The First Steps
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It was in the transfiguration lesson of the following week when Sen finally made a breakthrough.

A loud screech split through the concentrated mumblings of the class and instead of a match Sen had a perfectly transformed needle in front of her.

Rosenes eyes had widened as she stared astonished at her work. She had done it! She really had done it! She had performed magic, not accidental but actual magic for the very first time.

She was so stunned by her discovery that she hadn’t even noticed how the whole class had flinched and turned their attention towards the muggleborn witch.

Professeur Rigaud herself lit up though, taking quick strides to get to the young witch, picking up the needle “Perfect work, Sinclair. Just a matter of time after all.”

Rosene blushed slightly, “Thank you, professeur.”

“Your wand has a banshee hair core?”

She nodded.

“Professeur Beaudry will be delighted. I advise you to consider the duelling extracurricular. You should have a knack for it. I will inform your head of House myself to let you join the nonverbal extracurricular as well. It might be a bit too early for you and might not be fruitful yet.. but with a wand like this you should really start training it.”

Rigaud sat the needle back again before walking back to her spot.

Fleur was leaning closer to Sen “Your wand screamed.”

“Oh yeah, the wandmaker told me it’s normal.”

“A screaming wand is normal?”

Sen shrugged “Banshee Hair?”

Fleur just raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed.

Lyam leaned back “Well… at least we can be certain that at the end of our schooling we can’t be startled anymore…”

Sen blushed slightly “Sorry?”

Fleur rolled her eyes “why are you apologising? It’s unnecessary.”


“It’s unnecessary and I don’t like repeating myself.”

Rigaud cleared her throat “You’re here to study not to gossip. Please go back to your task while I’m still lenient.”


Sen was sitting at her desk. To be honest she had been a bit freaked out at first.. it looked antique, white with green decorations and it looked like the furniture her Mamma would chatisize her for hours if she touched them.

She had been scared to dirty them if she was honest… their whole dorm room was like this.

Two canopy beds with white wood and green silky drapes around them, directly next to a nightstand. Two big cupboards, two desks and chairs and two armchairs all sitting on an insanely fluffy carpet.

Everything was in green and white and in the same antique style. According to Professeur Ars every piece of furniture was still from the renaissance when their school had been reformed.

It was pretty… it really was but at the same time she was way too afraid to accidentally scratch or dirty it.

She was musing about her chosen classes. She had already put down the mark on photography and while she had been reluctant about magical fashion as she well… was lacking in the magic aspect… she had put the mark down after her success earlier that day, it was just too tempting.

There was just something fascinating about textiles. About enchanting clothes and making them practical and… she was certain Ren would like it. Ren liked fashion. She could talk with him about it, maybe even make something for him! 

Still she wasn’t sure what she should choose for her last class. There were just too many.

Fleur was lounging on the bed, her lamb stuffed animal in her arms “Rosene?”


“What are you choosing?”

“Textiles and Photography.”

“And for your last?”

“not sure…”

The French sat up “Rosene? I got a brilliant idea!”

“And that would be?”

“Well… I choose horseback riding, patisserie and dance.. you could join me.”

“Join you where?”

“In dance class.”

“But why?”

“Because I need a partner? it’s ballroom dancing.”

Sen turned around, raising an eyebrow “Doesn’t that usually mean a boy and a girl? I doubt you will have problems finding a boy for dancing.”

“Well the gender ratio doesn’t really work out and… I.. I don't want to dance with a boy.”

“Why not?”

The blonde crossed her arms, chin up “Obviously because I’m part Veela.”

“You know that I have literally no clue what that means, right?”

Fleur scoffed but jumped off her bed to lean against Rosenes desk “Veelas are magical creatures.”

“...Do you spit fire while dancing with a boy or what is the issue then?”

“Gosh you’re so clueless, Rosene. Read more books.”

Sen rolled her eyes “I’m still trying to make sense of French, I might consider your book recommendations afterwards.”

Fleur scrunched up her nose “Veelas are super beautiful.”

“...Yeah, I can see that. Still.. where is the issue?”

“Well… I’m still young but as soon as I start puberty my charm will start.”


“Yes, so imagine a bunch of drooling boys. I don’t want to deal with that… not in close proximity and when it starts then I have to find a new dance partner and I don’t want that… and you’re tall.”

“So… you want me to be your dance partner… so that you don’t have to get a new one later on?”


“I dunno… I had never much interest in dancing… it’s a Ren thing. he picked up ballroom dancing now at home… I dunno..”

“Then you would have something you can do together at the Soirees. Come on Rosene… I will help you with your French. I mean…. it’s not like you have already chosen something else and.. we are roommates. Do a favour for your roommate.”

“That favour stretches across years and takes up time of my schedule.”

Fleur blew her cheeks up “I offer you parts of everything I produce in patisserie class, deal?”


The french girl grinned, leaning forward “Just imagine the mountains of chocolate and pastries I’m going to make. All those sweets and you can have your share.”

Sen leaned back in her chair, pulling her legs up to cross them, clearly being tempted.

Fleur grinned even wider “And… I could join you in some of your extracurriculars. You’re way more interested in them, right?”

“Really? You would go with me?”

“Yes, sure. What are you picking?”

“I mean.. I have to take nonverbal casting and… I was thinking duelling, fencing and occlumency.”

“Consider it done… so.. do we have a deal?” she extended her hand and Sen accepted it.

Fleur grinned before stealing the quill form the italian to set the mark “Then let’s go hand it in.”

“You’re really ecstatic about it.”

“Well obviously. Maman always said that it’s incredibly hard for us to have relations with either gender. Boys drool over us and girls get jealous… so…. If I get you early on then you can’t be mad later.”

“Wait… is that why you aren’t mingling that much?”

“Obviously… Maman warned me and you have seen how some of the others are already staying back but… you’re muggleborn and my roommate, right? So… if we come to agreements now then it won’t be as complicated later on… I really don’t want to stay in a room with a girl that hates me just because her boyfriend likes me better… but if I get some loyalty now then… we should make it work, right?”

Sen tilted her head “Wait… does.. does that mean you want to be friends?”

Fleur paused “...can we?”

“Call me Sen then.”

The smile Fleur gave her actually made the italian dizzy… way too beautiful, seriously! How could anyone ever consider being mean to Fleur? She was way, way too beautiful and to be honest… how would Sen even be able to consider dating a boy ever, if she was constantly surrounded by such a goddess?

It’s not like anyone could come even close to the beauty Fleur was and boys… boys were stupid anyways. Her brother was the best example, especially with the way he hadn’t answered any of her letters yet.