Chapter 2: A New Journey Begins
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King and Zet arrived at the imposing gates of Astralholm, the capital of Solara Prime. King Henry extended a welcome, saying, "Welcome to Astralholm, the heart of our kingdom. I am not only the king but also the governor of this entire world."

Zet, in awe of the bustling city, asked, "You alone govern all of this?"

King Henry explained, "Not alone. There are ten executives I oversee, each responsible for crucial aspects of the kingdom."

As the carriage moved through the streets, Zet observed the people. They seemed hesitant, avoiding eye contact and keeping their heads lowered. An unsettling feeling began to creep over him. Were they showing respect, or was there an underlying fear that kept them from looking directly at the carriage?

Arriving at a grand mansion, King Henry shared, "This is our destination—the mansion that holds the history of this kingdom. After I defeated the previous king, I claimed this mansion and this world."

Zet was taken aback, "You defeated a king? Weren't you born royal?"

King Henry shook his head, revealing the truth of adventurers like himself. "We adventurers must pass trials and exert tremendous effort to challenge the ruling monarch. Only a select few achieve this. Even fewer manage to surpass me and claim the crown."

Impressed, Zet mused, "That's truly remarkable."

Yet, amidst this impressive tale, Zet began to sense an enigmatic aura around King Henry. There was something beneath the surface, something he couldn't quite grasp.

Zet couldn't shake the peculiar sensation he had just experienced. Was it a unique power of his own? Should he confide in the King about it? He turned to speak, but whatever he was sensing seemed to vanish as he looked at King Henry. It was as if the King had somehow concealed his emotions.

Seeing Zet's thoughtful expression, King Henry advised, "Tour the mansion for now and rest while you can. I will call for you later, under the shroud of night, to discuss important matters and illuminate the path that lies before you."

"Thank you," Zet replied, heading into the grand mansion, an architectural marvel in itself. The opulence was overwhelming, a testament to the grandeur of the kingdom and the ruling elite. The mansion stood as an epitome of excess and refinement, a palace surrounded by a vast estate.

As he stepped inside, the foyer greeted him with an awe-inspiring display of craftsmanship. The mosaic floor showcased rare stones meticulously arranged in intricate patterns. Grand chandeliers hung, casting a celestial glow, illuminating the opulent chambers beyond. The walls whispered tales of history through priceless paintings and ornate tapestries.

Each room was a testament to luxury, furnished with the finest silks and brocades, reflecting the splendor of the world outside. Gardens of unparalleled beauty sprawled around, hosting dancing peacocks, melodious fountains, and a symphony of colors and scents from exotic flora.

This mansion was more than a residence; it was a symbol of the opulence and refinement that defined the upper echelons of this fantastical society. As Zet explored, he couldn't help but wonder what awaited him in this world of wealth and intrigue.

As Zet stepped into the hall, he encountered a figure who exuded an aura of authority. The person bowed respectfully, introducing himself, "I am Cedric Aurelius, Captain of the knights." Cedric was a paragon of honor and valor, holding a prestigious position within the kingdom. He oversaw a legion of knights and held the unwavering trust of the reigning monarch.

Cedric's presence was formidable, reflecting his dedication and experiences from battles fought and victories achieved. He stood tall and imposing, adorned in resplendent armor bearing the royal insignia, a symbol of his duty and commitment to the realm. His eyes were sharp, a testament to his discernment and depth of dedication to the kingdom.

Exemplifying unwavering loyalty and the ideals of chivalry, Cedric was a guardian of the highest order, ensuring the kingdom's safety and prosperity under his vigilant watch. Zet greeted him warmly, "Nice to meet you. I am looking forward to your guidance in the future." With that, Zet continued on his path through the halls, eager for what lay ahead and the potential collaboration with the honorable Captain Cedric Aurelius.

