Chapter 21: The Thirsty Will March Their Way For An Ocean, Only To Find A Lake; Even Then, They Shall Be Grateful
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“Quit squirming, Ashley! Be a good girl~”


Not like he could help it; the shampoo was beginning to sting his eyes, but his discomfort didn’t seem to matter to the rough fingers massaging his scalp.


“Ooooh, you are just going to look so cute in white!”



The force of Ash’s palm jamming into his lower jaw woke him with a startling fright. It took him a moment to recall where he was; the spacious confines of a coach running along the tracks of the G.W.S.


For whatever reason, his first instinct upon awakening was to take a few strands of his hair between his fingers. He gently tugged at the tips, presenting the tail of his flowing mane for his good eye to see.


Still black; his hair had always been black. Always…


“Is everything alright, my Lord?”


Velicity, ever-watchful, ever-dutiful, sat in the seat directly opposite from the object of her guard. Her vigilant eye was trained solely on Ash, presumably watching him sleep. The Dark Lord would have found such a thing creepy, had it not been his norm for the past week.

“Yeah…” Ash answered, settling back into his seat, resting his head against the chill of the glass; anticipating another bump of the tracks to rock him. “Just a little jolt, that’s all…”


“Is something wrong with Ash?” Asked another voice directly behind the Lord.


Rose, ever-extra, ever-listening, for some strange reason or another, poked her head over the back of Ash’s chair, peeking into a conversation she very well could be a part of, if she simply chose to stop being so difficult.


“Why are you sitting back there when the seat beside me is perfectly empty?” Ash asked the monkey on his back.


He could just feel the rolling of Rose’s eyes; something she did habitually, even when in a good mood. “And have to look at Miss Spring-Top the whole time? Pass.”


Velicity let out an insulted scoff as the train rocked with yet another bump in the tracks.


“Technically you would be staring at Lexus, not Velicity.” Ash tried his best at damage control, but he was no mediator. People arguing had nothing to do with him, so he generally ignored it. Unfortunately, this was his team, and he needed all his pieces operating in harmony; so mediator he would have to be.


“Yeah, like I wanna spend the next few hours looking at that.” Rose returned. 

All eyes fell to Lexus, ever-wild, ever-untamed, a feral animal in the body of a young woman. With three bushy tails of brown hair flowing down her back, each carrying enough substance to fill in for an actual fox’s tail, the girl practically looked like some sort of woodland mutation.


A scar over her left eye, where only a pearl of glazed white could look out into the world, and many smaller markings dressing her face with stories of battles-untold, her past life of wilderness and willfulness was to be believed.


Her mouth hung agape, unhinged like a feeding snake. Streams of drool poured from the well, and a crick in her neck was promised. At least her snores were quiet, which wasn’t always the case.


“We could switch seats, then.” Ash proposed, still trying his damnedest to initiate the team bonding he knew his crew was in dire need of. 


“No, way.” Rose continued, stubborn and thorny, much like the flower from which she was named. “Then I would be staring at Springy-Locks the whole time. Hard pass, Ashy-boy.” And with that, the jiving flower turned back in her seat, and vanished from the party.


Ash looked to his other knight, aiming to apologize for Rose’s nature. Velicity’s arms folded atop her breasts, and a look of pure vengeance burned within her aqua corona.


The Dark Lord shook his head, begging, pleading, for the usually more mature of the two to stay that way.


But she was at her wit's end.


Cherry-red glowing in her cheeks, a distasteful scowl weighing on her lips, Velicity began her retaliation; for a true warrior would never yield to such an onslaught.


“Are comments about my hair the only thing that tiny-little-brain of yours can come up with?”


And Rose was quick with her counterattack, pivoting as best she could, though she met her match rather quickly.


“It’s the ugliest thing about you, by far~ And that’s saying a lot, considering you have the personality of wet paint.”


Ash had to jump in, and quick, lest there would be no stopping this clash. “Rose, please…”


“Ha!” But Velicity was too agile, hopping to her next rebuttal much like she bounded through the trees, “Admit it! I’m so flawless you can’t name a single bad thing about me! You, on the other hand- The list goes on far too long, and I don’t have the means to keep my throat moist during the reading!”


He needed to do something before-


“Oh yeah?” Damn it, Rose, just stop! “Come on then, let’s hear some. Indulge us with that rich vocabulary you’re so proud of.


