Chapter 2
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It had been a few days since Laura packed her things and left the town she had grown up in to follow the adventurer couple she had fallen in love with.


She still had trouble believing it, for it sounded like utter madness.


But she had done it, she was in fact riding behind Leona on her warhorse, as they travelled towards their home.


The plan was to rest there for a bit, give Laura some training, and introduce her to the rest of the family and lovers.


This made Laura's head spin in a mixture of excitement, panic and arousal.


Of course a couple like them had a ton of lovers all over the place, her story was not as special as she had imagined initially.


And yet, this was also really hot, for she wondered what kind of people they mingled with and if they'd like her as much as Leona and Miguel did.


In fact, they were supposed to meet up with another couple in their party that had split up with them to take care of something before they met Laura.


After rejoining with them, they were to travel back home together.


Leona had been a bit cagey about who they were, telling Laura that she wanted it to be a surprise, but that she shouldn't worry, for they would surely love her. Their names were Silvia and Raoul, and they had been friends and lovers for a long time.


While Laura had her doubts, the gorgeous paladin always managed to put her at ease. It helped how approachable she felt, always willing to spare and hug or a cuddle to make her or Miguel feel better.


It was nearing midday when they arrived by a small roadside inn.


There was nothing particularly interesting about the place; a wooden two-floor building made of wood and brick, with a fairly ample clearing by the side for horses and carts, as well as a simple palisade to keep away any potential dangers.


After leaving their horses by the clearing inside the palisade, the group moved into the inn, catching a wiff of the smell of cooking and drink coming from the kitchen.


It was quiet at the time, only a few other travellers in the big room, enjoying some warm food before resuming their way on the road.


Laura noticed that Leona happily waved to a couple sitting by the window, and she knew they had found their friends.


As they got closer to the table they were at, Laura tried to take a good look at them as politely as possible.


She wasn't surprised to find that both of them were gorgeous, these are Leona and Miguel's lovers, after all, but it was still somewhat shocking as a first impression.


Silvia was a tall and slender woman, around Leona's height, but with a smaller frame and legs so long they probably caused vertigo. Her hair was blonde, but unlike Leona's fiery and curly mane, Silvia's was long and smooth, like threads of pure gold on her head that cascaded elegantly down her shoulders.


Her face was peculiar, she had beautiful soft features, but her expression was hardened, like that one with years of military experience that did not match their youthful body.


She was dressed in comfortable travel clothes, and her smile was welcoming, despite the hardness of her expression. For some reason, it made Laura feel safe in her company.


Raoul, however, gave her a completely different vibe. He seemed laid back and relaxed, giving out a very alluring aura.


He had raven dark hair, kept short in a cute boyish way, and his eyes were a very peculiar shade, almost purple.


His gaze was deeply disarming, and Laura could feel herself getting tingly the more she focused on him.


She couldn't help but to study his face, which was smooth and handsome in an almost preternatural way. The young woman felt as if looking at a predator about to pounce, and perhaps because of her time with Miguel and Leona… she was actually looking forward to it.


Like his wife, he wore a comfortable set of travellers clothes, but Laura had the impression they were about to fall off him any second.


Both of them stood up and shared effusive hugs and kisses with each other. Silvia and Leona actually shared a particularly long and passionate kiss, which made Laura blush vicariously.


After some more hugs and cuddles, Leona gently ushered Laura closer, placing her in front of Silvia and Raoul.


They were both substantially taller than her, the same as Miguel and Leona, so she felt like a juice morsel surrounded by hungry beasts.


She timidly raised a hand and tried to say hello.


Silvia squatted to be at her eye level, and very gently caressed Laura's cheek, moving her long red hair over her ear in a sensual and friendly way.


"You must be Laura," she said, a welcoming smile growing on her lips.


The petite redhead tried to keep her composure while getting caressed by such soft hands, and she shyly averted her gaze from Silvia before responding.


"Am… yes Miss," she said, trying to not stutter her words. "You must be, Silvia."


The statuesque woman gave Laura a warm and welcoming hug, pressing her face gently against her bosom.


Laura felt so safe in Silvia's arms that she could feel her nervousness leaving her like water evaporating from a hot stove.


Silvia's embrace was disarming, and the petite redhead closed her eyes while resting her cheek against the warrior's chest, Silvia's soft heart beat slowly syncing with hers.


"Poor thing was nervous," said Silvia while stroking Laura's curly hair.