Captain Cedric Aurelius couldn't help but muse as he walked alongside Zet. He remarked with a wry smile, "Well, look at him. A respectable person, unlike someone I know." His thoughts drifted to King Henry, the monarch who always seemed to have some hidden agenda. Cedric couldn't deny his curiosity, eager to discover what the King was planning this time. "What is he up to? I'm looking forward to it," he added. As the strongest Knight in the kingdom, Cedric had surpassed the renowned Four Pillars of Power. His longing for a formidable opponent to test his skills remained unfulfilled in this era of peace.

While they conversed, they encountered one of Cedric's fellow knights, Delacroix. Cedric called out, "Wait up for me," and they continued their journey together.

Meanwhile, Zet made his way to King Henry's office. The room, a sanctum of power and contemplation, radiated dignified authority. Dark mahogany panels adorned the walls, chronicling scenes of conquest and governance. A grand desk, carved from ancient oaks, held a meticulously organized array of parchments bearing the kingdom's weighty matters.

Shelves filled with volumes of law, philosophy, and arcane knowledge lined the room, a testament to the ruler's intellect and the responsibilities of the throne. The hearth crackled, casting a warm glow over plush velvet chairs and an imposing throne, where the sovereign pondered the fate of the realm. Tall windows, richly draped in velvet, offered a panoramic view of the bustling capital, a constant reminder of the duties resting upon the ruler's shoulders. As Zet entered, he couldn't help but be awed by the gravity and opulence of the King's private chamber, where important matters of the kingdom were deliberated.

King Henry spoke with paternal pride, "Son, you are now a Royal, and the life you knew is a thing of the past. Your rank is high, and people will look at you differently. You will be attending an academy where individuals from various families gather. Upon graduation, you'll be halfway to finding your brother, who likely studied here before embarking on his adventure. Remember, you shall not disclose your past or mention your father's name from this day on."

Zet nodded in understanding and replied, "Understood, Father."

King Henry continued, "Starting tomorrow, you'll undergo training. You need to master the behaviors of the Royal Family—a kind and respectable demeanor will serve you well in the future. Additionally, you will receive combat training from my trusted Knight for the next six months."

Zet expressed his trust in the King's decisions and addressed him, "Father, I trust your choices."

Impressed, King Henry commended, "You've grown well, Zet. Rest for now, and starting tomorrow, Captain Aurelius will be your trainer."

Zet made his way to his room, a chamber befitting a prince. It exuded youthful grandeur and opulence, showcasing a rich tapestry of regal indulgence. The walls were adorned with silk drapes and intricate tapestries that depicted the lineage's triumphs and the kingdom's splendor. At the room's center stood an ornately carved four-poster bed, its linens cascading like a starlit sky. Polished furnishings, including a mother-of-pearl inlaid writing desk and plush seating, added to the opulence. The room was illuminated by gleaming candelabras and crystal chandeliers, casting a warm glow that accentuated the promise and privilege of a royal legacy. Amidst this splendor, an air of youthful ambition intertwined with the echoes of royal heritage.

Captain Aurelius entered King Henry's office, his presence a testament to his unwavering loyalty and dedication to his monarch. The King began, "Captain Aurelius, as you are aware, I have brought Zet with me."

Captain Aurelius acknowledged, "Yes, my lord."

King Henry continued, "Zet is the son of my late friend, who passed away, leaving him alone in the forest. I should have intervened sooner, but I had a plan in mind."

Captain Aurelius inquired, "A plan, my lord?"

King Henry elaborated, "Indeed. I knew that growing up in isolation would make Zet profoundly lonely, which, in turn, would make it easier to bring him here. He would become so solitary that he wouldn't attempt reckless actions that could endanger us. Additionally, I've already informed the world five years ago that my son was deeply engrossed in training and had no interest in meeting anyone. He is portrayed as single-minded, solely focused on surpassing me to become the next King."

Captain Aurelius expressed his concern, "But my lord, I can't help but feel sorry for Zet."

King Henry acknowledged the sentiment but countered, "Sect has no emotions to concern ourselves with. If Sect were to react negatively to this treatment, I would not hesitate to face him, even if it meant delivering punishment."

Captain Aurelius assured his commitment, "I would support you, my lord, in any confrontation with Sect."

King Henry cautioned, "Don't underestimate him."

