Ch 9. Preparations for Adventure
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     When she returned home, she put the drinks into the fridge and went back to her room. After lying down and putting a fan on her, she booted back into the game. It was something she would have to get used to, closing her eyes in real life and transitioning seamlessly into game.

     “About time, you made me wait an hour.”

     “I wasn't gone that long,” Myrra said in her soft, harmonious voice. 

     “Time runs twice as fast here,” she huffed.

     “Sorry, sissy,” she apologized, looking down sadly.

     “Come here,” Kat said in a gentle voice. Myrra went to her sister, who picked the small girl up. “I’m sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Let's go to bed. It's pretty late now, and I want to adventure tomorrow. I have the next three days off work and I want to put it to as much use as possible. 

     “Shouldn’t we log out to sleep then?” she asked. Though truthfully, she didn't want to leave this body again.

     “Our bodies are asleep, you noticed right when you got up it felt like you woke up?”

     “Yea, actually I did.”

     “If we sleep in the game for eight hours, only four will have passed in real life. You have bodily alerts enabled, right?”

     “I do sissy.”

     “Good, now let's go to bed,” she said as she began to undress.



     “Why are you undressing?” Myrra covered her eyes, her face slightly red.

     “I'm not going to sleep in my clothes, you undress too. I got you something cute to sleep in.”

     Myrra blushed a little more, she was hesitating, not wanting to undress in front of her sister. But one look from her told Myrra that if she didn't undress, then Kat would do it herself. She took off her dress, standing in just her underwear.

     “Oh my goddess, that's so adorable. I haven’t seen kids' panties since I was growing up,” she gushed, fawning over her little sister. From her inventory, she removed something soft. She held it up for her little sister to see. “I got you some fox jammies.” 

     Myrra tried but failed to hide her excitement. Giggling happily, she took them from her big sister and eagerly put them on. Once they were zipped up, she was giggling and wiggling like a little kid. Realizing what she was doing, Myrra blushed and looked at the ground.

     “That was super adorable.”

     “Stop making fun of me,” she wailed in embarrassment. Her sister picked her up and carried her to the bed. The room only had one bed, forcing the two sisters to share. Kat lay down and pulled her sister into the small spoon position. She wrapped her tail around the small girl, who hugged it to her chest. “Sissy, how does it feel to have a tail?”

     “Honestly, it's more normal than you would think. There’s probably some kind of thought correction happening in the game. Because it feels right, like I should have it. Well, not entirely right.” Myrra tilted her head at that statement, but Kat refused to elaborate.

     “Is that why I feel like Mommy is Mommy?”

     “Probably,” she yawned and nuzzled her sister's hair. “You smell so nice, Myrra. Like a forest after the rain.”

     “I do?”

     “Mhmm,” she mumbled, quickly falling asleep.

     “Goodnight Mommy, I love you. Good night sissies, I love all of you too,” Myrra prayed. Hoping her mother could hear, her words. As she drifted off to sleep, she got the feeling her mother heard, and was wishing her well. The two girls slept together, as they hadn’t in years. Her last thought as she slipped into slumber was of her mother, and the wish she made.




     “Are the preparations complete?” Asked a man's, his voice deep and authoritative. A group of shadowed individuals stood around a small table. There was no light here, leaving the assembled individuals in the dark, though not unseen.

     “Yes, the pieces are in place. They haven’t known the gods in ages, the outer god who hid this world from our sight have been driven away. Divine energy has already started to flow in the world,” a woman remarked. Her voice filled with gentle power.

     “Do you think they will accept us? That outer god has been firmly rooted now for many millennia,” asked a voice that was neither male nor female.

     “That so-called god gave no proof of its existence. Real miracles will do more for us than blind faith,” remarked a man, his voice deep and gravely. Like the sound of rocks being ground up. 

     “There will be some who resist, what will be done about them?” asked a young man, his voice filled with equal parts wisdom and naïveté. 