Slowly, Silvia retrieved Laura from her happy stupor and held her from her waist.


"Shall we eat?" Silvia said with a glowing smile.


Laura slowly nodded, returning the smile, but was surprised when Silvia picked her up and sat her on their side of the table, sandwiched on a wooden bench between Raoul and her.


The petite woman felt her blush returning, dirty thoughts running through her head as she tried her best to avoid eye contact. 


Leona and Miguel sat opposite to her, and enjoyed some drinks while discussing recent events with their close friends and lovers.


Laura tried her best to pay attention, but the situation was so awkward for her that half the words said just flew by her as incomprehensible gibberish.


She timidly ate some sandwiches while the others talked, and after a few moments, she realized that Raoul had no plate and wasn't eating anything.


Her eyes moved upwards to meet with the man's exotic gaze, wondering why this was the case.


To her surprise, as soon as her eyes raised towards Raoul's face, she realized that he was looking directly at her.


She felt like a rabbit with her leg trapped on a lure, unable to avert her gaze from the man's fiery eyes, a storm of nervousness and sexual need bubbling in her insides.


"Are you ok, precious?" he asked her, his words beautiful but sticky, like a spider's web.


Laura tried her best not to stutter or babble a response.


"I… was wondering if you were ok…," she said, trying her best to remain calm. "You haven't eaten anything."


Raoul gave her a mischievous smile and winked at her, making her heart skip a beat.


"I'll have my lunch in a bit when we go to the bedroom," he said with clear as day innuendo, looking at Laura as if she was dessert. 


The petite woman nervously swallowed while her insides boiled, her eyes a panicked mix of surprise and excitement.


Just as her mind was spinning like a tornado, Laura felt Leona's soft hand on her own. The paladin had reached across the table, her support as tangible as her warm skin.


Laura took a deep breath and squeezed Leona's hand, while at the same time pressing herself against Raoul's side.


"Kitten, remember you don't need to do anything you don't want to, don't let the handsome devil pressure you, ok?" Leona's words were as accommodating as ever, and Laura felt once again safe in her arms in spite of the distance between them.


The petite redhead shook her head and gave everyone a big smile.


"I'm ok, honestly, just a bit… surprised and excited," she said while blushing like a tomato. "If you trust them, then I trust them."


Leona smiled back at her, this time with a dirtier look in her eyes.


"Then treat them as if they were us, kitty, be a good little toy and pet," the paladin's words were like magma cutting the land on its way to the sea.


Laura couldn't help but shiver as she bit her lip. She could feel how wet she had got and how warm and sensitive her skin was.


Before her mind could settle, Raoul gently picked her up and sat her on his lap, his burning crotch like a fire under Laura's perky bottom.


As she got comfortable on her new seat, Silvia turned her way and held her chin with her firm, soft hands. The beautiful warrior then gently pushed her lips against's Laura's, and the petite redhead succumbed to her heavenly lips and silky tongue.


They kissed for what it felt like an eternity, their tongues intertwined as Silvia's hands caressed her face and her fingers sunk deep into Laura's red curls.


Raoul softly touched Laura's belly, deftly sliding under her shirt to feel her warm belly.


The petite woman had to use every shred of her willpower not to loudly moan and bring the attention of the common room to them.


"Right, yeah, let's go to the bedroom," said Miguel, shaking his head with a big smile on his face.


They all hurriedly slid away from their benches, and Laura felt particularly small and defenseless as Raoul passed her over to his wife, who picked her up as if she was a genuine small kitten that could be lifted with one hand.


She loved it. There was nothing for Laura as feeling like this, with the safety that Miguel and Leona brought her.


They moved as a group towards the room that Raoul and Silvia had rented for all of them, and it took them no time to reach it.


It was, in reality, two double bedrooms with a door connecting them, each of them with a separate door towards the hallway.


They were rather spartan, with a comfortable king-sized bed, an old wooden closet and a couple of wicker chairs on the side.


Silvia came into the room first and placed Laura on the bed gently, giving her a fiery look as she went to open the door separating both rooms and leaving it wide open.


"Mind if I dine on the kitty first?" said Raoul, his ravenous gaze moving between his wife and Laura, who felt like a piece of meat about to be devoured.


"By all means," Said Silvia as she undressed herself, her beautiful body smooth like the purest marble and probably just as hard. "I missed my Mistress and really crave being used by her as she pleases."


