Chapter Eight: Knowledge.
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Byakuya Kuchiki stared at the file on Aisuri Ketsueki with mild interest. No other Soul Reaper in history has been able to hear the name of their blade so soon after finding it. Although she hasn't been able to call its shikai, this alone makes her a prodigy. Or an anomaly. Better to make something of her before that unsightly Mayuri rips her apart for his perverse need to understand literally anything under the sun. 

Her performance in the selection ceremony was commendable. She conducted herself with all the grace one would have expected of a noble clan member, despite her origins from beyond the Rukongai. 

And her skills. Her Shunpo techniques are at the vice captain level, with her Hakuda, coming close behind. Her kido came next, and it seemed even she was surprised at how well rounded she was. Her Zanjutsu skills leave a little to be desired, but I could see her potential in all the four arts. If trained properly, she could replace even me. But that would be a long way away. 

The trouble was that, save for that brute Zaraki, every other squad she asked to sign up for also wanted her. Several Squads she didn't, too. Soi Fon in particular wanted her to replace that oafish vice-captain of hers, and for a moment he had considered conceding his pull for her just to see the look on the buffoons face. 

Naturally theh, the captains of the squad miss Aisuri requested, clashed. Their Reiatsu filling the captain meeting area before head captain Yamamoto silenced them all. 

"The girl is to be placed in the care of the squad most suited to her. Captain Kuchiki, make sure she grows into a proper Soul Reaper." 

Byakuya nods in understanding before bowing to the head captain, then went to greet the new Soul Reaper and welcome her into the squad. 

For her part, Aisuri was sitting nervously, sitting on her heels as she waited for the captain or vice captain to meet with her. Kaatei wasn't helping, his voice trying to calm her down but calling her silly for worrying was NOT helping. 

"We got into a squad, but we haven't been assigned yet. We should challenge the vice-captain for his spot, get as big of a reward from that quest as possible." 

He had said to her mentally, and she rolled her eyes. "The vice-captain likely has his Shikai unlocked, and we have nothing to that effect. We would be outclassed. Let's just hope for the third seat." 

This earned a scoff from her sword but was relieved when he said nothing more. A shock of red hair moving into view alerted her to the incoming presence of Vice-captain Renji Abarai. 

"Aisuri, right?" He said, terribly informal. This took her aback but she smiled brightly at him and rose to stand, reaching forward to shake his hand, the other on Kaatei's scabbard, trying to supress the shaking of the blade. Stupid,  pugnacious bastard. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you Vice-Captain Abarai. You'll have to forgive my Zanpakuto, it's spirit is rather rowdy. It wants to fight you, despite how outclassed we are." 

The red-haired man blinked for a moment before laughing uproariously. "It's got spunk, I'll give it that. But talented that you two are, you're not even bear vice captain level. Tell you what, I'll ask the captain to appoint your to the open third seat, and if you get challenged and lose, then that's your own fault. We're gonna go meet him anyway." 

Aisuri paled at the thought of having such a target on her back, but her anxiety gave way to annoyance when Kaatei growled out a, "Yes!!" 

He really is hopeless, huh? 

Little did she know that the Quest just completed, and as the rewards for landing in the sixth Squads third seat were calculating, another quest had been generated. 

「Defeat Ten Soul Reapers. Rewards: Cumulative Reishi of all defeated opponents over the span of a month.」