“Velicity, just-”


“Ok, how’s this for a start:” Why?! “Weak. Obnoxious. Loud. Clumsy. Ignorant. Undependable. And, possibly your worst offense, “ Velicity propped her breasts atop her arms, giving them an extra boost in appeal, “No womanly charm to assist in missions~”


Alright, he had to stop this now. If there was one thing Rose was more insecure about than anything in the world…


It was her cup-size.


The flowery knight drew a gasping breath, all fury building in her lungs. The air tensed as if moments away from a boom of thunder.


“YOU, BI-”


“OK, THAT’S ENOUGH!” It wasn’t the Dark Lord’s intention to cause a scene, but the two warring-cats sandwiching him gave the young man very little choice. “Rose, you chose to sit back there for a reason. So just turn around and don’t say another word to Velicity.”


“But she-”


A stern glance over his shoulder was all Ash needed to get his point across. Rose resigned herself, admitting defeat, mumbling as she fell back to her lonely seat away from her party.


Now it was Velicity’s turn for a good scolding. “You’re usually better than that.” Ash berated, knowing full-well his face resembled his father’s now more than ever, “As the senior, it falls on you to establish a good rapport. If you keep feeding in then we’ll never make progress.”


Velicity dared not fight back; not against her Lord. Her face flushed with embarrassment- true disgrace. “Yes, my Lord…”


Ah, and right on schedule, Sleeping Beauty- Or more aptly, Sleeping Beast, finally yawned from her slumber, stretching her muscles awake from the sloth of a good nap.


“Sleep good?” Ash asked Lexus, watching as she took her untrimmed fingernails and used them to scratch her backside.


The feral girl nodded, not being one for words; a trait Ash appreciated, wholeheartedly.

“Do me a favor. Go ahead and sit behind me with Rose, give her someone to talk to.” After any altercation with a member of the same sex, Rose loved to vent about it for hours. Unfortunately, Ash couldn’t show any favoritism given the situation. He would simply close his eyes for the ride’s remainder, leave Velicity to entertain herself with her thoughts as she tended to do, and let Lexus serve as Rose’s listening ear.


A band-aid over a gushing wound, but it would at least get them through the journey’s first half.


As claimed by Velicity, and supported through the feral girl’s own actions, Lexus was incredibly obedient- Much like a well trained dog. She gave a resolute nod and did as she was told without delay, swinging to the group of seats behind Ash. Rose’s voice greeted her with a hint of animosity, before immediately softening into the tone of conversing with a guidance counselor.


For the rest of the train ride, there was peace.


Or rather, the facade of it.



The trail around Tolesburough wasn’t the most particularly well-taken care of: Weeds and thistle growing up from the ground- Often concealing the path at times; discarded wagon wheels simply thrown to the side of the road without concern; massive divots and drop-offs that bent the ankles and scrapped the shins.


For Rose, it was all too reminiscent of the journey to Wyrm Way, where she must've fallen at least twenty times.


She was in no hurry to have to re-polish her armor, least of all with any brew concocted by that springy-haired witch leading the way before her. 


Ever since Velicity came into the picture, it seemed there was always a gap between Rose and her Ashley. Where once the two would have walked side-by-side, now Rose was forced to conform to the single-file order of any classic RPG party. And she was the third; not even the second.


She took the clear air of the surrounding woodlands into her lungs, letting it calm and console her, for her jealousy was a force she was trying to overcome.


But it was an awesome force.


Every dainty, perfectly-postured little step, like the salty-haired dame was queen of the world or something.


Every swish of her ass, flaunting its supple fullness- Maybe we could all look like that if we sprung from trees all day like monkeys.


Every tap on Ash’s shoulder, getting his attention to talk about the most frivolous things; any excuse to put her grubby little place stealing hands on him.


No. No, she just needed to calm down. Ash told her himself: “Top of my slot, front of my party, forever and always.”


But they all say stuff like that, don’t they~ Then it’s into the arms of Britteny Tanner, or Alicia Kippenger~


“Shut up…” 


“Hmm? Did you say something?” asked those perfect lips with that perfect eye.


Rose could only glare. Of course she said something, her lips moved, didn’t they. But her words were not directed towards her pretty-little-rival; they were turned towards her own self.


She’s so pretty, isn’t she? I bet if she weren’t trying to steal Ash away from you, you would totally be falling for her~


“I said shut up!”




