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Between the bleeding hands of a faithful hound, The half-broken shaft pushes the spear holder into an unattainable quest. 

Yet he doesn't flinch, he won't let down his people, surrender is not an option while a hound stand to fight, the others hard earned grace shall not be disgraced.


If Father Desi saw him, the old grumpy man would nail Dimas to the dawn tree. A punishment only befalls those who dare to disgrace The lords' dignity. 

' They are Envoys and you dare accuse them of transgressing...'  whispers fall on Tierd Dimas only heard by him. The hound knows these words only breathe misfortune. 

Capable of shackling something within him. Whatever the cursed wraith stated, he didn't shy from it. One more foe to fight.

' ... taught you better, foolish boy... ' The hateful words kept hunting him since forever. And like all times, he was ready to guard against its harm. but to Dimas's surprise, a sizing touch, a revival of lil but much need strength. 

Desi was in for this march. The same wraith hunting him for long, his obsessive mentor, decides to join Dimas's confrontation.

" ... Growing soft me, are you? " the hound couldn't resist the temptation to spit on his late mentor. He hated Desi. alive and dead. He hated to be indebted to that pig. But as a soldier, he will always credit any of those who any worthy action and fight.

' Your Bubs served till the end. They earned their due... ' The wraith decided not to pick a bone, the hateful Desi knew Dimas had no tomorrow. He is better than picking a bone with a hound seeking The lady's grace.

" ... Always spitting the obvious... " Dimas no longer addressed the wraith with disdain. Any warrior deemed an honor deserved to be addressed for it.

"... Can you see what we chose to fight... "

'... The enforcer of a will on our realm... Sharp your fang. As the only hound standing to face The Fool's Envoys... ' The dead priest whisperer of the looming terror. The threat landed on the ground with confidence. 

 < Tik t.shik tik t.shik > Their beastly tiking and shrieking are echoing through a wide battlefield, filled with death and misfortune. The hound could feel it in his bone, he was looking at a mirror.

 If he was a hound marching under the will, seeking the lady's grace, and these creatures flew under their lord's will. Spreading ill omen and misfortune. 

The Envoys were in for a meal 

"... more of Lackyes and Haynes... " They may serve the same roles, but all be named, he was a mortal sinful walker, and he deemed his foe lesser than bugs. This confrontation is a grave sin already. He fears no Envoy.

" I denounce this treachery... "

Dimas has no power to bury all those lost and Envoys always come to defile the fallen, no soldier should be left to the envoys. A creed honored by all warriors was not met on this battlefield.

 Whispers since ancient days, sing the misfortune of the brave, how the cruel bastards are torturing the fallen very essence. People hear their dead comrades' screams... and Begging...


' ... Don't provoke them you mindless kid... ’ a feeling of dread and rage came from Desi, could this wounded hound be any more foolish. The priest knows less of what being an envoy is. 

If their Lord deemed these fallen as his. No such Mortal Walker gets to challenge his decree.

4 pairs of dead eyes are already marching toward the man, the sinful who dares to interrupt their meal. One of the biggest Envoys faces Dimas. on two thin legs, it draws close.

"... Creepy bastards... "

'... Tongue kid... Spend your every thought in sharing your greatest weapon... '

Any onlookers would wonder how such sticks are carrying a creature over 4 feet tall and wider than a three-pair of hands.

The dark black and grey feathers are covering the creature's torso, and its feathered wings appear as a cape. many...many bones are tied to... only the lady knows where! 

worse, walkers don't fear these ill-omen feathers and bones as much as what lay above. A Long neck is extending from the creature's body. Ending with what suppose to be ahead. 

Closer To his foe, Dimas started to grit his teeth. Their beastly cries are more of a song of e ill-omen. None shall die and be graced before they suffer these creatures and Their lord's Dark will.

Dimas monitors his foe's every move. He knows better than to give the enemy a second to flinch. Not daring to test his odds, as such a spare is never won by a known Walker

Hunger and death stared back at the wounded Hound. the creature had no eyelids, no skin, and any flesh for all that matter.

Its long neck only carried a Vulture skull with wide sockets, holding a dead pair of eyes. Those dead Balls were capable of manifesting greed and hunger much deeper than any living walker should handle.

Checking his waist A blade was in its scrape. It wasn't the time he opened his mouth

" I pray seven... "

' ... we pray seven... '

As he finished, Dimas prepared to enforce the will. Desi chose to keep silent. What was left is the hound's last allay. The same broken shaft drawing its user blood. To its end, a sharp head was roaring. 

Both living and dead knew what the broken short spear did. A third prayer was declared.

Desi and Dimas knew, what now could be called a short spear capable of, many actions by the hound, and his spear brought a change, Both carried determination to guard their companions' valor. 

Once a hound always a hound, whether born of flesh or shaped with fire. Rufino the spear of change was the last piece of this puzzle. Now A broken spear he may be, but again with his wielder they shall serve the will.