Chapter 6.5 – Intermission ~ Will
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Will huffed as he sat on the soft sheets of his bed in the inn he was staying in. He began to shuffle his hands through his money pouch in his pocket. As he withdrew 2 silver coins from it, he sighed. It looked like he wouldn't have a place to stay that night. He was only 43 years old, but it seemed like his career was already coming to an end.

Will was an adventurer working for the guild in the city of Vubera. He had thought he was off to a good start, he'd even been able to kill 2 slimes with but a single unenchanted dagger. He thought that hewas doing well, and really, considering his position, he was. But the world he inhabited was a tough one. Being an adventurer was no easy task - many avoided the profession and it was generally looked down on. Some mighty warriors or heroes would become adventurers, those were the exceptions. People would shower them with money and praise. But not people like Will. Will was an adventurer because he had nothing else to do.

What had started off as a light cold had quickly grown into something worse. Will's teenage years were abruptly halted by a life-threatening illness that prevented him from attending school. Such is the cruelness of the world that no countermeasures were in place for unforeseen outcomes like this. With a lack of a proper education, Will's path in life could only go one way - the way of the adventurer.

Will specialised in handling small groups of goblins and slimes, but even they could prove to be a challenge sometimes. With his low-tier equipment it wasn't surprising. Will was one of many that fell victim to a vicious cycle. Fight monsters, get paid, cover the cost of an inn room or rent, rinse and repeat. He never had any money left over to upgrade his gear and equipment. Successful adventurers were the ones that started with funding, be that from a previous job or their family's wealth.

After a devastating defeat in his latest mission, Will was short on funds. He had been tasked to take out a group of goblins. However, there turned out to be more than what Will was equipped for and it all went south, real quick. After dispatching half of the goblins there, Will was tired and dreary. He attempted to run but was blocked by a group of 4 goblins. As he rose his dagger and assumed a fighting stance, a sudden, brilliant light had shone before him.

The light encircled him and shone intensely. Within seconds the light was gone, and it had taken the goblins with it. A reassuring face stood behind the light, wielding a holy sword. The man extended a helping hand towards Will. This man thought he was a hero, and that annoyed Will. The man saved his life, but was also responsible for his imminent homelessness he now faced. The world he inhabited was indeed a cruel one.

Quickly stuffing his belongings into a large brown sack, Will wiped away a tear running down his cheek and stormed out of the inn. He'd had enough. He wasn't going to stand for it anymore.

Climbing atop the wall of a fountain in the middle of town, Will shouted his declaration. His booming voice found its way throughout the busy masses proudly.

"All of those who wish to come with me can do so. My name is Will. No second name. I'm an adventurer, forced into this horrendous job through unfair circumstances. I'm leaving this town. I will build a village in the Western Region, free from this life. For any adventurer that's struggling to survive. For any of the homeless who have all but themselves to blame for their state in the world. This is for you. Come with me and help me build this village. We will escape the perilous battles, the cold and sleepless nights, and hard labour that only results in the credit being taken by those who call themselves heroes."

A crowd of shocked faces gazed upon him.

"What a weirdo. Who would actually go with him?"

"The Western Region? That's far."

"This guy's out of his mind. He could be imprisoned for insulting the heroes of the guild like that."

These criticisms echoed throughout the crowd and spread like wildfire. But Will didn't care. He had a dream, and he was willing to see it through. He knew others would be in his position.

"We leave in an hour. Gather your belongings and meet by this fountain" he declared.


An hour had passed and there was a group of fidgety adventurers surrounding Will. His face lit up with a smile and they began to march.

They left the city and walked over the grass plains. Will had been planning this for a while. He had taught himself what he never learned in school, He already vaguely knew how to read, but luckily one of those joining him was quite advanced at it. He had learnt how to read a map and some basic architecture and village management. They didn't need the concept of money. That would only cause prejudice and discrimination to the poor. As long as Will could get the village up and running, he would be able to make a peaceful living space. He'd already grabbed some essential materials like wood and stone, some food and water supplies, and some seeds so that they could get farming underway. Will was hopeful for the future of his village.

A few years had passed and the village was built. Many of the villagers, including Will, had families now. He had just finished tending to the crops and decided to pick a few flowers from the luxurious fields surrounding the village. That was why they chose to build the village where it was; because of the flowers.

A woman who had originally set off with them had been an expert on flowers. She had wanted to be a botanist, but she was unable to acquire starting funds for her flower shop to be set up. She had fallen sick. Really sick. Will had admired her. She always wore a bright smile and spoke with a cheerful voice, even though she knew she would likely not even make it to the Western Region with them. 

Surprisingly she actually did manage to make it into the Western Region, but had died a couple of days after getting there. In her honour, the villagers agreed to build their village in a place adorned with lavish flowers. Remembering her gave Will a bittersweet feeling. He walked into his hut and passed his wife a handful of flowers.

"Happy Anniversary" he said.

His wife took the flowers and lovingly embraced him. He noticed his daughter pouting. She was only 4 years old but she had already developed quite a personality. Will chuckled and invited her to join the hug and she did so with pleasure.

Suddenly, a loud knocking came outside Will's door. He pulled away from his wife and daughter and opened the door to the hut. A frightened looking boy stood on his doorstep.

"Ah, Danseph, what has you troubled?" he asked.

"W-W-Will. On the hill outside the village. It's - it's a demon."

"A demon? Don't be ridiculous."

"No, I swear. It looks exactly like the pictures from those old books back in Vubera."

Will furrowed his brow, recalling the pictures from these books.

"Let me see."

"Wait, Will" his wife shouted as he left the door.

"Stay here. And protect Lucinia" he quickly said back.

With that the door closed.

"Is Daddy going to be okay?" Will's daughter, Lucinia, asked with tears in her eyes.

"He'll be fine" her mother reassured her, knowing full well that Will would not be fine.