Ch 22. Climax
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Depictions of violence, blood, and death.




Myrra shot a thorn lance at Endal, the thorn glancing off a shield. Evelyn struck him next, her blade striking the same shimmering barrier.

“My my, hasty aren't we,” he chuckled. With a flick of his wrist, he cast two bolts, one striking each of the girls. Evelyn slid backwards, her metal suit squealing. Myrra took the brunt directly and was knocked down. A small patch of her skin sizzling where the bolt landed. She created a healing nectar and drank it, the wound sealing somewhat. A fresh patch of raw skin covering the wound.

“You both are stronger than you appear,” he mocked.

“Is killing the whole town really worth it?” Myrra asked.

“I’ll do whatever it takes to escape death, you who are blessed with immortality will never know the pain of death.”

“I died to your stupid monster in the cave!”

“And yet you stand here before me.”

“It's still not worth sacrificing everyone!” Evelyn added.

“Enough!” he yelled. “Talk is cheap! You who are blessed by the gods don’t know the pain of us who aren't. We who fear the abyss of death.”

With a flash of blue fire, a staff appeared in his hands. Spears of bones formed a halo behind him. Two of them blasting forward the moment they appeared. One aimed at each girl, Evelyn sidestepped hers, the spear grazing the side. Myrra summoned a thick wall of vines, the bone spear embedding itself in it.

With a swipe of her hand, she summoned several thorn lances and dispelled the wall. She flicked her wand, sending the lances rocketing at him. From her right, Evelyn hefted a larger gun and blasted a massive ball of fire. The plant lobbing a ball of corrosive goo at the same time. His form shifted slightly as the thorns passed through where he was standing, embedding themselves into the wall. The fire and goo splashing harmlessly against the floor and walls. 

The necromancer appeared again near Evelyn. He raised his arm again a black corona surrounding his arm as he blasted her with a dark beam. Her suit thrown sideways as a rocket of fire exploded from her suit. The beam missed her by a hand's breadth and struck the wall, where the stones began to melt. Myrra fired again, her thorns striking the shield and drilling through the roof above, disappearing into the upper floors.

“He’s too strong,” Myrra shouted.

“There’s a way, there's always a way to beat the BBEG,” Evelyn answered.

“There is no way to defeat me, you both will become fuel for my ascension,” he said, looking back at the coffins and runes. The blue glow growing stronger.

“I think I got something, hold him off for a minute, please,” Myrra said.

“Sure thing,” Evelyn smiled, turning Myrra’s cheeks pink. 

She turned her attention from the catgirl who had summoned a Gatling lightning gun. Her turned his attention to Evelyn as Myrra began to work on her solution. She made her way to the sigils, taking out a sword from her inventory, she tried to scratch at the lines. But the blade skated harmlessly across their surface.

A loud boom drew her attention to the combat. Evelyn was blasting holes in the stones of the basement. The necromancer cackling madly as he tossed balls of blue and black fire around. The flames setting even the stones on fire. Since the runes proved to be untouchable, she turned her attention to the coffins. With great difficulty she managed to open one, inside lay a shriveled withered corpse. A purple gem set in its chest caught her eye. But before she could do more than just stare, a blast of energy buzzed past her face. 

The necromancer, who had turned his full attention to her, failed to see the lightning blast until it hit him in the back. The smell of burned flesh and hair reached her nostrils as he spun on his heel. His shield apparently back up as the other lighting bolts danced across it and grounded themselves.

“Evelyn here!” Myrra pointed at the coffins. She nodded and at a mental command her other golems rushed the coffins. He made a move to stop them but was forced to dodge Evelyn's energy sword. The golems padding over, their thudding steps echoing off the walls.

“Watch out!” Evelyn shouted once the golems got close enough. 

She jumped out of the way as each golem launched themselves at a coffin, before self-destructing. 

Endal screamed and clutched his chest as two balls of purple energy came out of his body and floated upwards. Evelyn took advantage of it and swung her sword. His body was thrown across the room, in two separate pieces. 

“Well done!” he cackled, his face twisted into madness. His legs stood up and walked over to his torso. It floated up and reattached itself to his legs.

“So that's how it is,” Evelyn said. “Myrra get behind me,” she warned. The small girl ran over and hid behind the armor. “Once I do this you’ll need to deliver the final blow.”

“Can do,” Myrra nodded.

Evelyn’s suit began to hum. Myrra felt an immense amount of mana gathering in front of her. For a brief moment, the world seemed to stop before the hum reached a painful cadence. Myrra covered her hears, then two things happened.