“I’m not talking to you!”


The head of the party stopped to observe the discord coming from the back of his line. Oh Ash, just let a fair flower stand behind you, and consolidate these new intruders to a small group of their own.


“What’s the problem now?” Ash, always looking hotter than usual whenever he put on his “daddy-mask”, demanded from his two compatriots.


“Nothing…” Rose gritted, for why should she have to be included in the issue when she was simply minding her own business.


“I think Rosaria has something she would like to say to me. So come on, out with it. Don’t get shy now.”


You. Are. Such. A. Bitch. “I wasn’t even talking to you!” But Rose certainly wasn’t helping her case.


“Oh? Oh I suppose you were telling Lexus then to ‘shut up’? Funny considering she hasn’t said a single thing this entire mission. Perhaps you should take a page out of her book.”


I hate you. I want to punch you square in your prissy-little-mouth. “I. Was not. Talking. To anyone. I. Was simply. Talking. To. Myself. That ok with you?


“Rose,” Oh Ash, why aren’t you putting me above these nobodies? Why are you treating me like I’m equal to them in your eyes? “Just come up here and walk with me. Velicity, just go hang back with Lexus. She looks like she could use your company to stay awake.”


Lexus was practically shuffling yards behind with her eyes closed, threatening to collapse at any moment.


Velicity sighed. “Understood, my Lo- HEY!”


Oops~ You bumped her~ Happy now that you get to claim your prize? You’re so pathetic~


But Rose had no reason to listen to herself anymore. Her hand was now in Ash’s, and the warmth it provided was all that mattered. 


She still stuck her tongue out at her defeated rival, however. It mattered equally as much.


“Oh, grow up!” Velicity spat, the envious little wench she was. “My Lord, simply shout for me, should I fall too far back with the Sleep Demon, ok?”


Ha! Like we need you! Good riddance, sayonara, back of the line!


“Sounds good, thank you.” Ash replied, but you don’t have to indulge her.


The loser walked her round ass and strong thighs to the rear of the formation, right where she belonged, leaving Rose to gush and swoon as she snuggled up beside the only party member she ever needed.


Why change perfection? “Ashes & Roses” was a formula just fine in the way it worked. Adding outside elements would only stale the brew.


The trail suddenly seemed a lot more pleasant. Rose tripped and scuffed her knees a couple of times, but Ash was always right there to pick her back up. Did she fall a bit on purpose? Maybe, though she truly was just that clumsy.


So, yes, Ms. Perfect was right, back there on the train; she was right about everything. 


But her words weren’t anything new to the walking mistake known as “Rosaria”. She was a screw-up from the moment she was born. In fact, the list the dame fabricated may as well have come directly from the mouth of Rose’s mother herself.


But none of that mattered, and these people just didn’t seem to get that.


Because she had Ash now. She’s had him for almost two years this October, and she would continue to have him- So long as she never let him out of her sight.


She would follow him through Hell, Heaven, and whatever other world God wanted to throw in between, because he was hers. And she was his; so was the promise made under the stars that Halloween night.


And no one would ever come to ruin such a promise.


The Sun began to lower, setting fire to the horizon. The breeze was as chill as could be, but Rose had all the warmth she needed. She squeezed her beloved’s hand, just a little bit tighter. She practically melted when he returned with equal force.


“Rose…” he said, those sounds escaping like a sweet lullaby from the lips of an Angel, “We need to talk about this.”


Oh Ash~ Whatever you want, I’ll listen~ That’s what you wanna say, right? But then, you would be admitting that there’s a problem~ And there isn’t, right Rose?


Not what she wanted to say; what she was going to say, because she would never pass-up an opportunity to let the man know just how much value he held in her eyes. “Oh Ash~ Whatever you want, I’ll listen~”


Whatever his sweet voice desired, was a commandment as good as puppet-strings.


“You need to let go of this little grudge you have towards Velicity.”

Now look what you’ve done~


Rose’s grip on Ash's hand loosened. His own grip doubled down to compensate. There would be no getting out of this one. “I…don’t have a grudge…”


“Yes you do.”


