Chapter 11 – Smell of death
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Chapter 11 – Smell of death

“— Very well, give me some identification document and fill out this form and wait until you are called to take the practical combat test with an instructor”

With the form in Daniel's hands it was very simple as its questions were basic such as name, age and gender along with a class that was mandatory for marking which were the following warrior, wizard, rogue or Healer, as it was necessary for the association to have a basic notion of their awakenings.

“— As my skills are martial arts I can mark myself as a warrior, if I mark a class that does not correspond to my skills demonstrated in the practical test I could be arrested”

After finishing the form and handing it to the attendant, Daniel looked for a place to sit and wait until he was called for his practical test, while he waited he began to plan how he would fight against the instructor, because despite his memories he did not have muscle memory , his own experience in combat that made nervousness invade his mind and caused the feeling of insecurity to proliferate within him.

“— As my class marking is warrior, the instructor I will face is an instructor of the warrior class, which is known for hand-to-hand combat with high physical attributes and handling short-range weapons such as swords, spears, sabers and even sticks made of wood and metal, with this in mind I cannot use a sword as my handling is amateurish, which forces me to use my fists together with Sanmon Kaihō, and I also cannot allow myself to be hit as with my current resistance any blow in the slightest strong can incapacitate me”

After planning an action plan for the practical test, Daniel was immediately called to carry out his practical, without delaying his conflict with which he must present himself, Daniel got up and went to a long corridor with white walls that allowed him to it led to another section of the association's immense establishment, which was made up of several smaller buildings that looked like physical education gyms.

Daniel went to one of these gyms that had the number 36 stamped on its walls, and inside there was a space highlighted by its metal floor in the center of the gym that functioned as a kind of tatami made specifically for fighting, and on the side walls there was a stand displaying a huge variety of bladed weapons that ranged from the most common ones like swords, spears and shields to even the most unusual ones like iron whips, morning stars and chakram could be seen in this huge exhibition.

“— You take one of these weapons to carry out your test and if you successfully pass the test you can keep it”

At the other door of the testing site a man appeared with a huge figure dressed in heavy white armor with small golden details on the edges of the armor pieces, and next to that a greatsword with a silver blade with a golden guard as well as its pommel and wielding, his straight and short golden hair and brown eyes finished off the look of the warrior in front of Daniel.

“—Very well, my name is Lanzel Moskard and I will be the one you face to pass the test, so come to the center and prepare to take a big beating.”

“shit, I'm completely screwed, this guy isn't just anyone, this guy looks like a colossal giant who could crush me like an ant between his fingers, and with just my initial planning in hand my chances of seeing it are reduced to levels shallow and insignificant, but before the tiger’s mouth there is no room for retreat.”

In the midst of his thoughts Daniel headed towards his challenge and positioned himself to start the duel against Lanzel.

“What’s wrong with this guy?, he’s quite enraged, it’s like I killed his pet dog”

Daniel thought as he watched a furious scowl on his opponent's face, making him look like a violent ogre which was contributed by his robust figure and his great sword to form that image in everyone who sees him.

In battle stance Daniel raised his fists and then advanced with all the speed that would make an Olympic athlete start dust to hit his target, and when his fist would collide with Lanzel's body, the sword he he held moved and blocked Daniel's blow with the flat of the blade.

“— Good blow, but it lacks power”

Lanzel immediately delivered a powerful blow with his left fist that made the air roar like an airplane engine and threatened to hit Daniel's head and make it explode like a crushed watermelon, but Daniel saw that immense fist coming towards him like a meteor to end his life and in response to the deadly blow coming towards him Daniel lowered his head and managed to avoid the meteoric blow.

“Damn, I almost died in that game, what's worse is that I can't back down and take my distance otherwise he will be able to wield his great sword freely and create a safe distance between us that won't allow me to get closer leaving me in a state passive during combat”

During his moment of reflection, Daniel tried to strike a blow in the middle of the opening that could be seen on the right side with his left fist concentrating all the force he could gather in his body within this blow that advanced with its maximum power to be able to cause significant damage to Lanzel.

However, his opponent did not intend to cooperate with his plans, with his sword in his left hand he took just one step back then swung his great sword diagonally in an increasing manner trying to cut off Daniel's head aiming for his neck this movement made the air whistle with the force and speed exerted in the blow.

In Daniel's vision, a blade edge came towards him in the form of a flash, in the face of certain death, every fiber of his body worked to save his life and as a result Daniel retreated to avoid his decapitation, but when the cut that flashed before his eyes like a flash creating a gust of air that blew into his face making his hair ruffle.

“— It seems like you smelled death, so I think you better get used to it, because death will be the most faithful companion you will find in your life one way or another.”