Chapter 8: “Taken pt.1”
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Chapter 8: “Taken pt.1”



            Sam met Liam the next day as they’d planned.  They were at one of the fitness centers scattered around Storm Rock, it featured several rubber mats for sparring, and had a track that ran the circumference of the interior.  It also featured some resistance and weight training equipment.  Sam strolled up to their usual spot in the sparring area, wearing a sports top and spandex shorts.  Liam was shirtless as usual for their sparring and training, in loose red gym shorts. 

Sam also found out her period ended today, putting her in an especially good mood.

Around them, people were using various equipment or running the track.  Some wanted to become stronger, others wanted to stay in shape.  There was even another duo to their right where a couple of teenagers sparred; their moves exaggerated and telegraphed.  


Changing in the women’s locker room had been a different experience, as men he and Liam had jokingly wondered what it would be like in there.  Sam was worried about becoming aroused and having the other women notice somehow, but her fears never came to be.  Sam didn’t feel any hint of attraction as she looked around the room towards the other women, not that she had come to perv – she was just doing research!


After setting their waters at the edge of the sparring area, Sam stepped out onto the mat with Liam and gestured to him to lie down.  “You’re first.”

Liam complied.  Raising up a leg for Sam to grab after lying flat on his back.  She took him by the ankle and leaned onto his hairy leg, pushing it back gently until she met some resistance before backing off again and holding the stretch for a moment.  Sam let go before moving and doing the same with his other side.

Sam helped Liam to his feet before she laid down herself.  Sam looked up at Liam, watching his reaction as she slowly raised her leg for him to grab.  He met her eyes as he took her by the ankle, before he began to push against her, stretching her thigh and butt.  Sam bit her lip and felt her face warming, breaking the eye-contact before it became too much.  The stretch felt better than it normally did, and she felt this was more intimate than when they usually did this. 

She looked around the room, trying to find something else to focus on as Liam switched to her other leg, settling on to a couple as they jogged past.  Because of this, she didn’t notice the bulge that her stretch partner was fighting hard to control. 


Sam heard snickering and turned to see that the teens had stopped their sparring to instead stare at her ass, they’d gone as far as to move further down the mat for a better angle.  It could have been her tail – but she knew better.  Sam groaned.  Douchebags. 

Liam let go of Sams leg and stepped back towards his things without helping her to her feet, bending over to retrieve his water bottle before he took big quaffs.  Sam huffed and got up while crossing her arms, giving the boys a glare, who just snickered more. 


Liam looked up, glancing at the boys and where they were standing, back to Sam, and back to the boys – the gears in his head turning as he slowly capped his water bottle and swallowed.  Sam saw something in his gaze turn stern as he set the water bottle down before walking over to the two boys and speaking in a hushed tone.  He probably thought Sam wouldn’t hear him, but she could.

“If you two have time to oogle my friend and make her uncomfortable, then you have time for twenty laps, right?”  Liam asked them in a voice that wasn’t really asking, towering over them by a head and shoulders.  They gulped, looking at each other and back to Liam before nodding.  With sad expressions they headed over to the track and started jogging.  Liam nodded before he turned around and picked his water bottle back up, pretending nothing happened.



Sam stood across the mat from Liam with a grin, they each had uncapped markers in their hands.  Liam tossed one of his into the air, letting it spin once before he caught it.  “Alrighty Ms. coma-victim.  Let’s see if you still have what it takes!”  He declared with dramatic effect, leveling out a marker at her like it was a sword.

Getting tagged and leaving a mark meant you got stabbed or slashed.  They had their own rules to it, and their sparring bordered on playful at times.  But the core of their exercise was to tag the other person without getting tagged yourself.  Three tags and you were out - unless it was your neck or heart.


Sam charged at Liam, her tail waving behind her as she ran, she made sure to stay on the balls of her feet as she closed the distance between them.  She watched as Liam raised his guard, ready to receive her – but she changed direction as she noticed him shift his weight, choosing instead to attack from his left side at the last moment instead of his right like she had feinted towards.  Her tail moved on its own, assisting her as she altered her trajectory over a single step instead of two or more.  Sam registered Liam’s surprised expression as she pivoted once more, changing her hit and run style attack into a head on charge at the last moment.