You’re in trouble now~ I wonder how you’ll lie your way out of this one~ Or will you finally tell the truth? Admit it, Rosaria! Admit it, admit it, admit it, admit it, admit it, ad-


“Well…it’s not like it’s a big one or anything…She just gets under my skin a little…that’s all…”




“What’s been going on is more than a ‘little thing’, Rose. Listen to me,” 


Go on, look into his eyes~ Become defenseless, helpless! Melt away in his dead gaze you freak~


Rose couldn’t help…but lock eyes with Ash. Rose couldn't help…but lose all will when it came to him. No grudge was so grand; no bitterness was so harsh. It was the power he had over her heart…which is what made him so important in the first place.


The ability to make her forget; the ability to make her feel like not herself.


“Rose…” His voice was like a fresh candle, bringing tears to the eyes and comfort to the mind, “I need for this team to work- We can’t do this on our own.”


“Why…” Rose could only whisper like a raspy-voiced little girl. What authority could she possibly conjure in her voice, when she was being scolded so sweetly? “We’ve…always done fine- just the two of us…”


The tail of the party finally caught up, which meant it was time to create a little distance again. Velicity had to carry Lexus upon her back, the feral girl knocked out with no hope of awakening.


Ash’s hand didn’t feel so warm anymore. It was ice, like a corpse.


He is dead, technically! How can you be so defensive against these new girls, when it’s thanks to them your precious little Ashley is still even alive! You’re a hypocrite~ Selfish, selfish, selfish, selfish-


“Hey?” Ash continued, “Do you remember when we first started playing with Sarah and Talon?”


Rose’s strength finally returned to her grip; she knew where this was heading.


You know because it’s who you are~ Stop pretending this isn’t the same old song and dance, Rosaria~ Stop lying to yourself! You haven't changed, you’ll never change! Leech! Leech, leech, leech, leech-


“Please…” She could only beg, for she had no defense. She could only plead, for she brought this upon herself. The jury stood against her, and the evidence was damning. “Don’t bring this up…”


“Oh, but I will. Because you did the same thing back then, too. When they first started joining our sessions, you got super weird: You started leaving voice chats early, you started being aggressive for no reason, and you were even pretty rude to them when we had nothing but good times. You’re doing it again, Rose. I know you think we make an unbeatable team, but the numbers don’t lie. Our party needs this stat buff. That’s just the way the game is.”


But this isn’t a game. And they aren’t the same thing. And you should think we’re an unbeatable team too. Why don’t you think that? 


Why would he? Have you forgotten who you are? No one could ever feel complete, if all they had was you. That’s why Mom loves Tulip more, because she needs her to balance out the disgusting taste you leave in every mouth you grace~


“This isn’t like that…” Oh, but it is~


“Listen, I’m not mad at you, ok? I would just like for you…to put in a little more effort in making things better with her. Preferably soon. We have no idea what we’re about to be up against. Understood?”


The Sun fell quicker than expected- A byproduct of Autumn’s descent into the colder months. The sky was black, and the stars twinkled overhead. Ever since the Halloween of her Sophomore year, those stars had always represented an unbreakable union.


Now, they stood for a changing dynamic.


Autumn…had finally arrived. And everything was falling apart much quicker than the cold flower could have ever prepared for. She could only shrivel; tuck her roots away from the snow.


Still, there was a way to salvage at least some of the norm.


Rose put on a smile, a perk her character came pre-equipped with; about the only rewarding thing one would get from choosing her.


“Gotcha!" she feigned, "You can count on me!”



Velicity was a strong soldier. Velicity was an obedient soldier. Velicity always obeyed commands; Velicity always acted to please her Lord.

But it wasn’t always like this. 


At one point in time, Velicity was not a warrior. At one point in time, Velicity was not a regular girl.


At one point in time, Velicity had wings to soar upon, and, at one point in time, the need for those wings was non-existent, for there wasn’t anything to fly away from.


It almost felt like a dream now, the truth being so far away she wondered if her recall was biased and warped by time.


An eternal dream, pleasant and warm, right beneath the Almighty’s cradling bosom; right there with all her winged-siblings, all sleeping away until the end of Creation.


So it was supposed to go, but fate had other plans for her. It wanted her here, down upon the dirty crust, scavenging for stray twigs and bramble so she and her party could start a fire to escape night’s deathly chill.


As if the new low wasn’t low enough; as if her fall from grace hadn’t been a rough enough tumble, fate coupled her with a girl who did not like her, and who she herself held a bit of a distaste for. How could one named of such a strong, resilient flower, be so unchanging; ungrowing? 