Laura was rather surprised at Silvia's words, and doubly so when the warrior dropped to her knees in a smooth and well practised way, her hands resting on her thighs and her eyes focused on Leona's, who bent over at the waist and kissed Silvia while holding her tightly by her throat.


Leona then picked up her submissive lover and turned to Laura, who was staring at them, consumed by a wave of arousal so brutal her whole body was shivering.


"Kitty, listen carefully to Raoul and do as he says, you are in for an amazing time," she said as Silvia snuggled herself against the paladin while being cradled in her arms. "And remember, if you need to stop at any time, just say so, ok?."


Laura looked back at Raoul who was undressing next to her and furiously nodded back at Leona, who smiled and moved to the other bed with Miguel and Silvia.


Raoul gently pushed her back onto the bed and started undressing her with practised movements, stopping to admire Laura's petite freckled body and land several kisses on her skin.


"Now, little kitty," Raoul said with words that dug like barbed hooks into Laura's head. "As you've probably guessed, I'm not human."


Laura nodded at this as Raoul pulled away her pants and exposed her soaked panties, the small red head almost spreading him on instinct.


"I'm actually an incubus," he said as he removed her panties while kissing her belly non-stop.


Laura looked back at him with curiosity.


"An incubus?" she asked, having heard the word but unsure of its meaning.


Raoul pulled down her panties and sat on the bed next to her, lifting one of her legs over his shoulder and slowly sliding two fingers into her hungry slit.


Laura didn't bother holding back and let out a delighted whorish moan for him.


"I'm a lust demon," he said, his fingers caressing her insides with supernatural dexterity. "But don't worry, I don't prey on humans any more."


The petite woman would normally have been shocked by this statement, but whatever Raoul was doing with his fingers, it was making it hard to think.


Lewd sloshing sounds came from her body as he moved deeper, his eyes shining with a dim purple light.


"Good girl," he said, with honeyed words. "Just relax and let me through, you are safe, I swear."


Had she not been with Leona and Miguel, she probably would have been terrified, but the knowledge that they would not leave her with him if she was in danger allowed her to relax and even push her hips downwards, helping Raoul explore her silken insides with his fingers.


She looked towards the other room and saw Silvia and Leona on their knees, snuggled against a standing Miguel while devouring his cock with their hungry lips and tongues.


The lovely sound of their moans helped Laura relax further, and she could feel a pleasant warmth spread through her body.


"What are you going to do to me?" Laura asked, now more curious than scared.


Raoul gave her a wicked smile that made her skin tingle, and lowered his lips onto hers. Laura kissed him with abandon, their lips and tongues making dirty smooching sounds as an orgasm started to build inside the petite redhead, the incubus' fingers playing her like a fiddle.


Laura arched her body as she orgasmed, holding Raoul's soft face against hers, her whole body feeling like a handful of kindling in a bonfire.


"What I'm going to do, is to make love to you as passionately and intensely as possible," he said as she shined from her afterglow. "The more you are consumed by lust, the more I can feed."


Laura giggled while caressing his face.


"Plus, I really like making lovely creatures like you smile and moan in delight," he gave her a little nibble on her neck, sending shivers all the way to her curling toes.


Gently he sat on the bed, his back against the headboard, and pulled Laura close to him, slowly placing her on his lap with her back against his chest.


Laura instinctively pushed against him, craving his body heat and embrace.


Raoul's cock pulsated against her soaked lower lips, a veiny monster that was much bigger than you would expect on someone with his frame.


"Now, an important rule with incubi," he whispered in his ear, "I cannot hurt you by fucking you unless you resist."


Laura nodded while rubbing her burning pussy against his stone hard cock, her mind drifting in animalistic need for him.


"So don't be afraid, if you want it in, it will get in," he said while biting her ear.


Just as her head was starting to spin, he gently lifted her hips and aimed the tip of his monster towards her tiny asshole.


Laura panicked for a second, for she did really love anal from her experiences with Miguel, but Raoul was almost as big as the paladin in his war form.


Raoul teased her little hole and as lust took her over, he remembered what the incubus had told her, if she wanted it, it wouldn't hurt.


So she steeled herself and took a deep breath, allowing herself to drop into the massive meat spike under her.


Shocks of delight wracked her body as his tip forced its way inside her.


It didn't fit, and it felt as if her flesh, bones and insides were being pushed aside to let Raoul in.