Captain Aurelius was determined, "I will prove to you that I am more suitable than him."

King Henry contemplated Captain Aurelius's formidable power and said, "You will commence Zet's training tomorrow, teaching him the ways of royalty and proper manners."

Captain Aurelius accepted the task, saying, "As you wish, my lord."

Captain Aurelius left the office, leaving King Henry alone with his thoughts. In the dimly lit room, a shadowy figure, Sect, emerged from the darkness, a presence that seemed to defy both time and space.

Sect acknowledged King Henry's presence with a touch of admiration, saying, "You are as impressive as ever, My King."

King Henry got straight to the point, asking, "So, Sect, you've sensed Zet's arrival at the mansion."

Sect confirmed, "Indeed, I have."

King Henry couldn't help but press the issue, "You've been searching for 'him,' haven't you?"

Sect replied, "I still can't find 'him,' as if he has no existence."

King Henry expressed his doubts, "Are you truly giving your all in this search, Sect? Or are you hiding something once again?"

Sect defended himself, "I have been doing what was necessary to protect everyone, to defend them all. I will not lose anything."

King Henry probed further, "Is this foe more powerful than both of us?"

Sect affirmed, "Of course, he is far more powerful than both you and me."

King Henry's curiosity remained unsatisfied, "Do you at least know his true goal?"

Sect admitted, "I have less idea about that. But one thing is certain: that person is after Zet. My master is genuinely interested in Zet. He's patiently awaiting Zet's arrival. So, for now, just take better care of Zet. I won't ask for anything more. I won't be returning here anytime soon."

King Henry inquired about Sect's own intentions, "And what is your goal, Sect?"

Sect disclosed his plan, "I intend to establish a base in the Queldor World and assemble another campaign group. As you know, the Infernalis World, due to Lyanna Shadowheart's presence, has become the safest place."

King Henry contemplated the situation, acknowledging the growing danger, "Very well. I will ensure that Zet is treated well."

Sect faded back into the shadows, leaving King Henry to ponder the uncertainty of Zet's fate, still unsure if he would become a valuable asset or their greatest adversary.

As the morning sun graced the sky, awakening the kingdom, Zet roused from slumber in his lavish quarters within the mansion. He marveled at the reality that he was indeed in this magnificent place; it was no dream. Eager to start the day, he washed his face and prepared for a refreshing bath.

His washroom, a sanctuary of personal luxury and respite, exuded an air of refinement and elegance. The floor was adorned with intricately patterned tiles resembling an ancient mosaic, shimmering in a palette of blues and golds. At its center stood a grand marble tub, large enough for the prince to recline in, adorned with intricate carvings reflecting the kingdom's rich heritage. Water cascaded gracefully from a sculpted swan's head, filling the air with the tranquil melody of flowing water. Alongside, a table held an array of scented oils and perfumes, carefully selected to suit the prince's preferences. Silk towels, embroidered with the royal emblem, awaited his use, hanging from gilded holders. The windows, fitted with delicate screens, allowed the soft daylight to filter in, casting a gentle glow across the room. It was a place where the burdens of royalty could be momentarily set aside, where the prince could find solace amidst the splendor of his station.

Basking in the opulent surroundings, Zet relished the luxury of the bath. "This is so nice, the best thing I could have asked for," he thought, feeling the water's gentle embrace. "Come on, this is the life I've been asking for."

After enjoying his bath, he emerged from the washroom into his room, still in a state of undress. Much to his surprise, a maid was awaiting him, seemingly unfazed by his nudity. She courteously asked, "My Lord, what would you like to wear?"

Confused but realizing the cultural differences, Zet gathered his composure and replied, "Ah, yes. Thank you." He grabbed a robe to cover himself, slightly embarrassed by the situation.

The maid continued, "If you would please, My Lord, choose the attire for the day."

Taking a moment to select his clothing, Zet thought, "What is going on? Am I the only one finding this odd?" Despite the initial awkwardness, he decided to embrace the customs of this new life, reminding himself that it was indeed the norm here.