She understood she held some of the blame for breeding such animosity and hostility within her team. She didn’t exactly approach the girl with the utmost respect, and she was willing to take accountability for said mistake. But the game has dragged on long enough.


Here the two were, crouched side by side organizing sticks, and they couldn’t even muster a single word to say towards one another.


For just a moment, Velicity wanted to feel like a child- Like the bratty younger sibling. She wanted to give the silent treatment, just once in her life. Why did she always have to be the “bigger person”- The “mature” one. Even with her own twin, bearing the same age in years and the same origin of birth, she was forced to migrate to the high road; the path was always more apathetic on the high road.


Yet, the pull to make amends tugged at her, annoying and persistent, for she wasn’t a child. She was never the bratty younger sibling; she was the above-all-emotion older one. She had lived her entire life thus. To change such a thing now, an impossibility beyond all trickery. 


Removed from her infantile heart, Velicity took the first step to healing the rift between her and her fellow knight: By placing one of her sticks into the girl’s smaller pile.


“I don’t need your pity.” Rose gritted, removing the stick from her cluster, launching it about 5 yards back.


But you know, there are no high roads in a dense forest of trees and rocks.


“What the Hell is your problem with me?!” Just as she fell from the Heavens, Velicity would continue to sink even lower as she danced with the mortals, letting their earthly ways clip the wings of her identity, as they did the wings upon her back. “I get it, ok?! I wasn’t very polite with you when we first met, but that was weeks ago! We have been on one whole rescue mission together, and we collaborated in the Dark Lord’s recovery! How could you still possibly not like me after all that?!”


Rose sprung to her feet. If this had to devolve into a physical altercation, then so be it. Whatever got this whole saga over and done with.


“You wanna know why I have a problem with you?! It’s because you keep acting like you’re better than me!”


“When have I-” Velicity had to cut her own self short. She couldn’t say such a thing in good faith; she knew those words would be perpetuating falsehoods, and nothing more.


In truth, when she first regained her Lady’s company, she did have it out to make her status among the Devil’s court known. It would be presumptuous to try and claim otherwise.


“Ok…” She admitted, her coils hanging in shame. “You are right about that. I…did have something to prove…I’m sorry about that, Rosaria. I suppose you have every right to hate me.”


Velicity returned to sorting her pile. In the end, her Lord was right; responsibility did fall on her. While it would be nice to be the one receiving the apology, even just once, what’s done is done. She did her part…and whatever happened next, was completely up to Rosaria.


The flowery knight too returned to her shrinking pile of sticks. Admittedly, most were simply gathered in a hurry, leading to a pile mostly of unusable wood. 


Her rival actually apologized, and this left her feeling rather odd. She said what she wanted to say; brought the queen down a few pegs. So why did she feel so terrible? Was it because Velicity truly was better than her, and she knew that? 


Yeah~ That’s gotta be it~ I mean, come on, we’ve seen what she can do~ Can YOU do any of that?


No…and she was tired of pretending like she could.


What else are you tired of~ 


She was tired of shifting the blame around. Whether it was an Alicia or a Sarah, a Talon or a Velicity.


Or even her own sister, Rose was getting pretty damn tired…of always making up excuses.


Because who do you REALLY hate, Rosaria?! Who’s the common denominator here?! Who is it, huh?! Who is it, who is it, who is it, who is it, who is it, who is-


“IT’S ME!!!” 


Let the truth echo through the leaves; let it resonate for the birds, the squirrels, the chipmunks- Rose didn’t give a damn. She was over playing the same old game with the same old story, like some half-assed remaster of an old classic.


“It’s me I hate, not you!!! I’m no Sarah, I’m no Talon! No Alicia, no Velicity! I’m-” Rose just couldn’t keep the tears in. She fell to her ass- Something she’d been doing since the day she learned to walk. “I’m not Tulip! I’m not her, and I can’t be like her- I can’t be as smart as her, as pretty as her, as talented as her! I can’t be her- I can’t, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t I-”


Velicity certainly wasn’t expecting a scenario like this, when she agreed to go out and gather wood with the girl who hated her. It was all too sudden, yet she still knew exactly what to do.


Because those words flying from the freckled-girl’s mouth were nothing new to her. They might as well have been words straight from her own. I’m sorry I can’t be more like… and I know you like her more…


Such words leaving her own lips were what gave her the final push she needed to run away from “home”- A place which never was; a mock attempt at recreating what she once had in the clouds.