But just as he had explained… it didn't hurt. What's more, the sensation was an overwhelming feeling of joy.


He was literally taking control of her body, who was submitting to his flesh and changing to become a sex toy to be enjoyed.


His hands firmly grabbed her thighs from below, and he started thrusting into her insides, wet sounds escaping from the petite woman's body as little moans reverberated from her throat, joining the chorus of sloppy sounds and whines from across the door.


"Good girl," Raoul said again into her ear, filling her chest with fuzzy warmth. "See? No pain… just let yourself go and let uncle Raoul take care of you…"


Laura couldn't help but giggle at the "uncle" moniker. It was cute, she liked it. And she had to admit the incesty vibes were arousing.


She relaxed against his chest, letting her body go limp like a doll's, giving the incubus free rein to enjoy her.


Just as she was slipping into a delighted trance thanks to the rhythm of Raoul's thrusts, she felt something slick and warm rub against her dripping pussy lips.


As she looked down, she saw in amazement that another cock was rubbing against it, this one also coming from Raoul.


She looked at it in aroused amazement as, almost like a snake or a tentacle, it wiggled itself inside her hungry pussy, pushing till it had reached the full depth of her insides.


Laura looked back at Raoul with overwhelmed and questioning eyes, her mouth agape as she struggled to breath in between long moans.


"A little trick… and you haven't seen anything yet, kitten," the incubus said with a playful smile that made Laura's blood boil with a craving for more.


The petite woman allowed herself to rest her head against his shoulder, and tried her best to relax and enjoy the overwhelming sensations.


"Uncle Raoul," she said with difficultly, her words still making the "uncle" bit sound way dirtier than normal, "how did you all meet?."


Laura liked Raoul's voice, so she figured she might as well enjoy the brutal, slow fuck while learning more about them.


The incubus chuckled and kissed her head, just as Laura felt two more tentacle like cocks slither up her sides and coil around her arms. They both slid on her chest towards her nipples, and to her shock, started sucking them like a pair of small and tender lips.


Her eyes rolled back, her mind struggling not to melt under this onslaught of pleasure.


"It's a long story… but I can give you the short version," said the incubus while squeezing her thighs and nibbling her ear. "Back when I was preying on human desires and feeding without care for my partners, Silvia was a celestial that had sworn to find me and destroy me."


Laura had one of many orgasms as she was being used, her petite body trembling against her partner as little moans choked on her throat.


Raoul gave her a few moments to enjoy, till she was ready for him to resume taking her.


She was in such a state that she'd probably had agreed to anything he wanted, the idea of how terrifying he must have been when he was still preying on humans quickly crossed Laura's mind, but was quickly lost to more pleasant joy.


"Silvia and I faced each other several times, I even got the upper hand and had my way with her on a couple of occasions!" Raoul sounded both proud and bitter about it, "apparently, after one of these times, Silvia figured she couldn't take me alone and looked for an ally."


As she was listening while enjoying Raoul's supernatural attention, Laura noticed that another cock-like tentacle was hovering in front of her face, like a snake ready to bite.


She opened her mouth to ask about it, but as soon as her lips were parted, it darted into her mouth, deep-throating her so savagely that her neck bulged because of the invasion.


Once she had stopped resisting out of surprise and once more allowed herself to be used, the feeling of the new invader became one of pleasant forcefulness, giving her just enough time between thrusts to breathe.


Satisfied with how deeply taken her throat was, the appendage retreated to her mouth, where Laura suckled it with abandon, like a hungry infant looking for milk.


Raoul giggled as he intensified his thrusts, and continued his story.


"As you suspect, she found Leona, who decided to approach the situation in a completely different manner," he said, as if savouring the memory.


"Silvia approached me again, but not in her armour with her flaming sword drawn, no, but in a gorgeous green dress that brought attention to all her beauty."


"Even a demon like myself was captivated by it, and then she delivered the coup-de-grace," he stopped for a second to make sure Laura was still comfortable as she received her gang-bang of one, "she was in love with me, despite herself, and she knew that I was too."


"She told me that if I renounced my uncontrolled feeding habits, I could have her, mine, forever, willingly," his tone implied that a demon could indeed cry, and this was one of those times, "I just had to learn how to feed responsibly and admit I loved her."


Laura convulsed again as another orgasm hit her like a sledgehammer to her core.


Raoul once more allowed her to breathe for a second, before resuming his onslaught.


