A Run Through Sunlit Woods
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Cedric blinked awake, the morning light filtering through the curtains. Stretching his arms above his head, he couldn't help but smile as he remembered last night's work at the bar.

With a yawn, he swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood up. Rubbing his eyes, he made his way down the stairs, the floorboards cool beneath his feet. Reaching the bathroom, he splashed his face with water, the cool liquid refreshing his senses.

"Time to see what's on the agenda today," he mumbled to himself.

"System, show me today's tasks," he said aloud.

With a ding, the system displayed a list of tasks before him:


  • Push-ups [0/100]
  • Pull-ups [0/50]
  • Squats [0/100]
  • Run [0/5km]


"Push-ups, pull-ups, squats, and a run, huh?" he muttered, mentally preparing himself for the challenges ahead.

The numbers were not much for his past self, but now looking at his body.

"Hahh, this body will need a lot of work.

With a deep breath, he got up from his desk and headed to a clear space on the floor.

"Might as well start with the push-ups," he thought, lowering himself into position. The first few were a struggle, but he pushed through.

As he completed the last push-up in his set, he felt a sense of accomplishment wash over him.

"One down, three more to go," he mused, wiping sweat from his brow.

As he pushed through pull-ups and squats, he could feel his muscles working and his breath quickening. The sweat on his brow was a mark of his effort, and he embraced the burn as a sign of progress.

With his tasks completed and a sense of accomplishment warming his chest, Cedric decided to cap off his morning with the final item on his list: a run. His choice of destination? The inviting embrace of the nearby forest.

"Time for some cardio," Cedric thought to himself as he stepped out of the restaurant's bustling atmosphere. The sun's early rays brushed against his skin, and he welcomed the touch of warmth.

His sneakers rhythmically tapped against the ground as he eased into a jog, his breath falling in sync with each step. The early morning sunlight painted the world in hues of gold, casting long shadows that stretched out before him. It was a bright day, yet the gentle hour of 5 in the morning meant that the sun's warmth had yet to reach its full intensity.

"Lets see what is so special about this place", he thought as he jogged towards the jungle.

As he crossed into the forest's embrace, a sense of calm enveloped him. Shafts of sunlight pierced through the lush canopy above, creating a mesmerizing mosaic of light and shadow on the forest floor.

Golden sunlight filtered through the leaves, bathing the ancient tree trunks in a warm, honeyed glow. The vines that twisted and spiraled upward caught his eye, their clusters of dew-kissed flowers glistening like precious gems.

"Never thought I would see something like this," Cedric thought, his gaze tracing the intricate dance of light and shade.

He marveled at the world around him—the rustling leaves, the gentle caress of the wind, and the warm embrace of the sun's rays. It was a stark contrast to the concrete jungles and battlefields he had once known.

The path unfolded before him, leading him to a tranquil lake shimmering like a jewel in the heart of the woods. Beyond it rose a castle-like structure, a sentinel of the forest.

A freaking castle. Not just any castle, but the kind you'd find in a fairy tale. It looked like it was watching over the entire forest, all majestic and regal.

"Whoa," Cedric breathed out. This was beyond anything he'd imagined.

"I've heard about Eldermyst institute being grand, but this... this is beyond anything I imagined," Cedric thought, his heart swelling with a sense of connection he had never felt before.

But amid the awe, a thought hit him—he had stuff to do, goals to achieve.

With a final glance, Cedric turned and headed back.

Back at the restaurant, the sound he'd come to recognize chimed in:

[ You have completed today's tasks]


"Fifty out of a hundred? What's that all about?" he wondered aloud.

"Hey, System, mind explaining this 50/100 thing to me?" he summoned the system interface.

The system responded promptly.

[ After analyzing your insights regarding exp points and your body's physiological responses to assigned tasks, I have introduced an experience (exp) tracking system.

It's intended to offer you a quantified assessment of your progress. The 50/100 signifies that you have gained half of the experience needed to attain one attribute point. ]

"So, it's a way to monitor how my body is changing?" Cedric leaned back, absorbing the explanation.

The system affirmed,

[ It serves as a straightforward gauge of your advancement. As you successfully complete tasks and challenges, even during your sleep your experience points will increment, effectively illustrating your development over time. ]

After that he went towards the bathroom to take a bath.

After taking a refreshing bath, he made his way downstairs, drawn by the hustle and bustle that signaled the beginning of another day at the restaurant.

As he entered the main area, he saw Bob and his crew working together to get everything ready for the morning rush. Plates clinked, orders were called out, and the scent of freshly brewed coffee filled the air.

"Morning, Bob," Cedric greeted with a smile.

Bob glanced up from his tasks and returned the smile, a twinkle of familiarity in his eyes.

"Morning, Cedric," Bob replied, wiping his hands on a towel. "Sleep well?"

"Yeah, feels good to wake up to a new day."

Cedric nodded, rubbing the back of his neck.

"You'll get used to it." Bob chuckled.

Cedric glanced around, taking in the controlled chaos of the restaurant.

" Need a hand with anything?" He turned back to Bob, his offer genuine.

Bob's grin widened.

"Tables could use some tidying up. How 'bout you take care of that?"

"Got it," Cedric nodded.

As he set to work, wiping down surfaces and arranging the tables, he found himself joined by two other employees.

Cedric looked up to see two young men approaching him, one with a cheerful smile and the other with a friendly nod.

"Hey there, I'm Neil," the first one said, extending his hand in greeting.

The second introduced himself with a nod. "And I'm Noah."

Cedric returned their gestures with a nod of his own, his simple smile acknowledging their presence.


The trio fell into easy conversation as they worked.

Neil and Noah shared stories about the restaurant, their experiences, and the regular customers they'd come to know. They asked Cedric questions, curious about his background and his thoughts on the city.

Cedric, although a bit reserved, listened intently and responded with casual nods and the occasional "hmm" or "oh."

His thoughts meandered elsewhere for a moment, a question forming in his mind. He spoke up, addressing Neil.

"Hey, Neil, you know, I'm interested in learning more about the city, you know, its history and stuff. But not just the kind of things you find on the internet. Any ideas where I could go for that?"

Neil's face lit up with an idea.

"You should definitely check out the library. It's a quiet place, and they've got old books, records, and stuff you won't find online."

Cedric's interest was piqued.

"Library, huh? Sounds like a plan. Thanks, Neil."

The three of them continued to work, the morning unfolding with an easy rhythm. Cedric found himself looking forward to exploring the library.