Chapter 3
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Life at the orphanage (2)

Near noon the church bells begin to ring. Looking at Jill who looked disappointed as play time was over I said “it’s time for class lets go”. Jill stood and looking down mumbled something in frustration and began walking towards the common area.

Upon entering the common area we saw the kids dividing themselves into different groups according to their age and Mr Dolson talking to 1 boy and 1 girl about 17 years old, they were the apprentice priest Harold and Joel, Harold was an Alumni of the orphanage while Joel was a friend that he made at the holy city where he went for his training.

Seeing me and Jill enter Harold said to me “go and sit with Tom and Henry, Al Mr Dolson will be right there for your lesson.” Nodding to Harold I went and sat with Tom and Henry who both were looking at a map of the empire.

“It’s geography today huh.” (Alfred)

“No it’s going to be civics.” (Henry)

The orphanage had classes from about 11 am to 3 pm (the bells of the church rang every 2 hr. starting from 7 am) with each day having different subject such as maths, literacy, history, civics etc. Well I had completed the maths curriculum that the orphanage was supposed to teach quite some time ago so I free on those days, I say that but the extent of the maths curriculum was linear equations with 2 variables. With memories of my past life I had learned that over 3 years ago.

“Civics huh, I don’t like it” (Alfred)

“Well tough cookies” (Dolson) Mr Dolson appeared behind me and motioned us 3 to sit

When we 3 sat down on the dining table Mr Dolson started his lecture.

“Today’s lesson going to be on the council, as you kids know the council is made of 3 transnational organisations, the church of Panthea, the magic tower and the adventures guild. These 3 collectively form the council, now what’s the purpose of the council anyone?”(Dolson)

“To exert more influence than anyone organisation can on its own” (Tom)

“well yes and no, the 3 organisations that make up the council are All extremely powerful so much so that they each possess might several times the empires. That being said the council was formed for three reasons, 1st to stop national conflicts from causing direct harm to the civilians, 2nd to make it easier for the 3 to band together in time of need. And last but the most important point to limit the scale of conflict b/w these 3 by actively sharing information. Now can anyone tell me what they are influencing and how?”(Dolson)

“For what they are influencing the answer should be obvious each other as for how……maybe through limiting monetary spending or adding red tape to various procedures” (Alfred)

“The thing about fiscal policy is wrong, if it were to happen it would definitely be war, the guild and the tower don’t like when someone cuts into their pockets, as for red tape you are right they make it so that certain actions that are needed to be carried out require permission from the council”(Dolson)

“Such as?” (Henry)

“Assassinations” (Dolson)

“Now onto the limitations placed upon the council …………..”(Dolson)

4hrs later


At the second bell Mr Dolson stopped his lecture and stood up from the table and said at the top of his voice “kids lunchtime, now say thank you to Ms Joel for making lunch for us “

“Thank you Ms Joel” (children)

As Mr Dolson left the table heading to the kitchen Harold who was teaching the young kids came to me “Al go and help Mr Dolson “ “I would even without you telling me Harold”

“Hey Harold, how was the holy city” (Henry)

“Well it was the same as this place just bigger, more crowded, more expensive and a little more fast paced.”(Harold)

“Hey don’t be like that, did something interesting happen during your training” (Henry)

“What do you think training is… well the most interesting that happened was I got to see the new saintess of Luneria. She was very pretty.”(Harold)

“Very pretty eh” (Joel) without us 3 noticing Joel had suddenly appeared behind Harold and after listening to his words had an hannya mask appear behind her as she turned around and left.

Seeing her appear suddenly and then leave “Uh honey, you know what I mean right, I mean see….” Harold was startled started saying his sorry excuses all the while chasing after Joel.

“Dumbass” (Tom)

“Let’s just go eat” (Henry)

Well the lunch was soup with rye bread and sausages. ‘Well its tastes great but is worse than Tom’s cooking.’ after lunch I informed Mr Dolson and went out. After about a 10 min walk I stopped by a building near the city gates, the ‘adventurer’s guild’, the inside was pretty lively with various folks going about their day, some searching for a party for a quest while some looking at the various bulletin boards. I passed by them and came to the board named f ranked requests.