In the realm of attire, Zet embraced a lightweight, breathable tunic, a seamless blend of silk and fine linen. Crafted in a deep royal blue hue, this tunic bore the kingdom's insignia over his heart—an emblem of his heritage and steadfast dedication. Below, he wore well-fitted trousers, meticulously reinforced at stress points to accommodate a wide range of motion necessary for rigorous training. These were accompanied by supple leather boots, providing both support and agility during his exercises. His gloves, fashioned from a soft yet durable material, ensured a secure grip on his training weapons.

Curious about the individuals attending to his needs, Zet inquired about their names and roles. "What are your names, and will you be assisting me regularly?" he asked.

"My name is Eleanor, my lord," replied one, her voice polite and deferential.

"And I am Violet," chimed in the other. "We are both commoners, please do not mind our presence."

Zet, harboring a strong belief in equality and respect for all, pressed further. "Are you not human? Speak your mind freely. I extend my permission for you to express yourselves openly."

However, Eleanor and Violet hesitated, cautious about the implications of their actions. Eleanor elucidated, "We wouldn't dare, my lord."

Zet, attempting to bridge the gap between their stations, emphasized, "I grant you permission without hesitation. Do not fear retribution from me."

Violet explained the underlying dilemma, shedding light on their reality. "You may hold a high rank, my lord, but we do not share the same privilege. A wrong step could not only affect us but our families too."

Understanding the gravity of their predicament, Zet sympathized with their plight. He acknowledged, "I may not fully comprehend the intricacies of your lives, but as a prince and a fellow human being, I assure you that in my presence, you are granted the freedom to act as you wish."

As Zet entered the training ground, his fingers brushed against the reinforced leather chest plate and sturdy pauldrons. They were meticulously crafted to provide protection without hindering agility—a perfect balance for a warrior prince like himself. These finely crafted pieces of armor symbolized his dedication to honing his combat skills while still upholding the dignity and grace of royalty.            Captain AureliusCaptain Aurelius awaited his arrival, his demeanor exuding the aura of a seasoned knight. He glanced at Zet and offered a slight smile. "You're a bit late today, but I'll let it slide. Starting tomorrow, punctuality is crucial."

Zet acknowledged with a nod. "Understood."

Captain Aurelius continued, "Today, we'll begin with swordsmanship. However, if you prefer using your fists, that's acceptable too. It's worth noting that even our King is skilled in unarmed combat. But first, we'll start with a meditation exercise to unlock your magical potential. This power will enhance your physical abilities, endurance, and durability. There are three stages: the first, second, and a rarely attained third stage. Each stage boosts your attributes by 100%. Do you have any questions?"

Zet absorbed this information and responded, "That's impressive, Captain Aurelius. What stage have you reached?"

Captain Aurelius smiled confidently. "I've attained the last stage of the second stage. Achieving the third stage won't be far off for me."

Zet dedicated countless hours to meditating, striving to unlock his magical potential. Yet, in these early stages, the elusive sensation of magic remained just out of reach. Captain Aurelius, a patient mentor, comforted him, explaining that reaching the first stage of magical prowess required years of dedicated effort.

"It's a journey that demands time and perseverance," Captain Aurelius reassured Zet. "In due course, you'll feel the power within you."

Captain Aurelius knew well that achieving the first stage often demanded several years of rigorous practice and discipline. He estimated the timeline for Zet, acknowledging the uncertainties the path of magic held.

As the days turned into months, Zet diligently practiced martial arts under Captain Aurelius' watchful eye. The training was grueling, yet Zet's determination fueled his progress. Day by day, he grew stronger and more skilled, inching closer to the day when he could confidently wield his fists as formidable weapons.

Six months passed, each day marked by intense training and focused meditation, a stepping stone towards the distant yet alluring goal of magical mastery. Zet and Captain Aurelius had formed a bond, their shared dedication forging a lasting mentor-student relationship. And in this six-month period, Zet's transformation from an eager prince to a disciplined aspirant was undeniable.

If you made this far, I would love feedback on my story. Any limitations or suggestions are welcome.