"Stupid me rejected it at first, and tried to rape her again there and then," he said with shame, "but she didn't resist me, she invited me to take her, satiate myself with her body, so I didn't need to hurt others."


"And by the gods it worked, she managed to push through and made me admit how much I loved her and craved her."


Laura started stroking the tentacle she was suckling as if giving it a handjob, her face showing her want for a big shot inside her needy mouth.


"We got married soon after that, and now I cannot be happier. I have plenty to eat, I'm safe and get to live with the woman I love," Raoul said as he stroked Laura's lust even further, his tentacle phalluses almost drilling into her as they all throbbed in unison.


The petite redhead enjoyed the smooth and warm appendages, clenching her holes and suckling with abandon, almost ready to pass out from the bonfire inside her.


After what seemed like a pleasant twitch, Raoul stopped holding back and orgasmed from all his cocks. Laura was wracked by a brutal orgasm as she felt every inch of her insides being filled relentlessly. The incubus' cum was warm and sweet, and it felt like it was spreading beyond more than her orifices, filling every hollow spot inside her, including her mind which was being flooded with images and sensations of passionate love making across what felt like decades.


She was suckling with need, like a woman dying of thirst from the only oasis in the desert, but it was the only action her body was doing, her whole frame having gone limp, the only movement coming from her was her orgasmic spasms and the bulges from Raoul's cocks and cum inside her.


Her eyes rolled back into a world of bliss as she passed out, feeling how Raoul was tenderly feeding off her delicious lust by some kind of esoteric means.


A warm blanket of darkness enveloped her, and she pleasantly sunk into unconsciousness.


Laura didn't know how long she was out. When she came too, she found herself wrapped into a cosy roll within a soft blanket, her body sore from the amazing session with Raoul, but with a delightful feeling of satisfaction and joy.


She looked around and noticed that she was on a corner of the bed, the two couples huddled together close to her like a pile of beautiful wriggling flesh, the sounds of their caresses, rubs and smooches making the petite woman quickly recover her arousal.


Leona peeked from the sensual cuddle pile and smiled at her kitten.


"How are you feeling, love?" she asked, while Miguel and Silvia kissed her chest and suckled her nipples with abandon.


Laura returned a dirty smile and rolled to one side to fixating her gaze with the one from her lover.


"Amazing," she said, squeezing her thighs together, her tiny holes still wet and dripping Raoul's cum. "It was like a one-person orgy."


Leona chuckled and caressed her face with one hand, while she petted her lovers with another. Raoul lowered his head towards the paladin and started kissing her neck while giving Laura a wink, who blushed with a smile in response.


"Are you ready for round two, kitten?" asked Leona with fire in her eyes.


Laura nodded effusively, biting her lip as her eyes brightened.


"Always, use me as you desire, Mistress," she said, her words carried by desire itself.


Leona, grinned and gently tapped, kissed and pulled her lovers towards her to get their attention.


"What do you say, my lovelies, shall we make a kitten sandwich?" if  words could be used to light a fire, these were the equivalent of a raging inferno.


Silvia, Miguel and Raoul looked at each other complicity, obviously understanding what Leona had in mind, and quickly got up.


Leona unbundled Laura with utmost care, picking the small woman in her arms and devouring her with passionate kisses while she moved towards Miguel and Raoul.


She handed the red-head to them, who held her in their arms while their smouldering gazes consumed her whole being.


Laura caressed their chests as if trying to appease a couple of feral beasts ready to devour her and, all while clenching her thighs so hard she could have cracked nuts, her nethers about to burst in excitement.


The two men slid their fingers through her body until reaching her sore holes, and started teasing them playfully while they nibbled and bit her shoulders and neck.


Their little kitten melted like butter on a hot pan, giving them her best moans as she tried to get comfortable in their arms.


With half opened eyes while shivering all over, Laura noticed Leona and Silvia giggling, and as she tried to focus her jaw dropped seeing the two beauties approaching her while lubricating a couple of rather impressive strap-ons that they had just put on.


It slowly dawned on her what the plan was, and the core of her being shrunk, as if facing a very pleasant execution.


Laura knew she was safe with them, of course, but she couldn’t help but feel like a small creature in the jaws of a beast, something she rather enjoyed.


“Let me have the front, Mistress, I want to be able to look at your little kitten in the eyes," Silvia said with an angelical voice that made such lewd words several orders of magnitude more spicy.