Silence and a blinding light as the air shimmered. A beam of light so intense that it scorched everything it fell on. Myrra stood in the armors shadow, spared from the light that burned everything else clean. Just as quick as it started, the light faded.

Myrra blinked the spots from her vision before taking in her surroundings. The first thing she noticed was the shadow burned in the wall. The next was Evelyn panting by her side, part of her body burned. Myrra hastily splashed the cat girl with her strongest potion. Relief surged through her as the girl's wounds closed, her breathing becoming smoother. The last thing she noticed was the necromancer standing a meter away, his skin sizzling as he lowered his cloak.

“Foolish, utterly meaningless. A pointless struggle that nearly cost her her life.”

The door opened and Rudeus staggered back in, slumping against the wall. “You don't have to do this Endal. We can stop this and forget about the whole thing.”

“I know you, young master, I know of your studies. Once you dabble in necromancy, you’ll fall to its temptations and become just like me.”

“Never, I want to help people.”

Endal smiled and flicked his staff, a bone spear launching forward. Pinning Rudeus to the wall. Myrra’s heart stopped as she stared it him. His head lifted and looked at her. A smile crossing her face as he said something. She wasn't able to make out his words over the pain in her chest.

She turned to face the necromancer and something broke. Once again, her world went white as a strange power bust from her. A look of terror flashed across the necromancers face as the light struck him. His shield immediately shattering as his body began to burn. Myrra’s body burned, not from the light, but from this strange power bursting forth from within. 

Myrra watched the necromancer succumb to her attack, being literally turned to dust. The last thing she saw before collapsing was Rudeus standing and looking in surprise at his healed chest.




Myrra had never been in so much pain before, her consciousness drifted upon the currents of oblivion. Why was she in pain? What was she doing? It felt like it was important. But for the life of her, she couldn't remember what. For that matter, where was she? The small girl looked around in confusion. Something stirred in her heart, a familiar warmth spread through her body. But where had she felt this before?

Suddenly it came back to her. The basement, Evelyn, Rudeus, and Endal. She had to get back and stop him. A familiar presence swept through the space, and she felt her eyes growing heavy. The warmth fading as it bound to her body.

Her eyes opened to an unfamiliar ceiling, with a groan she sat up. Her everything hurt. Wasn’t this supposed to just be a game?

“Welcome back,” came Evelyn's voice from a nearby bed.

“What happened?” Myrra croaked. “Where's the necromancer?” 

“Dead…” Rudeus said from another.

“I'm glad we stopped him in time,” Myrra sighed. “Where’s my sister?”

“I'm right here,” came her voice from the bed to Myrra’s right.

The door opened up, and the healer stepped through. “Good, you’re all up. I know you blessed are tough, only being out for a few hours. I'm sure you all are eager to get back into action, but you need rest. You’re free to go, however, please get a few days rest. I’m sure there will be plenty of time to celebrate soon,” the woman said as she busied herself, removing bandages from everyone but Rudeus. 

“Thank you, young goddess,” Rudeus said.

“It was nothing.”

“No it wasn’t, you saved the whole town. And saved my life,” he countered. “Though, I’ll be here for a few days.”

“I’ll come visit later. Now I think my sister needs to talk,” she said looking at Kat who was busy fidgeting. Myrra stared at her third tail, which was swishing lazily behind her.

“I need to go too, please pay me a visit later cutie. I’ll be gone for a couple of days, but I’ll send you a message when I return,” Evelyn said, hopping off the bed and giving her a wink.

Kat was silent as the two of them left and made their way back to their room. She knelt down and pulled her sister into a tight hug, tears falling down her face. 

“I’m so glad you’re alright,” she hiccuped.

“I'm fine,” she replied awkwardly. Unsure of what to say, she put on her best cutest face and said, “Sissy, I’m hungry. Let's eat.”

“I told you that’s dangerous,” she chuckled. “Yes lets eat.” 

Kat lifted the small girl and lay down on the bed. Cuddling together, the two sisters fell asleep.

Sam opened her eyes, once again back in the now familiar white room.

“My precious daughter, I'm so proud of you,” Moria said, a gentle smile forming on her lips.


What's this? Another chapter already? I had this done, and I couldn't wait for you all to read this. Hopefully it's satisfying. i had a lot of fun writing it. I have another chapter after this planned. Which will have something everyone has been waiting for, and an appropriate reaction.