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The soul found itself drifting along a tunnel of nothingness. There seemed to be no meaning of time for the soul whilst it aimlessly floated through space.

Although technically genderless as a soul; this soul still had its memories intact and absent of anything else to focus on, meant the soul often found itself reprising over the memories of her previous life.

She knew she was previously human; a human female named Ava. Her life was nothing remarkable or out of the ordinary, she passed through her school years with above average grades leading her to attend a university achieving a degree.

Following this she was able earn herself a decent enough living, though with her high student debt she was never going to live a lavish life or anything; nonetheless it was enough for her.

After all she had not much to complain about, she knew she was better off than most people and was content.

It was a shame her existence was soon cut short when she was involved in a miraculous accident which lead to her abrupt death.

All in all her life could be summarised as being remarkably ordinary. 

Even in death she died as some unfortunate bystander; she did not pull some remarkable feat becoming a saviour or something like that.

However she supposed that indirectly another life was saved instead of hers.

A truck seemed to lose control and was about to hit a young girl before a hero swooped in and saved her.

Miraculously both were unharmed as the hero did enough to push the girl out of harms way, the truck desperate to not hit them also swerved changing its trajectory.

Unluckily for her the truck headed directly for her. All she remembered in her last moments was staring at the truck dumbly, cursing her bad luck shortly before the truck smashed into her.

It frustrated the soul to no end that she had died such a ridiculous death.

Just as she continued to lament in her miserable fate she heard a strange voice.

‘Mmm. What’s a soul doing out here? And not fractured or broken too? What a peculiar soul...’

The soul felt herself frozen in space. All thoughts seemed to be locked away making her unable to process the bizarre situation she found itself in.

‘What a fascinating soul...’

The voice uttered as she suddenly felt an uncomfortable, invasive sensation like her body was being examined meticulously.

It felt odd and wrong, as if her home was being rudely invaded by a guest who stormed in uninvited.

‘So that’s what it is... I guess I can grant you a boon for being the first thing to pique my interest in eons...’

Suddenly she felt a strange set of techniques enter her mind. However before she can begin to comprehend the new information the voice sounded again.

‘Now what vessel should hold your soul? Human? Too boring and unoriginal... let’s try something more entertaining. A magic beast? As fun as this sounds, they rely too much on the power of their bloodline and would end up bringing you down the wrong path. Guess that leaves... yes, what a perfect choice. ’

Before she could ponder any further on the words of the voice she felt the world go black and quiet once more. 

After an unknown amount of time passed she felt her consciousness return.

‘What the...’ she thought as she suddenly felt sensations that have been lost once she found itself in the astral form of a soul. 

Suddenly she felt that her head was in tremendous pain, as though something was grabbing onto it.

Her neck hurt and her body was suffering tremendous pressure.


All of a sudden the tension ended. And she felt greatly relaxed.

Unconsciously she took a deep breath as she felt air entering her mouth.

“Huh!” After taking a deep breath she realised that she had let out a cry.

The cry of an infant.

A voice shouted excitedly in an unknown language, but somehow she could make out its meaning despite not understanding the language.

The soul understood. She had been reborn as a baby girl.

However, upon examining the faces of the giants that she now understood to be her parents.

‘Huh why are their ears pointed?’ she thought.