Chapter Fifteen: Blood.
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As Aisuri, Ikkaku, and Yumichika stood in the training area, the atmosphere crackled with anticipation. The challenge had been issued, and there was no turning back. The clash of energies between them was palpable.

Ikkaku took the first step, His movements were swift and decisive as he drew his Zanpakuto, taking a relaxed stance 

Yumichika, on the other hand, seemed content to observe, his eyes tracing the unfolding battle with an almost artistic appreciation. He had a unique perspective, his interests extending beyond just brute force.

With a sudden burst of energy, Ikkaku charged forward, his Zanpakuto clashing with Aisuri's. The ringing clash of steel echoed through the training area as they exchanged blows. Aisuri's speed and agility were on full display, her movements graceful and calculated. She skillfully parried Ikkaku's strikes, defending herself with precision.

But Ikkaku was relentless, his fighting spirit unyielding. He pressed on, testing Aisuri's limits and pushing her skills to the edge. Aisuri's eyes flashed with determination as she met each strike, the intensity of the battle consuming her focus.

Yumichika's interest was piqued, and he finally decided to join the fray. His elegant movements belied his intentions, and he aimed his Zanpakuto with precision. His unique abilities came into play, adding a layer of complexity to the battle.

The training area became a battleground, the clash of blades and bursts of spiritual energy filling the air. Aisuri was pushed to her limits, but she met the challenge head-on. Her skill with Shunpo and Hakuda allowed her to match Ikkaku's ferocity, while Kaatei's power surged with each swing.

The battle, a mere display of swordplay and hakuda techniques kicked up some dust as the two versus one reached a plateau. 

Aisuri huffed as she waved her hand, a gust of wind caused by her Reiatsu dispersing the dust cloud. 

"Alright, boys. What do you say we kick this up a notch?" Aisuri's voice brimmed with confidence as she pulled her arms through the sleeves of her Kosode, letting it fall around her waist. Her chiseled, muscular frame was exposed, a testament to her rigorous training. Then, with a determined gaze, she called upon her Shikai, and Kaatei's form shattered into jagged edges connected by red, pulsating, fleshy material.

Ikkaku's grin widened to a manic degree, his warrior spirit burning brightly. "Now we're talking! Extend, Hozukimaru!"

As Aisuri's transformation brought forth newfound power, Yumichika's eyes sparkled with anticipation. "Well, if we're going all out, then I suppose I'll join the fun as well." With an elegant flourish, he activated his Shikai, unfurling its ornate and elaborate design.

The battle escalated into a thrilling two-against-one confrontation. Aisuri, with her immense strength and Shikai, found herself in a relentless duel against the combined might of Ikkaku and Yumichika. The training area trembled beneath the ferocity of their attacks.

Ikkaku's extended Hozukimaru, now a formidable weapon, clashed with Aisuri's Shikai, sending shockwaves through the ground. Yumichika, with his unique abilities, wove intricate patterns of energy into the fight, creating a mesmerizing dance of power and grace.

Meanwhile, Kane was beside himself with joy. Every strike landed, whether on or by Aisuri caused his BP to go up. His sparse reserves soared to four hundred before the fight finally ended. He grumbled but knew that any more could be seen not as a sparring match but a duel, and killing fellow Shinigami was severely frowned upon. 

Risking the ire of that old man wasn't something Kane looked forward too. 

Still. Let's see what he can get for what he's got. 

Mm, the Aatrox power set is enticing. 

According to League of Legends lore, Aatrox was a Shuriman Ascended, a god-warrior fighting against the void, ultimately being corrupted by it. When Shurima fell, the Ascended had nothing to fight for, and so began fighting each other, until the actual, very-real gods of Runeterra sealed them away into weapons for...some...reason. Aatrox canonical is the second most powerful entity of the League of Legends lore, capable of absorbing the flesh, blood and bone of the slain into his own twisted form, growing stronger from it. The only one stronger than him in the lore is Aurelian Sol, a celestial dragon. 

Of course this is predicated on whether Aatrox has killed enough people after reforming his body. Technically anyone at c tier and above could beat a freshly reformed Aatrox. On the other hand, Aatrox, with enough time and corpses, can beat even the celestial dragons. Theoretically, Aatrox can grow strong enough to end all creation. He has already in one timeline. 

Kane grumbled about how he couldn't purchase Void based powers, seeing as the Darkin are pretty much humanoid Void creatures, given how they're all transformed by the corruption of the Void, but there are plenty of avenues for power, and Aatrox is a good first step. 

Without any more thinking about it, Kane purchases the power set and hums as he feels himself grow a connection to his host. 

If he so chose, he could simply take her body over at this very moment. The thought was tempting, but would result in his untimely death. 

The assassin squad was always a prevalent problem, and being incinerated by Ryujin Jakka was placed extremely low on the priority list. 

But...this does solve the problem.of conversing with Aizen. He grinned. Looks like getting stronger much faster wasn't that much of a crapshoot after all.

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