Now, those words escaped from the throat of another, and her own hurt sat before her like a mockery delivered by God. 


But she wouldn’t let Him have his way, not this time. The crying, the sobbing, the reminder of her own pain- It hurt her not.


For she had already embraced it, become it, let it mold her and become her strength. Now someone else needed said strength- Only proving why she needed to become so strong in the first place.


Velicity cradled Rose’s quivering head against her bosom. Would it suffice for a mother’s touch? She prayed it would. “You don’t have to be anybody…” She cooed, speaking with the true voice of an Angel, “Just be you…Be Rose…Roses are strong, and resilient, and beautiful…You’re beautiful, Rosaria…I think you are…”


If only she had someone to whisper such delights into her own ear, perhaps she wouldn’t have run away from home. Perhaps she wouldn’t have let it draw a rift between her and her sister. All in the past now…All in the murky past.


Rose lifted her sniveling face. She stared into the eye which seemed to glow like the ocean at night. Roses are strong; Roses are resilient; Roses are beautiful…It was funny, because her grandmother always told her the same thing, whenever she found herself in the same position as Velicity.


A tender hug, an understanding tone, and a bunch of sweet nothings…


A three-way assault which never failed to bring a wilting flower back to life.


Rose wiped away her tears. Flowers should preserve what liquids they could during the cold seasons. 


Velicity’s perfect smile, the way it curved just right with her soft lips and lifted her tiny mole ever so slightly upon her cheek, was the ultimate remedy for any aching heart. No wonder the Devil loved the woman so.


“You didn’t have to say…all of that…” In fact, being a fan of the trope herself, Rose wouldn’t mind a little “enemies to lovers” arc with the fair maiden.


Alas, for as long as he breathed, her heart would always belong to Ash.


Velicity used her soft, gentle touch to remove the hair sticking to Rose’s wet lids. “I did. You needed to hear those words…We all do. I actively went out of my way to put you down, the same way I was once put down…So, again, you have every right to hate me. Such a sin is simply unforgivable. But, I want you to know, that if you ever need anyone to talk to; someone who really gets it, we’re on the same team…and I’ll never be far.”


Maybe there was room for another in her heart- If only just a little crush. 


“Yeah…ok…” Rose agreed. Now Velicity’s face, molded by God’s hands with extra attention and care, became difficult to stomach for a different reason entirely. Looking to the dirt was far easier; no blood being lost to the cheeks. 


“So…is all well between us?”


Need she even ask? Rose nodded; just nodded; only nodded. All was forgiven. No grudge was so grand; no bitterness was so harsh; no heart was so cold.



At long last, the final trek into the heart of the forest; all party members conscious, well-rested, and in attendance. Velicity and Rose seemed particularly chummy for the last stretch, gossiping and laughing as if they weren’t comments away from killing each other the day prior.


Eh, none of that mattered to Lexus. All she needed to do was keep her nose to the ground and her butt to the sky.


She already sent out a few chipmunks and ravens to scout the area for her. Did she even know what a “Blood Pool” smelt like? Not the slightest damn clue, and yet, if her Lady demanded it, so it shall be done.


She knew what blood smelled like, at least. So an entire pool shouldn’t be too hard to locate.


“Getting anything, Lexus?” Her Lady’s new body asked her. He was sort of handsome, though a bit too on the feminine side for her taste. Burly, big, and hairy were the only ways to go, but she digressed.


The party was nearly four hours into their morning search. Lexus wondered why her Lady simply didn’t reveal herself and lead the way for them? But her ways were not to be questioned. If anyone had a plan grander than all comprehension, it was the Devil herself.


And so, Lexus would keep sniffing the dirt, keep her butt in the air, and hold hostage her eyes in the sky.



We’re close.Was all the Devil said after hours of keeping silent, much to her vessel’s dismay.


“You know, directions would be nice.”


I can’t GIVE you ‘directions’. I only remember what the general area looked like, and this is looking a lot like that.


Ash scoffed. Once again, another demonstration of the Devil’s carelessness regarding her previous run. “This is a forest, entire kilometers can look the same.”


Look, I just know, ok?! This would be a lot easier if I could actually FEEL the damn thing, but, unfortunately, I’ve got Creation’s biggest debuff wrapped around my soul, and his name is ‘Ashley’- Of all things!