Slipping under Liams off-handed swing Sam jumped while dragging her markers across Liams torso from his left hip to his right shoulder.  She made sure to flash him a grin as she planted her bare foot on his chest before using him as a springboard.  Liam took half a step back as Sam somersaulted into her landing.  “AAHH? I DIED ALREADY!!?”


Sam felt alive, everything felt right.  She breathed through her nose, feeling confidence in herself surging for the first time since her transition.  She knew she’d lost much of her strength, but she still had her quickness, if anything she felt faster, lighter, and quicker to react.  After giving herself a once over she confirmed that Liam hadn’t landed even a scratch on her.  It didn’t matter that she couldn’t beat her opponent in an arm wrestle any more, Sam just needed to hone this skill even further.  She felt that she could probably take her style of fighting to greater heights than when she was a man.

“Holy shit.  Sam.  I’ve never seen anyone move like that.  You were an actual blur.”  Liam looked flustered as he continued in a slightly quieter voice, “If any of the Man-eaters moved like that, I wouldn’t be here…” 

Sam hadn’t thought anything particularly amazing happened, sure she thought Liam was moving a little slower than normal, but she’d thought he actually had the gall to go easy on her, making her go all out from the get-go.


Sam felt exhilarated and wanted to explore more of her newfound strength.  Smiling, she beckoned to Liam.  “Come at me.”




The two sparred until noon, when they decided to stop for the day.  Sam was tired as she waited out front of the building.  She was back in her normal attire; except she was wearing a dress today - one of her mom’s.  It had an enchantment woven into it for increased warmth which made it a viable choice for an overcast day.  She figured she may want something that breathed a little better for the walk home.  Liam had nothing to do with it, she reminded herself.


Hearing footsteps behind her, Sam turned and watched Liam make his way towards her.  He smiled at her as he got closer and took her bag from the bench next to her, slinging it over his other shoulder.  Sam wanted to protest but she actually felt like she’d yet to recover from the session, and so she settled on giving him a wry smile.  “Thanks for today.”

Liam laughed, “Same routine as always, except you completely kicked my ass.  Once you regain your endurance I think you’ll be ready to hit the roads again.  Only you can put a timeframe on that though.”  He said the last part with a shrug while they walked, shifting their bags around to a better position.


While the two talked, they turned off of a busy street to cut between some houses like they had on the way there.  When they were about halfway along the alleyway Sam heard two muffled coughs behind her.  She turned around to see what it was but saw Liam pulling a dart from his neck.  He looked… confused? Why?  Clearly it was his dart; he was holding it, right?  So why did he have such a cute and puzzled expression on his face?


Sam giggled and crumpled to the ground unconscious, joined shortly after by Liam.







            Sam awoke with a throbbing headache; and she didn’t know where she was.  She was blindfolded and when she tried to move her hands to pull it away she discovered that she was restrained against a table.  Worse yet, Sam knew she was naked.

“Oh good, you’re awake.  You magic girls always impress me with your recovery abilities.”  A mans voice spoke out from the darkness to her right.  Sam twisted away from where his voice came from.  “W-who’re you? What do you want with me?”

He snickered.  Sam recognized his laugh from somewhere.  In a flash it came to her: The service!

“Isn’t it obvious?  Not who I am anyways –you may call me Darius by the way.  But why you’re hereNaked.  On my table.”  The man named Darius tugged off her blindfold, revealing a plain mask that anyone could have made. 


He watched as Sam’s face twisted, as she considered the implications of his words.  He reached out a finger and trailed it from her neck, between her breasts and down near her naval, stopping above her pubic bone.  “You’re very beautiful, for a beast.  But I’m paid to prepare and break girls, not soil them.”  Sam shivered, not from his touch but from his words.

He straightened up, suddenly businesslike.  “We’ll do this a few ways.  The old carrot and stick treatment.”


“First, let me show you the stick.”  Darius snapped his fingers, and a collar that Sam hadn’t noticed around her neck began to emit painful electric shocks.  At first Sam kept her pain inside, assuming Darius was just demonstrating.  But as the seconds wore on Sam could no longer contain her pain, screaming out in agony as she arched her back, pulling against the restraints.  But even then, Darius did not relent.  Sam lost track of time as Darius allowed this to continue on, submerging her in mind-rending pain until Sam could no longer scream, her voice thin and airy from her torn vocal chords.  But even then he continued, her screams sounding like heavy breaths.



