Chapter 4
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Upon finishing my trip to the minimarket, I headed toward my motorcycle and took a quick trip to the same empty field that changed my life yesterday. I stood in front of where the Torii gate used to be, now devoid of anything but grass and dirt. A gentle breeze blew past the landscape, causing the neatly cut grass to sway ever so slightly. 

“Emily, did you cross a Torii gate at some point yesterday?”

“... so that’s the cause…”

I felt surprised knowing that she didn’t immediately deduce the reasons, but maybe our Torii gate experiences were different, explaining how she didn’t notice anything weird. 

“Did it also disappear after you cross?”


We were practically standing side by side, but she couldn’t see what I saw. What I could see was Emily looking at something. I couldn’t tell what it was, but it felt weirdly similar to my own gaze. We were both looking at something longingly, something that used to exist but was no longer here. 

“Where is your Torii gate located?”

“Right across the street from my current residence, in a shady-looking alleyway. I should have known better.”

“Yeah, I messed up as well.”

It was interesting to know that despite being in completely different places, with completely different surroundings, we crossed the same Torii gate and ended up with our fates intertwined like this. Had someone else crossed this or that Torii gate, would the end result be different? What would they have done if they saw Emily’s crying face? Or would it be me who was crying when I realized it was someone else who had gotten stuck by my side?

Could other people even see the gate in the first place? Even if they can, would they cross it? Had only I crossed, would things be any different? Had Emily been the only one to cross, how would things be?

“Emily, was there anyone else near you when you passed? Or maybe someone who showed some interest?”

“No. All passers-by walked past as if the gate didn’t exist.” 


“What the heck do you mean interesting? We’re in big trouble here, mister.”

“Yeah, you’re right.”

From the direction of the shophouses, I saw a security officer clad in brown making his way toward me.

“Kid, do you have some business here?”

He asked, trying to act nicely, but his voice came out as curt and emotionless. I could tell from the smile he forced onto his face that he was trying to be kind, however. 

“Did you know about a red gate around this location yesterday or the day before?”

I asked. I decided not to add the detail of it being a Torii gate, since not everyone knew what they were.

“Red gate? I don’t think I've ever even seen a gate here.”

“I must be seeing things, then. Sorry for taking your time.”

I apologized and turned around, Emily still looking in the same direction as I dragged her toward my motorcycle. I glanced at the security guard who shook his head and returned back to the complex. Even when I rode the motorcycle, it looked weird as no matter how fast I go, Emily would be standing somewhere in the exact same position while getting dragged around at blistering speed, with absolutely no effect on her. 

I headed back toward my apartment while thinking about what to do next.


The second I arrived back in my apartment, I went to the toilet. 

“Huh, what-”

“Don’t ask, just turn around, please.”

She complied and turned back while closing her eyes as well. I pee, letting out the fountain I had been holding back, the droplets crashing into the toilet bowl. I could hear the sound, and it felt uncomfortable because I could see her standing right behind me. 

“Do you hear anything?”


“... That’s weird.”

“Eh? What do you want me to hear?”

“Can you hear the sound of me peeing?”

“I’m very happy to say that I couldn’t hear anything.”

She replied. 

“Oh, by the way, can I take a shower as well?”



Despite her complaints, she let me take a shower in the end. She moved in a position that would put her inside the walls of my shower, but it still felt very uncomfortable because I knew she was there. If anything, her being inside the walls made it even worse. Yes, I couldn’t see her, but I couldn’t tell whether she was actually looking away or not. 

I let out a sigh of resignation and turned the valve right, cold water landing on my body. It was a refreshing feeling. I pulled the handle as far up as I could, letting as much water fall onto my body as possible. 

“Do you still not hear anything?”


“So you can’t hear me undressing?”

“Please, there are some things that I don’t need to imagine.”

“I’m not asking you to fantasize about it!”

“Wh- what!? Why would I ever fantasize about you!?”

“I don’t know!”

I grunted. This became more annoying with each passing second. Forget about stopping this phenomenon, I may even die tomorrow because of stress if this continues. The normal, easy things that I used to take for granted were now something hard and stressful. I couldn’t even get a shower in peace. 

“Are you still looking away?”

I asked in a softer tone, probably calmed down a bit thanks to the running water.

“Yeah… you can trust me on that.”


It felt weird asking about it. I never needed to ask that kind of question, after all. When I was still a little child, I didn’t feel embarrassed, and once I grew up, I could handle all of it by myself. I no longer need anyone looking over me, so of course I never asked that question. 

I couldn’t see her, either, but I think that Emily probably felt the same thing as well. If anything, it was probably worse for her. 

It was hardly midday, but I already felt extremely exhausted. The used-to-be gentle splashing sound of the water hitting the floor felt so uncomfortably loud. Emily shouldn’t be able to hear it, she couldn’t hear anything that I didn’t say, but unfortunately, it didn’t make things feel any better. The fact that someone was behind me felt extremely uncomfortable, and that was under the assumption that she didn’t turn around. Since she was behind the wall, I couldn’t see her, so she can turn around and watch me as I shower. 

I couldn’t stay long in the shower, either. I sped through washing myself, all while holding the embarrassment that felt like it could burst within me. Had this been an anime, I would probably have beet red face at this point. Fortunately for me, my showering session went without any other hindrance. Unfortunately, however, the same couldn’t be said for the thing after the shower.

I lived alone, so I was used to going out of the shower naked and heading back into my room to grab clothes. Since her maximum standing point was a fixed distance away from me, the area she could stand in should be in a circle. After going out of the toilet, I needed to turn left for my wardrobe. Using that in mind, I calculated commands that I could use to move Emily without me entering her view. 

“Emily, are you still facing the other way?”

“I am.”

“When I say ‘go’, I need you to move forward right.”

“I’m blocked by space, so I can’t go far.”

“Don’t worry about it, just follow my commands.”

I walked to the toilet walls. Once I was directly beside it, I moved toward the door and peeked out. I can see Emily’s body standing in the hallway, facing away from my toilet. 


I said, and ran as soon as she started moving. That way, I kept her facing away from me. I rushed to my wardrobe and took a change of clothes, racing against the clock. Within seconds, maybe a new record, I had successfully changed into my clothes. 

“I’m done.”

I said as I tidied myself up. Emily appeared from the hallway, looking sheepish. She fidgeted uncomfortably. 

“What is it?”

I asked.

“Can I take a shower now?”