     “They will eventually fall in line, or they will go down fighting, it is inevitable. In the face of true miracles, there can be no doubt,” lamented a woman, her voice sounded like a spring breeze, filled with mirth and life.

     “Our children will be the first to show the world our grace. My dear sister, you have chosen our children well. My newest daughter has much strife in her soul, but she loves me dearly and has already started to praise me in her heart. And I love her dearly, her soul is pure and innocent,” said Moria.

     The woman whose voice was filled with gentle power spoke next. “It wasn't easy. I had to look through millions to find her. There was one other candidate. But she didn’t accept. I had hoped to give you more daughters, but their blood has become too diluted.”

     “Even if she's the only one to accept now, I will get others, thank you, Sister. You are always so gracious.”

     “Well with that our meeting is concluded,” one of the men said, all the assembled people vanished save Moria and her sister.

     “How is your Daughter?”

     “She is dissonant, but it's nothing that I can't handle. She's already completed the binding ritual in her world. Now I just need to exert my influence while she's here.”

     “Truthfully, she wasn’t my first choice. But it was only her and the one other who declined that were compatible. And we could not afford to wait for another, if there even was another.”

     “Whatever may come, I don’t regret her being the one to accept. There’s a pain in her soul, one that I think only I can mend,” Moria said, a single tear rolling down her cheek.



     “Myrra…” her sister's voice called out to her. As she floated in a sea of white.

     “Five more minutes, I don't want to go to school. Matt is going to make fun of me again,” she mumbled, still half asleep.

     “Silly Myrra, we’re in Weinheim,” her sister giggled.

     The small girl snapped open her eyes, her face slightly red. She was holding her sister's tail tight to her chest. Like it was one of her old plushies. “Sorry…” she said, letting it go.

     “It’s ok, you were adorable, so it was worth my tail going numb.” Myrra blushed and grumbled. “Do you want to go adventuring or do you want to sit here pouting?”

     “Adventuring!” she beamed happily.

     “Then let's get something to eat and go on a quest.”

     “It's weird that we have to eat in the game.” 

     “That's how the devs made it. They were going for realism. Actually given that. You are dirty…”

     “I was playing in the park?”

     Her sister sighed and dragged her to the bathroom. She protested, saying that she could bathe herself. But Kat overrode her objections, and shoved her into the bathroom, closing the door behind them. It was nice, the floor was nice hardwood. It was even lacquered to protect against the water. In one corner sat an elevated square tub. The room contained a sink, tub, and toilet.

     “Sissy, have you needed to use the restroom?” Myrra asked seeing the toilet

     “A few times. I'm glad they have proper toilets. Haven't you?” Myrra shook her head. “Maybe because you’re a plant nymph? Plants usually only expel oxygen or carbon dioxide. Once again, I’m jealous.”

     Myrra walked over to the tub and saw two taps protruding from the wall. One blue, one red. When she touched them they started to release water, one side was cold but not ice-cold, and the other was hot but not boiling. She put a small cork-like plug in the drain and began to fill the tub. She turned around and said, “Sissy, the tub is filling up.” Then blushed when she saw her sister's naked body. 

     “Myrra… you can’t take a bath in your pajamas.”

     “I know…” she replied in a small voice.

     “Then get undressed, it's not like I haven't seen a girl's body before. I am a girl, after all.” 

     Myrra got undressed and stored her pajamas in her inventory. Reaching into the now familiar dark space felt weird at first. But she had practiced with it the other day. Just as she was about to climb into the bath, her sister sat her down on a small stool. 

     “Not yet, I don't want the bath water getting dirty. I wish I would have cleaned you yesterday. I’ll ask Berem to change the sheets,” she mused, pilling some sweet-smelling soap from her inventory. As well as small jars of shampoo and conditioner. She lathered up some soap and began to scrub her little sister clean. 

     “Kat, this is embarrassing.”

     “Oh, now you’re acting your age. Sit still, little sister, and let me clean you.” Myrra blushed and protested, but eventually gave up and let her sister wash her. “How do you clean your hair? It’s very soft, but it's not hair.”

