Chapter 05- Secret pact of heaven and hell.
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Chapter 05- Secret pact of heaven and hell.

Returning to BLUE SKY STAR, Daniel was still inside his subconscious with Akasha right in front of him but something new appeared a new element appeared in the scene that were 3 orbs of different colors one was purple radiating malice and dark intentions as if he wished evil for all living creatures, the second orb had a blue-green color similar to an aurora borealis, it radiated feelings of pride and arrogance as if it lived on the peak of the world with all living beings below it, the third orb was pure gold like cut gold radiating a feeling of tenacity as if the front were not a small orb that could fit in the palm of someone's hand, but an immense impassable and impregnable mountain capable of blocking anything.

"— It's here, what you asked me for, these three souls belonged to three supreme masters in martial arts who reached the peak that a human can reach" Akasha uttered, but without giving Daniel permission to refuse the three souls flew towards him and they sank into Daniel's soul and assimilated like a stone sinking to the bottom of a lake and dissolved like a lozenge in a person's stomach.

At the same time in Daniel's mind a series of images appeared showing scenes he had never seen before, which was nothing less than the memories of Albaran, Mo Xie and Chun Ma, the images looked like a film shot in first person showing from the From the moment they opened their eyes for the first time until they closed them for the last time, this film was being carved into Daniel's memories as no scene could be forgotten from the most insignificant to the most epic and memorable.

After the flood of images in his mind ended, Daniel opened his eyes and found himself lying on a hospital bed wearing only a blue hospital gown, and right in front of him there were two people with a look of astonishment as if they were seeing something illogical with no plausible explanation for its consummation.


Daniel started laughing as if he were celebrating the greatest achievement of his life, but anyone who saw this scene would think that Daniel suffered from some very serious psychological disorder, meanwhile the doctor and the nurse who saw the crazy boy laughing like a psychopath were immersed in their thoughts about the scene before them, after a few minutes Daniel finished laughing so it was the turn of the two people in front of him to take their action.

The doctor and nurse soon after checked Daniel's state of health and after their checks concluded that nothing abnormal was found in the functioning of the body, but a psychiatric evaluation was still necessary to rule out any mental problems caused by the previous clinical case.

After two hours all the necessary clinical examinations were completed and then Daniel was discharged from the hospital and was left alone in his medical bed waiting for his sister to come get him, taking advantage of the time he was left alone he started to check the strange memories in his mind which he reached through with no difficulty as if the scenes of these three men's lives were a movie he had watched countless times to the point where he could not forget even a second of this movie.

"— How long do you intend to contemplate your memories, let's watch your retarded face drooling is not fun at all" Akasha  spoke with a reproachful tone when seeing Daniel's face showing an astonished countenance as if he had seen the most insane of blockbuster.

"— What a scare, don't scare me like that, you ghost of hell" Daniel shouted after hearing Akasha's voice in his mind, who seemed very displeased as he watched the boy he chose to provide him with entertainment to quell some of his suffocating and endless boredom .

“— First I something insignificant like a haunting cannot be compared with me, second if you want to know hell I can arrange it for you” Akasha  spoke in a irritable voice typical of a person with an unstable mood like a powder keg, in the The moment these words were spoken space began to ripple like the waves of a stormy sea and when the waves of space calmed down a new environment appeared before Daniel's eyes that showed a barren land devoid of any form of life the earth was red like blood and a pungent odor of sulfur invaded his nostrils to the point of causing a strong burning in his lungs as if there were embers burning inside them his eyes burned as if pepper was thrown into them and wind that blew cut his skin like razors.

"— Disrespect me again like that I swear I'll throw you deeper into this underworld" Akasha spoke again while once again making space ripple which made Daniel return to his bedroom hospital, however his body does not show even a sign of the environment he has just visited, his skin dark as the bark of a tree no longer showed signs of cuts that were made by the wind, his skin no longer burned and the redness also disappeared from his eyes caused by the harmful atmosphere of the environment and the fire that burned his lungs also ceased to exist, it seemed that everything was just an illusion but the experience was too lived to consider as a mere illusion.

"— WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT FROM ME?" Daniel asked in a revolting voice with a look of fury.

“— Did you happen to forget about our little agreement and would save you from your suffering in return you would participate in a game with me, whose purpose is just to entertain me” Akasha replied in a calm voice without getting excited as if she was answering a question from her daily.

“— what do you consider entertainment?” Daniel asked, wondering what kind of mess he'd gotten himself into and trying to think of a way out.

"— what else would it be?, of course I'm talking about epic battles where two enemies fight everything to the death, that's what I call entertainment" Akasha replied with an excited and euphoric voice that the void looks like a psychopath in full psychotic break.

“—Okay, I understand but I'm going to need some time to get stronger, it won't be any fun if I die in my first confrontation” Daniel spoke hoping that Akasha would understand his situation and cooperate.

“—um, that's right I'll give you six months so you can train, so don't waste time and strengthen yourself as best you can” Akasha agreed with Daniel and just like that her voice disappeared and left Daniel alone in his hospital bed and breathing for to calm down to relieve his anxiety which made him sweat cold enough to make him think he was having a heart attack.

After a few minutes, Daniel managed to calm down and order the confused thoughts in his mind and began to rethink his future decisions and actions.

“— Holy shit, what I got myself into now I have to strengthen myself is to go into dungeons and face an infinity of monsters, but I have the memories of three great martial arts masters, so let's start” having made his decision Daniel rummaged in his new memories looking for some training method to be able to use it, and in his search he found something simply peerless that was nothing less than the final epiphany of Heavenly Demon Chun Ma.

Chun Ma mastered every martial art he could get his hands on, it made him someone whose power was unprecedented in his world but even he succumbed to his human mortality, in his final years he focused his time and energy remaining in the development of a martial art that would make him overcome his mortality, and his effort was rewarded and an unequaled martial art was conceived that would allow him to fulfill his ambition, but as if fate wanted to mock him when martial arts was finished, he fell ill and spent his final days trapped in his bed and came across Akasha.

The name of this martial art was Secret Pact of Heaven and Hell