Chapter 10: Dusk till Dawn (10)
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Ranking: [Common < Uncommon < Elite < Rare < Super Rare < Epic < Crystalline < Legendary]


The host's town hall has been detected.


The host must register the town hall in the Layer Cryptor.

The notifications continuously chimed in my head, and a new interface opened in front of me.


Layer Cryptor

Level 1

Dimensions: 400 x 400 m x 100 m

Description: The Layer Cryptor, a state-of-the-art virtual 3D mapping system tailored to your current level, offers a comprehensive mapping of your town hall and structures within the provided dimensions. To activate its functions, simply register your town hall with the Layer Cryptor. Once linked, you can access a holographic 3D representation, adjustable from handheld to room-sized. To add all the other buildings in the Layer Cryptor host, they must be registered using Contribution Points.

Function: At Level 1, the Layer Cryptor automatically equips constructed buildings with all necessary basic needs. It also empowers the host with the ability to upgrade the appearance of constructed buildings through the 'Appearance' function of the Layer Cryptor.

Note: Be mindful of the town hall-level restrictions. Buildings exceeding these limits won't register in the Layer Cryptor, rendering it inapplicable to them.

Time Limit: Upon activation, a strict sixty-second timer initiates. Even if you pause, the timer persists until completion, resetting daily at dawn. Utilise your time wisely!

Upgrade: Information on upgrade conditions will be revealed when the town hall reaches Level 2.

'So... it basically gives buildings basic things, and I'll have to register all the buildings that I'll have others build so that those buildings can have their functions. Not bad!'


The host has been rewarded with a free appearance pack and a tutorial on how to do it.


Begin the tutorial for the Layer Cryptor?


The host has chosen “Yes.” The tutorial for the Layer Cryptor will commence.


Please open the free appearance pack.


The deep ocean-coloured system interface had a picture of a dull grey cubic box, and below it was the option to open.

I clicked the “Open” option.


The host has opened the free appearance pack.
Appearance Orange Leaf 



Upon application, the appearance of all registered buildings in the Layer Cryptor is transformed into the likeness of the orange leaf. During Purnima nights, the town hall collects double the amount of qi permitted by the current level.

As I read the effect of the Orange Leaf Appearance, I nodded in satisfaction, well it was uncommon ranked so yeah, this much seemed okay. Yes, I didn’t know anything about qi, nor I was not made aware of anything related to cultivation through the system but if what I had read in the novels was correct then this was a good gain for the start. Not over the top gain but not so low too. However, it would have been better if I could see the Appearance image so I would know how it would look because seriously this name sounded lame.

I continued with the system’s tutorial.


The host can use the word 'Layer Cryptor' to call forth the Layer Cryptor's hologram. Then put the town hall in the Layer Cryptor and register it.

"Layer Cryptor"

Then, in front of me, a blue-coloured translucent flat square with markings and dimensions appeared. It had many parallel lines from both sides crossing each other and forming small squares. Above it in red was the small holographic 3D image of the town hall, and there was an arrow originating from the town hall and indicating towards the flat square.

The technology was mind-boggling, as I had used such holographic images to plan out my missions in my previous life, but not even in a million years were humans in my previous world close to making something like this, where through the holographic image we could change the appearance and give all the necessities that a building needed.

My eager hands dragged the town hall into the flat square, and the shabby-looking town hall connected to the flat square as if it were a missing piece of the puzzle but then a notification for confirmation popped.


Register Town Hall to the Layer Cryptor?

Cost: 0 CP

  • Yes
  • No



The town hall has been linked with the Layer Cryptor, and taking the town hall as the centre, the dimensions have been spread equally.

As the new prompt popped in front of me, the flat square began to transform. Just like in the real world, the town hall was located in between the massive Horizon Spine, the natural rock wall, and the cleared 10 by 10 space, and then it was surrounded by the lush towering trees and rich vegetation of the area.

However, there was only the start of the Horizon Spine, or even that barely, but this hologram covered the whole natural rock wall on the left side. The holographic representation was now cubic, and it had length, width, and height too and formed a perfect 3D representation and was a perfect replica of the original.

I touched the hologram and it felt like I had touched still water, but it didn’t ripple in waves. I touched the hologram with both of my hands and began zooming in and out and the hologram kept the dimensions fixed, zoomed in and out while keeping the clarity in the 3D representation nearly perfect.

‘Well, that's the system for you.’

I then touched the town hall and a pop-up in a rectangular box appeared and in it was written the word ‘Appearance.’ I clicked on it and in the next instant, a new system prompt popped in front of my face.


  1. Orange leaf-Equip.
The host can buy more appearances in the system shop.

I clicked on the equip button of the orange leaf appearance, and in the next moment, the system interface closed in front of my face and the appearance of the town hall began to change.


The host has equipped the Orange Leaf Appearance.

The town hall which looked like a shabby hut now looked like a house for kids; it had the half-cut orange as its roof, and its side walls were covered by the orange maple leaves. The wood logs appeared stronger, sturdy, and firm; they didn't look shabby and rather looked like they were built by a novice craftsman.


