Chapter 3- Peeps The Dolphin
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Peeps The Dolphin





The zigzagging rip in the barrier hummed after being torn down it’s side, magic spilling out of it like the guts of a fallen warrior upon the battlefield . 

“Quite an impressive sword,”  I remarked as I took my first steps off a plank and unto the boat . “Best be careful with it lady , peeps gets jealous.”

In the water below a dolphin squeaked , Peeps wiggled and waited eagerly for the ships to scoot out of their way , so they too could pass through the torn opening and unto freedom.

I turned to the captain , “what is your name captain?” 

“Lysa “

“Set sail Lysa , it is time to make way !” I pointed below. “Quickly, Otherwise my dolphin will be stuck.”

She stared back impassibly, “I am the captain of this vessel scourge , If you want to command a vessel get your own. “

Lower the sails! “





A slight humming going off drew my attention , I looked down below, where attached to the hull of the ship were two orbs. 

The orbs took in water like a human does air ,pulling in the sustenance and swelling in size , when they seemed to reach fullness the orb shook a few times , paused and began to glow red.

‘Szzzzzz,’ steam poured out and into the air , flowing into the under arch of the sails above.  Shortly after , the steam had risen to gust like proportions and the sails had opened . 

A, “Gain way !,” sounded out  as the ship passed through the barrier and just like that I was free.

Rather anticlimactic I thought. “The start to a good journey should be dramatic.” I said aloud accidentally. 

“You seek dramatics scourge?”

Lysa the captin approached. “The seas are full of plenty of things to gather your attention , few know of that better than you ,

In the meantime scourge , would you like to meet the crew?”

“The crew huh,” My eyes turned to the mysterious group of warriors all wrapped in the same color armor ,filled to the brim with discipline and seriousness.

“I’ll pass.” I walked to the edge of the ship instead waiting for peep to pass through. They were below the water , but their fin was as visible as day as they approached. 

“Squeakkk!!!!!” He yelled as he passed through the barrier , he flipped and turned as he regained freedom . “Hell yea peeps, we’re finally free.” I mumbled the words then , the impact of them swirling through my head.

“We’re finally free. Finally .” And so I climbed upon the edge of the ship,  a fresh breeze taking my hair and running through its edges while the salt of sea water fell upon my tounge.

I was really free now. 

Boy was it great. Then my shackles clanked and I looked down at them , now I just gotta get these off . 

“….Scourge , I hope you understand even for one such as you , those chains can’t be broken once equipped ..our oath is in place as well, words watched by the clock god himself above. Even you must obey that . “ 

Lysa the captin grasped her sword and continued to add on things but at that point I wasn’t listening, I was basking in the moment. ‘I would do things differently this time , I would see more of the sea , maybe less loud than before , maybe more loud, I didn’t know , but I did know this , I wouldn’t not appreciate every moment this time . I wouldn’t waste a second. I breathed deep . 

“I , am Suver The Leviathan ! Bask in my presence!!!!”

Arms locked behind my back , I surrendered to space , the wind gently rushing past me as I made it to my destination.


I went to kick my feet , and then like I had gotten hit with a spell of a thousand tons , the cuffs began to glow . My eyes widened as they took me below. 

Blurggggggghhhh Bloop bloop bloop bloop bloop bloop bloop .


I Suver The Leviathan had been swallowed into a watery grave. 


‘Squeakkkk!!!!” On a rapid swivel a dolphin raced towards me mouth open and eyes firm. ‘Munch ‘ In one bite the cuffs were shattered. 

And so , I emerged . 

A simmering cyclone beneath the waves wrapped around my body , it’s rapid torrents twisted and turned coiling until they had a length of many feet . 

“Leviathan Arts, Body Magic.”

The cyclone ripped from the water , wrapping the boat like a snack strangling it’s prey, from the top of I stared , wrapped around by the spiraling turner that held me  many feet above. I twisted the watery force and the boat skid through the water almost falling into its side.

I descended. 

A giant tundra followed me into the deck and with a twist of my body there was destruction. 

With a heavy backhand some of the occupants were flicked out of the vessel, with a twirl , the mast was hit with a whip of water and shattered , with a kick a gouge ran through the hull knocking out ten more.

“Meahahahhaha! I am back . Suver the Leviathin has returned , run for your lives mortals , you are on the ocean of Suver , Mwahahahaaha! Meahahahaha! “

A crew grasping their weapons in fear and a captain clutching their sword all looked on with faces of fear or the grit one attains before death.

They attacked .

A minute later I stood above them again , torrent high as the last of the crew fell into their watery grave,  with no dolphin to save them either, just a captain who determinedly held their sword . 

Across my body were shallow lines of blood dripping slowly from where she had cut me , on her was the damage that comes with being hit with a ton of water. Her breath was heavy , she will fall soon, I thought looking her over

Out of respect I decided to make it grand . From my height in the air , I gathered the water , and formed it like a tip of a sword. 

“This will be the day where you almost caught , Suver The Leviathin ! “

The blade fell to my cackles of laughter.

“MwahaHahha! Mahahahah ! Mwahahaha! “

Except it didn’t . The sword, A mere four feet away from Lysa the almost defeated Captins head …. broke apart , my cyclone finished and I, Suver the Leviathan ,fell from the water to the deck below .

It was pain , so much pain as I climbed to my feet , I reached inside myself for the essence  I would need to bring it back, the power I had once had . 

No, I thought darkly , my face fell , they took my body and my magic power ? They made me weak twice . Those heathens ! 

Clack , Clack , Clack.

The captains feet knocked the deck as she approached, her sword stayed pointed to the heavens , and an aura of blue and white extended high into the sky. So high, that a passing bird who ran into its path lost a wing and tumbled to the ocean below. 

“Fuck .” I thought . She was going to take my head . 

The sword fell. 


“ Boom! “

Like a flying trapeze a dolphin flipped above the water , body growing as he approached in aquatic fury. By the time it’s flipper collided with Lysa it was the size of a killer whale . 

With a grunt of pain Lysa flew into the side of the ship , her sword falling from her hand where it was scooped by the dolphins teeth , in a finishing flip that took him off the edge .

On the side of the ship , in the bobbing waves and rushing water, a killer whale sized dolphin flicked a Legendary flower blade up into the air and swallowed it whole.

Nothing happened for a few seconds , just the morning silence broken by the labored breathing of I and my opponent who had shuffled her head over the deck to watch.

What she saw ruined her day. A symbol of a flower appeared on Peeps blubber, then another and another , until it was full to the brim. Peeps spat out the sword allowing it to clamor to the deck where Lysa looked over it devastated, only one flower remaining on her sword. 

“I told you . “ I began as the woman looked over her now significantly less legendary sword . 

“Don’t let Peeps get to it. “