Chapter 1: “A Whole Month?!”
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Chapter 1: "A Whole Month?!"


          A steady beeping sound comes from a monitor in the corner of the room.  Attached to it by a few braded wires is a petite woman in a hospital gown, tucked up to her neck in a thin blanket.  Her hair is snow white and her pale face a symmetrical image of beauty.  But that wasn’t the most eye-catching thing about her.  Atop her head of white hair sat two long fluffy white ears, peaking out from the messy do.  In her slumber one canine worked its way out, giving her a supremely cute visage.


In another corner of the room sat two men in chairs, one older than the other.  They looked related to each other like how a son looks like his father.  The younger man looked tired like he hadn’t slept in a day or two, his blonde hair messy and bags under his eyes.


“Dad… You said Sam has been like this a month now?”  The young man asked, his exhaustion palpable. 


He let out a deep sigh before replying, his eyes never really leaving the form of the girl on the bed.  “Yeah Michael, He-She’s been passed out since I found her during our hunt.  I can’t really say what caused this, and neither can the doctors.  Nobody has ever seen a case of metamorphosis this intense.  Normally you’d be born with her ears and tail, but they just sprouted the same time as his gender flipped… In fact -” He paused to scratch his chin.  “It happened so fast, I thought it was a different person when I found her.  If it wasn’t for him wearing the same clothes and looking an awful lot like your mom, I’d have kept looking for him out there.”


He sighed again, “And those ears haha, they really threw me off… How do you think she’s going to take the news?”


Michael looked up from his phone, frowning.  “Not good.”

“What makes you think that?”

“Well, he stands to lose more currently from this than he could gain.  For one, his girlfriend, she’s straight so that’s probably over and they’ve dated for a few years now, and I know they were planning on more…  He won’t take it well.  For two he was training to try out for special forces, but they only accept men.  And last but not least, he’s a furry now.”  He said the last sentence with a joking smile, but the truth was there still.  Anthro-people have been periodically born since the convergence.  Typically, they were blessed with increased strength, stamina, or magical ability.  While that may be the case some people still chose to look at them like they were freaks of nature.


“Don’t… don’t say that about your sister… sheesh.”  John said, shaking his head with a look of mild revulsion on his face.  “It may have a different connotation now, but back in my day you wouldn’t wanna be caught dead being called a furry, not to mention the whole shebang was incredibly sexualized.  So don’t call Sammie a furry, please.”


Michael sighed with a light laugh “I know, I thought I’d try to get a laugh out of you at least.”


The two sat in silence for a few minutes, watching Sam’s chest rise and fall with each breath she took.  Eventually a knock interrupted their thoughts, and a brunette-haired woman poked her head into the hospital room.


“Mr. Mist?  We’ve got some paperwork for you to sign if you wouldn’t mind coming with me for a moment.”  John looked to his son Michael who nodded as if to say they’ll be fine, before he got up and followed the brunette outside, closing the door behind him with a click.


Not 10 seconds passed after John left before Sam’s long ears twitched on top of her head, followed closely by a cute-but-pained feminine moan.  “Uhn.. Ohhhhh… My stomach…”




When Sam first awoke he was awash in a sea of confusing sensory information.  Sounds were too soundy and loud, smells too smelly, and everything felt way too soft and warm.  Opening his eyes was no better as the light was too bright, forcing him to squint through watery eyes at first.  Above all of that though was an ache in his chest and a cramping pain in his abdomen that made him want to curl up and cry. 


“Uhn… My stomach…” Sam suddenly froze as if an electric shock ran through him, and his eyes suddenly snapped open, alert now.


“Mmmmooop.  Hhmmmmmmooooop. Mmmmop…  What?”  Sam realized his voice was way too high, light and feminine, a far cry from his own normal deep n chesty voice. 


“Take it slow, Sammie.  Relax, I’m here and dad is just outside, he’ll be right back okay?” Sitting up against the headboard proved to be a challenge for his fatigued state but one that Sam was determined to tackle.  With shaky arms he managed to work herself into a sitting position.


“What’s going on?  Where are we?  Why do I sound like a girl?  Why is my hair so long… and why-why do I have – FLUFFY EARS??!”  As he rattled off his questions he kept brushing hair out of his face, and in trying to find an ear to hide it behind he discovered his long ears. 


“Here, I think its faster if you just look.”  Michael took out a mirror and handed it to Sam.

“To answer your questions though, We’re in a hospital.  You passed out while on a hunting trip with dad about a month ago, do you remember?  When he found you, you already looked like this.  The doctors say you’re a healthy fertile woman though, so congrats.” He said the last sentence with a smile on his face.


But Sam wasn’t entirely listening anymore.  Instead, he was shocked by the face that stared back at him in the mirror, to say she was pretty would be an understatement.  Sam had never seen anyone with such a pure and beautiful face.  She had snow-white hair with long soft looking ears, porcelain white skin and a symmetrical features.  She had two big eyes, one blue and one green like his had been, and her cheeks had a subtle blush to them that made you want to pinch or kiss them.  Her lips were slightly chapped due to the month-long hibernation, but they were rose-red and delicate looking like the rest of her.  Altogether she gave off a very cute and demure impression. 


“Also, you have a tail.” Michael said, suppressing a laugh while watching Sam stare into the mirror.


“A tail.” Sam said in a flat voice, his face unbelieving.  “Psh, yeah right…”  Sam wanted to rebuke him for making fun of him in this state but the words died in his throat.  The hand he had snaked down to his side encountered something soft and fluffy.  Something oh so warm and absolutely totally not a tail.  Totally not a tail.  There was no way.

Pushing the blankets down with one hand, while the other kept the culprit detained revealed the truth.


“A tail?  What the fuck is going on, Michael?” 


As if on cue Sam doubled over again as painful cramps gripped his abdomen, letting out a low moan.


“Well that would probably be your period, you have been in here a whole month after all.” Michael said it matter-of-factly, as if it should have been the first thing on Sams mind. 


Sam reached down with investigative intent.  Sliding his tiny hands under the hospital gown revealed he was wearing no undergarments, and after a brief exploration he withdrew his hand, now slick with a little blood.  It really is gone.  Sarah and I were going to have kids I thought…

Burying these thoughts, Sam looked up again.

“Hey, uhh, pass me a towel would you?”

“Just use your tail.” He said with a snicker, but he still got up and pulled some paper towels and hand sanitizer from the bathroom.  “Here, I’ll be right back.  I’ll go see if the nurse has anything for… Down there.”  After passing the supplies over he turned and stepped out of the room, closing the door behind him.


Sam cleaned his hand thoroughly while wading through a mixture of shame and curiosity about his new self.

That reminds me…  Sam looked down at his tail, and stroked it tentatively, causing his ears to lie flat as a - a wave of… pleasure?  What? Why?


Panicked, Sam tucked his tail back under the covers, blushing like he had done something naughty.  After a moment he calmed down and his face adopted a pensive look.  “I’ve been here a month already?  Aside from being weak, it only feels like I took a nap or something…”


Later that evening, after bathing in the concern and reassurances of his family and receiving his tampons, Sam lay in the hospital bed alone. 


For the first time in many years, Sam cried himself to sleep.