Leona didn’t answer, just winked at her and gave her a loud slap on her ass, to which Silvia responded with an almost orgasmic moan.


Laura tried to relax as Raoul held her up by her thighs and spread her for his wife, the small red-head holding her hands to her face to cover her almost comical blushing as she basically dripped from her hungry pussy.


Silvia settled her hands on Laura’s petite ass and slowly started plunging the strap-on inside her while locking her eyes with the kitten.


Such was the excitement of the eager red head that she literally orgasmed just from Silvia bottoming out inside her, her firm and divine breasts pressing against her neck as the celestial embraced her.


Just as she was enjoying the delicious shivers of her climax, she froze when she felt the other strap on slide inside her tiny asshole, all while Silvia held her open for Leona.


In but a moment, she was sandwiched by the warmth of the two beauties, her neck and face trapped between the breasts of the much taller women, almost drooling while making babbling incoherent noises.


She would have sworn that this was what heaven felt like.


Her surprise didn’t end there, though, for the sandwich was not yet finished.


In a small moment of consciousness, she saw Miguel position himself behind Silvia with a smirk, the gorgeous celestial giving him a kiss as she raised her beautiful rear to meet with his manhood.


Knowing his partner well, Miguel rammed inside Silvia like a spear on its way to fell a monster, and the gorgeous celestial moaned while clawing at Laura’s ass cheeks.


Laura felt the thrust inside her womb, and literally drooled on Silvia’s chest from the overwhelming sensation.


But before she had time to settle, the same sensation assaulted her rear, throwing her head back as she arched for her lovers, catching a glimpse of Raoul behind Leona, giving her a wink.


At this, she flopped as if lifeless in between Silvia and Leona, as all three ladies enjoyed Raoul’s and Miguel’s epic thrusts.


The room was drowned in moans, whimpers and dirty wet sounds.


Laura was being held in place just by the pressure of her lover's bodies against hers, Leona and Silvia passionately kissing and fondling each other, sometimes almost seeming to even forget that the little kitten was between them.


And she loved it, the petite woman adored being used like this, a little toy for their amusement, savagely used between them while almost drowning with their flesh.


Her mind drifted off, only the rhythm of the thrusts registering inside her, small soft orgasms whipping her body every time she felt the pressure of both toys against each other inside her.


Not only that, but she could have sworn she could feel Miguel's and Raoul's cocks bulge inside their wives and press against her skin, as unlikely as that was.


It didn't matter though, for now her existence was dominated by the twister of moans, whimpers, wet squelches and loving kisses she was sandwiched between.


She allowed herself to be taken by the sensations until she lost the last shred of consciousness keeping her in the room.


Laura woke up shortly by sundown, this time under the soft bedsheets rather than in a small blanket roll like before.


The room was quiet, but she could hear some soft movement around.


As she opened her eyes, she saw Leona laying in bed next to her, reading a book next to a small candlelight.


She had put on her blouse and looked serene as a goddess as she turned her head and smiled at Laura.


"How are you feeling, kitten?" she asked while giving Laura loving pets on her red curls.


The petite young woman nuzzled her Mistress' hand and snuggled up to her.


Miguel, Raoul and Silvia were playing a card game on the bed of the other room, still mostly naked but for some comfortable undies.


"I feel like a monster just devoured me and spat me out," Laura said, feeling her sore insides. "A very nice monster that made me enjoy every second of it, though."


Leona chuckled as she snuggled her little kitten close to her chest.


"Told you, you'd like them," she said to Laura with a wink.


The petite redhead smiled back while wiggling, a fuzzy, warm feeling caressing her core.


"Are all your lovers this intense?" Laura dared to ask while giving her kisses wherever her lips could reach.


Leona looked up while making an exaggerated thinking face.


"I think so!" she said with a silly smirk. "But seriously, everyone is different, that's part of the fun."


Laura smiled ear to ear, pressing her face as hard as she could against Leona's lap.


"Am I really part of the family?" she asked timidly, risking a lovely blue eye from under her mane.


Leona nodded while gently parting Laura's hair and caressing her face.


"Without a doubt, kitten, for as long as you wish to be," the paladin said.


Laura almost fluttered with happiness. She still couldn't believe it, where she was, who she was with and that things like today had happened to her.


But it didn't matter if she believed it or not, she was there, and she couldn't wait to learn more about her new family and meet them all.