'Alright, I'll buy a new appearance from the system as soon as possible.'

I looked back, where everyone had their jaws crawling on the floor like a reptile and their eyes wide as peaches.

I turned around and clapped my hands to wake them up from their stupor. "Alright, enough. Alcatraz, you will send everyone in batches to clean themselves and sends those who are less fatigued on lookout duty. As for the town hall and things related to it and all the sorcery that will take effect here, I'll explain later. Get going, and those of you who need rest... Well, have some rest then, because for sure we'll have guests tomorrow."

Not waiting any further, I turned around and again opened my system interface.

There were so many functions that had been unlocked in the system, and I was going to check them all and sort out the ones that were the most broken at the moment and the most beneficial too.

I opened the interface again, and a new message popped up.


As the host successfully linked the town hall with the Layer Cryptor, system modifications are now complete. Your personal information is referred to as "status," and the tribe's information can be accessed through "interface." Numerous enhancements have been implemented in both the interface and status. You can review notifications by invoking 'notifications.'


The host has been awarded 100 contribution points for completing the special upgrade quest.
Contribution Points (CP): CP serves as the primary currency within the system. It's earned by both the host and the host's tribe members as they successfully complete various tasks and missions. These CP can be utilized for a wide range of purposes, including transactions within the Layer Cryptor, purchases in the Shop, summoning through Willow of Arc, and empowering the Qi Infuser, among other possibilities.


The host's town hall level has reached level 1. The host has been awarded 100 contribution points.


The host has completed the tutorials for the Layer Cryptor, and the host has been awarded 10 contribution points.


The host has captured three hideouts for the side quest. The host has been awarded three Uncommon Mystery boxes.

'I didn't forget about you, my rewards.'

However, I was more eager about the system functions and the Epic Mystery Box because...that shit sounded more cool.

I called out 'notification' in my mind, and the notification panel opened in front of me with all the notifications that I had read till now, and the ones that contained the rewards were shining with black dots on them.

I opened the notification for the Epic mystery box and clicked on the open button. 


The host has opened an epic mystery box.


Then suddenly, the Epic Mystery box in the notification panel, which looked like a purple ancient box, began shaking. Though the notification panel was 2D, the appearance of the shaking of the Epic Mystery Box looked 3D, and then the purple, ancient-looking box began cracking with dramatic effects, and then with a sudden flash of light, the reward opened.

'So much drama.'

Epic mystery box reward:

>Willow Shard-Elite

>Constructor Amplifier-Super Rare

>Willow Shard-Epic

>Harmony Wellspring-Rare

>1k Contribution Points Pack -Rare

>Radiant Lotus Enclave-Appearance-Super Rare

>Void-fire Dash-Footwork Technique-Elite

>Badger-fang Buckler-Shield-Elite

‘Okay! Alright!’ I did the self-handshake to my own hands and held them tightly as they were shaking in excitement and my lips were twitching constantly from the moment, I opened the epic mystery box and after this long struggle to keep my lips at bay I finally gave in, and it formed a small smirk and my face that was fully covered in blood looked lunatic.

“That’s what I’m talking about, that’s how life should be, easy and simple and living happily.”

Not wasting another moment, I clicked on the Radiant Lotus Enclave. The new Appearance that I won. My eyes couldn’t bear to see the oranges on top of every roof of the buildings in the town hall, it looked less like an orange than more like a banged ass.


Radiant Lotus Enclave

Rank: Super Rare

Radiant Lotus Enclave Speciality:

  1. Intimidating Presence: Structures within the Radiant Lotus Enclave appear grand and imposing to enemies and unregistered members of the tribe. This awe-inspiring presence weakens the morale of adversaries, making them more susceptible to fear and hesitation in the face of your tribe's might.

  2. Lotus of Abundance: Within the Enclave's boundaries, lotus plants flourish abundantly. These lotuses possess unique properties, making them valuable in alchemy, medicine, and other mystical practices. Gathering these lotuses becomes a vital resource for your tribe's well-being and prosperity.

  3. Mountain Enclave Array: The Radiant Lotus Enclave is protected by a complex array of eight mystical mountains. This array serves as an impenetrable defence for the entire tribe, shielding it from external threats. Any hostile forces attempting to breach the Enclave's boundaries will find themselves facing insurmountable obstacles.


  1. Construction Speed reduced by 25%.
  2. The town hall will gather 5 times more qi of the current town hall's ability.
  3. Healing time in the hospital reduced by 25%.
  4. The defence will have a 25% increase in their aspects.


Will the host change the Appearance from orange leaf to radiant lotus enclave?

Cost: 100 contribution points [CP]

  • Yes
  • No


'My, my, my... now I don't care how all the buildings will look; those effects and specialities are more than enough for now.'


100 CP has been deducted. The Appearance change will now commence.

Estimated Time: 10 minutes.

Nodding, I moved on to the next interesting thing, I opened the notification panel and went to the Unlocked Functions of the Town Hall notification, which had the black dot glowing on it on the side and selected the Willow of Arc.

Willow of Arc

[Can be built directly.]



