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I don't know how long I've been here ,minutes, years, or even a moment, but my consciousness will disappear from time to time and come back.
It's like sleeping and waking up, but I never know when I'm awake or asleep.
I suddenly come to my senses because I hear a strange dog-like whining and
It's as if the darkness is slowly becoming dimly lit as the first rays of dawn shine through the night.
as if I were in body again; it's seen as unknown and familiar at the same time.
Why am I making such strange noises? My body feels different, but somehow better?
what happening? I slowly try to move and bump into a small furry body, and something next to me starts whining even louder.
I instinctively open my eyes, but I can see quite dimly. I see a huge wolf in front of me with black and purple fur and glowing purple eyes.
Hew, I can't say anything about that; it's kind of shocking, but I don't feel panic yet.
As soon as the shock passed, I looked around and saw five more wolf cubs with the same black and purple fur.
I see. Have I become a wolf too? They're cute, and I'm sure I'm cute too, although somehow they all look a little smaller than me.
hm hm, that's good for my pride. As a human, I was a girl, but I was stronger than boys, and
I was actually quite big and muscular. When there were no wars and the end of the world hadn't come, I worked as a special police officer.
I was always bullied at school because girls had to be graceful, but I was the complete opposite.
I felt something bite me. I stopped my monologue and came back to reality.
Oh, mom picked me up and put me between the others because I was just lying on the floor when my other siblings started eating.
Guh, it's been worse; now is not the time to be picky. I also caught one of her nipples and started eating; it isn't too bad.
After I finished, I went away a little and lay down on the ground.
I curled up and waited to fall asleep. As long as I'm a cub, I can't do too much.
but my siblings decided it would be nice to sleep on top of me.
and they all came here and laid on me or next to me, and then mom came next to us.
but it was a strangely good feeling, somehow warm and pleasant, so I quickly fell asleep.
I woke up to mom licking me. It felt good, so I let it clean me or something.
After me, she started licking my other siblings.
While she cleaned the others, I had time to look around. My vision seems clearer.
It seems that we are in a big cave; there were a few other passages.
and the sunlight is shining from one of them, so I think that is the exit.
very cozy, mossy, and bony. Wait,  bone? One of the passages was full of all kinds of bones, some of which I had never seen before.
Okay, it's a bit scary, but there's nothing to be afraid of; it shows that mom is strong.
I felt a little hungry, so I went to Mom. I started whining, which attracted my other siblings too.
Mom looked at us and laid down on the floor so we could eat.
I started to suckle again, and immediately after that, I fell asleep again in a little pile of wolves.
This went on for a while until we couldn't run around and play; apart from sleeping and eating, we just fought and played.
Hmm, I think it's been a long time. I've grown quite a bit, and I'm still the biggest.
I dominated all my siblings and showed who was the alpha, and almost all my teeth are out.
I noticed that mother usually goes out hunting when we are sleeping, but now she just growled at us and left.
I realized the hint: she was telling us to stay inside the cave. My siblings also have many teeth; would she bring us meat?
I looked at the pile of bones and saw them playing with them.
and I also realized that they are very intelligent. I immediately took on the role of the big sister and taught them.
Of course, this may look quite strange; Mom gave me strange looks quite often.
But I still don't know the genders; I just call them 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 in order of magnitude. Of course, I'm the first.
I growled at them when I saw that 2 had their heads stuck in a skull and 3 were trying to tear it off.
3 immediately pulled their tails in and looked at me offended; they looked at me like it was my fault.
I growled at them again, 3 whimpering, until 2 just lay on the ground because they gave up the fight with the skull.
I licked 3 heads to calm them down, then I went to 2 and stuck one of my paws under the skull and pulled it off the head.
I started to lick them; they lay down on the floor, and I rubbed myself on them.
Oh wait, as if a light went on above my head, an idea suddenly came to mind.
I just have to turn them over and see what their gender is. Why didn't I think of this?
I suddenly turned 2 and 3 on their backs and checked their gender. Oh, I see, 2 is she, and 3 is he.
It caught them by surprise, and they started whimpering. I started rubbing their bellies with my paws.
Oh, cutie, my ears twitch because I hear a growl from the exit.
Did Mom get back? I stop rubbing them and move closer to the exit.
Mother dragged some big mangled monster into the cave; it looked very strange—a cross between a moose and a lion?
All my siblings started running towards my mother; I was still sitting a few meters away.
They started eating the corpse, and Mother looked at me, and it was as if through her eyes she told me to go eat.
I also ran there and bit into it. Okay, it's not bad.
We ate a big part of it; about half remained. Mom ate the rest. After that, she cleaned us, and we went to sleep.
It went like this for a while: Mother hunts; we play, eat, and sleep.
I grew quite a lot again, and the others grew quite a lot too.
and all my teeth are out, and well, a lot of time has passed, but I just noticed that we don't have to poop or piss.
I do not know why; maybe magic? Oh, and I found out the gender of all my siblings. 3, 5 is he, and 2, 4, 6 is she.
While I was saying my inner monologue, Mother growled at us. I turned to her, and the others were still playing with the bones.
She growled at us once more and told us to follow her. Don't ask how I understand; these are instincts, I think.
She started towards the exit of the She started towards the exit of the cave. "Oh,  we finally go hunting?