Actually a good point. Luci should have been able to feel something drifting closer. Ash could always feel a hint of the Butterfly’s magic in the air around him; it was like a constant hum pulling at his soul, like the drifting smell of pie through an open window. And Lexus wasn’t getting anything out of the ordinary, either. Could some sort of effect be at play here? He needed more to go off of.


“Luci. How did you even find this place to begin with? You said you were twelve, right?”


Congratulations~ You can remember conversations you had over 24 hours ago!


“No need to get defensive,” Ash was used to this by now, the shift in the Devil’s tone whenever she didn't want to talk about something, “Just give me the bits you want me to have.” And because he was used to it, he could finally play his way around her, just like he did everybody else. Ah, how the tables have turned since those first few days~


The Devil remained quiet for a moment, picking apart her recount to include only what she felt comfortable sharing. I…got lost out here one day…I stumbled around for a few hours, and then I eventually found the Blood Pool. I…’fell in’ and…that was when I made contact with Mother. I couldn’t tell you the exact path I took or the steps I walked to get there. I just know that I entered close by Tolesburough, and wandered into an area with dying trees just like this one…But I’m sure this is the place. From the bugless soil to the leafless branches- I’m sure.


“Then why do you think it is you can’t feel it?”


I don’t know! Maybe that isn't how it works and I’m just speaking nonsense, Ashley! Get off my back and keep your attention on the search- I command it!


Or maybe they were lost…


In the dead zone where no life scurried across the dirt or dwelled in the trees looming overhead, a raven’s caw echoed in approach.


He was a big fella, and he perched right atop Lexus’s shoulder. After an exchange of caws and nods, the bird took back to the skies.


Lexus, again not being one for words, simply pointed in the bird’s direction, and took off, leaving her party to chase after her; dodging thin-trunked trees and hanging branches.


Amongst a stony clearing, thriving with a bit of lush green grass and the sounds of chirping crickets, emerged a pool of shimmering waters- Clear to the extent of being able to see the tiny organisms making their home atop its sediment.


Ash panted as he finally caught up with the rest of his crew, who managed to leave him behind- Even Rose.


The Dark Lord wasn’t sure what he was meant to be looking at. In fact, none of them did, but most confused of all was the Devil herself.


What…the Hell is this…?


Ash stepped to the pool’s edge. The water smelt fresh, slightly metallic, and slightly sweet. Most of the vegetation in the area grew solely around its rim. 


Instinctively, as any human would do, he reached his fingers out and dipped them in the water. They trembled with a certain buzz not unlike touching a slightly charged coil- Fuzzy and tingly, but not quite intense enough to hurt.


“This is just a pond.” he observed, very astute, very insightful.

“Right,” Velicity agreed, “But we’re looking for a ‘pool of blood’... Lexus, what did your bird say? Please, do open your mouth for this one.”


Lexus was too busy sipping from the fresh body of water, taking in its heavenly flavor.


“LEXUS!” Velicity repeated, using the voice which earned her the spot of de facto leader amongst her fellow Children.


Lexus pulled her lips from the sparkling surface. She gave an exaggerated Ahh~ before proceeding with her report. “Tinklefoot said this was it. The pool was right here last week.”


Ash looked to the animal whisperer with a mix of confusion and annoyance. “What? The Hell do you mean ‘last week’? Implying it moved?”


Lexus wiped the water from her mouth. “Nooo. Implying that it was here ‘last week’, which it still is. It’s just not all red or whatever anymore- or something like that, I don't really remember. Tinklefoot is a mumbler.”


Ashley…Luci finally piped up after finding her composure. The Devil couldn’t believe her eyes were doing anything less than deceiving her. This is it…


“What do you mean ‘this is it’? This looks like normal-ass water to me.”


I’m telling you- This is it!!! The pool…it’s right here in front of us…and the blood is all gone…


Gone? What in the physics?! Was the Devil to imply someone came and stole away with the blood? And then, what, filled the whole thing back in with water? How could the woman even say such a ludicrous statement without first considering the impossibility of the claim? Why would anyone do that? Nay, tis not even a question of why; Fucking how?!


Ash stared into his reflection within the rippling pool. Nothing was making sense; nothing was adding up, and he did not like it.


“Someone needs to explain…just what the Hell is going on here…”


And as his demand parted from his tongue, the ripples in the water stopped, and a flowing flicker of shadowy cloth reflected back in the water behind him.


“I would be happy to fill you in, O’Vas Lucis~