Function: Summons Creatures of different ranks.

Dimensions: 3m x 10m x 7m

This was the most mysterious name, but its work was summoning creatures, and there was no information about its origin or description.

‘Well, I’ll know eventually.’

The Willow of Arc could be built directly, and so I did. I pressed the build button, and of the same dimension, as told in the interface, a three-metre-long, ten-metre-wide, and seven-metre-high structure appeared in front of me. It was translucent and blue as it was just the hologram of the Willow of Arc. I looked towards the side of the town hall where this could be directly built, but I wanted to try something. If I put it on the trees, would it be directly built over there too, or could it only be built on the plain ground like the one we cleared to build the town hall?

And the moment I took the hologram of Willow of Arc over the trees, it started blinking red.

“Same as games.”

I placed the willow arc beside the town hall, its long side facing the town hall.


Will the host build the Willow of Arc here and register it in Layer Cryptor?

Cost: 200 CP

  • Yes
  • No


And in the next instant...

Rustle! Rustle! Rustle!

The moment I said yes to building the Willow of Arc, a strong wind began to blow out of nowhere, and as if that was not enough...

“Holy duck!”

I pivoted and was about to run away, but...


I flinched and took a step back, flabbergasted. The old hag stood in front of me, her hollow sockets looking enchanted by the phenomena happening. Her wrinkled skin somehow looked glowing; her stance was firm; her hands were on her staff, and her staff edged into the ground.

“Shit!” I cursed out aloud as I turned my head and saw the phenomena happening above in the clouds. Strong winds out of nowhere blew all the clouds together at just above where the Willow of Arc was about to be built. It was nighttime but I could swear the clouds that had gathered above were straight out of the void, their pure darkness, it seemed it was beyond the oblivion.

What the hell is this Willow of Arc doing to make such a dramatic entry?

The torches were blowing off one by one, and the illumination sources were diminishing one by one.

‘Hope I didn’t make a mistake by doing this, even if enemies wouldn’t be able to charge at us in the nighttime right now, this will surely tell them our location, but this could also work in our favour if they think this is our work and this is our strength.’

However, it wasn’t the time to think about this as I could continuously hear shouts from my back, and I turned my head back to that side, I could see Alcatraz and others approaching me quickly while shouting and asking about the phenomena.

“Alcatraz stay away, do not come close, you all can’t handle this, it’s Maker’s doing, I’ll be fine.” I blurted out nonsense to make them stop right in their tracks, however, they didn’t back a single step and just stayed where they had stopped.

‘Yes, good stay there, I can’t let any of you die, you all are my tunnel to a lavish life.’

“Hey hag we should go!”

The hag didn’t respond, and her expression remained the same and somehow it felt to me that she wanted me to stay there.

I gritted my teeth and stood left to the old hag. ‘That’s why I hate such crazy bastards.’

Before I knew it, the thunder started gathering at the collision of the clouds.

Rumble! Rumble!

Rumbling and colliding, the clouds launched their thunder.


It hit the ground beside the town hall; however, no dust or debris flew out. Instead, thunder collided with the stone that appeared out of nowhere and destroyed the circle shape of the stone, giving it rough edges and sharp rocks, and everything again went silent.

And at the same time, the old hag walked behind me and stood.

'I... well, now I'm convinced. I'll not ask this crazy woman anything; I don't want all that goofy information that would only make an easy life a distant dream.'


Willow of Arc has been built. The host has been rewarded with 10 CP.

Moments later, I just moved forward towards the Willow of Arc.

Something felt odd as I edged closer to the Willow of Arc; it felt as if my throat went dry and the water inside my body was evaporating. My skin felt warmer every second, and I reached in front of it.

Towering over me, making my neck stretch from front to back, and I looked at the whole intimidating structure.

The rock was pitch dark, constantly emitting a dark hue from its rough, edgy surface that didn't leak but constantly circled the stone arc. Its presence constantly halted the whisper of its unknown origin and drew my eyes to its imperfections.

No base?

I was so engrossed in its imperfections that I didn't notice that the stone arc just hovered in the air with no base; it was hovering at my head's distance from the ground.

Accepting the strangeness of the Willow arc, I took out the Willow shards.

It was an elbow-length crystal; the elite one shone dull grey and was a tad bit smaller than the epic one, and the epic one shone purple.


As I took out the shards, the arc began to shine, and a translucent black hue came forward towards me. Just in front, I stopped and waited like a gentleman.

I gave both the shards, and it took gracefully and receded, and the shards disappeared. I heard the notification sound, and the interface popped up in front of me.

Will the host employ the Elite Willow Shard?

Cost: 30 CP

  • Yes
  • No

"Yes, I'll"

And the summoning began.

Thank you for reading.

I hope you read all the system prompts, as they are important, like Layer Cryptor, Willow of Arc, and all.

And there's one more picture that I'd like to share with you.


Willow of Arc REFERENCE

It's not the same as the Willow of Arc, as its rock is blacker, has a darker hue surrounding it, and has a sharper look, and that's why this is just a reference.

Was this so much info dump for you or was it just system function that were necessary.
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