sat against, pinching her nose. Her blonde hair blended perfectly with the colors of Autumn around them. A cool breeze swept past, and with feminine grace, she ran her fingers behind her ear in an attempt to control the beautiful flying gold.

It was a cute sight, but it was ruined by the stench of death.

“We’d better get moving.” Maxwell rose.

She eagerly nodded and followed him.

Their trek was recorded by the crunch of leaves and snapping of sticks. It was a peaceful melody; something that significantly calmed Maxwell.

“Are you okay, Max? Anything hurt?”

He rotated his neck and stretched. “Nope, all good. See?” Maxwell looked back at her. Her face brightened and she ran before him and pumped her fists. Her dress flew with her energetic movements.

“You showed that demon! We’re really gonna do it, aren’t we?!”

Maxwell smiled. “Yeah… We are.”

Her eyes glowed and her cheeks flushed. Of course, she could not see Maxwell’s face behind that helmet he always wore, but she knew him well enough to understand how he was feeling. The two had been together for years, and Maxwell was an open book.

They entered a clearing.

Before them were seemingly endless fields of grassland. Far ahead, like a wall to their destination, was a line of trees. Behind the tall pine was an even larger series of mountains. Its sides were peppered with patches of green.

“We… still have a ways to go.” She deflated.

“Let’s keep moving. No time to get intimidated now.”

She stretched her arms towards the sky and trailed behind him.

Maxwell breathed the cool air and lost himself to the beauty around him.

The grass rustled as it flowed with the wind.

Birds chirped as they returned to their nests.

And various animals galloped in the field around him.

Memories of childhood surfaced and Maxwell’s chest grew warm with both happiness and melancholy.

How quickly it can all be taken away.

His parents, friends, village, history, all of it was gone.


Her voice was far away.

The tender warmth in his chest twisted into a boiling frenzy. His gloves grew hot with friction as his fingers dug into his palms.

He was consumed by those events more than a decade ago. The smell of blood and rotting flesh. The screams of those around him. The failed pleads for mercy. Monsters that crawled from the mud below. Monsters that came from the sky. His father did his best and killed many, but he was unable to kill it. Of all the creatures it was the strongest.

The thing that haunted Maxwell since that day. It stood tall, dwarfing the slain giant in both height and strength. Mangled and skeletal black wings stretched from its back. The head was that of a wolf, mouth dangling open with salivating sharp teeth. It slaughtered whatever moved like a feral beast. Man, woman, child, animal, it didn’t matter.

Then it was upon him, mouth twisting into a smile.


It spoke to him.


He was yanked from his nightmare as he ran into something. It was not strong, as he did not stumble. Confused, Maxwell looked to the ground and was surprised at the sight. A woman lay in the grass before him, rubbing her head. She blinked and looked up, green eyes wide.

“Apologize, Max!” His companion hissed.

“S-Sorry! I was lost in thought” Max finally choked out. He offered the woman a hand. Her worried look quickly faded and she gave him a smile as he raised her up. The silence grew between the two, and Maxwell was unsure of what to do, but finally, the girl spoke.

“I sure thought I was in trouble! I looked up and saw you marching towards me!” She laughed, rubbing her red hair. Maxwell was thankful for his helmet. It hid his blushing face and nervous expressions.

“What’s with the armor? Are you actually a knight?” Her eyes grew brighter and brighter with curiosity.

His eyes shifted to the grass below and he caught sight of a wooden basket that held various herbs.

“Oh!” The woman retrieved them and faced Maxwell once more. “I-, They’re for my brother. He’s uh… not well.” Fatigue flashed in her youthful eyes before she composed herself.

“What’s wrong with him?” Maxwell asked.

“I think he’s ill or poisoned. We awoke one morning and found strange bite marks on his neck. Like it was some bug or snake or something. It has been getting worse and worse. I read in my father’s notes that these plants here are good against all types of bites. I forget the kind…”

The woman was a bit of a blabbermouth and she eagerly recited the notes she had read. Maxwell’s mind drifted to what the issue most likely was.

He felt a jab in his side and looked at his companion. “We should help! Ya know, what any good knight would do!”

Hesitation filled him, but she kept a stern face.

He finally surrendered.“Yeah… We should.”

Maxwell looked back at the woman. “May I see your brother? I believe I can help.”

She blinked in surprise, but it was quickly washed away with beaming eyes and a smile bursting with excitement. “You’ll help us?! You really are a knight!” She rushed to Maxwell and grabbed his hands. He felt his face redden. She was far too trusting and optimistic, but Maxwell could not help finding it endearing.

Tears formed in her eyes. “Thank you! Thank you!” With a clear hop in her step, she dragged him along.

“I wonder if she has a thing for you?” His companion teased with a toothy grin.

“I doubt it.” Maxwell said flatly.

Her eager steps lost their energy and she stopped before him, delicate shoulders lowering as if pressed by a weight. He cocked his head at her, confused. “You okay?”

She looked back, confusion also on her face. “By the way, who are you talking to?”



Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it! This is the first major writing project I have undertaken. It is going to be a lot of work balancing this with my IRL responsibilities, but I will do my best to keep posts consistent and to improve both the image quality and writing. This project is very much a “learn as I go,” from both AI art and writing style. A definite issue will be clothing consistency for characters, but I will do my best to maintain quality. Again, thank you for your time and I hope to see you again soon!