Chapter 01- Pact with the Abyss.
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Chapter 01- Pact with the Abyss.

In the vast sea of stars in the infinite cosmos with countless worlds and galaxies, a being as old as the universe itself opened its eyes after an immeasurable amount of years.

“— How long did I sleep this time?, Jesus, where is that constellation of stars that was around here?, all those stars had died, I liked them so much” That being whose longevity could not be quantified in human terms.

“— I won’t be able to go back to sleep, I’ll have to find something to do for the next few millennia before I go back to sleep, now let’s see what’s new in the universe” with his eyes that reflected everything in the universe, seeing everything in it existed including the infinite worlds and all living beings that lived in them.

“—Hmm, it looks like something interesting in that world, I hope this is at least fun” in his eyes a world was reflected and in the next moment that ancient being disappeared and went to his destiny.


In this world, in the last twenty years, it has been going through times of transformation, because twenty years ago a great event shook the lives of all its inhabitants called World Evolution, because at the time of this great event, all beings in this world received the following messages.

[ The BLUE SKY STAR World has completed the necessary conditions and is starting its evolution process]

[Mana is unlocked]

[The screening process for all living beings will begin]

[Dungeons started spawning from now on]

And with that a new era began for the BLUE SKY STAR world, dungeons emerged all over the planet in any without any restriction, whether cities, mountains or even the bottom of the ocean were not free from the emergence of dungeons that housed terrible monsters coming of the deepest imaginations of men.

In the midst of this world full of chaos and danger, a humble soul faced an unfair fate, in a hospital lying in one of its countless beds there was an unconscious young man but his face showed pain as if his viscera were being corroded slowly and continues without rest.

Beside this patient there was a nurse wearing a typical white hospital uniform, seeing that the patient in bed in extreme pain, his skin as brown as a branch of wheat turned pale as if he suffered from anemia, his eyes black as the night sky trembled and he sported blurred, dull pupils and his short black hair was drenched by the sweat that flowed through his scalp.

Seeing the young man in that deplorable state, she ran out of the room looking for assistance for the dying subject lying on the bed, a minute later she returned with a doctor in a white coat in tow.

“— Doctor, the patient had a sudden worsening of his clinical condition” the nurse said to the doctor.

"— Administer the anesthetics, because that's all we can do for him" the doctor ordered the nurse quickly moved and with a syringe and a bottle of medicine she inserted a dose of anesthetic, and with that the look of pain was relieved but nothing could be done about the illness that afflicted the patient.

“— I’m sorry to ask you doctor, but what is the patient’s diagnosis?” the nurse asks with an astonished face after observing the patient's condition.

“—Chronic incompatibility of the sky” the doctor replied with a serious and frowning face.

“— My god, I thought it was a myth among the awakened ones, because it doesn't make sense for a person completely incompatible with mana to suffer an awakening that allows the use of mana” the nurse asked.

“—In fact, it is as if the patient were a compact and dense stone and the mana around him was water that tries to forcibly enter the body of the stone and destroy it in the process" the doctor replied.

While the nurse and the doctor were in their discussion, the bedridden young man was in the confines of his mind in an utterly empty void of nothing but him and thoughts of him.

"— When will this suffering end, I've been doing this for almost five years" the young man questioned himself with a tired tone and without any desire.

“— Do you wish to end your suffering? I can do this for you” a voice came out of the void.

"-Who's there?" the young man asked with a frightened face when he heard that voice of unknown identity.

“— hum, there is no precise way to define me in a few words, but if you need a name you can call me Akasha "  the unknown voice introduced itself, and at the same time an image revealed itself and showed a humanoid figure but it did not it seemed to be made of flesh and bones, it was like a mass of energy taking on human characteristics like structure, size and even eyes, hair.

Faced with this non-human but most likely creature of great power, the dying youth could not keep his eyes aligned with the powerful being in front of him, an overwhelming feeling made his spirit It made me look like I was carrying very heavy iron chains.

“—What do you want from me?” the poor oppressed soul asked in a submissive manner showing fear and apprehension on his face, in his heart he wished that no harm would come to him from the hand of that being in front of him.

“— I, just want to find something to pass the time, because of that I intend to play a little game with you” the misshapen being called Akasha ran his words with a macabre smile full of infinite intentions.

Daniel Belmont the dying young man who stands before Akasha the creature that shows that devilish smile full of malice with many hidden intentions, Daniel tried to retreat, but as it is the confines of his mind there is no possibility of escape.

“—And what kind of game would that be?” Daniel asked as he swallowed hard as he tried to remain calm and centered so as not to show his fear and insecurity in a flawed way.

“—It's just a little game called wishes and curses, where I'll grant you a wish but curse you in return, do you understand?