Chapter 30
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Imperial capital (2)

Ever since I became an adventurer, no even before that; in my previous life I have dealt with a lot of death, be it humans, animals or monsters. One thing that I noticed in all that time is when something or someone is close to it there is always particular smell, whatever the cause be it illness, injury or old age; they all smell of approaching death.

That smell, the smell of death in the room was intense, although Ms Wynne had mentioned that she had been having some health problems she had brushed them off as being minor and clearly it was anything but minor, dozens of priest many of them quite powerful based on the amount of holy power they had were currently outside the door ready to rush in at a moment’s notice, all because of her failing health.

Seeing her in this state I felt my mouth become dry as I half forced hoarse words out of my mouth “Why didn’t you tell me?” hearing my expected question she gently beckoned me towards her and gave me a hug with all the energy her failing scrawny body could manage. After a while of us holding each other she let go of me as I sat beside her nestling one of her hands between my palms.

“So, what did you come to talk about child?” [Wynne]

“That can wait; let’s talk about something else, it’s been a while since we last saw each other.” [Alfred]

Sister Wynne opened her mouth to say something but seeing the serious look on my face she gave a sigh of resignation as if saying ‘fine you win’. Putting on a wry smile on my face I listened as she talked about what she had been doing since the last time we met, about how much of a hassle the new apprentices were, about how last week she went to the grave of her ex-fiancé, about all the topics she could think about as if cherishing this as the last moment between me and her.

Hours flew by since we started our talks and by the time I had noticed it was way past midnight. Having a content smile on her face sister Wynne lay down on the bed exhausted after talking for hours on end.

“You know, in these last few days as my end approached near I started doubting the teachings of the church, how is that you can say an orphan was born an orphan because of what they did in their past life. Why must a child bear the weight of actions they have no memory off?” [Wynne]

Questioning the teachings of the church was a big no-no in this world in which presence of gods actually exists, causing one to be subjected to corporal punishment at the very least and depending on the severity one to be even executed.

However the teachings of Luneria are different from other gods, while they ask their followers to perform rituals and pray in their name and like. Luneria does not ask her followers to do any of that, every single one of the festivals and religious ceremony that is under taken by her sect is done in her name and not by her decree, as such even questioning her teaching is just a matter of a minor scolding, sometimes not even that after all the only thing that she asks of her followers is to have compassion and sometimes that very compassion causes them to question her teachings.

“Book of the moon 4th verse ‘to live a life without affecting others is impossible, one must bear responsibility for their actions, be it good or bad and seek atonement.'” [Wynne]

The principle religious text of the sect of Luneria, the book of the moon details the cycle of death and rebirth along with Luneria’s role in reincarnation. Simply put she is the guide that shepards the souls of the departed and is someone that helps the dead atone for their sins so that may receive leniency when being judged.

My understanding based on what I remember going through in that white room is that if I hadn’t choose any of the options there then the record fragments would be distributed randomly. As such what she does is probably help the dead cleanse of their bad karma, truly a compassionate being.

Looking at sister Wynne’s face I could see the  melancholy of someone who spent the entirety of her life believing in something and in her final days began to grow doubtful of it feeling as though her entire life had no meaning, looking at her like this made me remember what she said back in Wellrest when she was teaching me miracles.

“Written as ‘atonement’ read as ‘another chance’. When you were teaching me miracles, you said that I should not look at atonement as a punishment but as something akin to being given a second chance.

I think if you think of life as a chance, a chance to have regrets, to have fun, to make memories; to grow as a person then looking at reincarnation as a another chance makes sense, think of each life as someone given another chance to grow, to overcome regrets. We do not need to think about fairness of reincarnation, maybe it is maybe it isn’t fair. Who knows? What we should focus is how we can help others in their ‘atonement’. I think we need only be compassionate, that is our ‘atonement’.” [Alfred]

Hearing my words seemed to have a positive effect on her as she broke out into a slight smile. As I got up to leave she asked one last thing from me.

“Could you call me grandma, child?” [Wynne]

Looking at suddenly bewildered look on my face she gave small laugh continued “All the kids in the church are cute. but I can only see them as my students or colleagues. You however when I look at you I feel like I am looking at my grandson. I apologise if that made you uncomfortable.” [Wynne]

Chocking up a bit I replied “of course grandma.” [Alfred]

Going out the door I saw the same priest that been there when I went inside were still there, giving each other a polite bow I made my way back to the inn going over the events of the day in my head.

Next day

Early next morning I hurried towards Ms Wynne’s room, reaching there I noticed that priests from yesterday were gone and instead of them there stood a man that looked to be in his thirties by the door to Ms Wynne’s room.

As I went toward her room I was stopped by that man.

“Please forgive me, but no one is allowed to enter this room at this moment.” [Rude man]

Although his words were polite his tone was anything but. Just as I was about to ask him what was going on one of the old dudes from yesterday appeared and asked me to follow him, along the way to where he was taking me I tried to get anything about what was going on from him but ultimately that proved to be useless.

After walking for about 10 min the old guy knocked on the door and a feminine voice from inside asked us to come inside. The room we entered was something like a meeting lounge and was decorated simply but luxuriously and on one the couches a lady about 30 year old with azure blue hair was sitting there dressed in the church’s robes, with black eyes that seemed as deep as the abyss and a presence that that seemed to be drowning her immaculately decorated surroundings, sipping what seemed to be tea from a an ornately decorated cup that contrasted the decoration of the room by being bold and extravagant compared to the subtle and sublime style of the room we were in.    

Taking a sip of her tea she turned her gaze towards the old man.

“Brother Anton thank you for taking time out of your schedule to guide our young guest towards us, we cannot keep you from your duties anymore.” [Morgani]

Each word she spoke seemed to have power that made those the heard it feel they were committing sacrilege by being unable to do what she asked, a bit startled by the power of her voice I met her gaze as she gave me a polite smile, but that alone terrified me. My instincts all were screaming ‘don’t mess with her if you wanna live.’

“Thank you for your kind words archbishop Morgani, if you may I will take my leave”. [Anton]

After the old man had left the lady poured some tea and offered it to me, grabbing a hold of myself i thanked her for her gesture, taking a few sips of the sea rose tea; I asked her about what was going on with grandma Wynne. Looking at my concern of what I later learned was her childhood friend lady Morgani had doting face as she calmed my worries.

“No need to worry kid, Sister Wynne is undergoing moulting; although that brat is quite rude and full of himself, he is decently good at following orders and quite strong, that is why the higher ups had him guard Sister Wynne.” [Morgani]

Hearing her words gave me a bit, no a lot of shock, Moulting or body reconstruction is a process that everyone needs to undergo to reach the so called master class, the highest level reachable as a mortal. The benefits of reaching master class are many fold 1st is the increase in status, any master class person is treated as an honorary count in every country. 2nd the increase in life span although the increase differs depending on different species, humans on average live up to 80 more years. 3rd their appearance turns into one that matches their own mental image of themselves.

Another thing in the church the title of arch bishop is only given to that have reached the level of mastery.

‘Arch bishop Wynne, grandma does deserve that.’

“Now that is done what was it that you wanted help with? She said that you were going to need my help .” [Morgani]


the language of this world is like Chinese or Japanese where a word can have different pronunciations and meanings.