At last, with a snap, the pain ended.  Sam gasped for air, feeling her cheeks stained with tears she didn’t know she’d shed.  After her breathing had calmed Darius stood over her and looked into her eyes.  “Do you understand the stick?”  He held up his hand threateningly.  Sam nodded vigorously.  In this moment, right now, she felt defeated.

“Good, now I’m going to undo your restraints.  If you try anything, do anything, or say anything I don’t tell you to do, I will snap my fingers and come back again tomorrow after I’ve killed your boy-toy.  Understand?”  Sam nodded tearfully.


After he undid her restraints, Darius told her to sit up, Sam complied.

“And now we introduce you to your carrot.”  He pointed to a spot just above Sam’s pelvic bone, where she spotted an intricate light pink heart-shaped tattoo.  “It’s not active yet but once it finishes binding to you it will.”  Darius cleared his throat before continuing.  “This is a heat seal, it only works on beasts like you, and soon it will bind with you permanently.  For you, a state of near - constant arousal awaits as this seal accomplishes a few things.”  Sam looked down in horror.  “Let me elaborate, once you become aroused it keeps dialing things up and it doesn’t stop until you climax, which the seal only allows once it detects male essence inside you.”  He giggled, “you can’t get yourself off anymore.  See, this customer wants you to be either his breeding stock, or his pet cock-sleeve.”  He laughed maniacally as he got up and walked over to open a door.  “Come come,” he beckoned. 



Sam cried silently as she walked behind the man, terrified of the supposed future he promised.  He opened another door after they’d walked down a hallway, revealing a well-furnished space.  It had a bed, a toilet, and a bookshelf with some books.  It also had a sink.  Darius gestured for her to walk in before he closed the door behind her and locked it.

He grinned at her through the bars.  “The rules are simple, tonight your curse awakens.  IF you can somehow refrain from becoming a disheveled mess begging me to fuck you senseless by the end of the week, then on my honor I will let you go.  I will tell the client you are untamable.  But I don’t think you’ll be getting any sleep.”  He winked before slinking away and whistling a tune.


Sam paced around the cell after he left, pressing her hands in various places, trying anything to find a way out of her situation.  None of the books felt heavy enough to use as a weapon and there were no sharp rocks to be found.  Just a cup in the sink.  She knew if she was going to attack him that she would need to be swift and lethal, otherwise she would be left to writhe in agony for who knows how long.  Maybe even until she died.


Sam sat naked on the bed, her nipples hard in the cold air.  She sighed and looked down to study the mark she now bore, and watched as it suddenly glowed with power.  As it did, an intense vibration seemed to drill through her from that point, settling around her uterus and vaginal walls before it spread outwards from there, spreading to every extremity as the most intense and sudden climax she’d ever experienced yet followed after, rocking her body with no warning.

“Hnn  Hn H-ooh my gooooooood….” Sam moaned through broken vocal chords as she fell backwards onto the bed in a daze.  Her ears pinned themselves flat against her head in ecstasy while she gripped the sheets, riding out wave after wave of intense pleasure cascading through her from her womanhood.  Is this a female orgasm?  This is incredible.


Minutes later, after it subsided Sam sat gasping for air.  She reached down and found herself drenched and incredibly sensitive.  Before she could stop herself, she began to toy with her clit.


Sam pushed her head back and arched her back as she began to finger herself furiously.  Sending waves of pleasure through her like rain to a parched field.  She pushed her fingers desperately inside of herself, like an itch she just barely couldn’t satisfy, she chased her dragon.  Deep down, Sam knew she’d already lost.  She couldn’t stop.  But she needed to.  She needed release but she knew she couldn’t get it. 




After several minutes of this Sam gathered her strength and in an almost herculean demonstration of personal willpower, Sam withdrew her fingers from inside herself before licking them clean.  Her desperate heat making her do lewd things for the sake of it. 


Sam hung her legs over one side of the bed while she kept her arms and hands over the other, laying across the bed perpendicularly on her stomach.  Sam had tears of frustration in her eyes as she lay there, occasionally her arm would twitch like she was about to reach down, and she would consciously fight the urge to touch herself.

She could feel her thighs, slick with her own need, whenever her tail waved and stirred the air around her pussy.



Sam was worried.  She didn’t think she could make it through the week.  Even then, she doubted that Darius was a man who kept his word.


Things are about to heat up