What doesn’t Kill You…
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Before Skull could actually throw up the potions Rosene had grabbed his face, one of her hands covering his mouth the other pressing underneath his chin using the Ishizaki press method to force him to swallow.

“I brought enough for each of you, not any more. I don’t plan to travel back and forth just because you rather vomit it out.”

The cloud was still grimacing  even as the growth process slowly started “It tastes vile. What even is that?”

"Yeah, it does. I’m aware. Would you rather have stayed a toddler?”

He didn't answer, same as Renato before, he was too focused on himself growing.

She ignored it though as she handed out the rest of the potions “Does anyone else need assistance? Swallowing shouldn’t be that hard.”

Fon shook his head as he grabbed his own “No need.”

she nodded curtly before she leaned against the table, observing the arcobalenos returning to their adult bodies.

Colonnello stared at his arm “Is the rash normal?”

She tilted her head “Well… no.”

“what… what does it mean then?”

“well… you won’t die … probably. Just walk it off.”

Lal bristled at that “Excuse me? You gave us something that might kill him and you expect him to walk it off?”

“It’s just a rash.”

“A rash can mean an allergic reaction.”


“This could be serious.”

she sighed “Alright… if you want me to be his chaperone that badly. I stay until it’s gone, alright?”

Lal narrowed her eyes “You better.”

Rosene pulled her phone out, well… it wasn't  really a phone if she was honest. It was the magical version, still in development but Luna had fallen in love with the odd gadget and had demanded that they get a pair, especially as she was certain that it would keep the wrackspurts away.

Not that Rosene would complain, getting a text message was less of a hassle when you were caught up in a fight than a patronus and the times she had been caught off guard through one had been a few times too many.

She typed a quick message to inform her wife of the fact that it would take a bit longer only to pause and open the camera function to snap a picture of Colonnellos arm.

“Kora, what are you doing?”

“Being a proper chaperone.” she uttered before sending the picture to her goddaughter. Maybe the opinion of a healer could quicken this up?

Victoire answered immediately.


Vicky; Is it one of the muggles?

Sen: Yes, can I leave him?

Vicky; Under no circumstances! 

Sen; So… should I put water on it? Spit?

Vicky: By Merlin… I’m coming. Send me the address please. I’m with Harry and he already offered to legalize my portkey use.


Rosene smiled before she sent the information across. 

The room was still oddly silent, small whispers going around and most of the arcobalenos still too busy at taking in their adult bodies. 

She ignored it though, instead letting her hand wander into her bag again, waiting a few seconds until she felt the soft fur of her pet on her hand, gently pulling the hand out again to sat her rat onto her shoulder, not that Bitto stayed there, instead wandering up to climb onto her head, sniffling the air and she lifted her hand to scratch him under his chin, again ignoring the glances she earned because of her actions.

Victoire burst into the room two minutes later, her emergency bag in her hand 

“Marraine(godmother)! You’re horrible. How often do I have to tell you that just because you and your colleagues would even try to walk off basilisk poison that this isn’t the right way! You all got a regular bed at St. Mungos as soon as you signed your contract. Make use of it! Not just for naps.”

“What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”

“I would appreciate that saying more if you all had any real idea about what actually kills one! Don’t deny it! I remember more than just clearly when you had half of your face blasted off and you tried to argue that it was just a scratch.”

“It wasn’t that bad and I heard no wailing so it was fine. As long as I hear no screaming everything will be fine.”

Victoire clicked her tongue before she turned around to locate her patient, cursing under her breath about stubborn, idiotic morons.

Rosene just chuckled as she watched the witch fuss about the small rash, still playing with her rat.

Victoire didn’t even let the soldier pull away when she pulled out a jar, narrowing her eyes “I am a certified healer. I came here to help, so let me.”

“You didn’t even introduce yourself.”

Vicky rolled her eyes as she smothered the cream on “Victoire Weasley. Rosene is my godmother.”

The witch finished her treatment “No strenuous activities for two days. Keep the arm dry and inform me immediately if another symptom occurs.”

“And how should I do that, kora?”

“Oh Tell Sen. She will stay for a week to make sure this goes well.”

Rosenes eyes widened “A week? Seriously?”

Victoire turned around, hands on her hips “Yes, you decided to help them and you have to make sure it goes well. if the week works out then all will be well.”

“Lu and I wanted to head for our Africa round-trip tomorrow.”

“Your spouse is more compassionate than you.”

Sen sighed “I have no choice, do I?”

“No, you don’t. I already informed Lu before heading off.”

“You did?”

“Obviously. A trip to Italy does sound romantic, doesn’t it? Don’t complain. Anyways I would totally be down for a coffee now. Oh and I want to meet your brother! Maman still makes fun of him.”

The hitman cleared his throat “Your mother is Fleur then?”

She turned around to face him, mustering him for a second “The one and only. You’re Renato then?”

“I go by Reborn now.”

“Sounds tacky.”

He carefully controlled his facial features, not betraying his poker face “You come after your mother.”

“Thank you!” she grinned before looking in the round, her eyes falling on Dino and the slight blush he had on his cheeks “Oh. Well.. I think I will definitely stay for the coffee.”

Rosene chuckled quietly “I have to agree. You do come after your mother. Reminds me very much of a certain first meeting.”

Vicky stuck her tongue out before moving to the Don ``I'm Victoire, pleasure to meet you. Just ignore Rosene. Old people like to be nostalgic.”

“I’m only 46.”

“As I said; old people.”