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I'm a fucking idiot and forgot to post this on this site

Hello there guys, P3t1 here!

I've had this story, or a version of it in my head for almost a year now, but I only started putting words onto paper this July. It all felt good and nice but as I went on with it, I felt it all fall flat and problems develop with each chapter I wrote.

That version of the story is one no one got to see. It was a horrendous first draft that even I felt was bad. The MC was far too OP, the story went nowhere and the world-building was laid on far too thick.

That is what got me to this version. I rewrote it all and the only thing that remained was the name of the MC. I fixed a lot of the problems I felt were in need of fixing with this one, but I was still just a newbie author back then, with as much writing experience as any run-of-the-mill Computer Science Graduate.

A month ago, I realized that writing was more than a hobby for me. It was something I wanted to do seriously and so I threw myself into online lectures, bought books and writing and joined Writing Groups for advice and help.

I am still far from anywhere as competent as some other writers here, but my story started turning from something I could be proud of to a story with more problems in it than things worth keeping. As I learned, the list of flaws I saw in my story grew and along with it went my enthusiasm.

I wanted this story to be a long one, I had ideas for 6 books and some further ideas even beyond that but I the foundation it all stood on was shaky at best. I had no characters worth keeping, they had no flaws, had no depth, had no character arcs and they didn't have a voice of their own. By more technical terms I'd learned, I had and A Story (External story) but my B Story (the internal story) is non-existent. Half of what makes a good story is missing from my book and I just can't fix it with some simple ret-conning or line-edits.

Which is why I decided to put this story on Hiatus for now.

Now I know how that'd make you all feel; 'So he is abandoning the story, oh well, RIP'. BUT I love this story, this was the first thing I loved writing and what made me start writing in the first place. I wanted to put THIS story out there and tell it to people, this story was why I started writing fanfics to gain experience in the first place. I wanted this story to be good. But it isn't, I don't feel like I am doing it justice at least.

This story WILL get a REWRITE.

That is a promise.

I don't know when, be it 2024 or a year later, I will rewrite this story when I have both the energy and the sufficient experience to do it justice.

I want to tell this story the best way it could be told.


Going forward from now, I will continue writing even if it won't be this story. I will learn and each story I write will be better and better as I grow.

I apologise for all of you who were enjoying this story so far, but I felt I wasn't giving you the story you deserved. I didn't want to feed you garbage.

Also, this decision is final.

There is no use throwing stones or pleading in the comment section, I have ruminated long and hard on this subject.

I hope some of you will give me another chance and follow along as I write and improve myself along with my writing.