Chapter 3: Apotheosis (3)
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"So, why?" Lily cut him off. This was something about her brother she didn't get. So much as she hate to admit it, her brother was very much a looker - not the handsome, wild-west type but more of a pretty boy. Hell, ever since he started working out at the gym, he even had an aesthetic 'V' taper body which got him praises to no end, especially from women who were more on the badass scale.

But, every time he received an invite or a woman tried to pick him up for something more, he always, always rejected them. Of course, there wasn't anyone so down bad for him like Amelia right now, but her point still stood.

Why was he holding back? He was almost 25 years old by now.

Arthur looked hesitant but decided on not telling her the truth for now. "I just don't think right now is the time. I wanna make sure we at least move out of this house, and get you to college, and also buy a new car, and maybe-"

"Arthur!" Lily clapped her hands, bringing him out of his stupor.

". . .Sorry. But yeah, basically, I just don't think right now is the time to be getting all romantic and what-not. It wouldn't be fair for my partner to put in all her efforts towards me, while my attention was else-where because that's how it's going to be if I get into a relationship."


"It just wouldn't work out."

It was true. Multiple times, Arthur had thought about getting into a relationship with some of the women that had pursued him, but something he couldn't tell Lily was that most of the women who liked him, didn't like the idea of the three of them living together. Some even outright said that they wanted to kidnap him and tie him to their beds which was honestly just downright creepy.

To him, Lily was everything. She was his responsibility, his little sister, and the only one he still had left of his family. He couldn't and wouldn't sacrifice her for anything in the world.

He just wanted to see her happy.

Lily was the first to break the silence. "Alright. I won't be pressing any more if you don't really want to talk about it. I mean, what would I know? It's not like I'm your sister or anything."

Arthur turned his head to see that, indeed, his little sister was pouting again. "Hold on a minute. Don't be acting like I'm the only one with romantic failures. I heard from a little birdie that someone just got a little admirer from Physics Class."

He could literally see his little sister's pony-tail jerk up like a cat's tail at that. "Oh, I think his name was Jeremy or something. Care to elaborate, dear sister?"

Lily's face had blown up completely red like a tomato. When she spoke, her voice was as soft as a mouse. ". . .Where did you hear about that?"

"Oh, nothing it's just from-"


But before he could finish his sentence, a sudden interruption stole his attention.


A brilliant blue box materialized before his eyes, capturing his gaze and freezing him in place.

<<System Notification>>

Hello [Arthur],

Congratulations! You have been selected to participate in an extraordinary event. Spin the wheel and discover your destiny. You have one hour to make your choice. No spin, no reward.

Arthur's eyes widened with a mixture of surprise and curiosity.  "Lil, are you seeing-"

"Big bro, are you seeing this too?" Lily asked, her voice laced with confusion.

Arthur's eyes blinked at Lily. "I guess you are." He turned to look at the blue box, trying to interact with it, only to see that his hand went past the blue box. "It's like something out of one of our RPG games, but this feels different. It's almost.  ."

"Real?" Lily finished. "Wait, what's going on?"

"I don't. . ." Arthur trailed off, as he noticed that Lily was currently focusing hard on something in front of her, most likely the same notification blue box he had. And so, he did the same, and his mind raced to comprehend the implications of this unexpected development in his life, he noticed that he had been given a time limit, to spin a wheel or something?

"Is the government fucking with us or something?" Lily swore, but this time, Arthur was too pre-occupied to say anything.

"Maybe it's some sort of virtual reality experiment, or prank, or one of those social media things?" Arthur asked, his brows furrowing in thought, before he blinked his eyes, and the notification screen was still there. "But it feels too elaborate to be a mere prank."

Arthur continued to toss around theories, ranging from extraterrestrial interventions, to secret societies and what not.

"What if it's not a prank?"

Lily spoke, but this time, with a seriousness that hadn't be heard in years.

"What do you mean?" Arthur asked. He looked at Lily, and it was like he was and wasn't looking at his sister at the same time. There was something in Lily's eyes that made her look as if she'd been possessed.

After a long pause, Lily continued, "Maybe it's a test."

"A test?" Arthur said. "Okay, you're kinda creeping me out now, lil sis."

"Yeah, a test," Lily replied, eyes still focused on the invisible blue box in front of her. In Arthur's point of view, it was like she was staring straight at him, and well, to be fair, it must look the same for her too.

"A test, or a chance," Lily said. ". . . .to be something better."

And, just like that, Lily returned back to normal, as she blinked open, only to notice that her brother was looking at her like she was an alien. "The hell you looking at me like that for?"

"You were just-nevermind," Arthur decided not to open that box of candy right now. "Anyway, whatever it is, it's telling me to spin the wheel, whatever that is."

"Yeah, it's telling me the same thing too," Lily said, her fingers gesturing a spin of the invisible blue box. "But, I don't see any wheel?"

"Me too-"

As if in response to their concern, the blue box suddenly dissolved, and instead, another seemingly-gamelike holographic wheel appeared, that seemed to be modelled after the wheel of samsara, divided into three main categories:

"Mortal, Demi-God," Arthur's voice trembled with disbelief. "And, God?"

"It's the same for me too," Lily replied, her expression mirroring her brother's.

Arthur's heart quickened its pace as he shifted his gaze back to his own screen, confirming that it mirrored Lily's. The wheel now held their fate, promising a path that could lead to unimaginable heights or plunge them into the depths of uncertainty. In the realm of their beloved RPG games, such choices were common, but in their own reality, it was an unprecedented twist.

As a surge of adrenaline coursed through their veins, their minds raced to make sense of the situation. It was as if the world had transformed into a grand adventure, their very existence hanging in the balance. The weight of the decision pressed upon them, urging them to consider the possibilities that lay within each category.

Arthur's thoughts raced, contemplating the implications of each rank.

"Does this mean what I think it means?" Lily asked, slowly with doubt but one could hear the clear excitement in her voice.

Arthur gulped. "I think so too."

"Okay, so we're thinking the same thing," Lily said. "We're going to become gods?"


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Live, love, laugh.