Chapter 27.0 – Landslide
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“Of course.” The man still didn’t seem content. But it didn’t matter, he’d thank me later.

Bennet was his name. He led me up a dirt path which snaked up the mountain. As we ascended, dirt morphed into rocks and bushes became weeds. On the distant right slope of the mountain, I saw the village partially hidden by great boulders.

“It’s a small village,” he began to say, leading Carabella by the reigns as I sat on her back, admiring the scenery.

“But we have nothing. Apparently, there was a time when it thrived. But that’s long gone now. We eat small prey and dry roots. We are even too poor to move to the capital. Isn’t that unfair.”

I could only nod. I knew he was speaking to the prince, to Julian, but to me, one who also hunted each and everyday, eating whatever Rose left, I thought their life to be perfectly normal and acceptable.

We continued to ascend the rightmost path until we reached a plateau opposite to the village.

The man pointed to the edge of the cliff where the plateau seemed to curve left around that cliff. “The orc’s village is on the other side of the cliff. If you want, I can take care of your horse while you deal with them.”

He really thought I’d die. I understood him, but it also angered me a great deal… I knew Julian’s personality had slipped into me, but I couldn’t do anything about it, nor did I think I should. His misplaced arrogance came from the fact he was a prince. But I was a beast. Julian used his power to accrue gold and decadent clothes, but I’d use it to revive Rose.

“Stay here or go back to your village, but Carabella will come with me.”

The man looked downcast and stepped back. “Then I’ll wait for you.”

Did he think himself sneaky? I wouldn’t let Carabella go. I knew better now.

I turned and spurred on Carabella to the orc’s village. Once I rounded the corner, I found a great expanse of land, the mountain face curved inwards and the cliff expanded out, and in the middle of all this a village surrounded by great boulders stood. At its gates orcs wrestled and fought inside circles delineated with small pebbles and rocks. They were completely exposed, their large stomach hung over their crotch, their legs muscles were well defined, and their faces resembled those of boars.

I had regained most of my mana, so I could go a bit crazy. I doubted that the rock explosives could do much damage to these animals four times the weight of humans.

The orcs were too occupied, wrestling, to see me. I got off Carabella and got a bit closer to the village. Great hot flames contoured my blade. My rose flames turned a pinkish white. I swung my blade. The flames burst out my sword. The orcs couldn’t defend against something they didn’t expect.

You kill 5 orcs, you gained 1000 Exp.

LVL 11 1005/2400

Wasn’t I strong enough to kill anything now? Who could stop me? Why did I think that I needed to max out my level before I tried to seize the throne?

It certainly wouldn’t take too long to max out my level, but if the civil war took an unexpected turn and someone managed to consolidate power it would be more difficult to achieve my goal. But right now, with this sword, I could ask for the help of Boss and storm at least the Forange’s castle before we ran off to take over the capital. Boss was a beast as well after all.

I was getting ahead of myself.

A horde of orcs rushed out their village with a loose formation and sprinted towards me. The earth shook and rocks tumbled down the mountain wall. They were suicidal. I hit several beasts so as not to lose all the experience points and ran back.

You killed 4 orcs, you gained 800 Exp.

LVL 11 1805/2400

The earth shook violently, and I couldn’t stay afoot. I fell and tumbled down the mountain wall. In the distance, I caught a glimpse of Carabella galloping around the corner to the safe side of the mountain. Rocks rolled behind me. I continued to fall down the mountain until I impacted the earth at the foot of the mountain.

I clung to the mountain wall and exuded black haze out of habit. The boulders tumbled down, thankfully just as some were about to crush me, they rolled down a slope and in front of me, sending clouds of earth into the air. I closed my eyes. The clatter of rocks, and speeding fragments of rocks surrounded me. I didn’t move and waited for it to be over.

Finally, when the shaking ended, I opened my eyes. It was pitch-black. Why did I have to use black haze? Habits. I dispelled it, but it was still pitch black. I reached out but ended up touching cold rocks. I had been ‘caved’ in.