Chapter 2: Dusk till Dawn (2)
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Taking into account the crucial factor of how challenging it would be to eliminate each option, I arrived at a decision and settled on it.

The initial selection, which had appeared implausible in the absence of considering the other two alternatives, ultimately emerged as my preference after a certain degree of contemplation.

My choice: Emperor.

However, If I were to eliminate an emperor, one of the aims would be to transform it into a lucrative endeavor. I would loot the snot out of him, whatever he would be wearing or any valuable possessions he carried and sell them to the appropriate person—one who harbored a fascination for collecting the belongings of a slain ruler.

'Hah, I hope there are enough crazy individuals for such atrocities.'

Given that both my hands felt rigid, making it impossible to tap the interface in front of me with my fingers, I contemplated lifting them to access the system. However, this seemed an unattainable feat for the moment.

I thought of trying another method by thinking about what I wanted to select.

'System, I want to select the emperor option.'

Well, my guess was correct, and another panel that wanted confirmation about my choice appeared.

Confirm Choice: Emperor?

Is "Emperor" your chosen option? Please Confirm your selection.

I thought of all the points that would make killing an emperor the right choice. Going against both of them, the hero and the pope just didn't seem right or rather easy. There was always this lingering feeling in my mind that if they somehow had God's blessing, then I would be ducked.

These were all of my assumptions based on another assumption: that the system would give me time to become strong and do this eliminating job; otherwise, there was no way around it and I wouldn't even be able to touch one of these individuals. 

As I was going to confirm my choice, a sudden thought popped into my mind and gave me chills. It gave me literal chills; even my ass hair stood on edge.

'The hell!'

Duck! Duck! Duck!

I cursed invertedly as this possibility popped into my head.

What if?

What if all three of these options were interconnected?

Then I would be in an extremely desperate situation.

'What if the emperor worked with the pope to have the Pope's religion flourish, and in exchange, the pope guaranteed protection to the emperor and even a Hero that would protect the empire, and the hero chosen by gods and inaugurated by the pope, and by this, they all were benefiting... all in all what if they all were interrelated?'

What the duck would I do then?

I thought of different scenarios for how all three of them could be interlinked with each other and how difficult it would be for me to eliminate the option I wanted to choose.

'Well, it's not like I have another choice; if I have to just kill an emperor to live, then let it be.' Thinking this, I subconsciously had a small-time evil guy smirk.

'I confirm my choice; I'll kill an emperor.' It felt strange saying this in my head so soon after my reincarnation, especially since had nothing to back up my words, but what could do?


The host's selection of the "Emperor" option has been registered. 

The system will initiate a countdown for the host to fulfil the standards and conditions required for the activation of the main quest, which involves the assassination of an emperor. 

The host is required to meet these standards and conditions before the countdown concludes; failure to do so will result in the elimination of the host and the souls of their loved ones.

The standards and conditions for the main quest will be unveiled in 24 hours. 

Countdown Initiated: 365 Days + 1 Day.

Before I could even react to this sudden threat, another system notification went off.


The host has been identified and registered.


The TRIBE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM has been activated.

Then a sudden, a deep ocean-coloured system interface popped in front of my face.

Host: Skylar Liquidator

Cultivation: None

Title: Chief of the Barbarian Tribe

Physique: Heart of Berserker

Tribe Name: None

Tribe Leader: Skylar Reigns 

Tribe Level: 0

Tribe Population: 22

Tribe Function: Locked

*Host can unlock the tribe Function after the tribe level is level 1*

Upgrade condition: Establish Main Town Hall for the tribe. 

Special Upgrade Quest

Quest Title: Establishing the Heart of the Tribe

Quest Description: The time has come to unite your tribe under a central banner. The construction of the main town hall will symbolise the unity and strength of your people. This endeavour will mark the beginning of a new era for your tribe. 


Gather Building Resources: Collect the necessary resources to build the main town hall. 

Resources Required Quantity Size Completed?
Wood Log (Small) 60 1-meter NO
Wood Log (Medium) 40 2-meter NO
Wood Log (Large) 20 4-meter NO
Stone (Small) 100+  3-10 cm NO
Stone (Medium) 100 11-50 cm NO
Stone (Large) 20 50-100 cm NO

>Select a Suitable Location: Find and designate a suitable location for the main town hall within the tribe's settlement.

>Design the Town Hall: Plan the design and layout of the main town hall. Consider its appearance, size, and functional aspects.

>Construct the Main Town Hall: Oversee the construction process by allocating tribe members to work on building the town hall. This could involve constructing the foundation, erecting walls, and roofing.

>Provide Tools and Equipment: Ensure that your tribe members have the necessary tools and equipment to carry out the construction efficiently.

>Resolve Challenges: Address any challenges that arise during the construction process, such as resource shortages, conflicts, or unforeseen obstacles.

>Celebrate Completion: Once the main town hall is completed, hold a celebration to mark this significant achievement and gather the tribe members to witness its unveiling. 


Tribe Level Upgrade: Completing the quest will upgrade your tribe's level from 0 to 1, signifying the tribe's growth and development.

Main Town Hall Benefits: The completed town hall will provide various advantages, such as increased storage capacity, the ability to hold tribal meetings, and the potential to unlock new building options.

Morale Boost: The completion of the new town hall holds deep meaning for the host's tribe, healing wounds with the promise of a fresh start. It ignites everyone's spirits, uniting them in purpose and driving them towards a future of unity and productivity.

'Oh, my me!'

The genuine threat posed by the system, well, there wasn't a darn thing I could do about it but wait for the conditions to be unveiled the next day.

'Tribe management system, well I'll be damned.'

Wasn't this shit that I needed the most in my current situation, what was all that shit about killing emperor, cock and dick.

My small-time mob villain smirk grew bigger.

'Host: Skylar Liquidator, my real name, the soul in this body and the body's name being Skylar Reigns.'

I wondered if his parents also kept his name the same meaning as mine.

I glanced at all the information on the system interface, from the host to the upgrade condition but didn't read the special quest though.

I understood everything, and even got the idea of what kind of system was this, it seemed as if it would be helping me raise the status of barbarians and make them a force to be reckoned with so that no one could bully them ever again.

'If this is the objective then this would be difficult.'

Barbarians had been suffering injustice since long ago and if they gained power, they would definitely not sit still.

'I guess I'll be the perpetrator then.'

I understood things easily on the system interface but the cultivation and physique, the terms that only existed in the cultivation world were now in front of me, who was in a fantasy world.

'Don't tell me this world has cultivation and magic both.'

Ahh, duck it, time will tell.

I finally moved on to the special quest section and just after taking a quick glance I knew what I had to do.

'Let's establish the heart of the tribe.'

Hello everyone. Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed it.

Skylar expressed gratitude for everyone's votes and assistance in helping him make the decision. He also mentioned that he would require your guidance in the future for making further choices.

If there are any suggestions regarding what I should add to the SYSTEM, please let me know.

Have a good day!

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