One can register at the guild at 12 but at that time can only take requests such as cleaning or delivery within cities etc. i.e. f ranked, for taking an e ranked request one must be at least e ranked themselves and the requirement for becoming an e ranked adventurer are to be at least 15 years old, clear a combat test and take a short course on monsters (the course could be postponed for about 1 month after turning e rank).

I looked over the board and took 3 requests, then moved to the counter “these 3 please” the man at the counter looked over at me took my guild card ( I say it’s a card but it’s just a piece of durable paper) after which he stamped my card and the request papers with a red glowing stamp and handed them back to me.

The 1st request was quite simple a restaurant wanted a dishwasher as theirs felt ill. The job was to clean the entire morning rushes dishes, which was done in a minute with just one cleansing miracle. The 2nd one was also very easy, it was to help someone move into their new house, while I maybe only 150cm I could easily lift over 80 kg because of being a dragon kin so the entire move just took over an hour. The last one was one that I always do when ever it’s available.

“Mr Quinn I’m here” (Alfred)

“ah Al boy you came just in time” Mr Quinn a 50 60 year old man said as he sat on a chair behind the his shop’s counter and “pull out the inventory from the storeroom and arrange them as Always when you’re done the usual would be great kiddo”

After about ten min of me pulling out boxes full of glass bottles as well as some herbs and other amenities, a the shop’s door opened and in came a man about 24-25 years of age he looked at the old man and said “Quinn 9 d rank potions, 5 forest viper antidotes, 7 clotting waters, 4 numbing agents, and 4 c rank potions.” To which Quinn went around the shop collecting stuff and then put them on the counter “for the c rank potions you will need to wait for about 5 days I’ll have to ask to ask for ingredients from the capital, the rest are all here. Anything else” seeing the man shake his head Quinn replied” that would 4 gold coins 3 silver plates” seeing the man pay and take the stuff and leave Quinn said in a cheerful voice “pleasure doing business with you Sybil” to which Sybil mumbled “yeah-yeah” in a monotone voice and left.

After another 40 min and so of restocking inventory I went to Quinn and asked him if it was to his liking and after getting an affirmative answer I went to where Quinn was sitting and placed my hand on his back and said in a soft tone” gentle moonlight give relief to the suffering, give rest to the restless” at which a gentle light came from my and which disappeared after about 15 seconds.

“Truly a great thing at a great price” moaned Quinn after which I handed him the request paper where he put his signature and then handed me the paper and 1 silver plate.

After the last request I returned to the guild and handed them the request papers to which he looked over at me and then handed me my reward which was 3 silver coins and 2 copper plates.

After getting my reward I went back to the church where Mr Dolson, Harold and Joel were tending to mass of church goers, deciding it would be best to go to my room I walked past, at least tried to.

“Alfred clean-up the common room and help Tom make dinner okay?”(Dolson)

‘Ughh, I wanted to look if there were any changes in my skill now that I have awoken’ for a moment I wanted to say no but then I remembered what happened the last time he got angry so I quickly replied “yes, Mr Dolson”

Hurrying along to the common room I saw what looked like what seemed to be a mess, while the toys seemed to be put back in place there was dirt everywhere some places were covered in 1cm thick layer of mud.

‘Those fuckers they aren’t getting dessert for the next few days, no that’s too lenient for the next few weeks.’

Grasping my left hand with my right I said my prayer ‘Luneria help me cause I don’t want to clean this by hand’ “ oh moonlight……”as soon as I finished the prayer a light several times as bright covered the room for about 10 seconds. As the light faded all that remained was completely spotless room. Delighted I tried to move towards the kitchen but staggered and almost fell.

‘Damn overused it’ for me miracles might not require holy energy consumption but they still require mental strength and right now I had used all of mine. As I fell Tom appeared and held onto me and took me to the couch in the room.

“Rest” (Tom)

“Hey Tom, give Jill my cookies today oh and don’t give any of those shits any desert for the next few weeks okay” (Alfred)

Giving me an assuring look Tom went and made dinner, well the rest of it all is a blur the talk at dinner table, Mr Dolson scolding some brats, going to bed. The only thing I do remember well is Tom’s pasta.


the currency is 100 copper coins = 1 copper plate = 1 $ (roughly)

10 copper plates = 1 silver coin

10 silver coin = 1 silver plate

10 silver plates = 1 gold coin

10 gold coins = 1 gold plate

100 gold plates = 1 mithril coin

10 mithril coins = 1 mithril plate