Chapter Fourteen; We had another name once.
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Aisuri POV

Eh? Captain Aizen? Why would Kaatei want to speak to Aizen? The request had come out of nowhere, leaving me perplexed. I had shared many conversations with my Zanpakuto, but this sudden desire to meet Captain Aizen was unexpected and raised countless questions.

I exchanged a silent dialogue with Kaatei, trying to understand the reasoning behind this unusual request. Kaatei had always been a source of wisdom and guidance, but this particular request left me feeling uncertain.

"Kaatei," I spoke aloud, addressing my Zanpakuto. "Is there a specific reason you want to meet Captain Aizen? What do you hope to gain from this?"

Kaatei's response was measured, his voice echoing within the confines of our inner world. "Aisuri, there are aspects of the world you do not yet understand, and Captain Aizen possesses knowledge and perspectives that could shed light on certain matters. This meeting may reveal insights that could prove valuable to our path as Shinigami."

I contemplated his words for a moment, recognizing that Kaatei's always done whatever would make us stronger.

With a sense of cautious curiosity, I made up my mind. "Very well, Kaatei. We will seek an audience with Captain Aizen. But let's proceed with caution. We don't know what to expect."

As I uttered those words, a sense of anticipation and uncertainty filled me. Meeting Captain Aizen was no small matter, and I couldn't help but wonder how this unexpected encounter would shape our journey as Shinigami.

Kane POV

Oh thank God, she bought that. I had pulled that out of my ass. I mean, how can I tell her that I wanted to meet Aizen so I can get fat stacks of Blood Points? Aizen experiments on both Shinigami and Hollow, and he has had more than a few rejected experiments. Experiments that I could easily dispatch for easy blood points. For that matter, traveling to Hueco Mundo, would give me a potentially endless amount of revenue. This world simply doesn't have enough enemies for me to kill to grow. 

There's the Bounts, but they might not ever show up because they're anime only. The Zanpakuto Rebellion is the same. The Visoreds are a potential source of income, if I wanted to be a dickhead. Quincy, too, but not all Quincy were assholes like that shitsucker Ywach. That leaves Shinigami and Hollows. 

Some Shinigami are elitist assholes, sure, and God knows Mayuri creeps me the fuck out, but the guys want to preserve the balance of the living world and Afterlife. 

Hollows? By and large, Hollows are mindless, and even if they're not, they're cruel, dominated by the negative feeling that caused their very existence, or mad with hunger. I could purge Hollows en masse and make a minimal effect on the balance. 

But neither I nor Aisuri possess the means to get there easily. Aizen does. But how do I convince him to throw his failed Hollow experiments at me? 

General POV

My apologies for the oversight. In this pre-Bleach timeline, Ikkaku Madarame wouldn't have the eyepatch. Here's the corrected passage:

Aisuri strolled through the corridors of the Gotei 13 headquarters, her thoughts consumed by the unusual meeting with Captain Aizen. How would she set up an appointment with him? Just what is Kaatei up to?

Lost in thought, she was so preoccupied that she barely noticed the approaching duo of a bald headed man with orange eye shadow followed by a man with chin length black hair and colorful feathers adorning his eye lashes. 

"Aisuri!" Ikkaku called out, his rough and enthusiastic tone carrying through the hallway. Yumichika, by contrast, looked slightly more composed but equally intrigued.

Aisuri turned to find Ikkaku grinning at her, his fierce appearance reflecting his warrior spirit. She'd had heard tales of the 11th Division before, so she was no stranger to their love of combat, and as a third seated officer herself, she was well aware of Ikkaku and his best friend.

"What's going on, Ikkaku?" Aisuri inquired, her curiosity piqued but tinged with a hint of caution.

Ikkaku's grin widened. "I've heard you're quite the fighter, Aisuri. I want to see it for myself. Care to spar with me?"

Yumichika chimed in with a playful smile. "And if you're as good as they say, maybe we'll even let you in on a secret or two."

Aisuri hesitated, unsure if she wanted to engage in a duel at this moment. She had pressing matters on her mind, especially regarding her upcoming meeting with Captain Aizen. However, Ikkaku's challenge and the intrigue of their offer were difficult to resist.

She nodded, a determined glint in her eyes. "Very well, Ikkaku, Yumichika. I'll accept your challenge." 

Kaatei hissed in satisfaction at the idea of another fight, and Aisuri couldn't help feel her own eagerness get the better of her. With no clue on what would be the best time to attempt to meet with Captain Aizen, a match was just what the doctor ordered.