     “It's not?” 

     “No, they’re small vines, but they look exactly like hair, feel like it too for that matter.”

     “Then how can you be sure it's not?”

     “Well because I am a Foxkin, one of the intrinsic attributes of my race is a connection to nature. Right now I only have one tail, but as I grow stronger I will get more tails.”

     “What do you mean stronger?”

     “Well once I get six I will become a demigod. Once I have nine, I become a full god. Though I don't get an aspect of my own but rather share the same aspect with other fox gods. Just like you share Moria’s.”

     “You said you didn't get a cool start…” she grumbled in mock outrage. 

     “Yea, I didn’t I'm not a rare race like you. Every foxkin has the same potential to become a god. I just happen to know a quick shortcut.”

     “Ohhhhh okay. But um, when I bathed with my sisters, we just wet our hair down. We didn't have any soap.”

     “Ok, then that's what we’ll do.”

     After that, she used some fire magic to heat the small tub of water a little more and dumped it on her sister's head. Laughing as Myrra sputtered in protest. Once the small girl was clean, she climbed into the tub.

     “I really like Japanese-style baths. But I didn't realize this was one.”

     “I wouldn’t have either unless I heard the air whistling in the floor drain.”

     Myrra watched her sister as she started to clean herself. She looked mostly human, only her ears and tail were significantly different. When her sister laughed, Myrra noticed that she had the sharp teeth of a meat eater. 

     “Sissy, what do my teeth look like?”

     “That's a weird question out of nowhere, but they look the same as normal. Why?”

     “Well, 'cause yours are all sharp ones.”

     “Really? I hadn’t noticed before.” 

     Kat resumed washing, her long hair taking the most time, she also spent a good deal of time on her tail. Once she was clean, she joined her sister in the tub, her tail swishing through the water. 

     Myrra was floating on her back. “I'm happy,” she declared, staring at the ceiling. 

     “I am too. How long has it been since we had bonding time?”

     “I don't know. A while.”

     Kat pulled her sister over to her and cuddle her in the tub. After a short soak, they both got out. Kat used a fire and wind spell to create hot air, blow-drying her sister's hair before turning to hers. Once her hair and tail were dry, she removed a brush and began to comb through them, paying extra attention to her tail. Once she was satisfied with their appearance, she got dressed and the two girls made their way downstairs.

     The common room was mostly empty, it was just a bit past breakfast and the usual crowd had gone on whatever business they needed to attend to. 

     “Mornin’ ladies,” Berem said from his usual place behind the counter, “what can I get fer ya?”

     “Eggs, bacon, hash browns, and some chicken,” Kat said.

     “And fer the young missus?” 

     “I’ll have hash browns, toast with fruit jam, some fresh fruit, and yogurt,” she wasn't sure about the yogurt but hoped she could eat it.

     “Sure thing,” he smiled and shouted the instructions back to the kitchen. His wife shouted back. A few minutes later he brought them their food then went back behind his counter and started restocking.

     The two girls ate their food, Myrra tried some of her sister's bacon but had the same reaction. The eggs were not as bad, but still not to her taste. The yogurt tasted good, which she was thankful for.

     “I think I figure it out, sissy, you need sugars and starches. Anything that is too heavy in proteins and fats tastes gross to you. Which makes sense, as plants use sugars to grow.” 

     After eating, they made their way to the union, bidding Berem farewell. There were plenty of jobs, Kat sent her sister a party invite and then accepted a hunting job. A herd of boars was terrorizing a nearby farm. They were requesting help dispatch them.

     “A small job like this is just what you needed,” she said, pressing her ID to the job request. Myrra remembered the last boar she fought as a worried expression crossed her face. “Don’t worry, it’ll be fine, I’ll be there with you,” she smiled reassuringly. 

     With the job accepted and everything ready, the two girls departed. Making their way to the southern gate.