Chapter 0 – The Day It All Began Anew
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Let's start at the beginning, with that fateful day when everything changed and the tragedies that tore my world apart arrived, leaving humanity in a state of hopelessness. despite this, the people were granted a miracle that gave them hope in this ruined world, and that hope became known as "OATH," which gave them the power to fight back and take back what has been stolen from them.

With that said, that day was just an ordinary day where people were rushing around to the places they needed to be or just wanting to be like couples rushing to their date spots, a man hurrying to his work, and a family that was going about a day together.

Nobody anticipated that the day when everything seemed so normal would turn out to be the day that would start the nightmarish days in which the familiar days they were accustomed to were snatched away from them and replaced with a new way of life in which it was a fight to survive or die.

All we could do was watch in sorrow as they invaded and as it appeared to be the end that was everyone's thought on that day when the rifts came and introduced monsters and otherworldly being into the world.

But then a miracle that seemed like a fantasy appeared, giving humanity a chance to reclaim their world. This miracle was known as "Oath," and those who have possessed it have explained that it derives from their deepest desire or resolve. However, what we didn't know was that those who possess it will hear their own voice, which will be uttering phrases that seem to defy reason.

Due to this, mankind was able to recapture a chunk of the world, and numerous cities were constructed to act as safe havens for the those who have survived. These "bastions," or fortress cities, provided protection from the monsters and otherworldly creatures, but they weren't the only threats that existed. When helping one another would have been the most sensible thing to do in this situation, it didn't happen. Instead, some people want dominance over others or just wanted to indulge their darkest urges, so the conflict was now within more than outward.

Now that you are aware of the struggles this world has faced throughout the course of time, I will share with you my tale and the mysteries I have learned about the miracle that gave humanity hope and its dark secrets that could plunge humanity back into a state of darkness. I will additionally recount my journey through this world and foresee how it will end, asking you whether I will be the savior that this world needs or whether I will bring it to an end.

so shall we begin.......